Recognition and Awards
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Assistantship: Training Course on “The Use of Isotope and Radiation Techniques in Studies of Soil/Plant Relationships with Emphasis on Crop Production on Acids Soils” March 6 to April 7, 1995. Department of Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailand (conducted and funded by IAEA, Vienna, Austria)
- Monboshu Scholarship for Ph.D. degree in Chiba University of Japan
- Japan Analytical Chemistry Consultant Co., Ltd. (JACC) offered Special Post-doctoral fellow on “pesticide and heavy metal in the environment” May 16 to 31, 2000
- Awarded a fund from Laboratory of Pesticide Toxicology, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan, as a Post-doc research fellow(2000)
- Invited as a visiting professorship at Chinese Academic of Science (CAS) Nanjing, China, as an expert on Environmental Soil Scientist: “Biogeography of microbial community in arsenic contaminated and uncontaminated paddy soils of Bangladesh” funded by CAS fellowship from November, 2013 to April 2014.
- Invited as expert researcher in King Abdul Aziz City for Science & Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia, on “Biogeochemistry” funded by KACST fellowship from February 2015 to March 2015.
Development of Technologies/Scientific Information
- Developed a new model on soil texture and published in the “Soil Research” journal a Thomson Reuters listed journal for simulating soil texture numerically. Historically, we used the ‘USDA Equilateral Soil Textural Triangle’ to get the perception of soil textural class, which has fixed number of textural class and does not provide a texture for each soil. By using the numerical indices, a customized or flexible classification of the texture would be possible.
- Developed easy handling and very cheap arsenic filter for drinking water poor peoples in the arsenic contaminated areas of Bangladesh ( To be patented soon)
- Developed and updated lime technologies for the acid soil regions of Bangladesh for better crop production
- First time discovered arsenic tolerant rice varieties in Bangladesh (To be published in the international impact factor journal, an outstanding findings from a dissertation research supervised by GKM Mustafizur Rahman)
- Developed a technology on “House hold wastes compost for increasing vegetable production in CHAR AREAS (Sandy Soils) of Bangladesh”
- Developed a method to release bound chlorpyriphos residues from soil.
- Identified a new compound from garlic, which is responsible for repellent effect of stored grain insects using GC-MS.
- First time determined the Critical Level (C.L.) of phosphorus for wetland rice in Bangladesh.
- Contributed significantly in preparing “Thana Nirdeshika” (Thana land and soil resources utilization guide)
Carrier development and Training received
- Training course on “BCA database” March 12-13, 2005. Agril. Statistics Division, BRRI, Gazipur, Bangladesh
- Training course on “pesticide and heavy metal in the environment” May 16 to 31, 2000. Japan Analytical Chemistry Consultant Co., Ltd. (JACC),
- Training course on “Nuclear Agriculture” August 1 to 31, 1995. Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture(BINA), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
- An International Training Course on “The Use of Isotope and Radiation Techniques in Studies of Soil/Plant Relationships with Emphasis on Crop Production on Acids Soils” March 6 to April 7, 1995. Department of Agriculture, Bangkok, Thailand (conducted by IAEA, Vienna, Austria).
- Training course on “Use of Thana Land and Soil Resource Utilization Guide” January 8 to 11, 1995. Graduate Training Institute(GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University(B AU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
- Training course on “Unified Methodology for Integrated Nutrient Management” July 10 to 16, 1993. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council(BARC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Training course on “The Use of Neutron Moisture Meter” July, 15 to 18, 1991. BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Training course on “Research Planning and Evaluation” June 29 to July 13, 1991. BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
External Responsibilities
July 2017 – to date | Member, Research Monitoring, Evaluation and Labour Distribution Committee, BSMRAU |
June 2014 – to date | Member, Finance Committee, BSMRAU |
Feb 2012—Jan 2014 | Member, Planning Committee, BSMRAU |
Oct 2004—to date | Managing Editor “Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources” |
June 2004- todate | Expert member for soil and environmental related projects evaluation, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Bangladesh |
June 2004-todate | Expert member for soil and environmental related projects evaluation, University Grant Comission(UGC), Bangladesh |
June 2004-todate | Expert member of the Open University of Bangladesh for curricula preparation on environmental pollution |
March 2010—April 2012 | Provost, Undergraduate Dormitory, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Bangladesh |
June 2004-June 2009 | Member, Board of Studies (BOS), Department of Soil Science, Haji Muhammed Danish Science & Technology University, Bangladesh |
Feb – Nov 2008 | Chairman/Head, Department of Animal Science, BSMRAU |
July 2004-July 2006 | Chairman/Head, Department of Soil Science, BSMRAU |
June 2001-June2004 | Associate Editor, “Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science” |
June 2001-June 2002 | Associate Editor, “BINASA News Letter”, BINA, Bangladesh |
Country visited
Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, South Africa, Thailand, USA etc.