- Hasan, M. N., Malek, M. B., Begum, A. A., Rahman, M., and Mollah, M. N. H., (2019). Assessment of Drugs Toxicity and Associated Biomarker Genes using Hierarchical Clustering. Medicina, 55, 451, doi:10.3390/medicina55080451
- Hasan M. N., Begum A. A., Rahman M., Kabir M. H. and Mollah M. N. H. (2019). Clustering Toxicogenomic Data using Probabilistic Latent Variable Model. International Journal of Statistical Sciences. Vol. 18, pp 99-114
- Akond Z., Alam M. J., Hasan M. N., Uddin, M. S., Alam M., and Mollah M. N. H., (2019). A Comparison on Some Interval Mapping Approaches for QTL Detection. Bioinformation, 15(2): 90-94. DOI:10.6026/97320630015090
- Akond Z., Hasan M. N., Alam M. J., Alam M., and Mollah M. N. H. (2019). Classification of Functional Metagenomes Recovered from Different Environmental Samples. Bioinformation, 15(1): 26-31, DOI:10.6026/97320630015026
- Hasan M. N., Rana M. M., Begum A. A., Rahman M. and Mollah M. N. H. (2018). Robust Co-clustering to Discover Toxicogenomic Biomarkers and Their Regulatory Doses of Chemical Compounds Using Logistic Probabilistic Hidden Variable Model. Frontiers in Genetics, 9:516. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00516
- Hasan M. N., Akond Z., Alam M. J., Begum A. A., Rahman and Mollah M. N. H., (2018). Toxic dose prediction of chemical compounds to biomarkers using an ANOVA based gene expression analysis. Bioinformation, 14(7): 369-377. doi: 10.6026/97320-630014369
- Hasan M. N., Begum A. A., Rahman M. and Mollah M. N. H. (2018). Robust Identification of Significant Interactions between Toxicogenomic Biomarkers and their Regulatory Chemical Compounds using Logistic Moving Range Chart. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 78, 375–381,
- Rana M. M., Hasan M. N., Ahmed M. S. and Mollah M. N. H., (2017). A Novel Computational Approach for Toxicogenomics Biomarker Discovery in Drug Development Pipeline. Bio-Sci, 25: 57-66. DOI: 10.3329/ jbs.v25i0.37499
- Hasan M. N., Rana S., Malek M. B., Das K. R. and Sultana N. (2016). Modeling Bangladesh’s Gross Domestic Product using Regression Approach. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 10(2), 233-246.
- Hasan M. N. and Malek M. B. (December, 2015). Pooled Latin Square Design (LSD) with Plot Sampling. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 38(2), 59-78.
- Hassan J., Hasan M. N. and Rajib M. M. R. (2014). Suitability of Textile Dying Effluents for Germination and Seedling Growth of Yard Long Bean. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(1): 55-65.
- Hasan M. N., Rahman M. and Hasan M. R. (2013). Factors Affecting Smoking Habits of Male Students in a Public Agricultural University of Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Population and Health, 5(l&2): 47 -56.
- Roshidul H., Hasan M. N., Saha G. C. and Shahriar S. M. (2013). Factor Affecting Poultry Litter Based Captive Power Generation Using Biogas Technology in Bangladesh. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 2(l): 76-80.
- Hassan J., Rahman M. M., and Hasan N. (2012). Effect of Post-Harvest Treatments on the Shelf Life of Cauliflower. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 16(l):33-45.
- Roshidul H., Saha G. C., Saifuddin K. and Hasan M. N. and Alam G. M. M. (2012). Development of Tele-centre in Bangladesh for Rural Communities. American Journal of Agricultural Science Engineering and Technology. 1(3): 30-40.
- Hasan M. N., Uddin K. S. and Monayem Miah M. A. (2009). Growth and Structural Stability in Area and Production of Potato in Bangladesh: A time series analysis. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture, 13(1&2):121-129.
- Monayem Miah M. A., Quddus M. A., Matin M. A., Hasan M. N. and Aktar M. (2009). Analysis of Growth and Supply Responses of Selected Pulses in Bangladesh. The Agriculturist, 7(l&2): 62-71.
- Karim F., Sutana N., Zakaria M., Hassan and Hasan M. N. (2009). Changes in Nutritional Qualities of Frozen Pea during Storage. Intl. J. BioRes. 6 (6): 43-41.
- Hasan M. N., Monayem Miah M. A., Islam M. S., Alam Q. M., and Hossain M. I. September (2008). Change and Instability in Area and Production of Wheat and Maize in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agril. Res. 33(3): 409-417.
- Hasan, M. N. (Invited Speaker) and Mollah, M. N. H. (2019). Detection of Toxic Chemical Compounds and their Associated Toxicogenomic Biomarkers using Robust Co-clustering Approach. 2nd International Conference on Applied Statistics (ICAS 2019), December 27-29, 2019, Dhaka University,
- Hasan, M. N. (Invited Speaker) (2019). Toxicity Investigation from Gene Expression Label Using Statistical Models. National Conference on DNA Genome Research for Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Health (World DNA Day Conference-2019), May 2-3, 2019, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
- Hasan, M. N., Begum, A. A., Rahman, M. and Mollah, M. N. H. (2018). Exploring genomic features for the measurement of pathway level compounds’ toxicity using probabilistic hidden variable model. International conference on new paradigms in statistics for scientific and industrial research, 4-6, January, Kolkata, Jointly organized by: Indian association for productivity, quality & reliability (IAPQR), BB 239 (1st floor) sector 1, Salt lake city, Kolkata 700064 and CSIR-Central glass & ceramic research institute (CGCRI), 196 Raja subodh mallick street, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032. (Abstract with oral presentation).
- Hasan, M. N., Rana, M. M., Begum, A. A., Rahman, M. and Mollah, M. N. H. (2017). Toxicogenomic biomarkers clustering using probabilistic hidden semantic analysis. International conference on bioinformatics and biostatistics for agriculture health and environment, 20-23 January, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. (Proceedings with oral presentation).
- Rana, M. M., Hasan, M. N., Ahmed, M. S., and Mollah, M. N. H. (2017). Toxicogenomics biomarkers detection for liver toxicity using multilevel hierarchical modeling. International conference on bioinformatics and biostatistics for agriculture health and environment, 20-23 January, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. (Proceedings with oral presentation).
- Hasan, M. N., Begum, A. A., Rahman, M. and Mollah, M. N. H. (2017). Investigation of relationships between gene expression and drugs’ toxicities using robust statistical approach. International conference on biotechnology in health and agriculture (ICBHA), 29-30, December, Organized by: Global network of Bangladeshi biotechnologists. (Poster presentation).
- Akefa, S., Rana, M. M., Hasan, M. N., Hosen, A., and Mollah, M. N. H. (2017). Robust prediction of human gene expression profile using rate model in Japanese toxicogenomics project. International conference on bioinformatics and biostatistics for agriculture health and environment, 20-23 January, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. (Poster presentation).
- Hasan, M. N., Rana, M. M., Begum, A. A., Rahman, M., and Mollah, M. N. H. (2015). Robustification of mixture aspect model for mining implicit ‘Chemical ompound-Gene’ relations. The 2nd international conference on theory and applications of statistics, 26-28, December, Dhaka University, Bangladesh. (Abstract with oral presentation).
- Rana, M. M., Hasan, M. N., Singha, A. C., Ahmed, M. S., and Mollah, M. N. H. (2015). Nested ANOVA-Simultaneous component analysis (NASCA): An extended tool of ANOVA-SCA for toxicogenomic biomarker discovery. The 2nd international conference on theory and applications of statistics, 26-28, December, Dhaka University, Bangladesh. (Abstract with oral presentation).