Undergraduate level
HRT-370: Floriculture and Landscape Horticulture (3.0 Theory + 1.5 Practical= 4.5 Cr.)
Scope and importance of floriculture. Classification, propagation and pruning. Production techniques of important flowering plants. House plants, cacti and other succulents. Importance and uses of ornamental trees, climbers, shrubs and annuals. Post harvest technology of cut flowers in respect of commercial flower crops. Landscaping, basic principles and basic components. Principals of gardening, lawn making, methods of designing rockery and water garden etc. Floral arrangement. Making bonsai.
Course content
Landscape Design by the students (Practical) [Click].
HRT-255 Vegetables and Spices Production (4.5 Cr.)
Importance and scope of vegetable production. Classification of vegetables. Vegetable farming. Cropping system. Nursery management and seedling transplanting. Climate, soil and nutrient requirement of vegetables. Production technology of cole crops, root crops, tuber crops, solanaceous, cucurbits, leguminous and other miscellaneous vegetables. Introduction to hydroponics technique. Techniques of vegetable seed production. Post harvest handling, storage and processing of vegetables. Marketing and exports of vegetables. Scope and importance of spice crops. Classification of spices. Production technology of chilli, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, clove and bay leaf.
Course content
Vegetable Cultivation by Students (Practical) [Click]
Postgraduate level
HRT- 516 Ornamental Horticulture (3 Cr.)
Importance, present status and scope of ornamental horticulture, classification and identification of major ornamental plants of Bangladesh; establishment and maintenance of gardens; growing ornamental plants in pots; culture of flowering and foliage plants, orchids, cacti and succulents, Bonsai, Ikebana, drying of ornamentals.
Course content
Ornamental Slides [Click]
Study Tour Pics. HRT-516 [Click]
HRT-621 Processing of Horticultural Crops (3 Cr.)
Improvement and fundamental principles of basic processing and preservation techniques; food containers and necessary accessories; quality control measures and grading. Preparation of important processed products from fruits and vegetables.
Course content
Visit to Processing Industry [Click]
HRT-616 Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops (3 cr.)
Maturity, quality and harvest index; physiological and biochemical changes of fruits during ripening; causes of spoilage of horticultural commodities and their remedial measures; postharvest handling methods including grading and storage.
Course content
HRT-611 Physiology of Horticultural Crops (3 cr.)
Physiological processes as related to growth, development and productivity of fruits and vegetables. Use of growth regulators; stress physiology; postharvest physiology of fruits and vegetables; review of selected topics.