International Journal:
- Saif, H.B., Bari, M.N., Islam, M.R., Rahman, M.A. 2016. Allelopathic Potential of Sunflower Extract on Weed Control and Wheat Yield under Subtropical Conditions. Int. J. Applied Agril. Sci., 2(4): 44-48.
- Hasan, M.N., Khaliq, Q.A., Mia, M.A.B., Bari, M.N., Islam, M.R. 2016.Cholorphyll Meter-Based Dynamic Nitrogen Management in Wheat (Trirtichum aestivum) Under Sub-Tropical Environment. Current Agriculture Res. J., 4(1): 54-61.
- Haque, K.M.S., Karim, M.A., Bari, M.N., Islam, M.R. 2016. Genotypic variation in the effect of drought stress on phenology, morphology and yield of rice. Int. J. Bioscience, 8(6):73-82.
- Miah, M.G., Bari, M.N., and Rahman, M.A. 2010. Resource degradation and livelihood in the coastal region of Bangladesh. Earth Sci. China. 2010 4(4): 427-437.
- Bari, M.N. 2010. Effects of herbicides on weed suppression and rice yield in transplanted wetland rice. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 16(4): 349-361, 2010.
- Roy, S. K., M. A. Karim, A. K. M. A. Islam, N. Bari, M. A. K Mian and H. Tetsushi. 2006. Relationship between yield and its component characters of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). South Pacific Studies, 27(1):13-24.
- Mitra, B.K., Karim, A.J.M.S., Haque, M.M., Ahmed, G.J.U., Bari, M.N. 2005. Effect of Weed Management Practices on Transplanted Aman J. Agron., 4(3):238-241.
- Miah, M.G., Bari, M. N., and Rahman, M. A. 2003. Agricultural Activities and Their Impacts on the Ecology and Biodiversity of the Sundarbans Area of Bangladesh. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, 31(1 &2): 175-199.
- Miah, M. G., Bari, M. N., Islam, M. R., and Hirota, O. 2001. Green manuring with Sesbania spp. for maintaining rice productivity and soil environment. Bulletin of the Institute of Trop. Agric., Kyushu Univ., 24, 2001, pp. 29-42.
- Anwar, S. M. S., Mamun, A. A., Nasim, M., and Bari, M. N. Weed Infestation in Boro Rice in the Haor Agroecosystem as Affected by Weeding Regime and Urea Topdressing. Pakistan J. Sci & Ind. Res., 42(6): 349-354.
- Bari, M. N., Hall, D. O., Lucas, N., and Hossain, S. M. A. 1998. “Biomass energy use at the household level in two villages of Bangladesh: Assessment of field methods. Biomass and Bioenergy, 15(2): 171-180.