Expression of Interest (EOI), Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)


Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)

Salna, Gazipur 1706

Expression of Interest (EOI)


Memo No: bsmrau/Engg/ EOI(01)/2016/3836                                                                        Date: 21/12/2016

1 Ministry/Division/Corporation Ministry of Education
2 Agency Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
3 Procuring Entity Name Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, Gazipur 1706
4 Procuring Entity Code Not used at present
5 Procuring Entity District Gazipur
6 Expression of Interest (EOI) for Selection Consulting firms for construction of

 Lot 01: 

a). Construction of 10-storied new female student hall (1500 female student),  b).  Construction of 10-storied new male student hall (1500 male student.)


 Lot 02:

a). Construction of 2nd building for agriculture faculty (10-storied)

b). Construction of 10-storied veterinary complex.


Consulting firms may submit EOI for any one or both of  Lot 01 &  Lot 02

7 EOI Ref. No. bsmrau/Engg/EOI-1 /2016/3836
8 Date 21 December , 2016
9 Procurement Method Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
10 Budget and  Source of Fund Development Budget (GOB)
11 PROJECT/Program Code(If Applicable) N/A
12 PROJECT/Program Name(If Applicable) Strengthening Physical Facilities and Research Capabilities of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU).
13 EOI Closing Date and Time 11 January 2016     Time: 2.00 p.m
14 Place of EOI Submission Director( Planning & Develpoment)

BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur-1706.




Brief Description of the Assignment i.  To prepare architectural, structural and other engineering drawings

with computer aided 3-D perspective view.

ii. To prepare Bill of Quantities  (BOQ),  Tender Document and

costing of the project as per latest PWD Schedule of rates.

iii. To Prepare detailed technical specification and indicative

project implementation  schedule.

iv. To prepare detailed  architectural working drawings, engineering

drawings for foundation, superstructure, acoustics, electrical ,

mechanical and other necessary  designdrawings as


V.  To supervise  the project in full time during  construction..

VI.To incorporate  appropriate   environmental  monitoring and

mitigation  measures,  which  are required to be undertaken

during construction.

16 Experience, resources and delivery capacity required The Authority  invites  expressions   of interest  (EOI)  from  eligible consultants   (firms)  to indicate   their  interest   in providing  the Architectural   /engineering   services  for the  above  lots (any one or both). Interested Consulting   Firms   must provide  information   indicating  that  they are qualified  to perform  the services   (brochures,   description   of similar  assignments,   experience   in similar  condition,   availability of the appropriate   skills  among  staff etc.).  To prepare  a short-list the EOls would  be reviewed  on the  basis of the following  criteria and the short-listed   firms will  be invited for each lot to submit  technical   and financial   proposals.

Experience Criteria::

1.   Minimum 10  (ten) years of experience in the relevant field.

2.   Specific  design  and work  experience in student hall    and

faculty building.

3. Sufficient experience  as a consultant in similar work in any govt.,  semi govt.

autonomous organization/public  University during  last 10 years..

4.. Minimum  2 projects completed in last 5 years for with value of each  not

less than  Tk. 40 (forty)  crore.

17 Documents need to be submitted:  Interesting firms have to submit  the following documents along with EOI  :

a.     Brochure summarizing background of the firm with general experience.

b.     Firm’s Registration Document including IT, VAT & Trade License.

c.     Financial  background and logistic  facilities of the firms.

d.     Minimum experience  of the firm should  be 10   years in the relevant field.

e.      Evidence of sufficient experience  as a consultant in similar work in any govt.,  semi govt. autonomous organization/public  University during  last 10 years..

f.      List of relevant technical persons of the firm…

g.    Evidence of specific design and work experience in student hall and

faculty building.

h.   Evidence of completed  minimum  2 projects in last 5 year with

value of each  not less than  Tk. 40 (forty) crore .

18 Association with foreign firms if any N/A
19 Name of official inviting EOI Engr. Md. Ekramul Haque
20 Designation of official inviting EOI Chief Engineer
21 Address of official inviting EOI Chief Engineer, BSMRAU, Gazipur-1706
22 Contact details of official inviting EOI Chief Engineer, BSMRAU, Gazipur-1706

Phone: 02-9205322

23 Special instructions Short listing will be made as PPA-2006 and PPR-2008 on the basis of the clause # 16. The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI’s without assigning any reasons. Interested applicants may obtain further information from the office of Chief Engineer, BSMRAU during normal office hours. 02 (two) sets of EOI (1 original + 1 copy) for each lot with supporting documents must be delivered on or before 02:00 PM on 11/01/2017 in sealed envelopes, marked with Request for EOI for consultancy services for of BOQ lot 01 & lot 02 of 06 for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur-1706 any late submission will be rejected
24 The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all or any EOI without showing any reasons




(Engr. Md. Ekramul Haque)

Chief Engineer

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University,
