Research Article: 58

(In Peer Reviewed National Journal)

i) As full length paper- 57

  1. Dey, T.K., M.S. Ali, M.A. Hoque, M.M. Hossain and Sayed Ali. 1995. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling late blight of potato. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 20(1): 62-66.
  2. Das, G.P., M. Elias, M.A. Hoque and M.R.U. Miah. 1996. Field screening of insecticides in controlling the cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) attacking potato. Bangladesh J. Zool. 24(2): 133-136.
  3. Hoque, M.A. and Feroz Hossain. 1996. Yield and yield contributing characters of some exotic varieties of potato. The Bangladesh Rural Development Studies. VI(1): 37-46.
  4. Hoque, M.A and A. Quasem. 1997. Genotype-environment interaction and stability for tuber yield in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 22(2): 303-309.
  5. Akhter, S., M.K.R. Bhuiyan, M.A. Hoque and A. Quasem. 1998. Growth and bulking behaviour of three newly released potato varieties. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 23(1): 97-106.
  6. Hoque, M.A., T.K. Dey, M.R. Islam, M.M. Rahman and M. Shahjahan. 1998. Efficacy of three fungicides in controlling late blight of potato. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 23(4): 713-716.
  7. Dey, T.K., M.S. Ali, M.A. Hoque, B.K. Goswami, A. Ayub and M. Jahan. 1998. Effect of seed piece tuber treatment for the control of seed piece decay. Bangladesh J. Sci. & Ind. Res. 33(4): 499-502.
  8. Akhtar, M.I., M.S. Ali, Z.N. Huq, A.K.M.A. Habib, M.A. Hoque and A.B.S. Hossain. 1998. Granola, Cleopatra and Binella- New potato varieties in Bangladesh. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 24(1): 133-143.
  9. Roy, T.S., M.H. Ali, M.J. Hossain, S. Akhter and M.A. Hoque. 1999. Influence of plant spacing on seedling tuber production from True Potato Seed and its economic return. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 24(3): 459-466.
  10. Hoque, M.A., M.R. Islam, M.A.B. Faruqui, S.U. Ahmed and M.A.I. Khan. 2004. Yield and quality of potato as affected by variety and mulching under no tillage condition. J. Subtrop. Agric. Res. and Dev. 2(2): 20-23.
  11. Hoque, M.A., M.R. Islam, M.S. Ali, S.U. Ahmed and M.A.I. Khan. 2005. Integrated crop management practice and farmers production practice of potato in farmers field school. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 30(4): 667-675.
  12. Ashrafuzzaman, M., N. Sultana, M. A. Hoque, M. M. Hossain and M. F. Rahman. 2006. Influence of selected botanicals on mycelium growth and yield of oyster mushroom. Bangladesh J. Agric. Environ. 2(1): 1-7.
  13. Hoque, M. A., M. K. Hasan and M. R. Islam, M.S.J. Siddique and M. F. Rahman. 2006. Effect of cut seed size and spacing on yield and profitability of potato. Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 2(1): 9-15.
  14. Siddique, M.N.A., N. Sultana, M.A. Hoque, M.M. Hossain and J.U. Ahmed. 2006. Effects of twin scale size and hormones on In vitro propagation of Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum). Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. 16(2): 105-110.
  15. Khan, M.A.I., A.M. Farooque, M.A. Hoque and M.A. Rahim. 2008. Effect of soil moisture levels on physio-morphological features, yield components and yield of two chilli accessions. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 33(2): 185-195.
  16. Khan, M.A.I., A.M. Farooque, M.A. Haque, M.A. Rahim and M.A. Hoque. 2008. Effects of water stress at various growth stages on the physio-morphological characters and yield in chilli. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 33(3): 353-362. DOI:
  17. Hasnunnahar, N. Sultana, M.A. Hoque, A.T.M. Hamidullah and M.S. Zannat. 2008. Effect of blanching on nutritional and sensory quality of broccoli. Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 4(2): 31-39.
  18. Khan, M.A.I., A.M. Farooque, M.A. Hoque, M.A. Rahim and M.S. Zannat. 2008. Physio-morphological features of two chilli accessions at different water levels under glasshouse condition. Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. 4(2): 41-48.
  19. Khan, M.A.I., A.M. Farooque, M.A. Hoque, M.A. Rahim and M.A. Haque. 2009. Effect of irrigation levels at different growth stages on growth parameters and yield of four selected chilli accessions. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(1): 143-155. DOI:
  20. Mahmud, A.A., Sajeda Akhter, M.J. Hossain, M.K.R. Bhuiyan and M.A. Hoque. 2009. Effect of dehaulming on yield of seed potato. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(3): 443-448.  DOI:
  21. Hoque, M.A., M.S. Sultana, M.N.U. Ahmed, M.R. Islam and U. Habiba. 2010. Dry matter and storage quality of different potato varieties at varied haulm pulling dates. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 14(1&2): 33-41.
  22. Mahmud, A.A., M. A. Hoque, A.A. Mamun, M.M. Bazzaz and M.A. Hossain. 2010. Yield and profitability of potato as influenced by intra-row spacing and number of eye in cut tuber in northern region of Bangladesh. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 14(1&2): 111-124.
  23. Khan, M.A.I., M. A. Hoque, A.M. Farooque, U. Habiba and M.A. Rahim. 2012. Physio-morphological features of chilli accessions under moisture stress conditions. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 37(2): 263-269. DOI:
  24. Hoque, M.A., M.M. Hossain and M. Azmatullah. 2012. Studies on fruit growth and development in pummelo. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 16(1): 47-54.
  25. Kabir, K., S.M. Sharifuzzaman, M.M. Molla and M. A. Hoque. 2012. Influence of pH and sucrose level on vase life of chrysanthemum. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 16(1): 115-123.
  26. Hoque, M.A., M.M. Hossain and A.J.M.S. Karim. 2012. Chemical changes in different sizes of pummelo fruits during storage. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 16(2): 15-23. []
  27. Hoque, M.A. and M.M. Hossain. 2012. Characterization of twenty pummelo genotypes. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 16(2): 105-121.
  28. Mahmud, A.A., M.A. Hoque, M. Zakaria, A.A. Mamun and U. Habiba. 2013. Effect of potassium on yield and storage quality of two process potato varieties. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 17(1&2): 41-52.
  29. Hoque, M.A., K.T. Akter and M.W. Faisal. 2013. Effect of storage duration under natural condition on chips quality of different potato varieties. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 17(1&2): 169-180.
  30. Hoque, M.A. and K.T. Akter. 2014. Standardization of protocol for in-vitro regeneration of mint (Mintha sp.). Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 18(1): 15-25.
  31. Hoque. M. A. 2015. Floral biology of indigenous pummelo genotypes. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 40(2): 177-188. [DOI:]
  32. Tuly, J.A., M. A. Hoque and M. M. Hossain. 2015. In vitro shoot regeneration of mint (Mentha sp.) using different explants and genotypes. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 19(1): 53-64.
  33. Chowhan, S., M. M. Hossain, M. A. Hoque, G. Rasul and M. S. Roni. 2016. Yield performance of strawberry genotypes. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 41(3): 481-489.  DOI:
  34. Sweety, M.A., M.M. Hossain, M.A. Hoque, M. Hasan, N.A. Ivy, M.N. Islam, R.H. Sarker and S. Mitra. 2017. Molecular characterization of tropical strawberry genotypes. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 27(1): 33-39.
  35. Akter, K.T., M.A. Hoque and T. Yeasmin. 2016. Effect of IBA concentration on in vitro root regeneration of different mint explants. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 20(1&2): 49-59.
  36. Hoque, M.A., T. Yeasmin and N.U. Ahmed. 2016. Storability of different sizes of potato tubers under natural condition. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 20(1&2): 75-85.
  37. Howlader, O., M.A. Hoque and M.M. Hossain. 2016. Dry matter accumulation pattern in different components of four potato varieties. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 20(1&2): 95-105.
  38. Hoque, M.A., and T.N. Sigma. 2016. Comparative performance of six mint genotypes for yield and quality. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 20(1&2): 107-113. [].
  39. Hoque, M.A., M.U.M.A. Shimu, M. Zakaria, M.M. Hossain and M.A. Mannan. 2016. Effect of organic amendments on germination and yield of potato under saline condition. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 20(1&2): 123-132.
  40. Howlader, O. and M.A. Hoque. 2018. Growth analysis and yield performance of four potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 43(2): 267-280. [DOI:].
  41. Hoque, M.A. 2018. Selection of tolerant vegetable varieties for selected drought prone char lands of Mymensingh district. Journal of Science and Technology Research. 01(01): 41-47.
  42. Akter, K. T. and M. A. Hoque. 2018. In vitro shoot regeneration of mint (Mentha sp. L.) using different types of explants and levels of benzylaminopurine. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 43(4): 703-716. []. 
  43. Miah, M.R.U., R. Chanda, M.R. Amin, M.A. Hoque and A.A. Siddique. 2019. Reduction of sucking insect abundance using botanicals for proper growth and yield of okra. Bangladesh J. Ecol. 1(1): 1-5.
  44. Hoque, M.A. and S. Mahmud. 2019. Morphological characterization and evaluation of nineteen gladiolus germplasm. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 23(2): 37-48 [].
  45. Riyadh, Z.A., M.A. Rahman, M.G. Miah, S.R. Saha, M.A. Hoque, S. Saha and M.M. Rahman. 2019. Performance of aroid under jackfruit-based agroforestry system in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 23(2): 79-87 [].
  46. Sharkar, M., J.U. Ahmed, M.A. Hoque and M. Mohi-Ud-Din. 2019. Influence of harvesting date on chemical maturity for processing quality of potatoes. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 23(2): 89-103 [].
  47. Islam, M.R., M.M. Rahman, M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque and M. Hasan. 2020. Genetic diversity in snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina L.). Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 45(2): 99-111.
  48. Easmin, S., M.A. Hoque, M. M. H. Saikat and E. Kayesh. 2020. Influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and physio-chemical properties of papaya. Ann. Bangladesh Agric.  24(2): 69-83 [].
  49. Islam, M.R., M.M. Rahman, M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque and M. Hasan. 2020. Morphological characterization and evaluation of snake gourd genotypes for fruit yield, yield attributes and other characters. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 45(4): 349-370.
  50. Das, A.K, M.A. Rahman, S.R. Saha, N.S. Sarmin, M.A. Hoque and F. Bhuiyan. 2021. Transforming malta orchard into agroforestry system with different crops for improving productivity, profitability and land uses. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture, 24(1): 113-125. [].
  51. Islam, M.R., M.M. Rahman, M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque and M. Hasan. 2021. Combining ability of quantitative traits in snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina var. Anguina). Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 46(4): 491-510.
  52. Hoque, M.A., M.A. Khan, M.M.U. Miah and M.S. Biswas. 2022. Gladiolus growth and flowering: Impact of chemicals and plant growth regulators. Ann. Bangladesh Agric.  25(1): 67-78 [].
  53. Hoque, M.A., T. Yeasmin, M.A. Sweety and M.M. Reza. 2022. Evaluation of some high yielding potato varieties at various growth stages. Bangladesh J. Hort., 31(1 & 2): 1-14.
  54. Hoque, M.A., M.A. Khan, S. Mahmud, M.A. Sweety and M.M. Reza. 2022.Characterization and categorization of gladiolus germplasm. Bangladesh J. Hort., 31(1 & 2): 15-28.
  55. Hoque, M.A., A. S. M. Nahiyan and S. Akhter. 2022. Disposal pattern of cold and home stored potato in Some selected areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 47(1): 23-38.
  56. Hoque, M.A., M.G. Miah and M.F.A. Hasan. 2022. Morphology and floral biology of twelve water lily genotypes. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 26(2): 97-111 [].
  57. Khatun, S., N.S. Sarmin, M.M.U. Miah, M.A. Hoque, S. Parvin and S. Mondal. 2023. Performance of sunflower at different pruning regimes in Acacia albida based agroforestry system. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 27(2): 119-128 [].

ii) Short communication- 01

  1. Firoz, Z.A., M.A. Khan, M.A. Hoque and A.K. Choudhury. 1995. Success of veneer grafting in mango as affected by rootstock diameter. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 21(2): 343-344.

Research Article presented/published in Seminar/Symposium/Conference

National- 12

  1. Rashid, M.H. and M.A. Hoque. 2009. Potato variety development strategy in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the International Conference on Plant Breeding and Seed for Food Security. Organized by Plant Breeding and Genetics of Bangladesh. pp-155-160.
  2. Sultana, M.S. and M. A. Hoque. 2012. Quality of chips in different potato varieties as affected by storing days under natural condition. Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 22nd Bangladesh Science Conference. Jointly Organized by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR). 27-29 September 2012. pp-49-55. Section- VI, pp: 16-18.
  3. Bashar, K.K., N.A. Ivy, K.M. Iftekharuddaula, M.A.K. Mian and M.A. Hoque. 2014. Morphological and molecular characterization of some selected aromatic rice. Paper published in the Souvenir of the 9th Biennial Conference on Agro-Biodiversity of Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities. Organized by Plant Breeding and Genetics Society of Bangladesh. 25-26 October 2014. p: 82.
  4. Tuly, J.A. and M. A. Hoque. 2015. Performance of nine mint (Mintha sp.) genotypes for in vitro shoot regeneration using different explants. Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference- “Science and Technology for National Development”. Organized by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU). Sponsored by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS). 17-18 October 2015. Section- I, p: 18.
  5. Tuly, J.A. and M. A. Hoque. 2015. Response of nine mint (Mintha sp.) genotypes and three explants for in vitro root regeneration. Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference- “Science and Technology for National Development”. Jointly Organized by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU). Sponsored by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS). 17-18 October 2015. Section- I, p: 19.
  6. Akter, K.T. and M. A. Hoque. 2015. Effect of different levels of IBA on in vitro root regeneration of mint (Mentha sp.) explants. Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference- “Science and Technology for National Development”. Organized by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU). Sponsored by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS). 17-18 October 2015. Section- I, p: 20.
  7. Akter, K.T. and M. A. Hoque. 2015. In vitro shoot regeneration of mint (Mentha sp.) using different levels of BPA and explants. Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference- “Science and Technology for National Development”. Organized by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU). Sponsored by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS). 17-18 October 2015. Section- I, p: 21.
  8. Hoque, M.A. 2016. Performance of six mint (Mentha sp.) germplasm in advanced yield trial. Book of Abstracts, 5th National Convention and International Agricultural Conference on Transforming Agriculture for Sustainable Development. Organized by Krishibid Institution, Farmgate, Dhaka. 29-30 September 2016. p: 82.
  9. Rahman, M., M.A. Hoque, M. Zakaria and M.M. Rahman. 2016. Growth and yield of tube rose as affected by salinity levels. Book of Abstracts, 5th National Convention and International Agricultural Conference on Transforming Agriculture for Sustainable Development. Organized by Krishibid Institution, Farmgate, Dhaka. 29-30 September 2016. p: 92.
  10. Hossain, M.M., M.A. Hoque, M. A. Sweety, M.H. Saikat, M.N. Islam and R.H. Sarker. 2016. Yield potential and marker assisted selection of tropical strawberry genotypes. Book of Abstracts, 5th National Convention and International Agricultural Conference on Transforming Agriculture for Sustainable Development. Organized by Krishibid Institution, Farmgate, Dhaka. 29-30 September 2016. p: 94.
  11. Hoque, M.A. and K.T. Akter. 2016. Preparation of jelly from karanda (Carissa karandas L.). Book of Abstracts, 5th National Convention and International Agricultural Conference on Transforming Agriculture for Sustainable Development. Organized by Krishibid Institution, Farmgate, Dhaka. 29-30 September 2016. p: 127.
  12. M. A. Hoque, M. S. Biswas, J. Hassan, M. Zakaria, H. Sultana and S. Mahmud. 2020. Production and marketing of tissue culture based planting materials of orchid, gladiolus, gerbera, mint and other crop plants. Paper presented in the workshop on “Production and Marketing of Tissue Culture based Planting Materials of High Value Crops”. Organized by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Farmgate, Dhaka on 02 March 2020.