Publication List :
1. M. P. Moon. (2019). Status of Female Labor Force Participation in Bangladesh: Trend and Factors. World Applied Sciences Journal 37 (5): 361-367, 2019, DOI:10.5829/idosi.wasj.2019.361.367.
2. Moon MP, Kabir MS, Begum F and Islam MM (2019). “Gender Violence: A Case of Rural Northwestern Region of Bangladesh” Sociology and Criminology,7(1): 1-5. DOI:10.4177/2375-4435.1000199.
3. Monira Parvin Moon. (2019). Some Case Studies of Gender Violence in Rural Bangladesh. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies,6(7): 1-5.
4. M.S. Kabir, M.P. Moon, Rashedul Islam. (2019). Women Participation in Integrated Dairy Farming and Household Food Security in Sirajganj District.Science Arena Publicatiuons, specialty Journal of Humanities and Cultural Science. (4) 3: 1-6.
5. M. P. Moon (2018). Trends and Patterns in Gender Violence: What does the Bangladeshi National Popular Newspaper Say? Scholars Bulletin, 4 (12): 905-909.DOI: 10.21276/sb.2018.4.12.5.
6. Monira Parvin Moon and M. Kamruzzaman (2018). Mortality Experience Trends in Bangladesh: Present and Past Facts. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 13 (2): 11- 20, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.hssj.2018.11.20.