Academic Calendar 2024-2025

The Faculty of Graduate studies offers MS and PhD degree in specialized disciplines of Agriculture. The Dean, faculty of Graduate Studies as academic executive of the faculty co-ordinates the academic activities of the University at graduate level. The faculty of graduate studies includes of 23 (twenty three) academic departments, 1(one) academic unit, 1(one) institute and 2 (two) supporting departments. Besides, course layout with content of another 6 (six) departments has approved by the academic council. Each academic department/unit/institute has a Board of Studies (BOS) chaired by the head of the respective department/unit/institute. The Dean is assisted by Deputy Registrar for academic matters and Deputy Controller of Examinations for examination issues.



Serve as global center for advanced agricultural education and research


Foster excellence in agricultural education and research by producing quality graduates


    1. To serve as a radiant center for graduate studies and advanced research in agricultural sciences
    2. To provide postgraduate agricultural education having international standard enriched with ethical and cultural values
    3. To conduct basic and applied research for generating appropriate and sustainable technologies in agricultural sciences
    4. To provide policy support on agricultural development and food security of the country


Total Students Graduated from Winter 1992 to Winter 2021 (IPSA+BSMRAU)

Degree Institution Total

Grant Total


MS IPSA 231 2255
PhD IPSA 9 333


Department wise Students Graduated up to Winter 2021 Term:

Sl. No. Departments MS Degree PhD Degree Total (MS+PhD)
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
  1. Agricultural Economics (AEC) 103 45 148 5 1 6 108 46 154
  2. Agricultural Extension & Rural Development (AER) 142 48 190 29 4 33 171 52 223
  3. Agroforestry and Environment (AFE) 92 43 135 11 0 11 103 43 146
  4. Agri-Business Economics (AGB) 0 0 0
  5. Agricultural Engineering (AGE) 6 6 12 6 6 12
  6. Agro-Processing (AGP) 14 8 22 14 8 22
  7. Agronomy (AGR) 144 69 213 32 3 35 176 72 248
  8. Aquaculture (AQC) 21 12 33 21 12 33
  9. Animal Science & Nutrition (ASN) 11 3 14 11 3 14
10. Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (BGE) 30 29 59 0 1 1 30 30 60
11. Crop Botany (CBT) 36 25 61 8 3 11 44 28 72
12. Dairy & Poultry Science (DPS) 8 5 13 8 5 13
13. Environmental Science (ENS) 20 13 33 20 13 33
14. Entomology (ENT) 121 75 196 24 5 29 145 80 225
15. Fisheries Biology & Aquatic Environment (FBE) 22 16 38 22 16 38
16. Fisheries Technology (FIT) 8 10 18 8 10 18
17. Fisheries Management (FMG) 16 16 32 16 16 32
18. Genetics & Fish Breeding (GFB) 15 16 31 15 16 31
19. Gynecology, Obstetrics & Reproductive Health (GOR) 7 3 10 7 3 10
20. Genetics & Plant Breeding (GPB) 154 117 271 28 7 35 182 124 306
21. Horticulture (HRT) 152 105 257 55 3 58 207 108 315
22. Pathobiology (PBL) 10 5 15 10 5 15
23. Plant Pathology (PLP) 120 97 217 27 6 33 147 103 250
24. Soil Science (SSC) 112 71 183 41 5 46 153 76 229
25. Seed Science & Technology Unit (SST) 39 15 54 34 1 35 73 16 89
Total 1403 852 2255 294 39 333 1697 891 2588
% 62 38 100 88 12 100 66 34 100


Department wise Enrolled Students (Summer Term 2022):

Dept. MS PhD Grand total
Male Female Total Male Female Total


8 18 26



23 20 43 0 2 2



18 9 27 1 1 2



4 6 10



0 0 0



1 1 2


AGR 21 14 35 0 2 2 37
AQC 3 9 12 12
ANH 2 3 5 5
ASN 5 5 10 10
BGE 9 14 23 2 0 2 25
CBT 1 2 3 1 0 1 4
DPS 2 2 4 9
ENS 8 0 8 8
ENT 19 22 41 0 0 0 41
FBE 5 6 11 11
FIT 2 10 12 12
FMG 1 3 4 4
GFB 18 10 28 28
GOR 2 11 13 13
GPB 13 10 23 2 5 7 30
HRT 14 12 26 2 1 3 29
PBL 7 6 13 13
PLP 5 6 11 0 0 0 11
SSC 9 14 23 4 2 6 29
SST  0  0  0
Total 200 213 413 12 13 25 438