1. Fellowship and merit awards:
    Sep. 2-4, 2022 Awarded “Best Oral Presentation Award” at the International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD-2022) held at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    Awarded certificate as an outstanding reviewer from the Journal of “Toxicology in vitro, IF 2.9”, “Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, IF 5.8”, “Life, IF 3.2”, “Frontier in Cell and Developmental Biology IF 5.5”, “Frontier in Cellular and Infection Microbiology IF 5.7”, “Frontier in Immunology IF 8.76”.
    December, 2017. Awarded “Silver Medalist from IDEAS Forum Translational Medicine for outstanding Research contribution in Postdoc.
    2017 to 2019. Awarded Shanghai Jiao Tong University Postdoctoral fellowship.
    2016-2017 Awarded CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) postdoctoral fellowship for two years.
    2010 to 2011 Awarded the University of Tokyo Postdoctoral fellowship.
    2006 to 2010 Awarded Monbokagakusho (Mext) Scholarship to carry out PhD at The University of Tokyo, Japan.
    2005 Awarded Monbokagakusho (Mext) Scholarship to carry out Postgraduate research student at The University of Tokyo, Japan.
    Nov., 2009. Awarded “Best Poster Presentation Award” in the 3rd Congress of the Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists, held in Cheonju, Korea.
    2007-2009 Received teaching and research assistantship to teach Veterinary Anatomy and Cell biology research to undergraduate students at The University of Tokyo, Japan.