Welcome to the Department of Animal Science and Nutrition, FVMAS, BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh. Livestock play a significant role in rural livelihoods and the economies, providers of income and employment for producers and others value chains. They are a crucial asset and safety net for the poor, provide an important source of nourishment for billions of people all over the world. Because of increasing human populations, incomes and urbanization, the socio-economic roles and other demands are increasing, which triggers sect oral research and expansion. Therefore, the primary interest of our department is to deliver high quality teaching and conduct both basic and applied research in the field of Animal Science and Nutrition. We offer seven courses (ASN 331, ASN 161, ASN 161, ASN 261, ASN 361 and ASN 131) in DVM program, one course (ASN 131) in BS Agriculture and one course (ASN 161) in Agriculture Economics & Rural Development. MS in Animal Nutrition has been launched since Summer Term/2011 from our department. We have a well-equipped laboratory for doing research on animal science and nutrition. Currently the department focuses its research on the following topics.
- Use of probiotic to improvement of low quality roughage
- Seaweed as a feed for ruminant nutrition
- Use of cotton seed meal in poultry
- Effect of feed material of blood metabolic profile in ruminants
- Meat quality of animal as affected by feed ingredients
- Medicinal plant utilization for quality meat production
- Utilization of beneficial microbes for performance and meat quality attributes
- Development of feed library for livestock (Proposed)
- Feed and Nutrition of Captive animals in Safari Park
- Effect of heat stress on dairy animals
- Microbial assessment of different commercial feed