Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Ahmad, M. U. Lee, J. M., Kim, E. U., Kim, D. G., Kim Y.O. & Kong, I. S. (2015). Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of edible red alga Hypnea musciformis from Bangladesh. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. doi:10.1111/jfpp.12688.
Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Lee, J. M., Kim, E. U., Mohibullah, M., Alam, M. B., Moon, II. S., Kim, J. M. & Kong, I. S. (2015). Anti-Alzheimers and anti-inflammatory activities of glycoprotein purified from edible brown alga Undaria pinnatifida. Food Research International, 77, 118-124.
Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Ahmed, R., Lee, J. M., Geon-a, J, Gyuyou, N. & Kong, I. S. (2015). Improved methods for isolation of carrageenan from Hypnea musciformis and its antioxidant activity. Journal of Applied Phycology. DOI 10.1007/s10811-015-0605-6.
Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Kong, I. S. & Kim, J. M. (2015). Enhancement of Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Saccharina japonica by Submerged Fermentation with
Aspergillus oryzae. Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal 30, 27-32.
Ahmed, R., Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Hossain, M. T., Lee, J. M. & Kong, I. S. (2015). Species-specific detection of Vibrio alginolyticus in shellfish and shrimp by real-time PCR using the groEL gene. Aquaculture International. DOI 10.1007/s10499-015-9916-5.
Kim, E.Y., Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Lee, J. M., Noh, G., Jo, G.A., Lee, J. H., & Kong, I. S. (2015). Structural features of glycoprotein purified from Saccharina japonica and its effects on the selected probiotic properties of Lactobacillus plantarum in Caco-2 cell. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27, 965-973. (First two authors are equally contributed to this paper)
Rafiquzzaman, S. M., Lee, J. M., Ahmed, R., Lee, J. H., Kim, J. M., & Kong, I. S. (2015). Characterization of the hypoglycaemic activity of glycoprotein purified from the edible brown seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida. International Journal of Food Science Technology, 50, 143–150.
Rafiquzzaman, S.M., Kim, E.Y., Kim, Y.R., Nam, T.J. & Kong, I.S. (2013). Antioxidant activity of glycoprotein purified from Undaria pinnatifida measured by an in vitro digestion model. International Journal Biological Macromolecules, 62, 265–272.
Umma Salma Tonny, K M Shahrair Nazrul, Md Shahidul Islam, K B Afroz, S M Rafiquzzaman and Abdullah-Al Mamun. 2012. Genetic variation between two different strains gifu and gift of nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus using allozyme marker. International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research., 1(2): 340-345
G. Mostofa, A. S. Ishtiq Ahmed, M. G. Mustafa, M. G. Rabbane, M. N. Islam & S. M. Rafiquzzaman. 2009. Genetic diversity of wild and farmed Kalibaus (Labeo calbasu. Hamilton, 1822) by RAPD analysis of the genomic DNA. Ribarstvo, 67, (2), 41-50.
Akanda, M. M. R., T. Rahman, S. M. Rafiquzzaman and M. B. R. Chowdhury. 2010. Diagnosis of white spot syndrome in shrimp using test kit shrimple and PCR technique. J.Prog. Sci. & Tech. 8(1): 65-68.
M. R. I. Sarder, S. M. Rafiquzzaman, Roksana Sultana and M Farid . 2009. Cryopreservation of Mrigal, Cirrhinus cirrhosus spermatozoa with a view to minimize inbreeding & hybridization and to conserve gene pool. Bangladeh Agricultural University Research System journal. 7 (1): 211-218
Karim, T. Rahman, S. M. Rafiquzzaman, J. Ferdous & A. M. M. Nurul Alam. 2009. Effects of stocking density on the growth and production of Thai koi (Anabas testudineus) in mymensingh region.
M.U.H. Khanam, M. Nahiduzzaman, M.M. Hassan, M. Sultana, S.M. Rafiquzzaman and M.A.R. Hossain. 2008. Milt quality determination of a critically endangered fish, Olive barb (Puntius sarana, Hamilton 1822) in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 12(2).
Abdullah-Al Mamun, M. Begum. M.Y. Mia, S. M. Rafiquzzaman and M. J. Alam. 2008. Food and feeding habits of mud crab Scylla serrata (Frosskal) in Bangladesh. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science & Technology 5 (3&4): 141-144.
S. M. Rafiquzzaman, M.R. Islam Sarder, M. S. Islam and Roksana Sultana. 2007. Sperm cryopreservation of rohu, Labeo rohita: Cryodiluents, sperm:cryodiluent dilution ratio and cryoprotectant concentration. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 11(2),:141-152
Kabil Hossain, A. T. A. Ahmed, M.H. Khan, S.M. Rafiquzzaman, F. Begum and M. A. Islam. 2007. Distribution, Prevalence, and Intensity of protozoan and monogenean parasites of carp fingerlings in some nursery ponds of two districts. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 11(1),:37-44
M. Khan, S. M. Rafiquzzaman, S.M. Rahmatullah, M.R.K. Mondal and M. A. Rahman. 2007. Effect of stocking density on the production of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture in pond system. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol., 4 (3 &4): 57-61.
M.R. Islam Sarder, S. M. Rafiquzzaman. M.S. Islam and Roksana Sultana. 2006. Cryopreservation of Spermatozoa of Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus L. by Optimizing Different Factors. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci., 32(1): 89-96.
MG Hussain, MS Islam, AHM Kohinoor, MA Mazid, SM Rafiquzzaman, MS Ali, RW Ponzoni & NH Nguyen. 2005. Genetic improvement of silver barb in Bnagladesh. Mol. biol. biotechnology. j. 3 (1& 2): 50-52
M. Rahaman, M.J. Islam and S. M. Rafiquzzaman. Profitability of Manually Separated Monosex Gift Culture in Chicken-fish system. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7 (4): 490-493, 2004.