Conference proceedings:
- Mazumder, S.K., Mazlan, A.G. and Simon, K.D. 2019. Effects of acclimation temperature on gut evacuation, oxygen consumption and thermal coefficient of Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus Bloch & Schneider, 1801). Fisheries Society of Bangladesh (FSB) Biennial Conference, 27-28 December 2019, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
- Mazumder, S.K., Kunda, M. and Basak, L.R. 2019. Seasonal dynamics of stomach contents, trophic level, length-weight relationship and condition factor of Mystus bleekeri. 8th BFRF Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2019, 30-31 March 2019, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Sultana, M.A., Mazumder, S.K. and Kunda, M. 2019. Fishing gears and crafts used in Payra river, Bangladesh. 8th BFRF Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2019, 30-31 March 2019, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Mazumder, S.K. and Alam, M.T. 2017. Population growth and reproductive potential of five important fishes from the freshwater bodies of Bangladesh. 3rd i-Proclaim Annual International Conference (ARCBHL-2017) and Graduate Research Meet, 30-31 December 2017, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Mazumder, S.K., and Alam, M.T. 2017. Population growth and reproductive potential of five important fishes from the freshwater bodies of Bangladesh. 3rd i-Proclaim Annual International Conference (ARCBHL-2017) and Graduate Research Meet, 30-31 December 2017, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Mazumder, S.K., Mazlan, A.G. and Simon, K.D. 2016. Effect of temperature on gastric emptying time of Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus, Bloch & Schneider 1801) using x-radiography and serial slaughtering techniques. First Conference on Research for Sustainable Development, 12-13th April 2016, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, pp. 42.
- Mazumder, S.K., Mazlan, A.G. and Simon, K.D. 2016. Exploring the optimum temperature and diet for growth and gastric emptying time of juvenile Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus). 7th Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair 2016, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Mazumder, S.K., Mazlan, A.G. and Simon, K.D. 2015. The effects of temperature on gastric emptying time of malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus, Bloch & Schneider 1801) using X-radiography technique. AIP Conference Proceedings 1678, 020032 (2015); (Scopus) doi: 10.1063/1.4931217
- Das, S.K., De, M., Mazumder, S.K., Cob, Z.C. and Ghaffar, M.A. 2015. Effects of Temperature and Diet on Growth and Condition of Two Commercially Important Fishes. Anglo-American Conference for Academic Disciplines, USA November 2015.
- Mazumder, S.K., Das, S.K., De, M., Cob, Z.C. & Ghaffar, M.A. 2015. Temperature effect on gastric emptying time of Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus Bloch & Schneider, 1801) using X-radiography and serial slaughtering techniques. In: Animal Nutrition and Physiology. 5th International Fisheries Symposium 2015: Towards sustainability, advanced technology and community enhancement, 1st – 4th December 2015, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 113.
- De, M., Ghaffar, M.A., Bakar, Y., Mazumder, S.K. & Das, S.K. 2015. Exploring the suitable temperature and diet for the growth form of hybrid grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀ × E. lanceolatus ♂. 5th International Fisheries Symposium 2015: Towards sustainability, advanced technology and community enhancement, 1st – 4th December 2015, Penang, Malaysia, pp 300.