Current project as a PI

  1. Toxicological Effects of Mosquito Coil Emission on Histomorphological, Biochemical and Hematological Parameters of Mice. Funded by R&D-MOST-2020-21

Completed project as a Co-PI

  1. Development of the Anatomy Museum for Enhancing Quality Veterinary Education and Research in the Department of Anatomy and Histology, Bangladesh Agricultural University. Funded by BAURES-2019-20
  2. Long term Effects of 4G cell phone radiation in the central nervous system of mice. Funded by AU-GC-2018-19
  3. Effects of steroid growth promoter: glucucorticoid on the immune organs of broiler. Funded by BAURES-2017-18
  4. Plastination: Preservation of anatomical specimens by an innovative method. Funded by MOST-2017-18