Moinul Hosain Oliver, PhD
Area of Expertise: Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Wastewater Management, Biofouling.



Dr. Oliver is a seasoned professional having 15 years of expertise in the field of water resources management. His particular expertise goes on to water and wastewater management through microirrigation. Dr. Oliver also works in the areas of regional water budgets, rainwater harvesting for drinking water supply, and aquifer management. He joined BSMRAU in 2008 as a Lecturer, and has since been a faculty of Agricultural Engineering discipline. 

Dr. Oliver is currently involved in exploring the partial-rootzone-drying (PRD) as a sustainable technology in thriving agriculture-water nexus. His other research engagements include soil sensor-based irrigation automation, data management in agricultural meteorology, and modeling managed aquifer recharge. He also contributes to a cross-institutional effort to address ‘biofouling’ problems in water infrastructures. Dr. Oliver has successfully led a reach team to design and develop Bangladesh’s first pressure compensated emitter manufactured using recycled plastic materials. 

Academic and Research Affiliations:

Professor, Dept. of Irrigation and Water Resources Management

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Agrometeorology

Research Pool Member, Institute of Climate Change and Environment

Academic Accomplishments:
2015 – PhD in Environmental Science – University of South Australia, Adelaide
2009 – PGD in Pressurized Irrigation, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
2008 – MS in Irrigation and Water Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

2006 – B. Sc. in Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

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