Research Grant obtained-

  1. Improvement of soil health and crop productivity of major problem soils of Bangladesh through organic amendments, 2018 -2021 (Principal Investigator: G.K.M Mustafizur Rahman; Co P.I.: Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman; Co P.I.: Dr. Mohammed Zia Uddin Kamal) Source of fund: PIU-BARC (NATP Phase -2) Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Farmgate, Dhaka
  2. ‘Soil Structural Stability and Carbon Sequestration in Soils of Bangladesh’ – RMC, BSMRAU funded project for the duration of 2017-2020. Responsibilities as a Co-Principal Investigator to focus the effects of organic carbon on soil structural stability and ascertain a relationship of soil aggregates with carbon sequestration and different ratios of basic cations.