Training workshop held at BSMRAU
A daylong training workshop on “CRISPR/Cas Genome Editing for Crop Improvement’’ was held at 10:00 am at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU). Treasurer of the University Prof. Tofayel Ahmed was present as a chief guest and inaugurated the workshop. The main objective of the workshop, to equip scientists and students with the skills require3d for development of novel blast resistant wheat variety and genome editing of economically important other crops plants for ensuring food and nutritional security of Bangladesh. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul MannanAkanda, Dept. of Plant Pathology chaired the technical session. Prof. Dr. Tofazzal Islam of the university and Dr. Pankaj Bhowmik researcher Canadian National Research Council CRISPR/Cas were conducted the session.
Thirty graduate students of the university, scientists and faculty members were participated at the workshop.
The workshop was sponsored by the World Bank under the sub-project of HEQEP.