The Department offers 29.5 credit courses of Veterinary Medicine for undergraduate students.
Undergraduate Courses:
- General Medicine—(3+1.5)
- Farm Animal Medicine—(3+1.5)
- Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine—(3+1.5)
- Avian Medicine—(3+1.5)
- Wildlife, Zoo, Aquatic and Companion Animal Medicine—(3+1.5)
- Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases of Farm Animals—(2+0)
- Forensic Medicine, Jurisprudence and Animal Welfare—(3+0)
- Medicine(Clinics)—(0+2)
MED 361 General Medicine (4.5 cr.)
Theory (3.0 Cr.)
Introduction; Terminology; Techniques/methods (general and special) of clinical examination of animals; Clinical findings; Interpretation of significant clinical findings for diagnosis; Physical examination findings of clinical specimens; Diagnosis; Prognosis, Clinical advice; Treatment; Principles of selection of drugs and determination of dose, route, frequency and duration of treatment; General systemic states.
Practical (1.5 Cr.)
Animal restraint; Demonstration of general (including modified forms) and special physical examination techniques; Handling of clinical cases; Filling up of clinical investigation record forms; Clinical specimens; Methods of administration of drugs; Demonstration of drugs, dispensing and prescription writing.
MED 401 Farm Animal Medicine (4.5 cr.)
Theory (3.0 Cr.)
Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and control of specific infectious diseases (caused by bacteria, virus, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Rickettsia, algae, fungi, protozoa, helminthes and arthropod parasites), specific non-infectious diseases (production and nutritional deficiency diseases), diseases associated with chemical and physical agents, poisons, allergy, inheritance of undesirable characters and unknown etiology in cattle, buffaloes, horses, goats, sheep and pigs.
Practical ( 1.5 Cr.)
Clinical investigation of various diseases and performance problems and their management; Handling of clinical cases; Clinical specimens; Recording of at least 30 clinical cases with post-treatment evaluation and interpretation in a note book; Farm visit.
MED 431 Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine (4.5 cr.)
Theory (3.0 Cr.)
Epidemiology: Introduction; Terminology; Determinants & causation of diseases; Temporal patterns of disease occurrence and trends; Veterinary ecology; Measurements of health and disease in population; Descriptive epidemiology; Explanatory epidemiology and ecology; Infectious diseases epidemiology; Epidemiologic investigation and risk analysis.
Preventive Medicine: Introduction; Principles and methods of disease prevention and control; Evaluation of disease management programs in population; Disease emergencies; Prevention, control, eradication and elimination of important diseases of the animals with particular reference to List A, List B (TAD) and List C diseases.
Practical ( 1.5 Cr.)
Epidemiology: Questionnaires; Data; Demonstration of association and identification of risk factors; Epidemiologic response variables and properties of diagnostic tests;
Preventive Medicine: Demonstration of risk factors in population and management; Demonstration of biosecurity, disease security, hygienic and sanitary measures; Disease management programs in population.
MED 432 Avian Medicine (4.5 cr.)
Theory (3.0 Cr.)
Clinical Poultry Medicine: Introduction; Definition, causes, patho-physiology, pathogenesis, clinical characteristics (signalment, anamnesis, nature of onset, clinical signs, course and severity, physical findings of specimens), mass diagnosis, mass treatment and prognosis of general, infectious, metabolic and nutritional deficiency diseases and diseases caused by poisons in poultry.
Preventive Poultry Medicine: Introduction; Concepts of biosecurity, disease security and flock immunity; Frequency, distribution, ecology, temporal patterns and trends, risk factors, economic impact, prevention, control and eradication of general, infectious, metabolic and nutritional deficiency diseases and diseases caused by poisons in poultry; Handling of disease outbreaks.
Production Poultry Medicine: Flock health; Mathematical techniques in flock health management; Record systems and flock monitoring, culling and improvement; Hatchery and hatching eggs.
Practical ( 1.5 Cr.)
Demonstration of clinical signs of poultry diseases; Clinical specimens; Methods of administration of drugs in mass treatment, and vaccination; Epidemiologic investigation of disease; Measurement of poultry health and disease variables; Vaccination and disease control programs; Demonstration of materials used in preventive and control measures; Field trips to public and private poultry farms.
MED 461 Wildlife, Zoo, Aquatic & Companion Animal Medicine (4.5 cr.)
Theory (3.0 Cr.)
Zoo and Laboratory Animal Medicine: Introduction; Animal status in different zoos in Bangladesh; Ethology; Stress; Principles of diagnosis of diseases; Important diseases of common species of zoo animals of the following orders: Aves, Reptiles and mammals (Marsupialia, Edentata, Chiroptera, Non-human primates, Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Carnivora, Proboscidea, Perissodactyla and Artiodactylia).
Small Animal Medicine: Introduction; General systemic states; Disorders of different systems; Diseases of eye, ear, and skin; Special diseases caused by virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoa, helminthes; Non-infectious diseases
Practical ( 1.5 Cr.)
Methods of restraining; Demonstration of drugs and vaccines; Methods of clinical examination; Requirements and planning for establishing an ideal zoological garden, laboratory animal house and small animal clinic; Recording of clinical cases and their prescription writing, post-treatment evaluation and interpretation; Field trips to the CVH, Dhaka zoo, Bangabandu safari park and other private small animal clinic for practical classes.
MED 501 Metabolic & Nutritional Diseases of Farm Animals (2 cr.)
Theory (2.0 Cr.)
Metabolic diseases: Introduction; Compton metabolic profile test; Etiology, epidemiology, clinical findings, pathogenesis, clinical pathology, necropsy findings, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and/or control of important metabolic diseases of farm animals.
Nutritional diseases: Protein- energy deficiency diseases; Vitamin-mineral deficiency diseases; Diseases caused by chemicals, poisons, toxins, physical agents, hypersensitivity reactions, inheritance of undesirable characters.
MED 502 Forensic Medicine, Jurisprudence & Animal Welfare (3 cr.)
Theory (3.0 Cr.)
Forensic Medicine, Jurisprudence: Introduction, legal system – criminal courts and powers; vetero-legal wounds; determination of age of injury; common frauds in the sale of livestock and its products; Common offences against animals; Examination of live and dead animals in criminal cases and submission of vetero-legal specimens; Vetero-legal report writing; Vetero-legal evidence; Veterinary legislations; Bangladesh Veterinary Council; Professional conduct, professional malpractices, liability, veterinary ethics, animal insurance.
Animal welfare: Introduction: Causes of welfare problems of different classes of animals; Control of animal welfare problems-Animal welfare regulations.
MED 503 Medicine (Clinics) (2 cr.)
Practical (2.0 Cr.)
Handling of clinical cases of individual sick animals and birds attended at Veterinary Teaching Hospital of BSMRAU; Collection, physical examination and dispatch of specimens to the laboratory; Preparation of a note book which will include a) recording of at least 30 clinical cases with post-treatment evaluation and interpretation (approved format prescribed by the department concern).
Minimum Course and Research Requirement for MS degree1
A. Major Courses | Cr. | Minor Courses | Cr. | ||
1a. Core | 15 | 2a. Minor Core | 3 | ||
MED 601 | General Food Animal Medicine | 3 | DPS 667 | Research Methodology | 3 |
MED 602 | Special Food Animal Medicine | 3 | |||
MED 603 | Veterinary Clinical Medicine | 2 | |||
MED 631 | Avian Medicine | 3 | |||
MED 632 | Veterinary Epidemiology | 2 | |||
MED 633 | Preventive Veterinary Medicine | 2 | |||
1b. Elective | 9 | 2b. Elective | 6 | ||
MED 604 | Specialized Diagnostic Medicine | 3 | PHA 603 | Chemotherapy of Parasitic and Infectious Diseases | 3 |
MED 605 | Veterinary Clinical Equipments and Therapeutics | 3 | PHA 605 | Food Toxicology | 3 |
MED 606 | Veterinary Forensic Medicine and Animal Welfare | 3 | PHA 633 | Toxicology of Pesticides and other Toxic Agents | 3 |
MED 607 | Veterinary Paediatrics | 3 | PHA 663 | Drug Delivery and Metabolism | 3 |
MED 608 | Dairy Animal Medicine | 3 | PHY 636 | Wildlife Physiology | 3 |
MED 609 | Equine and Porcine Medicine | 3 | PBL 614 | Clinical Pathology | 3 |
MED 634 | Zoonotic Diseases and Community Medicine | 3 | BTL 505 | Lab. Techniques in Biotechnology | 3 |
MED 635 | Veterinary Dermatology | 3 | BTL 535 | Animal Biotechnology | 3 |
MED 636 | Veterinary Comparative Medicine | 3 | STT 510 | Design of Experiments | 3 |
MED 661 | Pet Animal Medicine | 3 | MPH 615 | Techniques in Microbiology and Immunology | 3 |
MED 662 | Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine | 3 | MPH 650 | Veterinary Public Health | 3 |
MED 663 | Laboratory Animal Medicine | 3 | Other courses2 | ||
MED 664 | Veterinary Clinical Immunology | 3 | |||
MED 665 | Aquatic Medicine | 3 | |||
B. Seminar | 1 | ||||
MED 698 | Seminar | 1 | |||
C. Thesis Research | 12 | ||||
MED 699 | Thesis Research | Variable | |||
Total | 46 |
1Degree requirements may be changed on the recommendation of the Board of Studies and the Advisory Committee
2Approved by the Advisory Committee