The department offers courses for undergraduate program as well as graduate programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Soil Science department has major programs in physical, chemical and biological aspects of soil management. The laboratories are enriched with sophisticated analytical instruments such as atomic absorption spectrophotometer, gas-chromatograph, aggregate etc. for advanced research works and practical classes.

Course Title        : Soil Chemistry
Course Code    : SSC 165
Course Credit    : 3+1.5

Theory ( 3.0,)
Concept of soil; Rocks and minerals: their classification and properties; Weathering processes; Soil forming factors and processes; Soil profile; Soil pH: causes of soil acidity and alkalinity, buffering capacity, effects on nutrient availability; Liming: liming materials, effects on soil properties; silicate clays: classification and characteristics; Ion exchange: sources of negative charges on soil colloids, action and anion exchange phenomena. Concept of environmental pollution; Heavy metals: contamination in soil, water and crops; Arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh.

Practical ( 1.5 Cr. hr.)
Precautions to be taken in the laboratory; Collection and preparation of soil samples; Identification of rocks and minerals; Determination of soil pH Determination of electrical conductivity and action exchange Capacity .

Course Title        : Soil Physics
Course Code    : SSC 225
Course Credit    : 3+1.5

Theory ( 3.0,)
Major components of soil; Soil separates; Soil texture; Soil structure; particle density; Bulk density; Soil porosity; Soil color; Soil water; Soil air; particle size analysis; Stokes law; Soil consistency: plastic limits, forms of soil consistency; plough pan; Water constants; soil water potentials; Water movement in sol Infiltration, Hydraulic conductivity, Darcy’s law; Evapotranspiration and Consumptive use of water; Irrigation scheduling of crops; Thermal properties of soil. Soil temperature, heat capacity, thermal conductivity .

Practical ( 1.5 Cr. hr.)
Moisture content; Particle size analysis and textural class; Maximum water holding capacity; Bulk density; Particle density; soil water tension; Saturated hydraulic condraulic conductivity; Soil consistency.

Course Title        : Soil Fertility and Management
Course Code    : SSC 355
Course Credit    : 3+1.5

Theory ( 3.0,)
Concept of soil fertility and productivity; Plant nutrients: essential elemental, criteria of essentiality, macro and micronutrients, available forma; physiological roles deficiency symptoms of plant nutrient; Nitrogen: nitrogen cycle, mineralization, detraction, volatilization, nitrogen fixation, fate of nitrogen; Phosphorus: fixation and availability; Potassium: occurrence, fixation and availability; Sulfur: S-cycle, S-oxidation and reduction; Zinc: occurrence and availability; Boron: occurrence and availability; Organic matter: source, function, C:N ratio; depletion  and maintenance of organic matter; Integrated nutrient management; Manure and fertilizer; Time and methods of fertilizer application: Methods of fertility/evaluation; Fertilizer recommendation; Soil fertility problem, problem Soils and management in Bangladesh .
Practical ( 1.5 Cr. hr.)
Determination of total N in soil; Determination of available P.exchanceable K, available S: Determination of P and K in plant; Lime requirement of soil.

Course Title        : Soil Microbiology
Course Code    : SSC 365
Course Credit    : 3+1.5

Theory ( 3.0,)
Classification of Soil organisms; macro and micro-organisms, concept of protista, Haeckel’s and Whittaker’s classification, classification of bacteria and algae; Role of microorganisms in soil fertility; Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) : symbiotic and non- symbiotic  nitrogen fixation; Rhizobium- Legume symbiosis; Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis; phosphorus solubiliziing bacteria; Uses of biofertilizers in agriculture; classification and functions of mycorrhiza; Rhizosphere effects on microorganisms and soil fertility; Microbial decomposition of organic matter; Biodegradation of pesticides in soil.

Practical ( 1.5 Cr. hr.)
Sterilization techniques; Preparation of bacterial media; Culturing of bacteria; Motility test; Gram staining; Collection of isolation and authentication of Rhizobium from legume root nodules; Isolation of Azotobacter from soil; Identification of heterocyst us and non-heterocyst us blouse-green algae (BGA) from soil; Preparation of bacterial and Blue-green algal biofertilizers; Total count of bacteria/ BGA in inoculants.

Course Title        : Soil Conservation, Survey and Classification
Course Code    : SSC 401
Course Credit    : 3+1.5

Theory ( 3.0,)
Concept on soil conservation; soil erosion: classification, factors affecting soil erosion. Universal soil loss equation (USLE), methods of controlling soil erosion . Concept on soil survey and classification; Purposes and types of soil survey; Soil Mapping, Base materials of soil survey, soil correlation and interpretation, report preparation; GIS and remote sensing; Land capability and crop suitability classification, USVA soil taxonomy: Bangladesh soils; Soil differentiating criteria; Soil categories; physiographic units of Bangladesh soil; principles of AEZ classification; Crop productivity potential and constraints of different AEZs.
Practical ( 1.5 Cr. hr.)
Determination of soil organic carbon; Determination of aggregate stability of soil (water stable aggregate); Determination of infiltration characteristics of  soil. Approximations of soil texture by finger feel method; Determination of soil color by Munsill’s color chart; study of soil profile; Identification of soil series.
Course Title        : Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Chemistry
Course Code    : SSC 440
Course Credit    : 3+1.5

Theory ( 3.0,)
Fertilizer: properties, quality control; Fate of fertilizers in soil: nitrogenous and potashic fertilizers; pesticides; classification, mode of action and effect on environment. Fertilized chemistry; manufacturing process of area ordinary super phosphate; Types and composition of potash ores. Chemistry and technology of agro industrial products; rubber-tapping system, composition ad coagulation of latex, classification and properties of synthetic rubber; Sugar-condition and quality of sugarcane, manufacture of plantation white sugar, industrial utilization of sugar mill byproducts; tea: Ideal condition for tea cultivation manufacturing process and change of chemical composition in tea leaves, aroma, tea infusion. Liquoring quality tea.

Practical ( 1.5 Cr. hr.)
Manure and fertilizer analysis: cow dung, poultry manure, urea, triple super phosphate (TSP), muriate of potash (MP), gypsum zinc sulfate, borax; Pesticide residues analysis.

Dr. A.J.M. Sirajul Karim
Dr. A.R.M. Solaiman
Dr. G.K.M. Mustafizur Rahman
Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam
Dr. Md. Younus Miah
Associate Professor
Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Associate Professor & Head
Mr. Mohammed Zia Uddin Kamal
Assistant Professor
Mr. Mahmmad Saiful Alam
Assistant Professor
Md. Humayun Kabir
Assistant Professor

Md. Dhin Islam
