Publications list of Prof. Dr. GKM Mustafizur Rahman
Local Journal:
- D. Islam, M. M. Rahman, G. K. M. M. Rahman and M. S. Hosssain. 2016. Status and Spatial Variability of trace Elements in the Low Ganges River Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh. J. Environ. Sci. & natural Resources, 9(2): 71-78,
- S. Hossain, M. Khanum, M. H. Kabir, M. Z. Kamal, M. S. Alam, M.D. Islam, M. M. Rahman, G. K. M. M. Rahman. 2016. Liming improves soil fertility and crop productivity of acidic terrace soil in the subtropical humid climate. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol. 13 (1-4):125-130.
- S. Hossain, M. H. Kabir, M. M. Rahman, M. S. Alam and G. K. M. M. Rahman. 2016. Spatial Variation of Soil Chemical Properties in Industrial Wastewater Contaminated Paddy Soil. J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 9(2): 85-90. (Corresponding author:
- I. Ullah Sarkar, M. M. Rahman, G.K.M. M. Rahman, U. A. Naher and M. N. Ahmed. 2016. Soil Test Based Inorganic Fertilizer and Integrated Plant Nutrition System for Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivation in Inceptisols of Bangladesh. The Agriculturists 14(1): 33-42.
- L. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, G.K.M.M. Rahman and Md. Nazmul Hasan, 2016. Carbon Emission and Accumulation from Different Organic Sources in Soil. Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science. 38(1), 45-59.
- H. Kabir, G. K. M. M. Rahman, Z. U. Ahmed, M. M. Rahman and M. M. Rahman. 2015 Spatial Variability of Rice Grain Arsenic in Confined and Unconfined Basins of Ganges River Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 8(2): 47-51. DOI:
- M.S. Abedin, M.A. Mannan, G.K.M.M. Rahman and A.J. Mridha. 2015. Growth and Yield Performance of Tidal Aman Rice as Influenced by USG Application at Non Tidal Condition. Bangladesh Agron. J. 18(1): 71-80.
- M. Rahman, M. Sultana, G.K.M.M. Rahman, A.R.M. Solaiman and M.S. Alam. 2015. Effect of different organic composts on soil fertility and tomato yield. Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science. 37(1), 25-34.
- S. Alam, A.R.M. Solaiman, G.K.M.M. Rahman, M.M. Rahman and M.M. Islam, 2015. Evaluation Rhizobium isolates in terms of nodulation, growth and yield of Chickpea. Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science. 37(1), 35-45.
- K.M.M. Rahman, M.S.I. Afrad and M.M. Rahman. 2014. Status of Compost Usage and Its Performance on Vegetable Production in Monga Areas of Bangladesh Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 4 (2): 22-28, Available online at
- M. Rahman, G.K.M.M. Rahman, M.S.I. Afrad and S. Islam. 2014. Effect of Organic Compost in Red Amaranth and Spinach Productivity and Soil Fertility. J. Environ. Sci & Natural Resources, 7(2): 1-6.
- M. Rahman, G. K. M. M. Rahman and M. S. I. Afrad. 2013. Effect of Household Waste and Chemical Fertilizers on the Yield of Red Amaranth, Indian Spinach and Tomato. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 17 (1& 2): 121-133
- M. Rahman, G K M Mustafizur Rahman and M.S.I. Afrad. 2013. Effect of Household Waste and Chemical Fertilizers on the Yield of Red Amaranth, Indian Spinach and Tomato. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 17 (1 & 7): 121 – 133.
- S. Afrin, M. S. I. Afrad, M. E. Haque, M. A. Hossain and G. K. M. M. Rahman. 2011. Impact of industrial wastes on soil and water. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 15 (1 & 2):47-58. [Bangladesh]
- Sarwarul Haque, A.R.M. Solaiman, A.J.M.Sirajul Karim, G K M Mustafizur Rahman and Md. Abdul Karim. 2011. Effect of organic manures on growth, yield and nutrient uptake in maize. Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 24(2): 135-144. [Bangladesh]
- Atikur Rahman, A.R.M. Solaiman, and G K M Mustafizur Rahman. 2011. Effect of nutrient solution on quality of Okra. Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 24(2): 155-160. [Bangladesh]
- Ashrafi R., Biswas M.H.R., GKM Mustafizur Rahman, Khatun R., and Islam M.R. 2010. Effect of Organic Manure on Nutrient Contents of Rice Grown in an Arsenic Contaminated Soil. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 45(3), 183-188. DOI:10.3329/bjsir.v45i3.6526 (Available online at [Bangladesh]
- Naushin Haider, Mohammad Safiqul Islam, Abdullah Al Maruf, Md. Hasanuzzaman Shohag, Rubaiya Ali, G.K.M. Mustafizur Rahman and Abul Hasnat. 2010. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status in Vitiligo Patients. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 01/2010; 9(2):103-108. DOI:10.3329/dujps.v9i2.7894
- Hossain, M.A., Uddin, M.K., Molla, A.H., Afrad, M.S.I., Rahman, M.M. and G.K.M.M. Rahman, 2010. Impact of Industrial Effluents Discharges on Degradation of Natural Resources and Threat to Food Security. The Agriculturists, 8(2), 80-87. [Bangladesh]
- Zebunnesa, Md. Mizanur Rahman and GKM Mustafizur Rahman, 2009. Accumulation of Trace Metals in Soils and Plants from Industrial Effluents. J. Environ. Sci & Natural Resources, 2(1), 211-214.
- A.B. Farooq Mia, G.K.M.M. Rahman and M.A Islam. 2008. Effect of Urea-N on Some Biochemical Parameters and Yield of Sesame. Progress. Agric. 18(1) : 75-84.
- A. Khan, M. E. Haque, G. K. M.M. Rahman and M. S. I. Afrad. 2008. Effectiveness of Group Approach in Disseminating Farm Information to the Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, Volume 20, No. 1 & 2: 1-8.
- K.M.M. Rahman, R. Ashrafi and M.R. Islam. 2007. Effects of Organic Manures on Yield and Arsenic Content of Boro Rice. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 13 (1):23-26.
- . Khatun, M.M.R. Khan, G.K.M.M. Rahman and I.J. Shelley. 2007. Arsenic Status of Shallow Tube-Well at Faridpur Sadar Upazilla and Its Relationship with Other Plant Nutrients. Progress. Agric. 18(1) : 33-40.
- K.M. Mustafizur Rahman, R.. Ashrafi, M.B. Hossain and M.L. Rahman. 2007. Response of T Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to S, Mg, Zn, B, Mo and Organic Amendments in Tista Meander Floodplain Soil. A scientific J. of krishi foundation: The Agriculturists. 5(1&2) : 14-19.
- S. Monira, M.Y. Miah, M.A.B. Mia and G.K.M.M. Rahman, 2007. Tomato Fruit Yield in Response to Organic Manuring. J. agric. educ. technol. 10 (1&2): 81-86.
- A. Mia Baset, Akter Sanjida, A.H. Molla and G.K.M. Mustafizur Rahman,. 2007. Poultry Manure with Inorganic Nitrogen on Growth and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.). A scientific J. of krishi foundation: The Agriculturists. 5(1&2): 101-108. [Bangladesh]
- K. M. Mustafizur Rahman and Motoyama, N. 1999. Bioavailability of Soil Bound Residues of Chlorpyrifos. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. vol. 5. [Bangladesh]
- Q. Haque, G.K.M.M. Rahman, M. I. Ali and M. H. Rahman, 1996. Evaluation of soil test methods for phosphorus and its critical limit for wheat in some soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Nuclear Agric. Vol. 12 : pp. 31-37.
- K.M.M. Rahman and M. I. Ali. 1994. Use of 32p as tracer for plant avilable phosphorus in some soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Nuclear Agric. Vol. 10. Pp. 17-24.
- A. Kashem, M. A. R.. Howlider, H. A. Begum and G.K.M.M. Rahman. 1994. Effect of Fertilizers and Spacings on the Disease Severities of Bacterial Leaf Blight and Sheath Blight of Rice. Bangladesh J. Sci. and Inds. Vol. xxix(3). Pp. 89-95. [Bangladesh]
- Asaduzzaman, M., Kohinoor, A.H.M., Islam, T. and G.K.M.M. Rahman. 1994. Effect of Bottom Soil on the Abundance of Benthic Fauna of Ponds. Bangladesh J. Nuclear Agric. 10:82-92
- Ali, M.I., K.M.M. Rahman and Haque, M.Q. 1993. Isotopically Exchangeable Phosphorus in Some Major Soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Nuclear Agric. Vol. 9: 95-99.
- K.M.M. Rahman, Ali, M. I. and Topder, B. K. 1991. Plant nutrient status of the soils of Bandarban sadar thana. Bangladesh J. Crop Sci. Vol. 2(2). Pp. 77-83.
- Ali, M.M., Ali, M. I. and K.M.M. Rahman. 1990. Response of rice to P and K fertilization in the Old Brahmaputra Flood Plain Soil of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Nuclear Agric. Vol. 5 & 6. Pp. 65-69.