Dr. A.R.M. Solaiman
Department of Soil Science
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Gazipur 1706, Bangladesh
Job Experiences
(a) Appointments
Position | Name of Organization | Duration |
(obtained selection Grade on 20.05.2013) |
Department of Soil Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) | 28.06.2000 to date |
Associate Professor | BSMRAU | 14.04.1996- 27.06. 2000 |
Principal Scientific Officer | Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear
Agriculture (BINA) |
10.09.1990-13.04.1996 |
Senior Scientific Officer | BINA | 07.04.1985-09.09.1990 |
Scientific Officer | BINA | 26.09.1980-06.04.1985 |
NST Fellow | Bangladesh Agricultural University | 27.06.1980-25.09.1980 |
Scientific Officer | Bangladesh Agricultural University | 08.05.1980-26.06.1980 |
(b) Duties and responsibilities
- Teaching Soil Microbiology, Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility, Soil and Environmental
- Pollution, Soil-Plant Analysis at undergraduate/postgraduate levels.
- Serving as Major Professor/Research Supervisor/ Member of Advisory Committee for a number of MS and PhD students.
- Serving as Principal Investigator for research projects on Biological Nitrogen Fixation studies, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, Integrated Nutrient Management, Environmental pollution including Arsenic Toxicity in Soil-Plant System.
- Experienced in planning, executing, monitoring and evaluating research projects and analysing data, reporting results, writing scientific papers etc.
(c) Present additional duties/responsibilities and experience
- Member of Academic Council, BSMRAU since June, 1996
- Member of Trusty Board of the Welfare Fund of Teachers, Officers and Staffs of BSMRAU since January, 2012
- Member of Transport Committee, BSMRAU since May 2007
Expert Member (Chancellor nominee) of the Selection Board for appointing
Associate Professor and Professor in the Bangladesh Agricultural University (2016-
2017) and Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University (2016-2017), Sylhet Agricultural
University (2016-2017)
Expert Member (Vice Chancellor nominee) of the Selection Board for appointing Professor and Associate Professor in the Dept. of Soil Science, BSMRAU (2015 till today), Assistant Professor and Lecturer (19 September, 2013 till today) and Staff ( 26 June, 2014 till today)
Editor of the Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology since January, 2002, Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science since 2014 and Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture since 2014.
Examiner of the Bangladesh Agricultural University since January, 1990, National University and the Bangladesh Public Service Commission since January, 1999, Sher- E-Bangla Agricultural University since 2008, Dhaka University since 2007, Patuakhali Science and Technology University since 2007.
Resource Person on the training programmes entitled “Biofertilizer”, “Soil Health Management” “Agriculture Environment” and “Arsenic Mitigation” organized by Central Extension Resources Development Institute since 2009.
(d) Additional duties performed at BSMRAU in the past
Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, BSMRAU (September to December 2013, 5-10
January, 2014, 6-15 February, 2014, 16-23 March, 2014), 10 June, 2014 – 9 June, 2016 ii. Syndicate Member, BSMRAU (January, 2012 – June, 2016)
Library Chief (1 July, 2013- 30 June, 2015)
Director (Research) (16 June, 2009-15 June, 2011)
Head of the Department of Biotechnology (14 May, 2007 to 12 October, 2009)
Head of the Department of Soil Science (1998-2000 and 2002-2004, 11 October, 2008 to 22 October, 2008)
Executive Editor of the journal Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture (2009-2011).
Chairman of the Farm Management and Development Committee (16 June, 2009 to 15 June, 2011)
Transport Co-ordinator (January, 2002 to July, 2002)
Member Secretary of the Research Management Committee (16 June, 2009 to 15 June, 2011)
Member of the Farm Management and Development Committee (May, 1998 to July, 2000 and July, 2002 to July, 2004)
Member of the Planning and Development Committee (October, 2003 to December, 2007 and 16 June, 2009 to 15 June, 2011)
Member of the Library Committee (January, 2007 to June, 2011) xiv. Member of the Transport Committee (June, 2005 to June, 2011) xv. Member of Disciplinary Committee (July, 2004 to July, 2006)
Member of Student Disciplinary Committee (November 2008) xvii.Convener/Member of different Enquiry Committees at different times xviii. Member of Primary Selection Committee for recruiting Officers (2001)
(e) Additional duties performed in other universities/institutes
Expert Member (Chancellor nominee) of the Selection Board for appointing Associate Professor and Professor in the Bangladesh Agricultural University (2010- 2011) and Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University (2012-2014).
Head of Training, Communication and Publication Division of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh, Bangladesh (1990 to1996).
Training specialist on Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Nutrient Management Technologies in Graduate Training Institute (1995, 1996 and 1998), Cotton Research Farm (2002, 2005, and 2006), Central Extension Resources Development Institute (1998, 2009 and 2010), Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (1998 and 1999) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (2010).
Convenor of National Working Committee for controlling Salmonella infection and disease and pest free betel leaf production for exporting and marketing (2012).
Member of the Research Planning, Evaluation and Co-ordination Cell of BINA (September, 1990 to April, 1996)
Coordinator for Training and Seminar Cell of BINA (1990 to1996)
Expert Member/Resource Person of Annual Research Review Workshop of Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2007), Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (2008), Soil Resources Development Institute (2008), and Sugarcane Research Institute (2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010).
Evaluator of UGC funded research projects (since 2009).
Participated in many national seminar/workshop/conferences on different issues of Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Nutrient Management Technologies since 1980.
Experienced in teaching Soil Microbiology at undergraduate level in the Queen’s University of Belfast, UK (January 1986 to December 1998)
Served as Executive Editor of the Journal Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture published by the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (16 June, 2009 to 15 June, 2011), Editor of the (a) Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Agriculture published from Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (1993).(b) Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture published from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (2000 to 2004), (c) Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science published from the Department of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka (2003-2005).
Developed biofertilizer for chickpea and mungbean and IPNS package for different field crops. Contributed substantially in developing biofertilizers for chickpea, lentil, groundnut, mungbean and cowpea in the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture.
- Academics Awards
- Obtained Commonwealth Scholarship for pursing Ph.D. degree on a topic entitled “Influence of soil acidity factors on Lotus rhizobia” in the Queen’s University of Belfast, UK during January, 1986 to December, 1988.
- Obtained Commonwealth Fellowship for pursing Post-doctoral research on a topic entitled “Arsenic chemistry in soil and plant” in the University of Aberdeen, UK during October 2005 to March, 2006.
iii. Obtained Rhine-Waal University (Germany) Fellowship for pursuing research on a topic entitled “Microbial Aspects of soil and plant system” as Visiting Professor, during September to December, 2015.
- Professional Achievements
(i) Research publication: Total number of research publications in scientific national and international journal/proceedings –138 (One hundred and thirty eight) (International journals – 48, National journals/proceedings -90).
(ii) Academic: Served as Research Supervisor/Major Professor for 15 PhD and 26 MS students and also served as Co-supervisor/Member of Advisory Committee for 32 PhD and 43 MS students.
- Responsibilities in Professional Societies:
- a. Serving as Convenor of the Executive Committee of the “Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) Teachers’ Association (2015 till today).
- Serving as Member of the Executive Committee of the “Gonotantrik Sikkhok Forum” of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) (2014 till today).
- c. Serving as a Member of Executive Committee of “Bangladesh Society of
Microbiologists” (2016 to date).
- Serving as a Member of Executive Committee of “Soil Science Society of
Bangladesh” (2005 to date).
- e. Served as Vice President of the Executive Committee of “Bangladesh Society of
Microbiologists” (2014 to 2015).
- f. Served as a Member of Executive Committee of “Bangladesh Society of
Microbiologists” (2004 to 2013).
- g. Served as General Secretary of Teachers Council of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman Agricultural University from January 2002 to December 2002.
- Served as Treasurer of Teachers Council of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University in two terms (January 2001 to December 2001 and January 2003 to December 2003).
- Served as a Member of the Executive Committee of Teachers Council of the
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University in two terms (January
2000 to December 2000 and January 2005 to December 2005).
- Served as a Member of Executive Committee of “Soil Science Society of Bangladesh”
(2005 to 2011).
- Served as a Member of “Association of Universities of Bangladesh” (AUB) (2004 to
- Life Member
- a. Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists
- Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science c. Soil Science Society of Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Botanical Society
- e. Bangladesh Association for the Scientists and Scientific Profession f. Plant Breeding & Genetics Society of Bangladesh
- g. Krishibid Institution
- Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
- Higher training received from home and abroad
28.02.1996- 27.03.1996
04.03.1989 -18.03.1989
13.02.1984 -15.02.1984
International Conference/ Seminar attended
Title |
Place |
Duration |
International Conference of
Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists |
Dhaka, Bangladesh | 26.12.2015-28.12. 2015. | |
International Conference on Plant
Breeding and Seed for Food Security |
Dhaka, Bangladesh | 10.03.2009-12.03. 2009. | |
International Workshop on Balanced
Fertilization |
Dhaka, Bangladesh | 30.03.2008-01.04. 2008. | |
International Botanical Conference | Dhaka, Bangladesh | 12.01.2003-14.01. 2003 | |
International Botanical Conference | Dhaka, Bangladesh | 10.01.1991-12.01.1991 | |
Presented poster paper entitled “Response of fast- and slow-growing Lotus rhizobia to low pH and aluminium” in 7th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation Seminar organised by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission | Germany
Manchester, UK |
29.05.1987 |
Presented paper entitled “Effects of different Rhizobium inoculants on nodulation and N nutrition in soybean” in International Symposium on Soil Test Crop Response Correlation Studies | Dhaka, Bangladesh | 07.02.1984-10.02. 1984 |