Students Supervised
(As Major Professor=15; As Committee member= 30)
A. As Major Professor and Chairman of the Advisory Committee: 13
Sl. No. | Name of the student with Registration No. | Title of Thesis | Degree | Term of graduation |
1. | Mohammad Matin Akand Reg. No. 11-08-2715 Department: Horticulture |
Heterosis and combining ability in line × tester crosses of Summer Tomato | MS |
Autumn 2013 |
2. |
Mohidul Islam Reg. No. 11-11-2723 Department: Horticulture |
Effect of boron on yield and quality of different broccoli genotypes | MS | Winter 2013 |
3. |
Md. Mamunur Reza Reg. No. 11-11-2725 Department: Horticulture |
Influence of GA3 on growth, yield and shelf life of broccoli | MS | Summer 2014 |
4. |
Zakaria Alam Reg. No. 07-05-1940 Department: Horticulture |
Effect of potassium on yield and storability of different potato varieties under natural condition | MS | Summer 2014 |
5. | Sabnam Moonsat Reg. No. 11-08-2707 Department: Horticulture |
Effect of potash fertilizer on yield and chips quality of different potato varieties | MS | Autumn 2014 |
6. |
Kazi Tahmina Akter Reg. No. 08-05-2041 Department: Horticulture |
In vitro regeneration of mint (mentha sp.) using different growth regulator and explant | MS | Winter 2014 |
7. |
Orthita Howlader Reg. No. 08-05-2075 Department: Horticulture |
Growth analysis and yield performance of four potato varieties | MS | Winter 2014 |
8. | Jamila Akter Tuly Reg. No. 12-11-2896 Department: Horticulture |
In vitro regeneration of nine mint genotypes using different explants | MS | Summer 2015 |
9. |
Raihana Rumman Reg. No. 13-05-3086 Department: Horticulture |
Characterization and evaluation of twenty two mint genotypes | MS | Autumn 2015 |
10. | Mahbuba Rahman Reg. No. 13-05-3087 Department: Horticulture |
Performance of tube rose under saline soil | MS | Winter 2015 |
11. | Md. Masud Karim Prodhan Reg. No 16-11-4161 Department: Horticulture | Influence of GA3 on seed production of BU cauliflower-1 | MS | Winter, 2018 |
12. | Md. Ajimul Haque Reg. No. 14-05-3236 Department: Horticulture |
Performance of cucurbitaceous and leguminous vegetables in modified floating bed | MS | Winter 2020 |
13. | Md. Asif Khan Reg. No. 18-08-4891 Department: Horticulture |
Growth and vase life of gladiolus influenced by different chemicals and plant growth regulators | MS | Summer 2021 |
14. | Mozammel Haque Reg. No. 15-05-3551 Department: Horticulture |
Study on floral biology of gladiolus | MS | Winter 2021 |
15 | Md. Faysal Ahmed Hasan Reg. No. 20-11-5717 Department: Horticulture |
Characterization and evaluation of seventeen water lily genotypes | MS | Autumn 2023 |