- “Collection, identification and characterization of seaweed collected from Saintmartin islands and Patuakhali” funded by BSMRAU grants. (Fund Allocated: 1300.00 US$)
- “Production of all female of Heteropneustes fossilis through hormonal manipulation and progeny testing” funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh ((Fund Allocated: 3130.00 US$)
- “Effect of selected seaweed powder as a supplement of fish feed on growth and immune system of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)” funded by University Grants Commision, Bangladesh.
- Evaluation of chemical composition and functional activities of different selected seaweed collected from Saintmartin coast, Coxbazar funded by Ministry of Eduaction, Bangladesh. (Fund Allocated: 34400.00 US$)
- Characterization of commercial probiotics using for fish and shrimp culture in Bangladesh funded by BARC, World Bank. (Fund Allocated: 42500.00 US$)
- Adaptive disease management strategy of existing culture practices of fish and shrimp through aquamimicry culture system funded by KGF, World Bank. (Fund Allocated: 180000.00 US$)
- Worked as Principle Investigator in the project entitled as “Cryogenic preservation of Rohu (Labeo rohita), Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrohsus) and Silver Carp (Barbonymous gonionotus) spermatozoa for quality seed production” (July 2005-june 2008) – Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) core research funded project
- Worked as Co-Investigator in the project entitled as “Genetic stock improvement of carps and tilapias and dissemination of their improved breeds” (July 2006-June 2010)– BFRI core research funded project
- Worked as Principle Investigator in the project entitled as “Coordinated regional project on production and dissemination of improved carp breeds (July 2006-June 2009)– BFRI core research funded project”
- Worked as Co Investigator in the project entitled as “ Halda river restoration” (BFRI Part) funded Bangladesh Government.