1. Second Prize winner among the excellent papers in the 7th congress of Livestock Parasitology Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine in 2013.
2. First Prize winner for outstanding performance in research and presentation in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Forum of Henan Agricultural University Graduate Study Department in 2012.
3. First Prize winner for the research article on “Genetic polymorphism and zoonotic potential of Enterocytozoon bieneusi from nonhuman primates in China” among the academic papers of natural science by 3rd Natural Science Academy Award of Henan Province in 2015.
4. Certificate for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Henan Province, China in 2016.
Contribution to NCBI GenBank:
319 accession numbers (PP581301-PP581329, KF305579-KF305634, KF543866-KF543872, KF679722-KF679746, KJ668719-KJ668742, KJ651433-KJ651449, KJ728787-KJ728811, KJ888974-KJ888994, MK982509-MK982514, MK982462-MK982468, MK982515, MK982535-MK982539, MK982516-MK982522, MK982498-MK982508, MK982523-MK982527, MK982540-MK982551, MK982528-MK982531, MN480451, MK982469-MK982485, MK982532-MK982534, MK982486-MK982497, MN338073-MN338089, MW055930-MW055936)