Principal investigator of research projects

Title of the research project Funding authority Budget (USD) Year Current status
Effects of thermal stress on the growth, intestinal tissue structure, antioxidant capacity, and gut microbiome of Kalbasu (Labeo calbasu) juvenile Ministry of science and technology


2500 2023-2024 Completed
Severe environmental thermal-mediated changes in stress responses, acetylcholinesterase, and immune responses of Kalbasu Labeo calbasu Ministry of science and technology


2500 2022-2023 Completed
Extreme ambient temperature effects in Kalibaus (Labeo calbasu): metabolic, enzymatic and hemato-biochemical responses University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 3000 2020-2021 Completed
Effect of high ambient temperature on growth performance, enzymatic and hemato-biochemical responses of Silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) Ministry of science and technology


2500 2021-2022 Completed
Synergistic effects of chitosan nanoparticles and vitamin E supplement on growth, haematology, innate immunity, gonadal development, and reproductive responses of Pabda fish Research Management Wing (RMW), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University 12500 2021-2024 Completed
First time development of Broodstock and induced breeding technique of Gongota Loach Somileptes gongota, (Hamilton, 1822) Ministry of science and technology


2500 2019-2020 Completed
Reproductive physiology and brood stock development of Puntius sophore (Hamilton, 1822) for species conservation and sustainable aquaculture Research Management Wing (RMW), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University 1250 2019-2020 Completed
Trophodynamics and population growth of critically endangered riverine catfish Rita rita (Hamilton) University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 3375 2018-2019 Completed
Aspects of the reproductive biology of Mystus bleekeri (Day, 1877), a commercially important catfish of Bangladesh Sylhet Agricultural University Research System 2250 2018-2019 Completed
Trophic level, stomach content analysis and reproductive potential of Mystus bleekeri (Day, 1877), a commercially important catfish of Bangladesh Sylhet Agricultural University Research System 2250 2017-2018 Completed
Assessment of productivity of management system in Hail haor: an approach of co-management system Bangladesh Institute of Scientific Research 500 2011-2012 Completed


Co-Principal investigator of research projects

Title of the research project Funding authority Budget (USD) Year Current status
Haor community and fisheries development: a sustainable area capability approach Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council 150000 2017-2020 Completed
Potential of Dhela (Osteobrama cotio cotio) in carp polyculture system in the farmers’ pond WorldFish 6250 2012-2013 Completed
Present status of marine puffer fish in Bangladesh Sylhet Agricultural University Research System 1875 2011-2012 Completed
Improvement in the production phase of Macrobrachium rosenbergii using substrates in grow out ponds Sylhet Agricultural University Research System 1875 2010-2011 Completed