Research Article

International Peer Reviewed Journal: 46

i) As full length paper- 45

  1. Mannan, M.A., M.S. Ahmed, M.K.R. Bhuiyan, M.A. Hoque and M.M. Rashid. 1994. Divergence analysis of Panikachu (Colocasia esculenta L.)- An aquatic edible aroid in Bangladesh. J. Root Crops. 20(1): 26-30.
  2. Hossain, M.J., M.S. Islam, M.Elias, M.A. Hoque and M.A. Bari. 1997. Phosphorus fertilization of cut-shoot potato crops. Trop. Sci., 37: 35-38.
  3. Hossain, M.J., M.A.I. Khan and M.A. Hoque. 1998. Effect of IBA and NAA on rooting of potato stem cuttings. J. Indian Potato Association. 25(1 & 2): 53-56.
  4. Hossain, M.J., M.A.I. Khan and M.A. Hoque. 1998. Rapid clonal propagation of potato by leaf-bud and apical bud cutting methods. J. Indian Potato Association. 25(1 & 2): 57-60.
  5. Hoque, M.A., N. Sultana, M.R. Islam, M.T.I. Chowdhury and M.S.J. Siddique. 2008. Preservation of pummelo pulps in syrup/vinegar. Intl. J. BioRes. 4(3): 62-66.
  6. Hoque, M.A., M.T.I. Chowdhury, M.R. Islam, N. Sultana and M.A. Ullah. 2008. Qualitative and quantitative changes of pummelo (Citrus grandis) fruits during storage. Intl. J. BioRes. 4(4): 95-99.
  7. Hoque, M.A. and M.U. Habiba. 2012. Integrated crop management in potato through farmers’ field school with special reference to women. The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences. 4(1): 40-51.
  8. Hoque, M.A., R. Rumman, K. T. Akter, M. T. I. Choudhury and M.W. Faisal. 2015. Morphological Characterization and Evaluation of Twenty Two Mint Germplasm. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop science and Technology (RRJoCST). 4(1): 4–12. []
  9. Islam, M., M.A. Hoque, M.M. Reza and S.P. Chakma. 2015. Effect of boron on yield and quality of broccoli genotypes. Int. J. Expt. Agric. 5(1): 1-7.
  10. Islam, M., M.A. Hoque, M.M. Reza and M.M. Rahman. 2015. Contribution of boron doses on growth and yield of different broccoli genotypes. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 10(2):14-20.
  11. Hoque, M.A. 2015. Pollen Morphology and Behaviour in Pummelo Flower. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop science and Technology (RRJoCST). 4(2): 12–20. []
  12. Tuly, J.A. and M.A. Hoque. 2015. In-vitro Plantlet Regeneration in Mint Genotypes Using Different Explants. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop science and Technology (RRJoCST). 4(2): 24-33. []
  13. Akter, K.T. and M.A. Hoque. 2015. Effect of IBA and BAP on in vitro Plant Regeneration of Mint. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop science and Technology (RRJoCST). 4(3): 01-10.
  14. Mahmud, A.A., M. Hossain, M.S. Kadian and M.A. Hoque. 2015. Physiological and biochemical changes in potato under water stress condition. Ind. J. Plant Physiol. [DOI:].
  15. Hoque, M.A., S. Mahmud, M.W. Faisal and M.T. I. Choudhury. 2015. Qualitative and quantitative changes of plum (Prunus domestica L.) fruits during storage. Intl. J. BioRes. 18(6): 9-14.
  16. Naznin, A., M. M. Hossain, K. A. Ara, M. A. Hoque, M. Islam and T. Hasan. 2015. Influence of Organic Amendments and Bio-Control Agent on Yield and Quality of Tuberose. J Horticulture 2(4): 1-8. [doi:10.4172/2376-0354.1000156].
  17. Reza. M., M. Islam, M.A. Hoque, R.K. Sikder, H. Mehraj and A.F.M. Jamal Uddin. 2015. Influence of different GA3 concentrations on growth and yield of broccoli. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research. 10(5): 332-335. [10.5829/idosi.aejsr.2015.10.5.12663].
  18. Akter, M.M., M.M. Hossain, M.A. Hoque, N.A. Ivy. 2016. Identification of high yielding tropical strawberry genotypes by assessment of yield attributing traits under field condition. Agricultural Development. 2(1): 22-27 [10.20448/journal.523.2017.21.22.27].
  19. Howlader, O., M. A. Hoque and M.T.I. Chowdhury. 2017. Dry Matter Partitioning in Four Potato Varieties. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology (RRJoCST). 6(2): 1–8.
  20. Reza, M. M., M. Islam, M.A. Hoque, R.K. Sikder and H. Mehraj. 2017. Growth and yield response of Brassica oleracea var. italica to different GA3 application time. BAOJ Biotech 3(1): 024.
  21. Rahaman. M.A, A. Rahman, M. G. Miah, M. A. Hoque and M. M. Rahman. 2018. Productivity and profitability of Jackfruit-Eggplant Agroforestry System in the Terrace Ecosystem of Bangladesh. 6(2): 124-129. [DOI:].
  22. Akter, M.M., M.M. Hossain, M.A. Hoque, N.A. Ivy and M.S. Roni. 2018. Evaluating nutritional quality and shelf life of strawberry genotypes under field condition. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology. 4(6): 112-119.
  23. Rahman, M. and  M. A. Hoque. 2018. Quality of flower and bulb in tuberose under saline condition. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 7(3): 1-9.
  24. Sigma, T.N., M.A. Hoque and M.M. Hossain. 2018. Effect of different preservatives on vase life of tuberose. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 7(3): 10-15.
  25. Alam, Z., M.A. Hoque, S. Akter, M. M. Islam and A. Biswas. 2019. Enhancement of potato shelf life: role of pre-harvest potassium application. Sustainable Food Production. 6: 24-32. [].
  26. Yusuf Ali, S. M., M.M. Hossain, M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque and M. Ahiduzzaman. 2019. Physio-chemical Characteristics of Seven Cultivars Mango (Mangifera indica L.)” in Bangladesh. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 7(4): 01–08. [].
  27. Yusuf Ali, S. M., M.M. Hossain, M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque and M. Ahiduzzaman. 2019. Postharvest losses of mangoes at different stages from harvesting to consumption. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 7(4): 21–26. [].
  28. Rahman, M. and M. A. Hoque. 2020. Performance of tube rose under saline condition. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 9(1): 13-22.
  29. Yusuf Ali, S.M., M.M. Hossain, M.A. Hoque, M.Zakaria and M. Ahiduzzaman. 2020. Postharvest Handling and Marketing Constraints of Mango in Bangladesh. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 8(3): 1–8 [].
  30. Riyadh, Z.A., M. A. Rahman, M.G. Miah, S.R. Saha, M.A. Hoque, M.M. Rahman and I. Miyajima. 2020. Performance of spices as lower–storey crop in jackfruit–papaya multistorey agroforestry system in Bangladesh. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 65(2): 223–231.
  31. Ferdousi, J., M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque, S.R. Saha, N.A. Ivy and M.I. Hossain. 2021. Morphological characterization of twenty-one sweet pepper (capsicum annuum L.) genotypes collected from native and alien sources. Euro. J. Biol. Biotech. 2(5): 1-8 [].
  32. Hoque, M.A., A.S.M. Nahiyan and S. Akhter. 2021. Potato: Home storage and disposal pattern in some selected areas of Bangladesh. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 10(2): 16-23.
  33. Afrad, M.S.I., M.A. Hossain, M.E. Haque, M.A. Hoque, S. Hasan, S. Saha and M.Z. Hoque. 2021. Farmers’ response on field performance of BSMRAU developed IPSA Seem and BU Pepe1 crop variety. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. 3(4): 63-70. [DOI:].
  34. Mallick, S. R., A. Quamruzzaman, M.A. Hossain, M.M. Rahman, M.A. Hoque and M.R. Islam. 2021. Diversity of potato varieties in Bangladesh. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3(3), 56-61 [DOI:].
  35. Khan, M.A. and M.A. Hoque. 2022. Corm production in gladiolus using different chemicals and growth regulators. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 11(1): 7–12.
  36. Prodhan, M.M., U. Sarker, M.A. Hoque, M.S. Biswas, S. Ercisli, A. Assouguem, R. Ullah, M.H. Almutairi, H.R.H. Mohamed and A. Najda. 2022. Foliar application of GA stimulates seed production in cauliflower. Agronomy, 12(6): 1-22 [ 12061394].
  37. Sharmin, T., S. Parvin, M.M. Miah, S. Mondal, N.S. Sarmin, S. Das and M.A. Hoque. 2022. Effect of direction and distance of Moringa oleifera on growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Asian Research Journal of Agriculture. 15(4): 190-202 [].
  38. Haque, M., M.A. Hoque, U. Sarker, M. Zakaria and S. Akhter. 2022. Flower morphology of four gladiolus genotypes. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 11(2): 29–37.
  39. Banu, M.A., M.A. Hoque, M.M.U. Miah and M.S. Biswas. 2022. Supporting materials facilitate growth and yield of Lagenaria siceraria. Acta Scientific Agriculture. 6(5): 25-33 [].
  40. Bhuiyan, M.S.H., M.A. Hoque, M.M. Hossain, M. Zakaria, and M. Ahiduzzaman. 2023. Influence of maturity stages on physicochemical properties and shelf-life of different varieties of mangoes under ambient storage conditions. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. 5(1): 119-125 [DOI:].
  41. Hoque, M.A., M.S.H. Bhuiyan, M. Ahiduzzaman, S. Akhter and M.S. Hossain. 2023. Scenario of mango marketing by farmers in selected areas of Bangladesh. Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology. 12(1): 1-8 [DOI:].
  42. Ferdousi, J., M. Zakaria, M.A. Hoque, N.A. Ivy, S.R. Saha, M.I. Hossain, S. Pramanik, and D.D. Dwipok. 2024. Genetic dissimilarity, attributes association, and path analysis of sweet peppers. J. App. Biol. Biotech. 12(3): 198-204 [DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2024.152710].
  43. Mallick, S.R., J. Hassan, M.A. Hoque, H. Sultana, E. Kayesh, M. Ahmed, Y. Ozaki, A. Al-Hashimi and M.H. Siddiqui. 2024. Color, proximate composition, bioactive compounds and antinutrient profiling of rose. Sci. Rep. 14: 21690 [].
  44. Akand, M.M., M.A.T. Masud, M.A. Hoque, M. M. Kamal, M.R. Karim and B. Ahmed. 2024. Data set for estimating combining abilities for yield and quality attributes in summer tomato using line by tester analysis in Bangladesh. Data in Brief, 57, 111063 [].
  45. Rita, T.Y., S.R. Saha, M.M.U. Miah, M.A. Hoque, Z.A. Riyadh, S. Ahammed and M. Suhag. 2024. Productivity and profitability assessment of stem amaranth and changes in soil chemical properties under aonla-based multistoried agroforestry. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 6(6): 40-49 [].

ii) As Short communication- 01

  1. Hoque, M.A. and M.U. Habiba. 2012. Disease free seed potato production through seed plot technique at farmers’ level in Bangladesh. The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences. 4(2): 51-56.

Research Article presented/published in Seminar/Symposium/Conference

International- 07

  1. Hoque, M.A. 2001. Overview of potato FFS-LB project in Bangladesh: Experiences and Lessons Learned. Presented in the workshop on “International Learning Workshop on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for Integrated Crop Management” from May 07-10, 2001 in Nagorekot, Nepal funded by CIP and IFAD.
  2. Kadian, M.S., J.A. Landeo, M. Bonierbale, E. Chujoy, M. Hossain, T. Dey, M. Abdulah, B.K. Goswami, M.A. Hoque and E. Rahman. 2009. Early maturing late blight resistant potato for cereal based system of Indo-Gangetic Plains. Proceedings of the 15th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC). Jointly Organized by ISTRC, CIP and CHEA. 2-6 November 2009. pp-49-55.
  3. Hoque, M.A., M.S. Sultana and M.M. Hossain. 2012. Disease free seed potato production through seed plot technique at farmers’ level in Bangladesh (ISFS-177). Presented in the International Symposium on “Food Security Dilemma: Plant Health and Climate Change Issues” from Dec 7-9, 2012 at Kalyani, India. pp: 190.
  4. Hoque, M.A. and M.S. Sultana. 2012. Farmers field school for potato integrated crop management (icm) with women participation vs farmers’ practices (ISFS-178). Presented in the International Symposium on “Food Security Dilemma: Plant Health and Climate Change Issues” from Dec 7-9, 2012 at Kalyani, India. pp: 190.191.
  5. Hossain, M.M., M.A. Hoque, M. A. Sweety, M.H. Saikat, M.N. Islam and R.H. Sarker. 2016. Yield potential and marker assisted selection of tropical strawberry genotypes. Paper presented in the 8th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, Session-4. December 3-5, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p: 69.
  6. Akter, K.T., M.A. Hoque, M. Zakaria and M.M. Hossain. 2016. In vitro regeneration of mint (Mentha sp.) using different growth regulator and explants. Paper presented in the 8th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, Session-1. December 3-5, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p: 28.
  7. Hoque, M.A. 2019. Education and research on medicinal plants in Bangladesh: Present status and future strategies. Paper presented in the National Seminar on Cultivation, Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Medicinal Plants for Livelihood Improvement. November 20-21, 2019. Organized by Department of Forestry, Faculty of Horticulture, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, W. B., India.