Journal articles

  1. Alam, A., Sarkar, M. S. I., Rashid, H., Miah, M. M. A., 2021. Management strategies for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) hatchery in the face of climate change induced rising temperature. Aquaculture Studies 21(2), 55-62. DOI : 10.4194/2618-6381-v21_2_02
  2. Rahman, M. S., Rasul, M. G., Hossain, M. M., Uddin, W., Majumdar, B. C., Sarkar, M. S. I. and Bapary, M. A. J., 2017. Impact of spice treatments on the quality and shelf life of sun dried Taki (Channa punctatus). Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences 7(2), 409-420.

Short article/online article/popular article

  1. Sarkar, M.S.I., Chowdhury, P., Jarin, J.A., Islam, A.A., 2021. Machine learning to understand marine ecosystems and harness the blue economy. Academia Letters, Article 2619.