Fig. Prof. Dr. Ogata, Kyushu University, Japan visited Experimental field of Soil Science Department


Fig.Farmers motivated to prepare household waste compost

in MONGA  AREA of Bangladesh for vegetable production 

Fig. Experiment on carbon sequestration in soils

Fig. Critical limit of soil  arsenic (As) in 20 mg kg-1



Fig. Rice field overflow by untreated industrial effluents as a result soil & foods are contaminated with heavy metals 

Fig. Higher carbon sequestration  was found in soils under continuously standing water (CSW) than AWD  management  practices with rice straw  application

Fig. Arsenic build up in soil  mitigated by reducing  almost 50% arsenic contaminated irrigation water  through alternate wetting & drying (AWD) and Raised Bed techniques 

Fig. Rhizobium in rice positively enhanced biomass and yield of rice