Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
Salna, Gazipur-1706
Thesis and Dissertation of MS & Ph.D. which are available at the BSMRAU Library
Up to January, 2024
Compiled by: BSMRAU library
Sl.# | Author | Title | Dept. | Degree | Year | Page | Remarks | |
01. | Kamal Uddin Mollah | Effect of Bulb size on Seed Production of two onion varieties. | HRT | MS | 1982-83 | 56 | ||
02. | A.K.M. Shahriar | Management of rice Seedling Damping of caused by achlya spp. In green house condition. | PLP | M Sc. | 1983-84 | 33 | ||
03. | Naresh. Ch. Dev. Barma | Variability, interrelationship in their relationship and path coefficient analysis in bread wheat. | GPB | MS | 1983-84 | 59 | ||
04. | Mansura Begum | Seed maturation of four varieties of rice | AGR | MS | 1982-83 | 57 | ||
05. | Md. Ismail Hossain Mian | Fungi of rough rice grains during storage and their relationship with germinability. | PLP | MS | Oct./ 1974 | 53 | ||
06. | A.G.M. Shah Alam Mazumder | A study on the performance of thir een chinese cabbage lines | HRT | MS | 1982-83 | 31 | ||
07. | A.M. Md. Mosiul Hoque | Growth yield and seed quality of two snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris L. ) varieties as affected by Irrigation frequency and fertilizer materials. | HRT | MS | Mar./ 1988 | 212 | ||
08. | Md. Tajul Islam | The effect of long term cropping pattern on the productivity of selected farms in Batangas. | AGR | MS | Dec./ 1985 | 80 | ||
09. | Md. Ashraf Ali Choudhury | Effect of water regime on yield and nitrogen up take of boro rice | AGR | MS | 1983-84 | 45 | ||
10. | Malay Chandan Saha | Inheritance of yield and Component characters in Brinjal | HRT | MS | 1983-84 | 48 | ||
11. | Md. Hasan Hafizur Rahman | Response of soybean to rhilzobium inoculation and fertilizer application | SSC | MS | 1983-84 | 47 | ||
12. | Sushanta Majumder | Influence of root and shoot pruning on seed preduction of carrot. | HRT | MS | 1983-84 | 41 | ||
13. | Paresh Chandra Golder | Effect of fertilizers and organic manure on the growth and yield of Banana on hillslope | HRT | MS | 1983-84 | 69 | ||
14. | Jatish chandra Biswas | Influence of carbo furan on leaf senescence Nitrogen uptare and yield attributes of mugbean | AGR | MS | 1983-84 | 43 | ||
15. | Md. Nurul Islam | Effect of mixed cropping Aus rice and foxtail millet at varying seeding ratios. | AGR | MS | 1983-84 | 38 | ||
16. | Md. Ayub Ali | Mechanism of resistance of some rice varieties to rice tangro virus complex | PLP | MS | 1983-84 | 58 | ||
17. | Md. Sakhawat Hossain | Efficicy of nematicides and oil cakes for control of root knot (meloidogyne incognita) on potato seedlings. | PLP | MS | 1983-84 | 43 | ||
18. | Golenur Begum | Effects of date of planting on the growth and seed yield of cabbage. | HRT | MS | 1983-84 | 40 | ||
19. | Md. Rafiqul Haque | Yield and quality of radish seeds as influenced by different levels of root and shoot cuts. | HRT | MS | 1983-84 | 45 | ||
20. | A.K.Md. A Hannan Bhuiyan | Annalysis of the role of contract farmers in the traning and visit system of extension in comilla district of Bangladesh
AEE | MS | 24/6/69 | 250 | ||
21. | A.K.Md. A Hannan Bhuiyan | A Qualtative evaluation of two integrated pest management training programs in nueva ecija province philippines, | AEE | MS | 24/6/89 | 178 | ||
22, | Md.Sirajul Islam | Stddy on different analyical methods for potassium deter mination in some Selected soils of Bangladesh | SSC | M.S | 1983-84 | 81 | ||
23. | A. W.R Hassan | Effect of rhizobium indculation and nitrogen fertilization on nodultion growth and yield of groundnet | SSC | M.S | 1983-84 | 56 | ||
24. | Md. Abdul Matin | Effect of sowing time on performance of two hyacinty bean varieties | HRT | MS | 1984-85 | 46 | ||
25. | Md. Wahiduzzaman Mia | Genetic analysis in country Bean sweet | GPB | MS | 1984-85 | 73 | ||
26. | Saiyed Md Ibrahim | A study on the variabilityand character association in tomatoes | GPB | MS | 1984-85 | 59 | ||
27. | Md. Aminul Islam | Response of two radish varieties under different moisture regimes | HRT | MS | 1984-85 | 49 | ||
28. | Paul michael Hasewa | Further investigations on shoot apex culture of asparagus officinalis L. | PLSC | MS | March/1992 | 59 | ||
29. | Younes Rabi | Studies on graft compatibility of some varieties of lemono pammelo rootstock. | HORT | MS | 1984-85 | 55 | ||
30. | Jakhro Anwar Ali | Variability of Rice yield Response to fertilization in A santa rita series in ILOILO in relation to some soil chemical properties. | SSC | Ph.D | 1980 | 227 | ||
31. | Francis Bolton | Double cropping Rainfed Rice in iloilo province central Philippines | TAD | Ph.D. | 264 | |||
32. | Md. Nur-E Elahi | Growth & Development characteristics affecting the yield permormance of nine varieties of soybeans planted immediately after rice in two climtic regions of the phillipines | AGR | Ph.D | 203 | |||
33. | md. Shafiqul Islam Mamin | Effect of different population densities on the yield and other characters of two groundnut varieties | AGR | MS | 1984-85 | 73 | ||
34. | Kazi Mamtazur Rahman | Response of soybean (Glycine max L. merr) to rhizobium inoculation and urea application. | SSC | MS | 1984-85 | 62 | ||
35. | Md. Nazibur Rahman | A Comparative Evaluation of different methods of pollination on sunflower seed production | ENT | MS | 1984-85 | 36 | ||
36. | Amanda Chandra Das | Effect of cultural practices on the damping off incidence a of STPS seedling and its chemical control in vitro. | PLP | MS | 1984-85 | 50 | ||
37. | Md. Asadul Haque | response of soybean (glycine maxl merr) to Rhizobium inoculation and fertilizer application | SSC | MS | 1984-85 | 59 | ||
Mir Shah Alam | Response of groundnut (Arachis hypoguca linn) to Rhizobium inculation and fertilizer application
MS | 48 | |||
39. | Quazi Liaqat Ali | A Study on the evaluation of growth of and yield performance of rape seed cultivars.
AGR | MS | 1984-85 | 39 | ||
40. | Md. Zohural Islam | Effects of manuring on physical propertiss of soil | SSC | MS | 1984-85 | 58 | ||
41. | Dewan Nesar Ahmed | Mycoflora Associated with developing wheat grains | PLP | MS | 1984-85 | 50 | ||
42. | Bilash Chandry Roy | Effect of seedling age on growth and yield of Boro Rice | AGR | MS | 1984-85 | 50 | ||
43. | A. Jalal Mondol | Effect of different mini mum tillage techniques and mulching on the performance of potato. | AGR | MS | 1983-84 | 38 | ||
44. | Sioddique Shafiul Basgar | Variability in seed Dormancy and tolerance to accelerated ageing of seed in rice oryza sativa L. | AGR | MS | 1986 | 146 | ||
45. | Firozahmed | Control of foot and Root Rot of wheat. | PLP | MS | 1983-84 | 44 | ||
46. | A study on the prospect of growing wheat mustard and gran under zero tillage condition | AGR | MS | 1982-83 | 25 | |||
47. | Alam Md. Zinnatul | A Nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NP) of Pseudoplusia includens (Walrer) (Lepidopterh. Moctuidae) Effects on larval feeding and biological control potential. | ENT | MS | 1983 | 60 | ||
48. | Effect of different levels of nitrogen on the growth yield and quality of Banana cv. Amritasagar. | HRT | MS | 1982-83 | 47. | |||
49. | Abdul Hamid | Effect of seed rates on the yield and yield contriibuting characters of two mutants of black gram and their parental cultivar. | AGR | MS | 1982-83 | 34 | ||
50. | Abdul Hamid | Performance of upland crops and their residual effects on rice in the humid tropics. | AGR | MS | 1982
68 | ||
51. | A. B. M. Mafizur Rahman | Growth and metabolic response of saccharum species in relation to flooding. | AGR | Ph.D. | 1983 | 102 | ||
52. | Mohd. Abdul Quadir | Performance of a few Varieties of Banana under two soil condition. | HRT | MS | 1975
59 | ||
53. | Effect of soil texure and soil moisture on germination of wheat seed under different soil types | AGR | MS | 1981-82 | 41 | |||
54. | Abdul Quadir | Chilling injury studies with the pickling cucumber (Cucumis sativusl) | HRT | MS | 1983. | 112 | ||
55. | Anan Polthanee | The effect of nitrogen fertilizer application method and depth planting on dry seeded rice
AGR | MS | 1980 | 118 | ||
56. | Md. Matiur Rahman | Attitudes of the farmers towards high yielding variety of rice and organizational effectivness of ARPP.
AEE | MS | 1974 | 135 | ||
57. | Md. Abdul Awal | Growth and yield of gima Kalmi as influenced by organic manuring and harvest frequency.
HRT | MS | 1984-85 | 51. | ||
58. | Md. Ismail Hossain Mian | Organic Amendmcnts of soil control of plant parasitic nematodes.
PLP | MS | 1982. | 102 | ||
59. | Md. Tauhidul Iqbal | Performance of mustard and lentil grown in different mixed and intercrop combinations | AGR | MS | 1984-85 | 59 | ||
60. | Md. Shan-E-Alam | Study on the varietal response of mustard to ethyl methanesul Phonate (EMS)and diethyl solkate (des) in M Generation | GPB | MS | 1976 | 130 | ||
61. | Arun Kumar | Biological effects of gamma-Rays and ethylmethane sulphate (ems) on dry seeds of tetraploid and hexaploid wheats. | GPB | MS | 1976 | 138 | ||
62. | A. J. M. Abdullah Bari | Effect of gypsum top dressing in groundnut inter cropped with maize | AGR | MS | 1984-85 | 44 | ||
63. | Md. Badre Alam | Role of Honey Bee blowfly and open pollination on onion seed production. | ENT | MS | 1985-86 | 35 | ||
64. | Farhad Jameel | Agricultural knowledge flows: A systems analysis and its application to the design of an operational model for Bangladesh | BRRI | Ph.D | 1988 | 237 | ||
65. | Pankaz Kanti-Majumder | Control of Damping of diseases of TPS seedlings | PLP | MS | 1985-86 | 52 | ||
66. | Md. Firoz Alan Sikddar | Studies on some epidemho calogieal Aspect of Rice seedling Dampings off | PLP | MS | 1985-86 | 35 | ||
67. | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Studies on the seed Borne fungal and nematode pathogens of Rice in Bangladesh | PLP | MS | 1985-86 | 51 | ||
68. | Md. Abdus Samad | Suitability of different puls as host of calloso bruchus. Chinensis line and C. Maculatus fab in storace. | ENT | MS | 1985-86 | 48 | ||
69. | Arunendra Bhowmik | Study of Heterosisin 22 rice crosses. | GPB | MS | 1974 | 111 | ||
70 | Md. Mustafizur Rahman | A Study of the quantitative characters of mutants in M3 and M4 Generations of Rice (oryza satival.) Var nizerail. | GPB | MS | 1974-75 | 104 | ||
71. | A. H. Jaffor Ullah | A study of the variations in some Quantitative characters of rice varities pular and IR 8-288-3 after Hybridization and seed IRRADIATION. | CBT | MS | 1978 | 2/91 | ||
72. | Md. Abdus Samad | Effect of Different leaves and their sizes on yield and some yield controibuting characters in Rice (oryza Satival.). | GPB | MS | 1971-72 | 50 | ||
73. | Md. Abdul Mazid | Effect of Chemical weed control on yield of direct seeded rainfeed lowland rice. | AGR | MS | 1985-86 | 24 | ||
74. | Shahabuddin Ahamad | Studies on the comparative performances of 15 cauliflower varieties | HRT | MS | 1984-86 | 45 | ||
75. | Satya Ranjan Saha | Performance of Radish seeds obtained from different time of sowing and spacing. | HRT | MS | 1985-86 | 45 | ||
76. | Md. Zinnatul Alam | Studies on the mating behavioue and sex pheromone of jute hairy chterpillar, diacrista obliqua waiker (Leplooptera : Arctidae) | ENT | MS | 1974 | 58 | ||
77 | Tapan Kumar Paul | Some quantative aspects of two tomato cultivars at different stages of fruit development and maturity. | HRT | MS | 1985-86 | 49 | ||
78 | Paritosh Kumar Malakar | Development of Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne in cognita) in Jute and susceptibility of three fibre crops to the pest. | PLP | MS | 1985-86 | 67 | ||
79 | Md. Hasan Ashrafuzzaman | Studies on the chemical control of rice blast caused by piricularia oryzae cav. | PLP | MS | 1968 | 91 | ||
80 | Md. Khalilur Rahman | Variavility and character association in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different growing conditions. | GPB | MS | 1985-86 | 56 | ||
81 | Md. Zakir Hossain | Stability analysis for yield and its components in brassica. | GPB | MS | 1984-85 | 67 | ||
82 | Shamsul Arifin Bhuiya | Seed borne nature of pyricularia aoryzaecav. | PLP | MS | 1985-86 | 39 | ||
83 | Jamil Hyber | Effect of different herbicides on nitrogen fixation of symbiotic system viciafaba Rhtzobium Leguminosarum. | SSC | Ph.D | 1983 | 110 | ||
84 | Mohammad Ali | Breeding Eggplant Rootstock of multiple Disease Resistance | GPB | Ph.D | 1991 | 139 | ||
85 | Manir Lal Banirk | Effect of water table depth. On growth and yield performance of Mungbean | AGR | MS | 1985-86 | 33 | ||
86 | Md. Abul Kalam Azad | Personnal functions and Job satisfaction a case study of the institute of post graduate studies in agriculture IPSA | Admin. | MS | 1990-91 | 103 | ||
87 | Md. Kamruzzaman | Influence of different types and methods of cuttings on the succsess of propagation for some ornamental plants. | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 60 | ||
88 | Md. Moinuddin | Contribution of splitting Tiller(s) from mother plant of T-Aman its Economic I. Importance | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 50 | ||
89 | Swapan Kumar Dakua | Performance of chickpea and wheat under mixed and intercropping at variable seeding rations. | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 48 | ||
90 | Dilip Kumar Pyne | Variation in isolates of colletotrichum falcatim went the causal fungus of red rot of sugarcane. | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 52 | ||
91 | Abu Hena Mohamad Jafar | Prevalence pathogenicity and control of seed borne fungi of true potato seed (TPS) | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 62 | ||
92 | Md. Jahidul Amin | Performance of chick Pea and linseed Intercropping at Variable Row Ratios | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 43 | ||
93 | Shamsun Nahar | Development of Meloidogyne Incognita in three Fibre Crops and its control through seed treatment. | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 47 | ||
94 | Md. Hohiuddin Alamgir Khan | Development of Meloidogyne Graminicola in Rice Root. | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 47 | ||
95 | Mahamood Hasan | Competitve behaviour of four Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) genoty grown in mixture | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 67 | ||
96 | Md. Rezaul Karim | Effect of Decomposition period on the Efficacy of mustard and cotton seed oil cakes for control of root-Knot nematode (Meloidoeyne Incognita)in Eggplant | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 40 | ||
97 | Sayed Zahirul Islam | Growth and pathogenicity of some isolates of sclerotium rolfs 11 sacc. | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 34 | ||
98 | SK. Abdullah Chowdhury | Yield of carrot as influenced by Different water regions
HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 56 | ||
99 | Radheshyan Sarker | Effect of Inoculum levels of meloidogyne Javanica an root-knot of jute and suscepilibility of some varieties of Jute and Brinjal to the nematode
PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 34 | ||
100 | Main Uddin Ahmed | Studies on Reproduction : Mating and oviposition in Nezaraviridula linnaeus (Hemiptera. Pentatomidae) | ENT | MS | 1986-87 | 45 | ||
101 | Md. Ashfaqul Islam Babool | Effect of planting patterns and different Nitrogen levels on the performance of Tomato | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 92 | ||
102 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Performance of Guava (Psidium guaval) Varieties planted at different Hill Elevations. | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 59 | ||
103 | Md. Mahbub Shaheen | Effect of soil temperature on the decomposition of plant residue and microbial biomass in upland soil of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | 1986-87 | 47 | ||
104 | Md. Moniruzzaman | Water use of wheat in relation to management practice and Irrigation | SSC | Ms | 1986-87 | 50 | ||
105 | Md. Noakharul Islam | Effect of Moisture Regimes on Growth and Yield of Boro Rice | SSC | MS | 1986-87 | 39 | ||
106 | Zahir Uddin Mahmud | Influence of sowing time on forage and seed Production of two varieties of spinach | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 60 | ||
107 | Md. Sukur Ali | Crossability studies in Capsicov. | GPB | MS | 1986-87 | 50 | ||
108 | Banik Ram Krishna | Time of Nitrogen application in direct seeded low land rice | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 39 | ||
109 | Md. Mahbubul Islam | Influence of stage of Harvest on yield and quality of jute fibre | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 33 | ||
110 | Syeda Shahnaz Akkas | Effects of spacing and support on the growth and yield of lablab bean (Lablab purpureus (sweet) | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 36 | ||
111 | Md. Masud parves | Effect of clipping at different stages of growth on the performance of grasspea (lathyrus sativusz) | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 53 | ||
112 | Md. Akhteruzzaman | Effect of planting time and spacing on the seed yield of cabbage | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 40 | ||
113 | Md. Mostafa Kamal | Trichoderma species in Bangladesh soil their straw decomposition abilities and effects on rhizoctonia solani kuhn | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 73 | ||
114 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Resistance in solanum species to meloidogyne incgnita and patgoganibity and control of the nematode | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 40 | ||
115 | Momtaz Ahmad | Colour polymorphism in adult nezara viriduza linnaeus (Hepliptera: pentato midae) | ENT | MS | 1986-87 | 41 | ||
116 | Md. Anwar Hossain | Growth anazysis of BR3 & BR14 grown under different nitrogen levels during aus season. | CBT | MS | 1986-87 | 56 | ||
117 | Abdullah Al amin | A study on the effect of seed size and seeding depth on the yield performance of wheat. | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 30 | ||
118 | Nilufar Islam | Canopy structure dry matter production and light interception in brassica species grown at varying population densities.
AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 45 | ||
119 | Anamul Haque Bhwyan | Effect of different levels of phosphorys on the growth and yield of lablab bean lines.
HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 43 | ||
120 | Md. Mohidur Rahman | Seanal variation on growth development and yield of seame/sesamum indicum | CBT | MS | 1986-87 | 63 | ||
121 | Md. Abdul Hafiz | Effect of accelerated ageing on germination seedling emergence and seedling growth of some rice cultvars (oryza satival) | AGR | MS | 1986-87 | 58 | ||
122 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Effect of plant density on the yield and quality of cabbage head and seed. | HRT | MS | 1986-87 | 41 | ||
123 | Albert Heinrich vandar | Influence of nitrogen and calcium on cooking quality and minaral content of xauthosoma sagittae folium | HRT | Ph.D. | 1970 | 55 | ||
124 | Jayantiprasad Purusottamdas Bhatt. | Protein and amino acid contents of southern peas (vigna sinensis(L) endl.) and their relation ship to anthocyanin development. | HRT | Ph.D. | 1970 | 139 | ||
125 | Kazi Benozir Alam | Genetic regulation of Host selective toxin production minus mutant of pyrenophora ability to produce Host selective toxing in Wheat. | PLP | MS | 1989 | 129 | ||
126 | Chowdhury Doza Md. Sarwar | Genetic Analysis of physiological and Morphological traits associated with potential plant reproductive proten in mungbean (Vigna rariata (l) wizczer) | GPB | Ph.D | 1989 | 155 | ||
127 | Piter J. Bartny | Elusive villages : social structure and community organization in rural east Pakistan) | 1993 | 203 | ||||
128 | Md. Nurul Islam | Effect of intercropping onion garic and coriander with cabbage and cauliflower | HRT | MS | 1985-86 | 39 | ||
129 | Md. Khirul Bashar | Genetic studies of rice xlemuessels and related characters in relation to drought avoidance mechanisms. | GPB | MS | 1987 | 179 | ||
130 | Farhad Jameel | An evaluation of the four month rice production specialist training conducted by Bangladesh rice research institute | AEE | MS | 1980 | 151 | ||
131 | Salah Uddin Ahamed | Influence of seedling age and transplanting time of the day on the plant establishment of some transplanted vagetables | HRT | MS | 1980-87 | 67 | ||
132 | Nilufar Hye Karim | Photosynthesis and growth of rice (oryza satival.) as influenced by potassium nitrate and urea fertilization | AGR | Ph.D | 1978 | 114 | ||
133 | Md. Nazrul Islam Sarker | Induction of genetic variability in wheat (Triticum asetivuml) through gamma Irragation. | GPB | MS | 1986-87 | 69 | ||
134 | Md. Ramjan Bahar | Control of ufra and its influence on severity of Blast brown spot and sheath blight of rice. | PLP | MS | 1986-87 | 36 | ||
135 | S.B. Naseem | Influence of water deficit and water relations growth and yield of dry seeded rice. | AGR | Ph.D | 1993 | 200 | ||
136 | Md. Tajul Islam | Eco physiological studies on photosynthesis and dry matter production in mungbean (vigna radiata(L.) wiczer. | AGR | Ph.D | 1994 | 212 | ||
137 | Nahida Akter | Effect of Naa and planting time of the yield and quality of summer tomato.
HRT | MS | 1987-88 | 50 | ||
138 | Md. Kamrussaman Miah | Influence of honey bee on pollination and seed production in synthesized cabbage (Brassica napusl.) | ENT | MS | 1992 | 55 | ||
139 | Md. Arshad Hossain | Effects of low temperature on bulbil formation and Yield of four Genetics | HRT | MS | 92-05-109 | 48 | ||
140 | Kanai Lal Das | Effect of Phosphorus on growth modulation and enzymatic activities of Mungbean | SSC | MS | 91-08-046 | 59 | ||
141 | Md. Aziz Zilani Chowdhury | Genetic Divergence analysis in soybean (Glycine max(L) Merril) | GPB | MS | 91-08-006 | 68 | ||
142 | Md. Shafizuddin | In-Vitro Propagation of Thuja(thuja Orientalis) Through shoot tip culture | HRT | MS | 92-05-100 | 36 | ||
143 | Md. Siddiqur Rahman | Study on the Mode of pollination and Role of Pollination Agents in Mustard. | ENT | MS | 91-08-005 | 45 | ||
144 | Md. Nurul Islam | Effect of Soil Amondments with or without effective microorganisms on growth and yield of string bean (Viona sesquipedalls) | HRT | MS | 91-11-093 | |||
145 | Abul Kassem Md. Rafiul Alam | Study on Genetic divergence in Radish. | GPB | MS | 91-08—52 | 47 | ||
146 | Dipak Kumar Roy | Studies on the prevalence and some properties of Bottlegour Mosaic virus. | PLP | MS | 91-08-052 | 51 | ||
147 | Md. Hamim Reza | Yield Attributes and cytology of some local and exotic Allium species | HRT | MS | 91-08-031 | 47 | ||
148 | Md. Amir Hossain | Intra and Interspecifi cross compatibility in momordica Momordica. | GPB | MS | 91-08-29 | 59 | ||
149 | Md. Nazmul Amin Majumder | Water Stress Effects on cell membrane stability Gas exchange Seed yield and yield attributes of synthesized Brassica Napusl. | AGR | MS | 91-11-062 | 42 | ||
150 | Md. Abdul Maleque Talukder | Effect of Crop density and time of weeding on the performance of Mung Bean | AGR | MS | 91-08-013 | 52 | ||
151 | Md. Saraf Uddin | Yield Nutritive value and post harvest loss of ascorbic acid in photoinsemsitive lablab bean (Lablab purpureus) during summer. | HRT | MS | 1993 | 58 | ||
152 | Md. Motiul Quader | Control of Root-Knot of tomato Grown in infested jute Field. | PLP | MS | 1993 | 36 | ||
153 | Farid Ahmed | Damage Potential and Parasitolds of mango defoliatori cricul trifenes trata Helfer (Shturnibae: Lepidoptera). | ENT | 91-08-053 | 57 | |||
154 | A. K.M. Mzibur Rahman | Induction of genetic variability in Mung Bean (vigna Rapiata (L) wilczer) Through Gamma-Irradiation) | GPB | 91-08-030 | 73 | |||
155 | Md. Ezaz Al Mamun | Genetic Analysis and Heterosis in Cucumber | GPB | MS | 1993 | 60 | ||
156 | Shaheen Ahmed | Comparative Performance of Tomatoes during summer and winter | HRT | 92-05-108 | 38 | |||
157 | Md. Wahiduzzaman | Studies on the insect predatory of the black drongo in rice ecosystem. | ENT | 91-08-028 | 59 | |||
158 | Kaiser Khan | Comparative Studies on yield and Quality of some cultivars of yardlong Bean (Vigna sesquipedalis L.) | HRT | MS | 91-08-025 | 48 | ||
159 | Sheikh Md. Mobarak Hossain | Seedling Mortality due to rice root-knot Nema tode and varictal suscep Tibility to the pest and its control | PLP | MS | 91-08-016 | 55 | ||
160 | Mian Sayeed Hassan | Genotypic variation in yield of Blackrgram (Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper) in Relation to morphological and Physiological characters | AGR | MS | 91-08-032 | 49 | ||
161 | Nasreen Nuzhat Hoque | Micropropagation of native and Exotic Orchids. | HRT | MS | 92-05-107 | 49 | ||
162 | M. M. Anwar Hossain | Effect of Manures and Nitrogen on Microbial Biomass After two different cropping seasons. | HRT | MS | 91-08-004 | 35 | ||
163 | Md. Zashim Uddin | Influence of Pre-conditioning seed Treatments on Emergence and Seedling Vigour of Indian Olive and Jujube. | HRT | MS | 91-08-007 | 76 | ||
164 | S. M. Zamir Hossain | Control of Potato Tuber Moth (Lepidoptera: Gelechii DAE) in storage. | ENT | MS | 91-08-058 | 46 | ||
165 | Noor Alam Md. Shfiqul Huda | Evaluation of the rice production specilist Training progran of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute |
MS |
91-08-026 |
71 |
166 | Abdul Hamid | Seed Development. Quality and yield of five selected Mungbean Genotypes. | AGR | MS | 91-11-038 | 50 | ||
167 | Md. Altaf Hossain Chowdhury | Water Stress effection leaf photosynthesis and yield of Mung Bean | AGR | MS | 91-08-038 | 52 | ||
168 | Md. Korban Ali | Farmers Response to spaced transplanting technology of sugarcane. | AEE | MS | 91-08-039 | 74 | ||
169 | Md. enamul Haque | Adoption of BR14 during Boro Season | AEE | MS | 91-08-045 | 89 | ||
170 | Babu Lal Nag | Evaluation of Richness of upland and Lowland soil seed bank at three. Selected Temperature Regimes. | AGR | MS | 91-08-039 | 43 | ||
171 | Md. Nurul Islam | Problem and prospects of small scale poultry farming in Bangladesh | AEE | MS | 91-11-071 | 100 | ||
172 | Md. Humayun Kabir Howlader | Some qualitative aspects of local chilli morphotypes at diferent stages of fruit development | CBT | MS | 91-08-020 | 59 | ||
173 | S. M. Suhrab Uddin | Performance of Four heat tolerant interspecific hybrids in brassica for their physiological character is tics, yield and seed production in Bangladesh | HRT | MS | 91-08-057 | 67 | ||
174 | Ziauddin Ahamed | Water Stress Effects on leaf gas exchange nitrogen and Mirate Reduction Acitivity in soybean. | SSC | MS | 91-08-059 | 49 | ||
175 | A.K.M. Habibur Rahman | Impact of weeding and rice Irrigation on yield performance of BORO rice | SSC | MS | 91-08-021 | 48 | ||
176 | Manjur Ahamed | Crop Productivity in Mize and chickpea Intero dingp systems in relation to light interception | AGR | MS | 91-08-0 | |||
177 | Md. Abdul Latif | Morphology, Behavior and Fungal Hosts of ditylenchus Angustous. | PLP | MS | 91-08-049 | 33 | ||
178 | Md. Mazedur Rahman | An Investigation in to characteristics of the farmers related to adoption of Improved farm practices BORO Rice cultivation | AER | MS | 91-11-066 | 43 | ||
179 | Md. Nurul Islam | Planting density effect on tiller dynamics and yield performance of late transplanted sugarcane. | AGR | MS | 91-11-66 | 43 | ||
180 | Md. Mahabubur Rahman | Growth yield and nitrogen sulfur nutrition of wetland rice as affected by nitrogen and sulfur fertilization. | SSC | MS | 91-11-065 | |||
181 | Kamron Nahar | Physico chemical properties of soil and performance of cereals as influenced. by soil amendiments. | SSC | MS | 92-05-089 | 73 | ||
182 | Md. Masud Karim | Assesments of farmers Agricultural Knowlege in Sugarcane cultivation | AEE | MS | 92-05-115 | 87 | ||
183 | Md. Khurshed Alam Bhuiyan | Pathological and physiological study of Rhizoctonia oryzae (Ryker et gooch) causing rice Boro ered sheath spot disease. | PLP | Ph.D | 1995 | 139 | ||
184 | Md. Nurul Islam | Effect of salinity on germination and seedling growth of rice (Oriza sativa) L. | CBT | MS | 1993. | 61 | ||
185 | Md. Mukarram Hossain | Socio-Economic Factors contraining yield of rice in selected sites in the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Pilot project area Dhaka Bidm 76-77 | AEC | MS | 1978 | 160 | ||
186 | Md. Abdul Awal | Analysis of Problems in Deep tubewell Irrigation of Boro rice in Kalia and Dhamshar union of Daulatpur Thana Under Manikgonj District. | AEE | MS | 91-05-97 | 104 | ||
187 | Mir Bazlur Rashid | Effect of Irrigation and Management practices on yield of wheat. | SSC | MS | 92-08-121 | 44 | ||
188 | Md. Mohiuddin | Fruit setting in lablab Bean During Summer as Influenced by flower Thining and Growth Regulators. | HRT | MS | 92-08—21 | 58 | ||
189 | Mallick Anwar Hossain | Tiller Removal and double trans planting effects on yield and grain fillimchara cteristigs of rice. | AGR | MS | 91-08-034 | 58 | ||
190 | Abul Hashem | Effect of density Proportion and spatial arrangement on the competition of winter and Italian Ryegress (Lolium multiflorum lam). | AGR | Ph.D | 1991 | 230
191 | Md. Nurul Islam Mondal | Response of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Esculantum) to dates seedling rates | AGR | MS | 1993 | 28
192 | Jiban Krishna Biswas | Physiological aspects of seedling establishment of direct seeded Rice under simulated low land condition | AGR | Ph.D | 1994 | |||
193 | Saiful Huda | Profile and loan repayment behaior of Boro rice farmers in Mirzapur Union of Gazipur Sadar Thana | AEE | MS | 1995 | 54 | ||
194 | Faruque Ahmed | Productivity of potato and wheat in inter cropping systems as afected by population Bensity annrow Arrangement of Wheat. | AGR | MS | 92-05-094 | 67 | ||
195 | Bimal chandra Kundu | Yield seed production & selected nutritional Characteristics of chinese cambage Genotypys. | HRT | MS | – | – | ||
196 | Md. Abu Zaman Sarker | Effect of Nitrogen and duration of weed competition on weed growth and derformace of Wheat.
AGR | – | – | – | – | |
197 | N.M. Mozoddedul Haque | Effect of Grain Moisture and Temperature of the infastability of rice weevil sitophilhs oryzae and its comparative in festability on different cereals | ENT | – | – | – | – | |
198 | Md. Shahidul Islam Khan | Growth yield and water use of onion under different irrigation schedules | SSC | MS | 1995 | |||
199 | Munnujan Khanam | Nitrogen and population density effects on Growth, Nitrogen uptake and yield of long grain rice. | AGR | MS | 1994 | |||
200 | Md. Sirajul Islam | Genetic divergence in Groundnut. | GPB | MS | 1995 | |||
201 | Dewan Ali Monsur chowdhury | Effect of variety fertilizers and water regimes on development of Brown plant hopper | ENT | MS | 1995 | |||
202 | S. M. Nazmul Islam | Factors associated with the adoption of aquacuiture-technology throagh trickle down system of extension in selected thanas of Rajshahi Division | AEE | MS | ||||
203 | Md. Sarwar Hossain Hawlader | Utilization of self imcompa tibility in Hybrid Radish Production | GPB | Ph.D. | 1994 | |||
204 | Ratan Kumar Charaborty | Study on Quantitative char acters in M2 Generation of Mungbean | GPB | 1994 | ||||
205 | Nur Mohammed Mezbaul Quddus | Effect of Rhizobium Inoculation Phosphorus Place ment and water management on soybean. | SSC | MS | 1994 | |||
206 | Md. Jalal uddin | Evulation of physical and chemical properties of gerua soil series | SSC | MS | 1994 | |||
207 | Md. Shafiqul Islam | Woman Participation in selected agricultural come generating activities under rural dev. prog. of BRAC at shibpur Thana in Narsingdi District. | AEE | MS | 1994 | |||
208 | Rezena Akter | Resistance of wild Egg plants to meloidogyne incognita and their use as root stocks to control Root-knot of Tomato and Bacterial wild of Eggplant | PLP | MS | 1994 | |||
209 | S. M. Golam Kabir | Water stress effects on flowering pod set and yield performance in chickpea. | CBT | MS | 1994 | |||
210 | Md. Anisur Rahman | Growth and yield of Tomato asinft ueced by fertilizer and manure | SSC | MS | 1994 | |||
211 | Md. Awlad Hossain | Genetic divergence and path analysis in mung bean | GPB | MS | 1988-89 | |||
212 | Sahadat Hossain | Kmowledge level of Block suppervisors of sadar Thana under Gazipur Dist. Towards BARI inmovated vegetable technology. | AEE | MS | 1988-89 | |||
213 | Kazi Abdul Kader | Studies on virus diseases of Ribbed Gourd. | PLP | MS | 1995 | |||
214 | Mst. Afrose Jahan | Effect of nitrogen phosphorus and potasium application on growth and yield of Brassica gren. | SSC | MS | 1995 | |||
215. | Md. Abul Hasnat | Yield and water use of cabbage under different irrigatin schedules.
SSC | MS | 1995 | |||
216 | Md. Amiruzzaman | Heterosis in Relation to genetic divergence in Radish | GPB | MS | 1995 | |||
217 | Md. Sajjad Noor | Farmers attitude towards the cultivation of high yielding varities of potato. | AEE | 1995 | ||||
218 | Jotish Kumar Sarker | Leadars opinion towards the impact of proshikas social forestry program | AEE | |||||
219 | Md. Zulfiqur Ali Firoz | Fruit setting in lablab bean as influenced by flowering thining and pronning during summer | HRT | 1995 | ||||
220 | Md. Ruhul Amin | Effect of some indigenous materials and insecticides in controlling fruit fly bactrocera cucurbitae conquillet on cucumber | ENT | 1995 | ||||
221 | Md. Bashir Ahmed | Indentification of farmers communication behavior and nature of information exchange during bs farmer interaction in selection area of dinajpur sadar thana. | AEE | 1995 | ||||
222 | Md. abdul Hye | Impact of strawmuich on yield and water use of potato under varying soil moisture regimes | SSC | 1995 | ||||
223 | Asis Kumar Saha | Effect of manganese sulphate boric acid and sawbust on common scab of seed potato | PLP | MS | Aut/95 | |||
224 | Md. Mahfujur Rahman | Trainees perception toward the training of trainers (tot) programmes conducted at cerdi | AEE | MS | Aut 95 | |||
225 | Abdul Muqit | Studies on virus diseases of ash Gowrd. | PLP | MS | Aut/95 | |||
226 | Md. Saleh Ahmed | Diversity genetics analysis and character association in sweet potato | HRT |
Ph.D |
227 | Md. Serajul Islam | Indigenous potato varities of Bangladesh charcterization by Rapd markers and production of virus free stock. | HRT | Ph.D | ||||
228 | Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmed | Growth and bulb development in garlic. | HRT | Ph.D | 1995 | |||
229 | Md. Moynul Haque | Productivity of maize sweet Potato in | AGR | Ph.D | 1995 | |||
230 | Md. Rezaul Bashar Siddique | Effects of Drought stress on the physiological characters and yield of wheat | AGR | MS | 1995 | |||
231 | Shapan Kumar Saha-Roy | Productivity of Mungbean and Blackgram inter Cropped with Action densities | AGR | MS | 1995 | |||
232 | Delwar Ahamad Choudhary | Yield Potentials of modern and old cultivars of Rice in Relation to growth characteristics | AGR | MS | 1995 | |||
233 | Mikail Shipar | Extent of Adoption of Crop diversification programme supported crops by the farmers of kapasia Thana Under Gazipur District | AEE | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
234 | Md. Ekramul Haque | Effect of Irrigation and Nitrogen on the yield of Broccoli | SSC | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
235 | Ismat Ara | Reduction of Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes or Bonalis Guenee) in Festation in Eggplant Grafied on wild solonum
ENT | MS | Win/ 9 5 | |||
236 | Salauddin Ahamad | Induction of Somaclonal Variation Through Tissu culture in Rice (Orizasatival) | GPB | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
237 | Md. Sirajul Islam | Effect of Shading on Gas Exchange chara Cteristic and Productivity of Mungbean and Blackgram | AGR | MS | ||||
238 | Sumanta Kumar Dey | Comparative Economic analysis of Robicrops cultivation in selected area of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
239 | Sarder Md. Jamil Azad | Sex Modification and Exploitation of Parthenocarpy 110 Kakrol. | GPB | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
240 | Mahabubar Rahman | Growth and Yield of cauliflowers as influenced by polye thylen mulching. | HRT | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
241 | Md. Azizul Hoque | Studies on Stability of Hybrid TPS Families under different Agro-Ecological Condition of Bangladesh | HRT | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
242 | Md. Jainal Abedin | The impact of Water and Nitrogen on yield of Wheat | SSC | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
243 | Md. Mahidul Islam | Ownership and Utizization pattern of Draftand Mechanical power in a selected area of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | ||||
244 | Sumanta Kumar Paul | Sustainability of Production of Cereal crop in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
245 | Md. Zahidur Rahman | Characterization of Isolates of pseudomonas solangcerarum from three districts of Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Win/ 95 | |||
246 | Anwar Hossain Howlader | Influence of source manipu lation on photosynthesis and dry matter partitioning in Mungbean | AGR | MS | ||||
247 | Shaon Hossain | Detection of polymor phism of the elte rice lines and their parents using perbased restriction analysis. | GPB | MS | ||||
248 | Md. Amzad Hossain | Competition Between sugarcane (Saceharum officinarum) and Torpedo grass panicum repines L. | AGR | Ph.D | Feb/ 96 | |||
249 | Md. Firoz Alam | Protoplast culture and transformation in rice oryza sativa (Order poales family peace) | GPB | Ph.D | Feb/ 94 | |||
250 | Mst. Afroze Jahan | Effect of Nitrogen Phosphorus and potacsium application on growth and yield of Brassica green. | SSC | MS | Aut/ 95 | |||
251 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Performance of Guava (Psidiusl) varieties planned at different hill elevations. | HRT | MS | May/ 92 | |||
252 | Bimal Chandry Kundu | Yield seed production and selected nutritional characteristcs of chines cabbage genotypes. | HRT | MS | ||||
253 | Mukhlesur Rahman | Performance of Rice as influenced by soil amendments. | SSC | Sum/ 96 | ||||
254 | Md.
Akhteruzammn Sarkar |
Biology and management of the sweet potato weevil cylas formicariud (FAB) | ENT | Sum/ 96 | ||||
255 | Md. Shahidul Haque | Pathogenicity and Host subitability of Root Knot nematode of wheat | PLP | Sum/ 96 | ||||
256 | Md. Ziaul Ahsan Chowdhury | Economic of Winter Maize in a Selected area of Dhaka District. | AEC | Win/ 95 | ||||
257 | Md. Saifur Rahman | Development of Integrated pest management package against Brinjal shoot and fruit Boro Leucinodes or Bonalis Guenee. | ENT | Sum/ 96 | ||||
258 | Md. Jashim Uddin | Development of suitable pakckage(s) of IPM components for the management of selected tnsect pests of cucumber. | ENT | Sum/ 96 | ||||
259 | Md. Tariqul Islam | Analysis of Genetic Arctitecture and Inheritance of Photosensitivity in mungbean (Vignaradiata)L. Wilczer. | GPB | Sum/ 96 | ||||
260 | Md. Khalequzzaman | Pollen viability and pollen tube growth behaviour in off season tomato (Lycoper sicon Esculentum) | GPB | Sum/ 96 | ||||
261 | Md. Anowarul Islam | Growth and yield response of onion to different sources of postash and their fertilization method | SSC | MS | Sum/ 96 | |||
262 | Jahan Afroze | Cultivar differences in germination vigor and quality of rice seeds. | AGR | MS | Sum/ 96 | |||
263 | Abu Khaled Md. Ibrahim | Potentiality of wild solanum as rootstock of Tomato | GPB | MS | Sum/ 96 | |||
264 | Abdullah Yousuf Akhonda | In Vitro propagation and flower induction in elephant fact YAM | GPB | MS | Sum/ 96 | |||
265 | Rafiquzzaman | Some indigenous plant and tnert materials for the management of the pulse beetle calloso bruchus chinensis (Linn) on chickpea in Homestores. | ENT | Aut/ 98 | ||||
266 | Md. Rezaul Karim | A comparative economic study on production of green and fibre jute in and area of Pabna District. | AEC | |||||
267 | Md. Shafiur Rahman | Grain growth and yield performance of wheat (triticum aestivuml.) as affected by sowing dates nitrogen leves and water stress. | AGR | Aut/ 96 | ||||
268 | Shaikh Iftekhar Hossain | A comparative study on yield and quality of some amaranth genotypes (Amaranthus tricolor L.) | HRT | Aut/ 96 | ||||
269 | Md. Musleh Uddeen | Influence of uniconazole on bulbing and biochmical changes in onion. | CBT | Aut/ 96 | ||||
270 | Md. Shawquat Ali Khan | Effect of sodium chloride on germination growth and some physiological characters of rice cultivars | AGR | Aut/ 96 | ||||
271 | Indrajit chandra Shil | Optimizing fertilizer requirement for grafted tomato cultivation | SSC | Aut/ 96 | ||||
272 | Md. Zulfiquer Haider | Effectivness of some IPM packges for the management of virus disseminating whitelty of Tomato. | ENT | |||||
273 | Md. Ali Afzal | Genotypic variation for seed characters in grass pea (lathyrus sativus L.) | GPB | Aut/ 96 | ||||
274 | Ashraf Uddin Ahmed | Variation in twenty-seven isolates of bipolaris sorokiniana from wheat. | PLP | Aut/ 96 | ||||
275 | A. N.M. Manzoor Murshed | Influence of management conditions on growth flowering and pod set, seed development and yield of chickpea | AGR | Aut/ 96 | ||||
276 | Md. Mahbube Alam | Effect of soil amendments on the growth and yield of Onion (Allium checkpea L.) | HRT | Aut/ 96 | ||||
277 | Md. Saiful islam Bhuiyan | Effect of plant growth regulators to induce-parthe no carpic fruit in pointed gourd Trichosanthes Dioicn Roxb) | CBT | Aut/ 96 | ||||
278 | Shankar Kumar Mazumder | Relationship of the selected characteristics of vegetable growers with their levels of knowledge in vegetable production technology | AEE | Aut/ 96 | ||||
279 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Factors affecting the communication behaviour of winter vegetable growers of sherpur Thana under Bogra District. | AEE | Aut/ 90 | ||||
280 | Md. Ashraf Ali | Effect of seedbed moisture level and sowing depths on stand establishment and yield of chickpea. | AGR | Aut/ 96 | ||||
281 | A.K.M. Jahangir Choudhury | Factors affecting aoption behavior of boro rice growers a case study of farmer’s attitude and accepted practices in Nowabgong Dhaka. | AEE | Aut/ 96 | ||||
282 | A.K.M. Wali Ullah | Information media used by vegetable growers in Kashimpur union under Gazipur Sadar Thana | AEE | Aut/ 96 | ||||
283 | Md. Sarwar Hossain | Floral Biology of gourd | GPB | Aut/ 96 | ||||
284 | Md. Mohiuddin Chowdhury | Response Mungbean (Vigna Radia)(-TA(2) Wulcbzk) to rhizobium inoculation and phosphrous application | SSC | Aut/ 96 | ||||
285 | Benoy chandry Sen | An investigation to the diseases of sweet pepper. | PLP | Aut/ 96 | ||||
286 | Mohammad Ali | Growth and yield of mukhi Kachu (Cotocasia Esculental.) as influenced by soil amendments. | HRT | Aut/ 96 | ||||
287 | Md. Amir Hossain Mollah | Chemical control and genotyppic tolerance against aphids on ashgourd | ENT | Win/ 96 | ||||
288 | Golam Murshed Faruque | Effect of Fertilizer Nitrogen and seedling (s) per hill on the growth and yield of long grain rice. | AGR | Win/
96 |
289 | Md. Samiul Haque | Drought stress effect on some selected genotypes of Jute. | AGR | Win/
96 |
290 | Bimal Chandra Dey | Effect of Growth regulators on the growth and yield of oyster mashroom (Pleurotus satrl –A) UFK. | HRT | Win/
96 |
291 | Dulal Chandra Roy | Effect of Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on the growth and yield of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) | HRT | Win/
96 |
292 | Md. Abu Sayeed | Evaluation of Hybrid true potato seed progrenies as in fluenced by nitrogen spray at seedling stage. | HRT | Win/
96 |
293 | N.M. Zahangir | Effect of Organic Manure and chemical fertilizer on the yield of cauli flower (Brassica Oleraceavar Botrytis) | SSC | Win/
96 |
294 | Md. Mostafizur Rahman | Floral Biology of Ash gourd. | GPB | Win/
96 |
295 | Gazi Md. Mohsin | Performance of Backcross populations in Hybrid Seed Production of Radish. | GPB | Win/
96 |
296 | Md. Abdus Sattar Khan | Training needs of farmers on rice production in sadar Thana Under Gazipur District. | AEE | Win/
96 |
297 | Md. Mohashin | Adoption of High yelding winter vegetable varities by the farmers of Mainamati Union under Comilla District. | AEE | Win/
96 |
298 | Md. Ekramul Hoque | Sex Modification in Vitroculture and cross Compatibility in trichosanthes spp. | GPB | Win/
96 |
299 | Md. Robiul Islam | Optimizing Fertilizer Requirement for Grafted Tomato in Pot Culture | SSC | Win/
96 |
300 | Md. Atiqul Islam | Study on the residual effect of long term use of in organic N Fertilizer and Organic Residues on soil plant parameters and Nitrogen Nutrition of wetland rice. | SSC | Win/
96 |
301 | Sayed Sarwar Jahan | Attitude of Extension personnel of the Department of Agricultural Extension towards Agricultural Support services Project. | AEE | Win/
96 |
302 | Munshi Rashid Ahamad | Study on Floral Biology of Guava | HRT | Win/
96 |
303 | Swapna Shanaz Banu | Evaluation of some edible and non edible plant oils against pulse to be Callo sobruchns Chinensis (Linn) on chickpea in storage. | ENT | Win/
96 |
304 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Pesticides use and its impact on MV rice product wity and farmers health. | AEC | Win/
96 |
305 | Md. Gofran | Loan Utilization and repayment behaviour of woman member’s basan Gazipur Branch of Grameen Bank. | AEE | Sum/
97 |
306 | Abul Kalam Azad | Decomposition of plant residues by effective microganisms and changes in soil microbial biomass C and N | SSC | Sum/
97 |
307 | Sazzad Mahmud | Optimizing Fertilizer Requirement for broccoli cultivation | SSC | Sum/
97 |
308 | Debasish Sarker | Biology and control of the red pumkin Beetle aulacophora Foveicollis (Lucas) in cuckmeer | ENT | Sum/
97 |
309 | Md. Enamul Haque | Effect of Soil Amendments and nitrogen of some physiological parameters and yield attributes of Wheat. | CBT | Sum/
97 |
310 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Genetic Divergence corchours olitorius L. | GPB | Sum/
97 |
311 | Kamal Krishna Kundu | Factors associated with the extent of Vegetable production activities by the woman members in Homestead area under world vision project. | AEE | Sum/
97 |
312 | A. F.M. Saiful Islam | Achievement from and utilization of teaching methods training course by the subject matter officers. | AEE | Sum/
97 |
313 | Kabita Anzu-Man Ara | In Vitro propagation of Rose (Rosa sp) | HRT | Sum/
97 |
314 | Md. Masud Sultan | Achievement From and Utilization of foundation training course by the subject matter officers conducted at Cerdi. | AEE | Sum/
97 |
315 | Mist. Masuma Alam Shaheed | Effect of Manures and Nitrogen Fertilizer on performance of grafted tomato in pot culture. | SSC | Sum/
97 |
316 | Md. Sakir Hossain | Inheritance of Yellow vein clearing mosaic virus (YYCMD) resistance and yield compoments in okra (Abel moschus esculentusl) Moench) | GPB | Sum/
97 |
317 | Md. Musharraf Hossain Khan | Clonal propagation and flowering conditions in african violet (saintpaul in Ionantha welvd) | HRT | Sum/
97 |
318 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Induction of genetic variability in wheat (Triticum aes tivuml) Through gammair radiation | GPB | |||||
319 | Md. Kamruzzaman | Growth and factor demand analysis in rice sector of Bangladesh. | AEC | Win/
95 |
320 | Md. Mahabub Alam | Effect of Soil Amedments on the Growth and yield of Onion (Allium cepal) | HRT | |||||
321 | Md. Moshin | The structure and performance of poultry marketing in some selected areas of Dhaka City | AEC | Sum/
95 |
322 | Md. Akramul Alam | Study of Floral Biology and par the no carpy in pointed gourd. | GPB | Sum/
95 |
323 | Md. Monir Hossain | credit Utilization and Repayment behaviour of cereal crop farmers. | AEE | MS | Aut/
97 |
60 | ||
324 | Meer matiar Rahman | Impact of loan on income and employment of Dairy farm owners in a selected area of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/97 | 89 | ||
325 | Md. Shah Alam | Studies on the identification population dynamics and control of the whitefly in Guava. | ENT | MS | Aut/
97 |
64 | ||
326 | Md. Safayet Hossain patwary | Yield and pest harvest beh aviour in Tomato | HRT | MS | Aut/
97 |
43 | ||
327 | A.S.M. Nazrul Islam | Modern variety transplanted aman Rice Adoption production performance and its constraints at Kapasia Gazipur. | AEC | MS | Aut/
97 |
79 | ||
328 | Subhas Chandra Sarker | Profitability and economic efficency of commercial poultry farms in Gazipur Sadar Thana. | AEC | MS | Aut/
97 |
85 | ||
329 | Md. Muzibur Rahman | Commponents of Resistance in Wheat Seedling to blpolaris Sorokiniana. | PLP | MS | Win/
97 |
44 | ||
330 | A.T.M. Batan | Economic Assessment of IPSA Bean cultivation by farmers in Chittagong Area. | AEC | MS | Win/
97 |
72 | ||
331 | Md. Sazzad Karim | Heterosis in Ash Gourd (Beaninoas a hispida (Thunb Cogn) | GPB | MS | Win/
97 |
332 | Proloy Chisim | Impact of Inoculation and Irrigation on growth and yield of chickpea. | SSC | MS | Win/
97 |
333 | Md. Tajul Islam | Biochemical Chages in Tomato Fruit caused by Tomato Yeilow Leaf Curl Virus. | CBT | MS | Win/
97 |
334 | Md. Ruhul Amin Khandaker | Yield Gap and Relative Profitability of Modern Transplant Aman rice Demonstration versus Farmers Field. | AEC | MS | Win/
97 |
335 | Mohammad Amin | Seedbed conditions sowing depth and phosphorus fertilizer effect on Root Growth Nutrient uptake and yield of Wheat. | AGR | Ph.D | Win/
97 |
336 | Md. Habibur Rahman | Influence of Irrrigation and planting density on growth and seed yield in edible poded pea. | AGR | MS | Win/
97 |
337 | Sunil Kumar Roy | Factors Associated with the exten of Adoption of Intergrated pest management practices by the Boro rice growers in Sadar Thana of Magura District. | AEE | MS | Win/
97 |
338 | Md. Mazharul Haque | Economics of Pound Fish Production under the Mymensingh Agriculture Extension Project | AEC | MS | Win/
97 |
91 | ||
339 | Md. Mahmudul Alam | Sugarcane Pricing and its Impact on sugar Production in a selected Mill Zone area of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/
97 |
105 | ||
340 | Nirod Chandra Sarker | Study on the Inheritance of Yelo vein mosaic disease Resistance of Okra. | HRT | MS | Win/
97 |
341 | Md. Shahidul Islam | Off-Season performance of Okra for vegetable and seed production | HRT | MS | Win/
97 |
342 | Md. Atiqur Rahman | Impact of Different Levels of Pest Management of Okra Seed Production | HRT | MS | Win/
97 |
343 | Abdullah-AL- Mahmud | Performance of Chinese cabbage genotypes in Winter and Summer conditions in Bangladesh | HRT | MS | Win/
97 |
344 | Md. Ibrahim | Seed germination, Production and graft compatibility of wild solanum as rootstock of Tomato and Eggplant. | HRT | MS | Win/
97 |
345 | Kabir Ahammed | Optimination of Organic residues and urea for potculture of grafted Tomato | HRT | MS | Win/ 97 | |||
346 | Gour Hari Ghose | Yield and seed production of synthesised Brassica. | HRT | MS | Win/ 97 | |||
347 | Abul Kalam Md. Monjurul Alam Chowdhury | Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphatic fertilizers on the yield and post harvest potential of Broccoli. | HRT | MS | Win/ 97 | |||
348 | Md. Altaf Hossain | Effect of Intercroppings and dates of sowing on pod Borer Welicoverpa armig era (Hubner) Infestation in Chickpea. | HRT | MS | Win/ 97 | |||
349 | Emdadul Islam | Performance of Rice varieties as affected by seedling quality and Nitrogen Levels. | CBT | MS | Win/ 97 | 44 | ||
350 | Reshma Sultana | Yield Attributes and Sugar Content in Vegetable pea (Pisumsat Ivuml.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 97 | 88 | ||
351 | Mst. Khaledum unira | Yield potential and natural storage Behaviour of True Potato Seed (TPS) Progeny | GPB | MS | Win/ 97 | 77 | ||
352. | Mosfeka Sultana | Effect of Irrigation and Nitrogen on the growth and yield of Radish. | SSC | MS | Win/ 97 | 60 | ||
353 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Response of Garlic on Different Soil Moisture regimes | SSC | MS | Win/ 97 | 55 | ||
354 | Shaikh Mozameel Hossain | Impact of Agricultural Programs of Grammen Bank on Employment Productivity and Income generation of rural Poor in Gazipur. | AEC | MS | Sum/ 98 | 73 | ||
355 | A.K.M. Manjoor Morshed | Biological and Chemical Control of fusarium wilt and collar Rot of Chickpea. | PLP | MS | Sum/ 98 | 51 | ||
356 | M. A. Latif | Floral Biology of Drumstick (Mor in gaoleifera lamk.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 98 | 45 | ||
357 | Md. Areef Hussain | Influence of Bradyrhizobium Japon icum on Nodulation growth and yield of Soy-Bean. | CBT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 57 | ||
358 | Ibrahim Khalil | Information Sources used by Farmers in Producing HYV RICE | AEE | MS | Sum/ 98 | 72 | ||
359 | Tozammel Hossain | Effect of Industrial
efflunents on growth and yield of Rice |
CBT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 44 | ||
360 | Abdullah Shiblee | An Economic analysis on different cropping patterns practiced by the farmers in Rainfed Rice Environment | AEC | MS | Sum/ 98 | 73 | ||
361 | Jahangir Alam | Characterization of some Rhizobium strains and their Influence on chickpea. | SSC | MS | Sum/ 98 | 88 | ||
362 | Sariful Islam | Storage life and quality of Banana as affected by packaging and Coating Materials. | HRT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 79 | ||
363 | Akhtaruzzaman Abu | Influence of Rates on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers on the Productivity on MungBean | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 98 | 181 | ||
364 | Arman Haider | Effect of Organic and Inorganic amendments to Soil on Root-Knot of Jute. | PLP | MS | Sum/ 98 | 43 | ||
365 | Sarwar Jahan | Allometry dry matter Allocation and yield in Mungbean Effects of Population Density and Planting Configuration | AGR | MS | Sum/ 98 | 56 | ||
366 | Omar Sharif | Components of Resistance of Wheat to Bipolaris Sorokiniana under Natural Conditions. | PLP | MS | Sum/ 98 | 4 | ||
367 | Alamgir Hossain | Selection of Parents Transferring Tgms Gene in Rice. | GPB | Sum/ 98 | 54 | |||
368 | Lutfur Rahman | Studies on the Races of Fusarigm oxysporum F. SP. Ciceri and inter action among four Root Infecting Pathogen of Chickpea.` | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 98 | 102 | ||
369 | Shah Alam Sikder | Assessment of Yield and quality of Fruits in Cucumber | HRT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 57 | ||
370 | Sharifuzzaman | Physio-Morophological characteristics and yield potentials of Bush Bean. | HRT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 74 | ||
371 | A.K.M. Khorsheduzzaman | Integration of some control methods to evaluate their effectivness against Brinjal shoot and Fruit Borer. | ENT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 71 | ||
372 | Shyamali Saha | Yield and quality characters of local and modern rice cultivars. | GPB | MS | Sum/ 98 | 76 | ||
373 | Mohasin Hussain Khan | Relative role of trichome and plant introgen in determining the population of aphis gossypii clover ash gourd | ENT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 101 | ||
374 | Monoranjan Dhar | Technique of vegetative and invitro propagation of Jackfruit. | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 98 | 151 | ||
375 | Tahmina Begum | Floral Biology and gross compatibility in sponge gourd. | GPB | MS | Sum/ 98 | 65 | ||
376 | Shahidul Islam | Effect of Soil Moisture deficits on Root and shoot growth and yield of seiected dry seeded aus Rice cultivars. | AGR | MS | Sum/ 98 | 67 | ||
377 | Hari Das Chandra Mohanta | Effect of Phosphorus and genotypes on the yield and yield contributing characters in Okra. | HRT | MS | Sum/ 98 | 46 | ||
378 | Shahjahan Mujumder | Variation in pathogencity of Bipolaris sorokiniana Isolates from Wheat. | PLP | MS | Sum/ 98 | 40 | ||
379 | Md. Jamal Hossain | Genetic Divergence of Dioscorea Species. | GPB | MS | Aut/ 98 | 59 | ||
380 | Kamal Krishna Mistry | Determinatio of Physiological Maturity in Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) Moench) Seed | CBT | MS | Aut/ 98 | 45 | ||
381 | Md. Kanjurul Islam | Marketing system of local aman Paddy in some selected areas. of Bogra District. | AEC | MS | Aut/ 98 | 97 | ||
382 | Shaharuk Ahmed | Participation of Female group menbers in Homestead vegetable production programme orgaized by Rangpur Dinajpur rural Service at sadar Thana in Kuirgram | AEE | MS | Aut/ 98 | 73 | ||
383 | A.T.M. Shafiqul Islam | Differential rection of Wheat Genotypes to bipol air srokiniana | PLP | Aut/ 98 | ||||
384 | Saleh Ahmed | Performance of Different substrates on the growth and yield of oyster Mushroom | HRT | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
385 | Mir Sharfuddin Ahmed | Studies on variability and Heterasis in Snake Gourd. | GPB | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
386 | Md. Shahidul Islam | Effect of Different Water regimes and Nitrogen levels on the yield performance of BR-28 Boro Rice. | SSC | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
387 | Nasrin Akter Ivy | Combining Ability and Heter osis in Mabe. | GPB | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
388 | Md. Nazmul Islam Manik | Parthenocar pic fruiting behaviour in Kakrol | HRT | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
389 | Md. Moqbul Hossain | Job performance of Block supervisors working under the Department of Agricultural Extension | AEE | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
390 | Md. Manirul Islam | Yield and yield attributes of some local and exotic genotypes of Ash Gourd | HRT | MS | Aut/ 98 | 41 | ||
391 | Md. Kamruzzaman | Production and marketing of Broier in Gazipur District. | AEC | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
392 | Md. Aminur Rashid | Population Density and source sink Manipulation effects on sesame | AGR | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
393 | A.K.M. Golam Kibria | Estimation of Soil Microbial Biomass carbon and Nitrogen from Different sources of Organic Materials. | SSC | MS | Aut/ 98 | |||
394 | Md. Abu Yousuf Miah | Performance of Kakrol Genotypes grown on different trellis. | HRT | MS | Sum/ 1998 | |||
395 | Amatur Rahman | Socio-Economic Aspects of Ribbed Gourd cultivation in Homestead Area. | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
396 | Dilara Begum | Economic Analysis of farm house hoids under Alter native farming systems in selected Area of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
397 | Md. Zia Uddin Akon | An Economic Analysis of Milchcow Rearing and Beff fattening Programmes of Bangladesh Rural adv. Committee | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
398 | Moss. Anjuman Ara Begum | Supply response of Wheat in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
399 | Amanullah Khan Eusuf Zai | Performance of some Chickpea varities to Rhizobium Inoculation | SSC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
400 | Md. Mazharul Anwar | Comparative Profitability of Different Vegetables cultivation in a selected area of Rangpur District. | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
401 | Md. Abdul Maleque | Judicious Application of insecticide for the management of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer | ENT | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
402 | Bashir Ahmad | Performance of True Potato Seed progenies in Different Clonal Generations. | GPB | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
403 | Md. Atiquel Islam | Production and Marketing of Katarib Hog Rice in Dinajpur District. | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
404 | Rukhsana Akhter | Effect of Seedling date of Mustard on Resource Allocati on in Honad and fat of Mustard Adhid and yield of Mustard | ENT | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
405 | Imdadul Haque | Economic Aspect of date palm Based Agroforestry system in Jessore District. | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
406 | M. M. H. chowdhury | Effect of Straw Mulch and Soil Moisture regime on yields and Water use of Indigenous Potato. | SSC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
407 | K.M. Shameem Kamal | Marketing and Consumption Pattern of fine Grain rice in some selected Areas of Dhaka and Gazipur District. | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
408 | Md. Ikhtiar Uddin | Effect of Row Spacing and Nitrogen Level on the growth Protein Content and yield of Short Duration Garden Pea. | SSC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
409 | Md. Abdul Baqui | Determination of the Suitable time in Controlling the country Bean aphid with Insecticide | ENT | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
410 | Md. Shohidul Islam | Serological Detection of PLRV and Pvy from Foundation Potato seed and their Impact on yield | PLP | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
411 | Amirul Bahrain | Investigation of Seif-Incompatibility in Mustard. | GPB | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
412 | M.M. Alam | Farm Level status of HYV Rice in a selected union of Gazipur district. | AEE | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
413 | Mohammad Ahsanul Haque | Seasonal Abundance and management of Okra shut and fruit borer in summer | ENT | MS | Win/ 98 | 68 | ||
414 | M. Ahsanul Haque | Seasonal Abundance and Management of Okra Shoot and Fruit Borer in Summer | ENT | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
414 | Md. Abbas Ali | Growth and Yield of Mung Bean Genotypes under sun and Shade Conditions. | AGR | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
415. | M. Samaun Safa | Socio-Economic Impact of A Participatory Agroforestry Project in the Sal Forest area of Gazipur District. | AEC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
416 | M.A.M Talukder | Planting Density effects on Productivity of old and Modern varieties of Rice in Relation of Canopy Structure and Light Interception. | AGR | Ph.D | Win/ 98 | |||
417 | M. Ataur Rahman | Photosynthesis Shoot and Root Growth, nitrogen uptake and yield of wheat under irrigation … | SSC | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
418 | Md. Mostofa Kamal | Genotypic variation in Mung Bean Seed quality as Influenced by seed position and Radiation Regimes | AGR | MS | Win/ 98 | |||
419 | Md. Ferdaus Ahmed | Effect of organic amendment of soil and their application time of the growth and yield of Cauliflower | HRT | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
420 | Kawserul Islam Sikder | Profitability and Resource use effficiency of Commercial Dairy farms in some selected areas of Dhaka and Gazipur District | AEC | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
421 | Md. Abdul Halim | Serodiagnosis of Plrv and Pvy from certified Potato seed and their Impact on yield. | PLP | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
422 | Mofiz Uddin Ahmed | Performance of lines in Hybrid seed Production of Rhdish | GPB | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
423 | Asaduzzaman Bulbul | Races and Biovars of Ralastonia Solancearum in Bangladesh an its Reaction to some crop species. | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 99 | |||
424 | Sripati Sikder | Heat Tolerance in Wheat under late seeded conditons. | CBT | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
425 | Aleya Nasreen | Some Biochemical Charactersistics of Lablab Bean grown in Rabi and Kharif Seasons. | CBT | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
426 | Humayun Kabir | Effects of Various Nutrients and seed ling Raising Methods on seedling vigour and yield of Ashgourd and Cauliflower. | HRT | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
427 | Azizur Rahman | Fruit Morphology and Nutritive value of some selected Jujube. | HRT | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
428 | Shafyet Ahammad Siddiqui | Population density and source sink Manipulation effects on Rapesed. | AGR | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
429 | Arifur Rahman | Effect and Residues of two seiected insecticides Applied for the control of shoot and fruit eggplant | ENT | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
430 | Md. Jahangir | Effect of Industrial waste Water on the Performance of Tomato and Soil Chemical Properties in Pot culture. | AFE | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
431 | Kausar Hossain | Shade Effects on the yield and Quality of Pineapple in a Jacke fruit pineapple Agroforestry system. | AFE | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
432 | Khairul Anam | Homestead Agroforestry in the level Barind Tract a Diagnostic study. | AFE | MS | Sum/ 99 | |||
433 | Md. Helal Uddin | Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Flowering,
Pod set and yield attributes in Mung Bean. |
CBT | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
434 | Shah Md. Akramul Hoque | Farmer’s Response to organic matter use for Ingreasing soil Productivity in Meherpur Sadar Thana. | AEE | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
435 | Subol Kumar Saha | Determination of Fumigation Toxicity, Vertical Mobility and Protection Efficacy of Camphor. | ENT | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
436 | Kaberi Sultana | Development of Components of Spot Block on Wheat due to Inoculation with Bipolaris orokiniana. | PLP | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
437 | Md. Ashraf Ali | Performance of Red Amaranth and Ladys finger grown at different Orientations and Distances under Guava and Drums Tick. | AFE | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
438 | Md. Woziullah | Response of Gladiolus to fertilizer planting Distance and Vaselife. | HRT | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
439 | Md. Nasir Uddin | Yield and Quality of Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis L.) Influenced by Nitrogen and Phosphorus. | HRT | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
440 | Nazma Akther | Effect of Spacing and Top Removal on the growth, Vegetable Pod yield and grain yield Pea. | AGR | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
441 | Md. Ruhul Amin | Respons of old and modern varieties of Rice to Nitrogen Fertilizer | AGR | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
442 | Thamina Taslim | Wheat Production and Market participation of the Wheat Growers in Jamalpur District | AEC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
443 | Abdus Samad Azad | Economics of Cattle Raising at Farmers level in Sylhet Area | AEC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
444 | Sabera Ahsan | Growth and yield of garden pea as affected by different row spacing and phosphorus | SSC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
445 | Shikh Md. Bokhtiar | Response of Radish to varying levels of Irrigation and potassium | SSC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
446 | Abul Khaiar Md. Nurul Islam | Physico-Chemical Properties of two soil series of Madhupur tract. | SSC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
447 | Tanayanandh Rema | Credit utilization and repayment Behaviour of Woman members under Saver Thana of World Vision Project. | AEC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
448 | Md. Ahaduzzaman | Impact of income Generation activities on rural woman of rangrapara Project of World Vision wat Halughat Thana | AEC | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
449 | Abul Basar Md. Ziaur Rahman | Genetic diver gence in Brinjal | GPB | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
450 | Abu Sayed Md. Hasan Masum | In Vitro Plant Regeneration Ginger | GPB | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
451 | Md. Mahamudul Hasan Khurram | Performance of TPS progenies under Ordinary Storage condition | GPB | MS | Aut/ 99 | |||
452 | Uttam Kumar Saha | Interactions of Phosphate potassium and Ammonium with Hyproxy-in Terlayeredexa panda Ble phyliosilicates Adsorption Fixation and Exchange Phenomena and Their mahamsns. | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 99 | |||
453 | Md. Mozahar Ali | Former Extension Worker Interaction and upstream information transfer in the T & V Extension system in Bangladesh. | AEE | Ph.D | BAU | |||
454 | Md. Saiful Alam Talukder | Effects of Plant Density on the Green yield and seed Production in Different cultivars of stem Amaranthus. | HRT | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
455 | S. M. Abubaker Saiful Islam | In Vitro Propagation of Ghrysan Themum | HRT | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
456 | Md. Khurshid Alam | Performance of Tuberlet size from TPS and Characterization of Modern potato varities | HRT | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
457 | Md. Rezaul Haque | Effect of Fertilizer and Manure on Gurd and seed yield in Caulifilower | HRT | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
458 | Golam Rasul | Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on flower yield and bulb production in Tuberose | HRT | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
459 | Md. Jamal Uddin | Impact of IPM Training on rice farmers educational Behaviour cognitive and Affective Domains. | AEE | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
460 | Ahmmed Hossain | Farm level status of improned winter vegetable technologies in Sadar of Jhenaidha Dist. | AEE | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
461 | Sk. M. Ahaduzzaman | Adoption of modern T. Aman Technologies among the rice growers in Sadar Thana of Rangpur District. | AEE | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
462 | Kamruzamman Sarker | Light interception dry matter distribution growth and yield of some selected rice cultivars | AGR | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
463 | Altab Hossain | Root growth nutrient uptake and yield performance of groundnut genotypes as inpluenced by Nitrogen and phosphorus ertilization | AGR | Ph.D | Win/ 99 | |||
464 | Rathi Mohamud Morshed | Effect of Irrigation and Nitrogen on growth and yield of carrot. | SSC | MS | Win/ 99 | 75 | ||
465 | Md. Ataur Rahman Howlader | Effect of organic residues on mineralization and microbial biomass dynamics in paddy soil. | SSC | MS | Win/ 99 | 78 | ||
466 | Most. Nasrin Begum | Effects of Irrigation and Phosphorus on the yield and quality in Tomato | SSC | MS | Win/ 99 | 71 | ||
467 | Jagandish Chandra Roy | Seasonal Trends in the reproouctive potential and population development of mustard | ENT | MS | Win/ 99 | 69 | ||
468 | Md. Yousuf | Evalution of different indices and effects on natural enemies for judicious use of cypermstrin against Brinjal shoot and fruit borers | ENT | MS | Win/ 99 | |||
469 | SM Afsaruzzaman | Ecological aspects of bean aphid,aphis craccivora koch and their application on country bean | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 99 | 175 | ||
470 | Md. Akhtaruzzaman | Intergated management of fruit fly on cucumber | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 99 | 193 | ||
471 | Md. Monsur Alam | Synchrony Evaluation of plant age aphid performance and insecidicde application in controlling in Mustard | ENT | MS | Win/ 99 | 89 | ||
472 | Kazi Tanvir Mahmud | Impact of crediti on income and employment of women members of Savar Thana under world vision project | AEC | MS | Win/ 99 | 55 | ||
473 | Md. Golam Kibria | An Economic analysis of improved mungbean production in Jessore District | AEC | MS | Win/ 99 | 111 | ||
474 | Md. Mouin Uddin | Growth Trend and supply response of mungbean in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 99 | 86 | ||
475 | Md. Mamunur Rashid | Economic Assesment of local and improved mungbean production in greater Kushtia District. | AEC | MS | Win/ 99 | 90 | ||
476 | Jahangir Kabir | An Economic Evaluation of Okra and Ash gourd vegetable in Gazipur and Chitagong District of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 99 | 127 | ||
477 | A.S.M. Golam Hafiz | Vegetable marketing system in Bangladesh a perspective on participation and role of private sector. | AEC | MS | Win/ 99 | 124 | ||
478 | Kh. Habibul Alam | Growth and yield of Mungbean as infulence by Naa and Gazz | CBT | MS | Win/ 99 | 55 | ||
479 | Md. Haider Hossain | Studies on different aspects of seed tuber inffection by PLRV and PVY contributing Degeneration of Potato. | PLP | MS | Win/ 99 | 121 | ||
480 | P. Kumar Mondal | Biological control of seedling mortality of chickpea caused by sclerotium rolfslluning antagonistyic fungi | PLP | MS | Win/ 99 | 65 | ||
481 | Hasanuzzaman | Floral Biology of snake gourd | GPB | MS | Win/ 99 | 70 | ||
482 | Abdul Wadud | Performance of four summer vegetable under reduced light condtion for agrofoestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 99 | 89 | ||
483 | Farid Uddin Ahmed | Homestead Agroforestry in Bangladesh as case study of Gazipur District | AFE | MS | Win/ 99 | 81 | ||
484 | Sheikh Md. Abdur Rahman | Physico-Chemical and microbial properties of some Tea soil of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 72 | ||
485 | Mousumi Khondaker | Response of some pea varieties to Rhizobum inoculation | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 88 | ||
486 | Zarzis Ahamed | Response of Bu Ash Gourd 1 to NPK and Organic manure | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 68 | ||
487 | Md. Anisur Rahman | Role of Molybdenum and boron on nodulation nitrogenase activity growth and yield of soybean (gl yeinmax (L) mer) | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2000 | 172 | ||
488 | Md. Lutful Bari Al Ousmani | Response of Mungbean to planting density and source sink manipulation | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 91 | ||
489 | Md. Jahangir Murshed | Root growth and productivity of some selected chickpea genotypes under Irrigated and non Irrigated conditions | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 115 | ||
490 | Prodip Kumar Raptan | Salinity induced changes in dry matter production and mineralion accumulation in vigna spp. | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 71 | ||
491 | Badal chandra Biswas | Performance of seed potato stored in different cold storages | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 75 | ||
492 | Md. shariful Islam | Evaluation of Selected morphological characters and genetics of one endemio and five introduced long grain rice varieties | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 124 | ||
493 | Md. Mustafa Khan | Canopy structure light intercaption dry matter production and allocation in mungbean plants | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 78 | ||
494 | A.N.M. Waliullah | Communication Behaviour of frontling Extension workers and farmers in Relation to rice production in Bangladesh | AEE | Ph.D | Aut/ 2000 | 255 | ||
495 | Manjumul Haque | Information media used in adopting vegetable production technology by the female households of gheor Thana in Mahikgonj District. | AEE | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 56 | ||
496 | Md. Delwar Hossain Mazumder | Factors Associated with the Extent of Availity of Modern variety seed to Boro Rice growers | AEE | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 101 | ||
497 | Md. Akhtar Hossain | Existing Homestead vegetables production and utilization system in some selected areas of pabna District | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 90 | ||
498 | A.H.M. Mahbubul Baset Bhuiyan | An Economics analysis of HYV Boro rice cultivition in some selected sites of Kishorgong District | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 98 | ||
499 | Md. Shaheen Miah | Capital Formation and utilization in case of social development sangshad at bashal Thana under Tangail District. | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 78 | ||
500 | A.T.M. Rezaul Hoque | Productivity profitablity and allocative efficiency of local and improved mungbean production in some selected sites of Jamalpur District. | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 114 | ||
501 | Tanvir Mahmud Bin Hossain | An Economic study on Rice-cum-Fish culture in some selected Areas of Mymensingh District. | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 140 | ||
502 | Mohammad Aminul Akanda | Evaluation of Fertilizer supply marketing system and utilization at Farm level in Boro Season | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 93 | ||
503 | Md. Abdul Awal Chowdhury | Comparison of chemical composition decomposition rate and nutrient release from leaves potential agroforestry tree | AFE | MS | Aut /2000 | 136 | ||
504 | Samir chandra Ghosh | Performance of Tree Crop association under Irrigated condition | AFE | MS | Aut /2000 | 114 | ||
505 | Md. Abul Waduo
Performance of four summer vegetable under reduced light conditions for Agroforestry Systems | AFE | MS | win /99 | 89 | ||
506 | Md. Abul Kalam Azad | Studies on some aspects of four colletotrichum spp. | PLP | MS | Sum /2000 | 85 | ||
507 | Haripada Mondal | Effect of seed and soil borne incula of bipolaris sorokiniana-on-seeolin mortality and spot blotch of wheat | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 78 | ||
508 | Jinnat Ara Begium | Effect of Growth factors on and its sensitivity to Fungicides | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 78 | ||
509 | Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary | Study on the variability in isolatees of bipolaris sorokinian causing spot blotch of Wheat | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2000 | 163 | ||
510 | Md.Salim Haider | Prevalence and control of Fus Arium Oxyspoprum F.Sp. vasinfectum Causing seedling mortality of Goesypium Arboreum | PLP | MS | sum/ 2000 | 52 | ||
511 | Md. Sirazul Islam | Physiological and Pathological studies on selerotium Rolfsh | PLP | MS | 131 | |||
512 | Md. Fakrul Alam | Effect of growing Amendments and Nematicides on root-knot Nematode of Okra | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 47 | ||
513 | Md. Abu Ashraf Khan | Studies on Radio Identification of Phytopathogenic Bactera | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2000 | 131 | ||
514 | Sayed Liaquat Hossain | Reaction of wheat germplasm to Bipolaris Sorokiniana at different growth stages | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 36 | ||
515 | Md. Tauhid Parvez | Prevalence and phsiology of fusarium oxysporum F.Sp. Vasinfetum causing wilt of gossypium Arboreum | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 50 | ||
516 | Nasima Akter | Biological control of seedling mortality of different crops caused by selfrotium Rolfsii using anta gonistio fungi | PLP | MS | Sum/ 97 | 72 | ||
517 | Niharika Das Gupta | Occurence of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (Tylcv) and Tomato purelevin virus (TPW) and their effects on growth and yield of Tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 77 | ||
518 | Md. Alamgir Hossain Mrida | Characterization of xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzicola the causal organism of bacterial leaf streak of rice | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 72 | ||
519 | Paresh Chandra Golder | Studies on growth yield and quality of Banana as affected by growth regulators | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2000 | 183 | ||
520 | Mia Abdur Rasid | Effect of fruit retention and spacing on the yield and quality of Okra (Abelmoschusesculentu) seed | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 60 | ||
521 | Md. Basharat Ali Sarker | Characterization Evaluation and improvement of Muskmelon (Cucumismelo) | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 200 | 207 | ||
522 | Md. Saiful Islam | Effect of sowing time and plant density on the performance of Edible podded Pea. | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 60 | ||
523 | Syed Md. Mizanur Rahman | Performance of in Vitor plantlets with conventional suckers as influenced by desuckering techniques on Banana production | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 79 | ||
524 | Md. Saiful Islam | Effect of sowing time and plant density on the performance of Edible poded pea | HRT | MS | Aug/ 2000 | 79 | ||
525 | Nilfar Yesmin | Effects of different media for in vitro seed propagation of two native orchids | HRT | MS | Aug/ 2000 | 42 | ||
526 | Md. Abdul Jalil Khan | Micropropagation establishment growth naia and irrigation requirment for the production of Afarican Violt (Saintpaulia ionantha) | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2000 | 97 | ||
527 | Kaser Khan | Genetic diversity, combiging ability and heterosis in yard long bean | HTR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2000 | 125 | ||
528 | Rumena Yasmen | Effect of salinity at the reproductive phase of rice
CBT | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 55 | ||
529 | Shah Abdul Hye | Salinity tolerance in chickpea | CBT | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 79 | ||
530 | Sheikh Murshidul Karim | Heat Tolerance and late seeding respones in wheat | CBT | MS | Aug/ 2000 | 95 | ||
531 | Md. Abdul Latif
Biology of Rice Weevil Sitophilus oryzae linn in Rice grains and its control using camphor in stored rice | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 75 | ||
532 | Md. Razab Ali
Resistance sources among different pulses and Efficacy of their extracts against pulse beetles. | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 107 | ||
533 | Md. Abdul Basher | Effect of Adapted Fertilization on the development of mustrad aphid. (Lipaphis erysiml kalt) | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 55 | ||
534 | Sheikh Shah Shamul Hoque | Relationship Between rice hispa, dicladispa armigera (Olivier) damage and grain
Yield |
ENT | MS | Aug/ 2000 | 65 | ||
535 | Md. Shalim Uddin | In Vitro Propagation of Pointed gourd (trichosanthcs dioica Rox) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 57 | ||
536 | Md. Shahidul Islam | Genetic Variability, Correllation and path analysis of different morpho-Anatomical traits of Tossa Jute (C alitariur L.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 76 | ||
537 | Md. Mamunur Rashid | Genetic Divergence in Cucurbith moschata | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2000 | 56 | ||
538 | Mahmiud Al Hossain | Studies on Genetic variability correlation and path analysis in kenae (Hibiscus camnabisus L) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2000 | 54 | ||
539. | Shalim Arifa Nabi | Organogenesis in teasle gourd (Momondica diaich Roxb) | GPB | MS | Aug/ 2000 | 43 | ||
540. | Md. Akter Hossain | Development of Stable malesterile line for hybrid seed production in radishi | GPB | Ph.D | Aug/ 2000 | 96 | ||
541 | Alok Kumar Paul | Fertility management of newely Developed genotype of pea | SSC | MS | Aug/ 93 | 49 | ||
542 | Abu Zafar Md. Mosilehuddin | Mineralogy and potssium chemistry of Bangladesh Paddy soils | AGR | Ph.D | 1998 | 100 | ||
543 | Sheikh Abdul Quader | Seed quality of wheat as affected by production technology | AGR | Ph.D | 1992 | 224 | ||
544 | Md. Nazmul Huda | Effects of quality of certifield seed and farmers seed on the productivity of rice and wheat | AGR | Ph.D | 1992 | 230 | ||
545 | Ali Muhammad | Scientists perception on determinants of research productivity in crop science | AFE | Ph.D | 1994 | 337 | ||
546 | Md. Amzad Hossain | Studies on physiology ecology and control of torpedograss in sugarcane | Agril.Sc. | Ph.D | 1999 | 292 | ||
547 | Shahidul Islam | Field ecology pest status and management of rice Hispa in Bangladesh | Tech.Sci. | Ph.D | 1997 | 130 | ||
548 | Khairul Bashar | Genetics studies on rice root xylem vessels and related characters in relation to drought avoidance mechanisms | GPB | `MS | 1987 | 179 | ||
549 | Mohammad Abdul Aziz Miah | Studies on the inheritance of callus induction ability through anther culture and evaluation of dihaploid lines in rice | GPB | Ph.D. | 1983 | 119 | ||
550 | Md. Abul Bashar | Homegarden agroforestry impact on biodiversity conservation and household food security, a case study of gazipur district, Bangladesh | Agril. | MS. | 1999 | 110 | ||
551 | Subrata Kumar Nandy | Direct and residual effects of micronutrients on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of crops in a rice-rice sequence | SSC | MS | Dec/ 99 | 128 | ||
552 | Muhammad Ruhul Amin | Factors Related to the adoption of multiple cropping in two villages of comilla District | AEE | MS | July/ 82 | 139 | ||
553 | Author | A study on the performance of thirteen chinese cabbage lines | HRT | MS | Mar/ 87 | 31 | ||
554 | Author | Effect of different levels of nitrogen on the growth, yield and quality of Banana CV. Amritasagar | HRT | MS | Feb/ 87 | 47 | ||
555 | Md. Altab Hossain | NItrogen and phosphorus fertilizer effects on root growth, nutrient uptake and yield performance of groundnut | AGR | Ph.D. | 1999 | 283 | ||
556 | Md. Ahsanul Kabir Miah | An economic analysis of aromatic and nonaromatic rice cultivation in some selected areas of dinajpur district | AEC | MS | 2000 | 112 | ||
557 | Mahmudul Islam Nazrul | In vitro propagation of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) | HRT | MS | Sum/ 01 | 57 | ||
558 | Golam Mowla | Factors association with the problems facted in utilizing irrigation water by the boro growers in sadar upazila of gazipur | AER | MS | Win/ 00 | 77 | ||
559 | Md. Yusuf Ali | Influence of phosphorus fertilizer and soil moisture regimes on root system development, growth dynamics and yield of chickpea | AGR | Ph.D. | Win/ 00 | 221 | ||
560 | Dilip Kumar Biswas | Canopy structure, light interception, Gas exchange, pattern of resource allocation, and productivity of Blackgram at variable population densities | AGR | MS | Sum/ 01 | 95 | ||
561 | Mst. Dilafroza Khanam | In vitro cormel production of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus) | HRT | MS | Win/ 00 | 68 | ||
562 | M. Atiqur Rahman Mazumder | Morphological characteristics and yield potential of different coriander genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 00 | |||
563 | Md. Wahidul Islam Sarker | Effect of water stress on nitrogen fixation dry matter accumulation and yield in chickpea | SSC | MS | 2000 | 62 | ||
564 | Hosneara Khanam | Evaluation of mungbean genetic resources for adaptation in nutrient-Poor and nutrient-Rich Environments | AGR | Ph.D. | Wint/ 00 | 60 | ||
565 | Kamal Uddin Ahmed | Performance of farmers seed potato in relation to germination, plant growth, yield and disease reaction | AGR | MS | Sum/ 01 | 89 | ||
566 | Md. Ataur Rahman | Grafting compatibility of cultivated Eggplant with wild solanum root stocks | HRT | MS | Win/ 00 | 54 | ||
567 | A.K.M. Mizanur Rahman | Assessment of variability in the segregating populations of exotic hybrid radish | GPB | MS | Win/ 00 | 55 | ||
568 | Md. Delowar Hossain | Performance of some mungbean varieties to Rhizobium inoculation | SSC | MS | Win/ 00 | 92 | ||
569 | Md. Abdul Mannan | Plant biodiversity in the homesteads of Bangladeah and its utilization in crops improvement | GPB | Ph.D. | 2000 | 214 | ||
570 | Md. Altaf Hossain | Effect of IBA and plant spacing on the growth and yield of potato raised from TPS seedlings | HRT | MS | Sum/ 01 | 59 | ||
571 | Md. Azharul Islam | Cognitive performance of the cane development assistants as affected by their annual refresher training | AER | MS | Win/ 00 | 90 | ||
572 | Md. Rezaul Islam | Characterization of pest Altoia spp. Based on Morphological characteristics Host range isozyme analysis …………. vitro | PLP | MS | Sum/ 01 | 98 | ||
573 | Shima Rani Ghosh | Adoption of improved cultivation practices by the sugarcane growers of non-Mill Zone AREA in Shibganj Upazila | AER | MS | Sum/ 01 | 100 | ||
574 | Md. Abiar Rahman | Effect of alley cropping with different nitrogen levels of crop productivity and soil properties in upland ecosystem | AFE | MS | Sum/ 01 | 103 | ||
575 | Nasira Sultana | Morphological variability in Bipolaris sorokiniana | PLP | MS | Win/ 00 | 47 | ||
576 | Roll No. 7 | Effect of Manuring and split application of nitrogen on grain yield and quality of Maize | AGR | MS | Nov/ 96 | 77 | ||
577 | Roll No.32 | Effect of Sesbania Rostrata Biomass and nitrogen on the performance of Transplant aman Rice CV. BR-11 | AGR | MS | May/ 97 | 97 | ||
578 | Roll No.10 | Effect of variety and fertilization on grain yield and quality of wheat | AGR | MS | Nov/ 96 | 70 | ||
579 | Roll No.53 | Effect of minimum tillage on Aus Rice (CV. BR21) under different intercultural practices | AGR | MS | June/ 97 | 70 | ||
580 | Roll No.56 | A study on the effect of fertilization on grain yield and quality of transplanted Aman rice | AGR | MS | Nov/ 96 | 80 | ||
581 | Md. Main Uddin Miah | Performance of five winter vegetables under different light conditions for agropforestry systems | AFE | MS | Sum/ 01`88 | |||
582 | Taru lata shapla | Performance of some cultivars of chilli (Capsicum annum) under different levels of light as for agoforestry systems | AFE | MS | Aut/ 01 | 46 | ||
583 | Kaniz Fatema | Performance and nutritive value for F1 Muskmelon and their parents | HRT | MS | 60 | |||
584 | Md. Yeasin Ali | Effect of intercropping legume vegetaables on the performance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) | HRT | MS | Aut/ 01 | 70 | ||
585 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Effect of scion storage condition and Duration on the success of veneer grafting in mango | HRT | MS | Aut/ 01 | 54 | ||
586 | Md. Saykhul Arifin | Influence of N P K and cowdung on the yield performance of IPSA Seams\-3 | HRT | MS | Aut/ 01 | 60 | ||
587 | Fahmida Rahman | Effect of sowing time and population density on the growth, yield and quality of garden pea | HRT | MS | Aut/ 01 | 71 | ||
588 | Md. Abdul Mannan | Selection efficiency at Early stages of sugarcane breeding | GPB | Ph.D. | Aut/ 01 | 137 | ||
589 | Nargis Akter | Morphological attribute and stem histology in relation to fibre yield and biomass of high land jute (C. Olitorius L.) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 63 | |||
590 | Umakanta Sarker | Combining ability analysis of CMS and Restorer Lines in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 01 | 97 | ||
591 | Almasi Enam | Prevalence of tomato purple vein virus (TPVV) and its impact on growth and yield of four tomato varieties | PLP | MS | 01 | 71 | ||
592 | Md. Omar Faruque Tarafder | Development of Root-knot nematode in Bunching onion | PLP | MS | Aut/ 01 | 62 | ||
593 | Md. Rafiqul Azam | Prevalence and effect of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on growth and yield of nethouse grown seedlings in tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 01 | 69 | ||
594 | S.M. Badrul Alam | Prevalence of mungbean yellow mosaic virus and its effect on growth and yield of mungbean | PLP | MS | Aut/ 01 | 77 | ||
595 | Mst. Masuma Akhter | Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) | AGR | MS | Aut/ 01 | 78 | ||
596 | Md. Khairul Alam Bhuiyan | Productivity and economic feasibility of grain legumes intercropped with maize | AGR | MS | Aut/ 01 | 75 | ||
597 | A.K.M. Ferdous | Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on nutrient uptake and productivity of Edible podded pea | AGR | MS | Aut/ 01 | 120 | ||
598 | Md. Sirazul Islam | Water stress tolerance of Phaseolus
vulgaris L. as affected by potassium |
AGR | MS | Aut/ 01 | 69 | ||
599 | Abul Bashar Talukder | Performance of master trainers in conducting training for extension workers of the departmentof agricultural extension Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D. | Aut/ 01 | 150 | ||
600 | Ferdousi Begum | Contribution of farmwomen in Post-harvest Activities of boro rice, Pulses and oilseed crops in Narsingdi District of Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D. | Aut/ 01 | 201 | ||
601 | Sufia Begum | Adoption of cauliflower production technology in homestead Affa by the Rural Housewives in Savar Upazila of Dhaka Distrit | AER | MS | Aut/ 01 | 60 | ||
602 | Md. Abdul Kader | Factors Affecting Farmers awareness about latest sugaricane production technollogies in some selected areas of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/ 01 | 93 | ||
603 | A.K.M. Ziaur Rahman | Use of Visual color Ribbons and some other management Approaches against the cucurbit fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae coquillett) in Bitter Gourd | ENT | MS | Aut/ 01 | 96 | ||
604 | Md. Moinul Haque | Effect of different light levels on the morphology, physiology and yield of four selected vine crops | CBT | MS | Aut/ 01 | 119 | ||
605 | Bidhan Chandra Paul | Response of tomato to NPKS fertilization in shallow red-brown terrace soil | SSC | MS | Aut/ 01 | 127 | ||
606 | Sharif Mohammad Asaduzzaman | Effect of Biomass incorporation and crop combination in mitigating scouring problem in an alley cropping system | Forestry | Ph.D. | Oct/ 00 | 163 | ||
607 | Md. Ruhul Amin | Factors Related to the adoption of multeple cropping in two villages of Comjlia District | AER | MS | July/ 82 | 144 | ||
608 | A.S.M. Masuduzzaman | Screening and selection for tolerance to salinity in rice | GPB | MS | 00 | 88 | ||
609 | Shaharuk Ahmed | Linkage performance between go and NGO: a case of DAE and Care-Bangladesh in Implementing an interfish Agricultural Development Project | AER | Ph.D. | win/ 01 | 153 | ||
610 | Nasir uddin Ahmed | Performance of upland rice in ablle cropping systems at different levels of nitrogen | AFE | MS | Win/ 01 | 88 | ||
611 | Dewan Shazzadul Hoque Uzzal | Host preference and performance of Aphis gossypii Glover | ENT | MS | Win/ 01 | 67 | ||
612 | Jahidul Islam | Performance of Edible podded pea as influenced by Rhizobium Inoculation, Nitrogen and Phosphorus | SSC | MS | Win/ 01 | 109 | ||
613 | Mohammod Jalal Uddin | Morphogenetic diversity and gene action in sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) | GPB | Ph.D. | 01 | 192 | ||
614 | Atika Ayub | Studies on control of Alternaria Blight of Cauliflower seed crop | PLP | Ph.D. | Win/ 01 | 88 | ||
615 | Satya ranjan Saha | Heat Tolerance in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) | HRT | Ph.D | Win/ 01 | 236 | ||
616 | Md. Shawkat Ali Mallik | Hydraulic characterization of an inceptisol for Agronomic Evaluation of wheat grown under different moisture regimes | SSC | Ph.D. | Win/ 01 | 202 | ||
617 | Mohammad Apel Mahmud | Participation of the Tribal Women in Homestead vegetable production program in Madhpur Upazila of Tangail District | AER | MS | 01 | 93 | ||
618 | K.M. Deloar Rahman Khan | Seasonal Variation in leaf photosynthesis and productivity of two mungbean varieties | AGR | MS | Win/ 01 | 67 | ||
619 | Md. Sohidul Islam | Morphio-Physiology of Blackgram and Mungbean As influenced by Salinity | AGR | MS | Win/ 01 | 87 | ||
620 | Dulal Chandra Biswas | Effect of irrigation and population density on growth and producvity of field bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) | AGR | MS | Win/ 01 | 97 | ||
621 | Mohammad Anwarul Karim Chowdhury | A study on HYMV in Respect to prevalence, Field spread and Impact on growth and yield of mungbean | PLP | MS | win/ 01 | 81 | ||
622 | Md. Abul Fazal Mollah | Quality evaluation of jute seeds collected from two different sources | AGR | MS | Win/ 01 | 77 | ||
623 | Nazneen Ara Sultana | An investigation to some aspects of TYLCV and TPVV infecting tomato | PLP | MS | Win/ 01 | 90 | ||
624 | Md. Shah Alam | Evaluatio of physical Barrier and insecticide against the Brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis guenee and on natural enemy conservation | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 91 | ||
625 | Kalam Mohammod Abul Bashar | Influence of Variety and sowing date on the abundance of insect pests in Blackgram | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 75 | ||
626 | Aklema Ahsan | Participation of rural women in homestead vegetable production program in sadar upazila of Gazipur District | AER | MS | Sum/ 02 | 82 | ||
627 | A.K.M. Jahangir osmani | Role of the ladybird beeile (Menochilus sexuaculatus fab.) on the consumption of bean aphid (Aphis craccivora koch.) at different densities in the laboratory | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 74 | ||
628 | Nirmal Chandra Shil | Effect of organic manure on phosphorus availability in some soils of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Sum/ 02 | 108 | ||
629 | Md.Khaled Sultan | Combining ability and genetic studies for physiological traits in maize | GPB | Ph.D. | 2002 | 82 | ||
630 | Bilkish Begum | Inlfuence of planting dates on performance of lablab bean nines | HRT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 47 | ||
631 | Mohammad Nayemul Hassan | Evaluation of commercially Avalable Insecticides on Ladybird Beetles | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 67 | ||
632 | Md. Shahidur Rashid Bhuiyan | Interspecific Hybridization in oleiferous brassica with special emphasis on shattering behavior | GPB | Ph.D. | March/02 | 176 | ||
633 | Mohammad Hemayatul Islam | Productivity of wheat, tomato and cabbage in Alley cropping sysytem as affected by tree species and levels of nitrogen in upland ecosystem | AFE | MS | Sum/ 02 | 135 | ||
634 | Sanjoy Kumar Paul | Management of TYLCV in respect to growth and yield of tomato using net house grown seedlings and insecticidal spray | PLP | MS | Sum/ 02 | 107 | ||
635 | Md. Al-Amin Hossain Talukder | In vitro Propagation of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) | HRT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 79 | ||
636 | Fourrukh Ahamed | Marketing and consumption of jackfruit in some selected areas of Mymensingh and Gazipur Districts | AEC | MS | Sum/ 02 | 86 | ||
637 | Md. Zohurul Haque | Heat tolerant characteristics in wheat under late seeded condition | CBT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 106 | ||
638 | Md. Majibar Rahman | Studies on ralstonia solanacearum and its Antagonistic Bacteria | PLP | MS | Sum/ 02 | 58 | ||
639 | Md. Golam Rabbani | Effects of Rhizobium Leguminosaruk, Phosphorus and Molybdenum on pea | SSC | MS | Sum/ 02 | 105 | ||
640 | Mr. Tapan Kumar Dey | Occurence and management of bacterial wilt of potato and survivability of Ralstonia Solanacearum | PLP | Ph.D. | Win/ 01 | 186 | ||
641 | S.M. Faisal | In vitro Morphogenesis and plant regeneration of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) | HRT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 59 | ||
642 | Md. Ansar Uddin | Polyculture Effects on insect pests and their natural enemies | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 76 | ||
643 | Md. Zamsed Ali | Studies on the mating and oviposition behaviour of Hog-Plum Beetle podontia 14-Punctata and its chemical control | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 80 | ||
644 | Gopal Chandra Paul | Properties of sugarcane soils and contribution of organic materials on soil microbial biomass dynamics and dry matter yield sugarcane | SSC | Ph.D. | Sum/ 02 | 200 | ||
645 | Md. Abdus Samad | Host preference and performance of Aphis Gossypii glover on different cucurbits | ENT | MS | Sum/ 02 | 89 | ||
646 | Khalifa Shah Alam | Impact of Training on Farmers knowledge, attitude and adoption of modern sugarcane production technologies | AER | MS | Win./00 | 67 | ||
647 | Md. Shahaduzzaman | Performance of Brridhan29 at a range of population densities in comparison with hybrid rice | AGR | MS | Sum/ 01 | 113 | ||
648 | Mira Rani Das | Variation in yield and quality of tomato under different sowing times | CBT | MS | Win/ 00 | 51 | ||
649 | Jahan Afroze | Cultivar Differences in Germination, Vigor and Quality of Frice Seeds | AGR | MS | Sum/ 96 | 76 | ||
650 | Ratan Kumar Chakraborty | Study on Quantitative Characters in N2 Generation of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek). | GPB | MS | Aut/ 94 | 77 | ||
651 | Sbyamali Saha | Yield and some quality charactgers of local and modern rice cultivars | GPB | MS | 1998 | 73 | ||
652 | Ing. Arunendra Bhowmik | Institutul Agronomic Nioolae Balossour – Bucuresti facultatea De Agricultura | Ph.D. | 184 | ||||
653 | Mohammad Khalequzzaman | Development of Drought Resistant Varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Through in Vitro Hybridization | CEE | Ph.D. | Sept/ 02 | 175 | ||
654 | Enamul Haque | Performance of rice IPM farmers under farmer firld school in Department of Agric, Extension | AFRD | Ph.D. | 02 | 190 | ||
655 | Md. Khairul Bashar | Genetic and Morpho-Physiological Bases of Heterosis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | Ph.D | July/ 02 | 147 | ||
656 | Shahabuddin Ahmad | Genetics of fruit set and related traits in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Under hot-Humid conditions | HRT | Ph.D. | Aut/ 02 | 236 | ||
657 | Biresh Kumar Goswami | Variability among the isolates of Rhizoctonia solani in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 02 | 120 | ||
658 | Nitya Ranjan Sharma | Studies on the Rhizoctonia Sheath Disease complex of Rice in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D. | Aut/ 02 | 152 | ||
659 | Delowara Khanam | Biodiversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Agricultural Crops and their interaction with Rhizobium on Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 02 | 226 | ||
660 | Md. Sirajul Islam | Tillage, Mulchand Irrigation Effects on soil Physical Properties, Nutrient Uptake, Water use and Yield of Wheat | SSC | Ph.D. | Aut/ 02 | 229 | ||
661 | Atoa Rpljsama | Early variety IPSA bean Marketing System in some selected Areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 02 | 90 | ||
662 | Apurba Sarker | Gender participation in cauliflower seed production in Sadar upazilla of Tangail District | AER | MS | Aut/ 02 | 63 | ||
663 | Abul Kashem Mohammad Jahangir Hossain | Socio-economic impact of social forestry project upon the beneficiaries in some selected villages of the RDRS command Area | AER | MS | Aut/ 02 | 100 | ||
664 | Sherin Sultana Binta Rahman | Effect of storage Period on some bio-chemical changes in tomato | CBT | MS | Aut/ 02 | 71 | ||
665 | Kabir Uddin Ahmed | Pest complex, Yield loss Assessment and their control in country bean | ENT | MS | Aut/ 02 | 92 | ||
666 | Lata Anjumanara Begum | Host preference of fruit fly and red pumpkin Beetle to different cucurbit vegetables grown in summer | ENT | MS | Aut/ 02 | 64 | ||
667 | Zarif Uddin Ahmad | Integrated management of Mustard Aphid, Lipaphis Erysimi Kalt. | ENT | MS | Aut/ 02 | 89 | ||
668 | Sabitra Kumer Nag | Effect of Temperature on growth and population kincrease of cotton – Melon Aphid, Aphid, Aphis Gossypii glover on brinjal | ENT | MS | Aut/ 02 | 78 | ||
669 | Md. Khalid Jamil | Influence of Date of sowing on growth and yield of Garcen Pea (POisum sativum L.) | HRT | MS | Aut/ 02 | 53 | ||
670 | Monuwarul Haque | Effect of contrition of seedling raising and insecticide spray on prevalence of Tylcv and its impact on growth and yield of tomato | PLP | MS | 02 | 91 | ||
671 | Afroza Parvin | Effect of condition of growing seedling and sowing time on prevalence of TYLCV and its impact on growth and yield of tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 02 | 99 | ||
672 | Mst. Sabera Sultana | Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and boron on okra | SSC | MS | Win/ 02 | 73 | ||
673 | Md. Nazzamul Islam | Management of the Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer, Leucinodes Orbonalis Guene using Different Methods and Conservation of Natural Enemies | ENT | MS | Win/ 02 | 72 | ||
674 | Mohammed Manjur Alam | Studies on biology, leaf consumption and alternate hosts of podontia 14-punctatal., infesting hog plum | ENT | MS | Win/ 02 | 72 | ||
675 | Mohammed Abu Bokor Faruquel | Effect of water stress on morpho-Physiological Changes in Vigna radiata L. Wilczek Grown under Saline conditions | AGR | MS | Win/ 02 | 78 | ||
676 | Sheikh Md. Ruhul Amin | Performance of different oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) varieties | HRT | MS | Win/ 02 | 66 | ||
677 | Azimul Kabir | Small scale irrigation management: impact on Farm productivity and livelihood of the Rural people | AEC | MS | Win/ 02 | 95 | ||
678 | Mia Md. Bashir | Performance of Blackgram and Mungbean Varieties under different light levels | AFE | MS | Win/ 02 | 95 | ||
679 | Md. Jahedur Rahman | Performance, nutritive value and postharvest loss in sweet pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) | HRT | MS | Win/ 02 | |||
680 | Jasmin Akhter | Effect of sosurces and methods of fertilizer Application on fertilizer use efficiency of Irrigated lowland rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 02 | 88 | ||
681 | Md. Aminur Rahman | Screening of okra varieties for agroforestry system under reduced light conditions | AFE | MS | Win/ 02 | 78 | ||
682 | Md. Abu Hasan | Physiological Changes in Wheat under Late Planting Heat Stress | CBT | MS | Win/ 02 | 104 | ||
683 | Syed Md. Zainul Abedin | Studies on Bioecology and Management Approaches of Termites | ENT | Ph.D. | Win/ 02 | 197 | ||
684 | Md. Aziz Zilani Chowdhury | Self-Incompatibility and combining ability studies in oleiferous Brassica Rapa | GPB | Ph.D. | Aut/ 02 | 103 | ||
685 | Md. Lataf Hossain | Impact of flower and nectar attribute os mistard in attracting apis mellifera L. and crop yield | ENT | MS | 02 | 83 | ||
686 | Laila Nasrin | Farmers perception and practice of using healthy BRRI dhan-28 seed and its impact on farm productivity in some selected Areas in, Gazipur. | AEC | MS | Win/ 02 | 67 | ||
687 | Md. Khayrul Alam | Leaf gall of Arjun (Terminalia Arjuna Roxb. And its chemical control | ENT | MS | Win/ 02 | 74 | ||
688 | Naline Ranjon Basak | Study on composition of trees in Homesteads at Different ecological zones in Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 02 | 104 | ||
689 | Md. Enamul Kabir | Role of Nutrients (N, P and K) on salinity Tolerance of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata L. Wilczek) | AGR | MS | Win/ 02 | 119 | ||
690 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Bio-control potentiality oftrichoderma harzianum and its mass culture using organic substgrates | PLP | MS | Win/ 02 | 92 | ||
691 | Hasina Akter | Screening of Available Pea Genotypes for Resistance to the Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus Chinensis (LINN.), Coleoptera: Bruchidae | ENT | MS | Win/ 02 | 85 | ||
692 | Abdul Latif Shah | Phosphorus nutrition of rice varieties in relation to phosphorus sources and rates on a phosphorus deficient soil | SSC | Ph.D | 02 | 184
693 | Mohammad Rezzur Rahman Sarker | Investigation of Bushbean Diseases | PLP | MS | Win/ 02 | 127 | ||
694 | Jalal Uddin Ahmed | Yield and quality of Carrot at Different Harvesting Dates | CBT | MS | Win/ 02 | 66 | ||
695 | Mosammat Afruza Begum | Prevalence and Spread of Okra Yellow vein Clearing Mosaic virus (OkYVCMV) in the field and its impact on growth and yield of OKRA | PLP | MS | Win/ 02 | 135 | ||
696 | Md. Moniruzzaman | Plant density age of seedling and N-P fertilizers effects in lettuce | HRT | MS | Win/02 | 104 | ||
697 | Md. Yusuf Ali | Influence of Phosphorus Fertilizer and soil Moisture Regimes on Root System Development, Growth Dynamics and Yield of Chickpea | AGR | Ph.D. | Win/ 00 | 221 | ||
698 | Mohammad Nurul Islam | Competitive interference and Productivity in Maize-Bean Intercropping system | AGR | Ph.D. | Win/ 02 | 160 | ||
699 | Mohammad Bashir Ahmed | Impact of Shrimp Farming on socio-Economic, Agriculture and Environmental Conditions in Paikgacha Upazila of Khulna District | AER | Ph.D. | Sum/ 03 | 184 | ||
700 | Mohammad Zakaria | Induction and Performance of potato microtubers | HRT | Ph.D | 2003 | 182 | ||
701 | Mst. Rahmat Ara | Viruses infecting weeds and ornamentals at BSMRAU Campus | PLP | MS | 2003 | 91 | ||
702 | Md. Mohabbarullah | Nutrient management in summer onion | SSC | Ph.D | 2003 | 164 | ||
703. | Md. Hasanuzzaman | Comparative study of sugarcane production as monoculture and intercorpping with CDP crops in some selected areas of Kushtia Dist. | AEC | MS | 2003 | 75 | ||
704 | Sk. M. Ahaduzzaman | Extension agent-farmer linkage in Bangladesh | AERD | Ph.D | 2003 | 224 | ||
705. | S.M. Mahbub Ali | Effect the phenology, seed yield and seed quality of late sown tossa jute | AGR | MS | 2003 | 67 | ||
706 | Md. Azizur Rahman | Heterosis in Egg plant (Solanum melongena L.) | HRT | MS | 2003 | 108 | ||
707 | Md. Zahid Al Rafiq | Yield performance of mesta as influenced by fertilizer and population levels | AGR | MS | 2003 | 50 | ||
708 | Farhana Islam | Input-out put relationship and profitability of rice wheat based cropping system in a selected area of Comilla District. | AEC | MS | 2003 | 106 | ||
709 | Marufuzzaman | Comparative economic impact of comunity farming and traditional farming on boro rice cultivation at sadar thana under satkhira District | AEC | MS | 2003 | 79 | ||
710 | Tofayel Ahmed | Effect of different light levels on growth, yield and quality of tomato varieties | AFE | MS | 2003 | 84 | ||
711. | Mosi Uddowla Reza | Input-out put relationship and resource use efficiency of snake gourd cultivation in a selected area of Gazipur District. | AEC | MS | 2003 | 95 | ||
712. | Bg\hagya Rani Banik | Variability, gene action and heterosis in snake gorud | GPB | Ph.D | 2003 | 185 | ||
713 | Sayed Jiaul Karim | Influence of long term nutrient management on different soil properties in rice wheat cropping system | SSC | MS | 2003 | 78 | ||
714 | Shafiqul Islam Mamin | Photosynthesis, shoot reserve translocation, lodging and nitrogen use efficiency of modern and traditional varieties of rice | AGR | Ph.D. | 2003 | 272 | ||
715. | Paritosh Kumar Malaker | Studies on black point of wheat and its management | PLP | Ph.D | 2003 | 166 | ||
716. | Habibur Rahman | Variability of papaya ring spot virus-papaya strain infecting papaya in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D | 2003 | 180 | ||
717. | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Eco-physiology of soil flooding tolerance in mungbean | AGR | Ph.D | 2003 | 196 | ||
718. | Subrara Mowlick | Investigation to certain aspects of PRSV-P and development of its mild strains using mutagenic treatments | PLP | MS | 2003 | 86 | ||
719. | Khadija Akhter | Effect of date of sowing on the prevalence of tomato and impact of TYLCV infection on growth and yield contributing characters of tomato varieties | PLP | MS | 2003 | 112 | ||
720. | Md. Mosharraf Hossain | Performance of eight tomato varieties against infection under field condition | PLP | MS | 2003 | 114 | ||
721. | Farhana Shahriar | Effect of sowing dates on the management of tomato purple vein virus | PLP | MS | 2003 | 90 | ||
722 | Md.Abdul Jalil | Yield components and seed quality of wheat as affected by flag leaf removal | CBT | MS | 2003 | 68 | ||
723. | Nazmun Naher | Yield and nutritional quality of Radish as affected by different harvest dates | CBT | MS | 2002 | 74 | ||
724. | Abdullah Baque | Potassium inducted changes in the physiology of wheat plants under water stress conditions | AGR | MS | 2003 | 95 | ||
725. | Razia Sultana Chowdhury | Gas exchange characteristic and biomass accumulation pattern of mungbean under elevated | AGR | MS | 2003 | 66 | ||
726. | Mahbubul Alam | Performance of Maize at various levels of nitrogen fertilizer and population density | AGR | MS | 2003 | 95 | ||
727. | Abu Hadi Md. Asadur Rahman | Growth and yield performance of eight tomato varieties infected with under field condition | PLP | MS | 2003 | 140 | ||
728 | Md. Babar Ali | Influence of physiological factors on mycial growth of oyster mushroom fungus (Pleurotus ostreatus) | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 48 | ||
729 | Samsun Nahar | Integrated management of seeling mortality of bushbean caused by Sclerotium Rolfsii and Rhizoctonia solani | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 74 | ||
730 | Kawser-E-Jahan | Biological control of bacdterial wilt of tomato using antagonistic bacteria | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 48 | d0 | |
731 | Md. Sakhawat Hossain | Integrated approach for the management of Alternaria Blight of Cabbage seed crop | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2003 | 138 | d0 | |
732 | Aminul Islam | Sorption Characteristics and Practionation of Arsenic in some soils of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 103 | ||
733 | Md. Shafiqul Islam | Impact of long-term application of organic matter on soil properties and crop production | SSC | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2003 | 208 | ||
734 | K.M. Kabir Alam | Seed production potential of Lablab Bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet) Genotypes at three sowing times | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 72 | ||
735 | Md. Abdur Razzaque | Linkage perpromance between extension and research: A case of department of agricultural extensiion and Bangladesh rice research Institute | AERD | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2003 | 201 | ||
736 | Mohummed Shofi Ullah Mazumder | Impact of ASA micro credit program towards upliftment of rural Women under Sadar Upazila of Patuakhali District | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 91 | ||
737 | Bhagya Rani Banik | Vrariability, Gene Action and Heterosis in Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes Anguina L.) | GPB | Ph.D. | Sum/2003 | 185 | ||
738 | A.H.M. Fazul Kabir | Growth and Yield of Chickpea Cultivars as affected by Sowing time under rainefed conditions | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 100 | ||
739 | Mohammed Monhi-Ud-Din | Post-Anthesis Physiology of Wheat Flag Leaf Under Heat-Stressed Environment | CBT | MS | Aut/ 2003 | 103 | ||
740 | Md. Anwar Hossain | Radical Acid Phosphatase Activity and Phosphorus Uptake in Wheat Genotypes | CBT | MS | Aut/ 03 | 63 | ||
741 | Md. Ishaqul Islam | Evaluation and selection of Biosassay methods for monitoring the insecticide resistance in brinjal shoot and fruit borer | ENT | MS | Aut/ 03 | 59 | ||
742 | Golam Azam Khan | Plant parasitic nematodes associated with soil of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Seedling in Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Aut/ 03 | 58 | ||
743 | Md. Sohelur Rahman | Biological and chemical control of sclerotium Rolesii and Rhizoctonia solani causing seedling mortality of pea | PLP | MS | Aut/ 03 | 65 | ||
744 | Biplab Tapader | Effect of herbicides on weed control, plant growth and soil environment in transplanted aus rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 03 | 84 | ||
745 | S.M. Khalid Shaifullah | Viruses infecting pumpkin in southern Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Aut/ 03 | 64 | ||
746 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Phosphorus chemistry in wetland rice soil profile of a vertic haplustept | SSC | MS | Aut/ 03 | 119 | ||
747 | Mohammad Shahjahan | Growth, yield, quality and nutrient uptake of groundnut as influenced by phosphorus and molybdenum application | SSC | Ph.D. | 204 | |||
748 | Mohammad Shaidul Haque | Genotypic variation in the physiology mungbean (Vigna Radiata L). Under Elevated CO2 | AGR | MS | Aut/ 03 | 82 | ||
749 | Mohammad Zashim Uddin | Studies of Flower Dropping problems in off-season Lablab bean (Lablab purpureus l. weet) | HRT | MS | Aut/ 03 | 119 | ||
750 | Mosammat umma Kulsum | Growh, yield and nutrient uptake in Blackgram at different nitrogen levels | AGR | MS | Aut/ 03 | 93 | ||
751 | Nirmal Kumar Dutta | Sudies on the resistance of some local tomato genotypes against whitefly, bemisia tabaci (genn.) | ENT | MS | Aut/ 03 | 56 | ||
752 | Md. Imrul Ahsan | Effect of varieties and planting dates on the incidence of insect pests attacking tomato | ENT | MS | Aut/ 03 | 83 | ||
753 | Md. Abdul Aziz | Growth, Yield and some physiological mechanisms of salinity tolerance in mungbean | AGR | Ph.D. | Aut/ 03 | 223 | ||
754 | Biplab Tapader | Effect of herbicides on weed control, plant growth and soil environment in transplanted aus rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 03 | 84 | ||
755 | A.S.M. Iqbal Hussain | Effect of population density and N-fertilizer appcation on the growth and yield of BRRI dhan 29 | AGR | MS | Aut/ 03 | 91 | ||
756 | Fatema Begum | Intergrated control of seedling mortality of Lentil caused by Sclerotium Rolesii | PLP | MS | Win/03 | 57 | ||
757 | Mohammad Nazmul Haque | Biological and serological relatedness and impact of WMV-2 and ZYMV on cellular components and physiology of pumpkin leaves | PLP | MS | Win/03 | 70 | ||
758 | Niger Sultana | Interation of Trichoderma and Fungicides for control of seedling mortality of wheat caused by Sclerotium Rolfsii | PLP | MS | Win/ 03 | 61 | ||
759 | Md. Golam Raihan | Integrated control of seedling mortality of peanut caused by Rhizoctonia solani and sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Win/ 03 | 82 | ||
760 | Md. Hafizur Rahman | Nursery practices of the village and farm forestry project supported nurseries in Rajshahi, Natore and Pabna Districts | AFE | MS | Win./03 | 127 | ||
761 | Mohammad Hedayetul Islam | Profitability and technical effieiency of wheat production in some selected areas of Dinajpur district | AEC | MS | Win/2003 | 88 | ||
762 | Md.Abu Sayed | Socio-economic impact of thengamara mohila sabuj sangha’s poverty allevation program on the beneficiaries under sirajgang district
AER | MS | Win/03 | 90 | ||
763 | Md. Noor Alam | Performance assessment of the beneficiaries in pond-fish culture under integrated aquaculture development project of rdrs Bangladesh
AER | MS | Win/03 | 134 | ||
764 | Sultana Kudrati Khoda | Foliar spray of Fungicides and Botanicals to control Stalk Rot and Alternaria Blight of Cauliflower seed crop | PLP | MS | Win./03 | 60 | ||
765 | Mosammat Lubna Sultana | Prevalence and control of seed Borne Fungi of pea | PLP | MS | Win/03 | 50 | ||
766 | Md. Mosaref Hossen | Identification of Indigenous Technologies in Agriculture and Its use by The farmers | AER | MS | Win/ 03 | 124 | ||
767 | Mahbura Moonmoon | Correlates of the socio-economic characteristics of the poultry farmers with their knowledge on different aspects of poultry rearing in nine selected villages of Gazipur Sadar Upazila. | AER | MS | Win/ 03 | 92 | ||
768 | Suvash Chandra Dey | Cold tolerance of rice seedling and reproductive stages | CBT | MS | Win/03 | 57 | ||
769 | Nasima Akhter | Morpho-physiological Changes of Garden pea under different light condition | CBT | MS | Win/03 | 94 | ||
770 | Md. Ataur Rahman Howlader | Biodynamics of microbial biomass nitrogen and sulfur in organic matter amended soil and their roles on the yield of wheat | SSC | Ph.D. | Win/03 | 152 | ||
771 | A.T.M. Anwarul Islam Mondol | Integrated nutrient management for sustaining soil fertility and wheat productivity | SSC | MS | Win/03 | 81 | ||
772 | Md. Zuleiqar Ali | Viruses infecting cucumber in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Win/03 | 56 | ||
773 | Md. A. Alim | Impact of N and K on soil Properties and growth, yield and nutrient uptake of jute | SSC | MS | Win/03 | 75 | ||
774 | Md. Mizanur Rahim Khan | Yield performance of lablab bean genotypes under different supports and assessment of their nutritive values | HRT | MS | Win/03 | 76 | ||
775 | Md. Wozi Ullah | Integrated technologies for the production of quality onion seed in Bangladesh | HRT | Ph.D. | Win/03 | 198 | ||
776 | Mohammad Siddiqur Rahman | Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and planting system on the growth, yileld and nutrient use efficiency of composite and hybrid maize | AGR | Ph.D. | Win/03 | 173 | ||
777 | MST.Asma Huq | Effect of nitrogen fertilization on dry matter aromatic rice cultivars | AGR | MS | Win/03 | 84 | ||
778 | Md. Kamrul Hasan Mitu | Genetic Analysis of yield and Related Characters in pea (Pisum Sativum L.) | GPB | MS | Win/03 | 83 | ||
779 | Zakia Sultana | Variability assessment of pea(Pisum sativum L.) in F 5 generation | GPB | MS | Win/03 | 155 | ||
780 | Syed Md. Rafiqul Amin | Effect of intercropping on the diversity and management of insect pests and their natural enemies in brinjal | ENT | MS | Win/03 | 81 | ||
781 | Md. Atikul Islam | In vitro Embryo culture of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) | GPB | MS | Win/03 | 61 | ||
782 | Md. Rayhanul Islam | Seasonal variatin in the pattern of seed grwoth, seed yield and seed quality of Blackgram cultivars in two growing seasons | AGR | MS | Win/03 | 69 | ||
783 | Zahir Uddin Mahmud | Seed quality improvement in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) | HRT | Ph.D. | Win/03 | 212 | ||
784 | Mohammad Quamrul Islam Matin | Chracteristics amd mitrotove Values of some minor fruits grown in Gazipur District | CBT | MS | Sum/03 | 73 | ||
785 | Md. Rezaul Haque | Post Harvest loss Assessment, Shelf life and quality Improvement of tomato | HRT | Ph.D. | Sum/04 | 170 | ||
786 | Naznin Khadija | Evaluatin of Pea Germplasms for their Resistance Against Food and Root rot | PLP | MS | Sum/03 | 46 | ||
787 | Md. Faruk Hossain | Role of Farmers promoters in disseminating knowledge, skills and access to services among the beneficiaries under farmers led extension project of rangur district | AER | MS | Sum/ 04 | 76 | ||
788 | Mohammad Abu Safique Haque | An investigation to virus Like Disease of China Rose | PLP | MS | Sum/04 | 49 | ||
789 | Shahana Parvin | Performance of four okra varieties in Relation to okra yellow vein clearing mosaic virus (OKYVCMV) | PLP | MS | Sum/04 | 97 | ||
790 | Prakit Chandra Dev Sharma | Influence of planting method and time to leaf and seed production and postharvest assessment in Lettuce (Lactuce sativa L.) | HRT | MS | Sum/04 | 89 | ||
791 | Mohammad Abdul Aziz Khan | Integrated management of seedling mortality of Chickpea Caused by Sclerotium Rolfsii | PLP | MS | Sum/04 | 80 | ||
792 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Producers and Traders Efficiency in Mango Marketing of Rajshahi district | AEC | MS | Sum/04 | 70 | ||
793 | Ratan Kumar Sen | Influence of sowing & Harvesting time and calcium chloride on Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Var. Italica L.) | HRT | MS | Sum/04 | 71 | ||
794 | Bijon Kumaer Mitra | Effect of Weed control Treatments on weed seed Bank, Weed Dynamics and the performance of Three Transplanted Aman rice Varieties | AGR | Ph.D. | Sum/04 | 143 | ||
795 | Md. Hafizur Rahman | Sowing time effect on seed quality and its Impact on stand establishment of Mungbean | AGR | MS | Sum/04 | 49 | ||
796 | Hosneara | Assessment of outcrossing rate in CMS Line and Performance of BU hybrid MULA-1 (Raphanus sativus L) | GPB | MS | Sum/04 | 86 | ||
797 | Sikdar Mohammad Marnes Rasel | Identification of borer infesting jackfrutt Trunk and Assessment of its Damage severity | ENT | MS | Sum/04 | 83 | ||
798 | Mohammad Mohidur Rahman | Response of Wheat Genotypes to late seeding Heat stress | CBT | MS | Sum/04 | 86 | ||
799 | Md. Mosharef Hossaen | Influences of different potting media on the growth, flower production and postharvest quality in African Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) | HRT | HRT | Sum/04 | 51 | ||
800 | ||||||||
801 | Quazi Akhter ul Alam | Impact on income and livelihood of the pond Fish farmers: The case of integrated Aquaculture Development project of Rdrs Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Sum/04 | 101 | ||
802 | Mohd. Moniruzzaman | Effect of light intensity and nitrogen on the yield and quality of Bangladhonia (Eryngium foetidum L.) | HRT | MS | Sum/04 | 107 | ||
803 | Zannaton Nahar | Effect of nitrogen on its uptake, Water Relations, growth and yield of sesame | AGR | MS | Sum/04 | 80 | ||
804 | Md. Shafiul Alam | Indigenous Agroforestry Knowledge: Agro-Economic studies on Latkan (Baccaurea sapida) Production at Narsingdi District | AFE | MS | Sum/04 | |||
805 | Muhammad Abul Kalam Khan | Producitivity and resource use effecicency of boro rice cultivation in some selected haor areas of Kishoreganj District | AEC | MS | Sum/04 | 78 | ||
806 | Dipangkar Roy | Control of okra yellow Vein Clearing Mosaic Virus by Controlling its vector Through insecticidal Spray | PLP | MS | Sum/04 | 69 | ||
807 | Md. Shafiqul Aktar | Physiological Differences in yielding Ability of Traditional and Modern Mungbean Genotypes (Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek) | AGR | Ph.D. | Sum/04 | 161 | ||
808 | Md. Rayhanul Islam | Comparative advantages of fruit fly control Traps over Farmers practices in cucurbits in some selected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Sum/04 | 103 | ||
809 | Md. Sultan Mahamud | Performance of prodmising genotypes of Mungbean Against Major Insect Pests | ENT | MS | Sum/04 | 84 | ||
810 | Akkas Mahmud | Impact of IPM programme of the Deptt. of Agricultural Extension on Animal Biodiversity and yield of Rice | ENT | MS | Sum/04 | 76 | ||
811 | Md. Mesbahul Islam | Storage and marketing of potato in rangpur district | AEC | MS | Sum/04 | 107 | ||
812 | Mohibul Hasan | Effects of stem borer damage on rice and evaluation of farmers chemical control efforts | ENT | Ph.D. | Sum/04 | 161 | ||
813 | S.M. Mizanur Rahman | Evaluation of some IPM packages for the suppressioin of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, leucinodes orbonalis guenee | ENT | MS | Sum/04 | 84 | ||
814 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Management of insect pest complex of mungbean using insecticides and neem neem extracts | ENT | MS | Sum/04 | 59 | ||
815 | Ayesha Siddika | Efficacy of some addivives for suppressing rice moth (Sitotroga cerealella) in stored rice | ENT | MS | Sum/04 | 79 | ||
816 | Saiful Haque | Comparative technical Efficiency and profit ability of potato, tomato and cauliflower production in a selected Area of Netrokona District | AEC | MS | Sum/04 | 71 | ||
817 | A.K.M. Mazibur Rahman | Genotype-Environment interaction, Heterosis and sex Modification in snake Gourd (Trichosanthes Anguina L) | GPB | Ph.D. | Sum/04 | 148 | ||
818 | Md. Abul Hossain Molla | Solid State Bioconversion of Domestic Wasstewater Treatment plant Sludge into compost by Screened Filamentous Fungi | Malaysia | Ph.D. | June/02
B.2 | ||
819 | Md. Abdul Monayem Miah | Production and marketing of livestock and livestock products in selected peri-Urban areas of Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D. | Oct/ 02 | 379 | ||
820. | Mohammad Majiharul Kawser | Response of rice toelevated (Co2) and NaCl levels | AGR | MS | Sum/05 | 74 | ||
821. | Siddarth Kumar Roy | Characterization and yield variation in Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) | AGR | MS | Win/ 05 | 69 | ||
822. | Savrin Farzana | Effect of spacing and introgen application mehtod on nitrogen uptake and productivity of garden pea | AGR | MS | Aut/ 04 | 71 | ||
823 | Shamima Akter | Effect of soil flooding on morpho-physiology of mungbean (Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilzzek) | AGR | MS | Win/ 04 | 63 | ||
824. | Md. Altaf Hossain | Root growth and nutrient uptake in mungbean | AGR | Ph.D. | Aut/ 04 | 166 | ||
825. | Abdul Momen | Seed size effects on immbibition and hard seedeness in mungbean genotypes | AGR | MS | Win/ 04 | 67 | ||
826. | Selina Hasan | Effect of phosphorus fertilizer on phosphorus uptake growth and yield in sesame | AGR | MS | Sum/05 | 55 | ||
827. | Asmaul Husna | Morphology phenology and yield variation in pigecnpea genotypes planted in rabi season | AGR | MS | Win/ 04 | 51 | ||
828. | Md. Mazharul Islam | Effect of irrigation and nitrogen on the performance of bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) | AGR | MS | Win/ 04 | 73 | ||
829. | Md. Roknuzzaman | Seed quality as influenced by growting environments and its subsequent effect on stand establishment and yield of mungbean | AGR | MS | Aut/ 04 | 67 | ||
830. | Jesmin Akter | Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on the growth physiology and yield of rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 04 | 59 | ||
831. | K.M. Shamsul Haque | Effect of nitrogen on yielding ability of indigenous aromatic rice cultivars under stacking and non-staking conditions | AGR | MS | Aut/ 04 | 72 | ||
832. | M.Nazmul Hoque Siddiquey | Genetic divergence and characters association in groundnut (arachis hypogaea L.) | AGR | MS | Win/ 04 | 47 | ||
833. | Afroza Naznin | Effect of irrigation and phosphours on the performance of bush bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) | AGR | MS | Aut/ 04 | 85 | ||
834 | Md. Mosharrof Hussain | Yield quality of bush bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) genopypes as influenced by date of sowing | AGR | MS | Sum/05 | 67 | ||
835 | Md. Humayun Kabir | Effect of water management and weed control treatments on weed seed bank weed dynamics and the performance of transplanted aman rice | AGR | MS | Sum/05 | 113 | ||
836 | Md. Nurul Alam Siddique | Defollation effects on mazie on crop competition and productivity of cowpea and groundnut inter cropping systems | AGR | MS | Win/ 04 | 58 | ||
837 | Mst. Salma Pervin | Factors affecting submergence tolerance of rice ( Orysa sativa L.)seedling | CBT | MS | Sum/05 | 113 | ||
838 | Most. Bilkis Banu | Flowering behaviour, flower morphology and nutritional composition of passion fruit(Passiflora edulis sims) | CBT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 49 | ||
839 | Khondokar Mizanur Rahman | Effect of municipal solid waste in tomato | CBT | MS | Wint/ 04 | 62 | ||
840 | Shahrina Akhtar | Evaluation of seed vigor, crop phenology and yield of chickpea genotypes | CBT | MS | Wint/04 | 76 | ||
841 | A.K.M.Naim-Uzzaman | Comparative profitability of brinjal, yard long bean and cucumber cultivation in comillah district | AEC | MS | Aut/ 04 | 91 | ||
842 | Farida Yesmin | Production and marketing of organic vegetables initiated by proshika in mymensingh district | AEC | MS | Sum/ 05 | 96 | ||
843 | Nakul Chandra Mahanta | Profitability and technical efficiency of potato production in some selected areas of rangpur district | AEC | MS | Sum/05 | 87 | ||
844 | Muhammad Anisur Rahman | Estimation of factor demand and output supply of carp production in mymensingh district | AEC | MS | Sum/05 | 84 | ||
845 | A.M. Shamsuddula | Comparative economics of HYV-boro and hybrid rice production in terms of profitability and efficiency in myminsingh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 04 | 68 | ||
846 | Mahmuda Akter | Socio-economic impact of IPM-CRSP technologies for vegetable production in selected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 04 | 137 | ||
847 | Md. Abul Hossain | Women’s participation in selected income generating activities undertaken by small holder agricultural improvement project of department of agricultural extension | AER | MS | Sum/ 05 | 69 | ||
848 | Md. Latiful Haider | Farmer’s response to integrated pest management for increasing brinjal production | AER | MS | Sum/ 05 | 107 | ||
849 | Sk. Harunur Rashid Ahmed | Fertilizer use gap between recommended and farmer’s practices for sustaining soil productivity | AER | MS | Sum/ 05 | 84 | ||
850 | Md. Delwar Hossain Mazumder | Constraints to production, storage, distribution and marketing of quality rice seed at public and private sectors in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D. | Win/ 04 | 245 | ||
851 | Md. Mahmudul Hasan | Farmers participation in farm and community level activities for their socioeconomic upliftment | AER | MS | Sum/ 05 | 77 | ||
852 | Shaikh Shamim Hasan | Farmers’ response to integrated plant nutrition system for increasing soil fertility | AER | MS | Aut/ 04 | 98 | ||
853 | Mst.Jannatul Ferdoushe Ara | Effect of photosynthetically active radiation and miosture regimes on the performance of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) | AFE | MS | Sum/ 05 | 62 | ||
854 | Airin Sultana | Plant biodiversity in homestead microsites in ganges floodplain bioecological zone of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 04 | 80 | ||
855 | Stamina Halder | Study on production, socioeconomic and marketing aspects of Aloe vera: a potential medicinal plant at natore district in Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Sum/ 05 | 73 | ||
856 | Salauddin Ahmed | Performance of tomato, brinjal and cabbage in alley cropping system as affected by four tree species and levels of nitrogen in upland ecosystem | AFE | MS | Aut/ 04 | 92 | ||
857 | S.M. Alam | Production, processing and economic aspects of agar tree (aquilaria malacensis) as an agroforestry species un moulvi Bazar District of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Aut/ 04 | 86 | ||
858 | Md. Monirul Amin | Growth and yield of jackfruit tree at different ages in homestead and field conditions | AFE | MS | Win/ 04 | 57 | ||
859 | Md. Jahangir Alam | Farmers’ experiences on eucalyptys: growth, use and impact on associated crops | AFE | MS | Win/ 04 | 97 | ||
860 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Effect of coriander as an intercrop for the management of insect pests of brinjal | ENT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 65 | ||
861 | Tazreen Suriya Munun | Host performance and preference of Lipaphis erysimi (kal T.) on different crucifers | ENT | MS | Sum/05 | 59 | ||
862 | Ashraf ul Karim | Role of Bush in Harboring natural enemies and other beneficial insects | ENT | MS | Sum/05 | 62 | ||
863 | Mohammad Arifur Rahman | Host preference of Trathala Flavoorbitalis on brinjal shoot and fruit folder | ENT | MS | Sum/05 | 75 | ||
864 | Md. Hasanur Rahman | Effectiveness of various IPM packages for the management of fruit fly on sweet gourd | ENT | MS | Sum/05 | 62 | ||
865 | Mohammad Abu Zafar Mousa | Effect of host plant stage, weather and colony size on the performance and alate exule formation of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kal T.) in mustard | ENT | MS | Win/ 04 | 69 | ||
866 | Abul Basger Mohammad Anwar Uddin | Brinjal shoot and fruit borer female sex pheromone: trap optimization and application in IPM trials | ENT | MS | Win/ 04 | 88 | ||
867 | Anadi Bhusan Das | Effects of irrigation and nitrogen on the growth and yield of cabbage | SSC | MS | Aut/ 04 | 85 | ||
868 | Mohammed Solaiman Talukder | Characterization of some Rhizobium strains and their effectiveness on host legumes | SSC | MS | Sum/05 | 90 | ||
869 | Mohammed Zia Uddin Kamal | Effects of irrigation and nitrogen on the growth and yield of hybrid chinese cabbage | SSC | MS | Wun/04 | 87 | ||
870 | Shamima Aktar | Effect of irrigation and sulphur on the growth and yield of onion | SSC | MS | Sum/05 | 70 | ||
871 | Md. Alamgir Kabir | Effects of inorganic, organic and biofertilizer on pea | SSC | MS | Win/ 04 | 125 | ||
872 | MM Mostafifizur Rahman | Effect of dual inoculation of rhizobium and arbuscular mycorrhiza on pea | SSC | MS | Sum/05 | 96 | ||
873 | Md. Jamal Hussain | Effects of nitrogen and boron on the yield and hollow stem disorder of broccoli | SSC | MS | Win/ 04 | 128 | ||
874 | Md. Monjur Rahman | Characterization and performance of nine anthurium(Anthurium spp.) genotypes | HRT | MS | Sum/ 05 | 63 | ||
875 | Md.Ehsanul Kabir | Performance of heat tolerance Tomato hybrids(Lycopersicon esculentam Mill.) in summer-rainy season | HRT | MS | Sum/05 | 65 | ||
876 | Md. Shirajul Islam Chowdhury | Study of genetic diversity and characterization of some cultivars of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) | HRT | MS | Sum/ 05 | 70 | ||
877 | Md.Noor-E-Alam Siddique | In vitro propagation of hippeastrum(Hippeastrum hybridum) | HRT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 66 | ||
878 | Jakia Sultana | Investigation on phenology, in vitro bulb production and vase life of hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybridum) | HRT | MS | Win/ 04 | 69 | ||
879 | Md. Yamin Kabir | Genetic analysis of yield and its related attributes in lablab bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet) | HRT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 82 | ||
880 | Md. Ashrafuzzaman | Yield and post harvest quality of oyster mushroom as influenced by organic and inorganic amendments | HRT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 70 | ||
881 | Mst. Hanunnahar | Changes of quality in broccoli (Brassica oleracca var.italica) after blanching and storage at different temperatures | HRT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 85 | ||
882 | Md. Ashraful Alam | Effects of variety, scion length and age of seedling on the stone grafting in mangi | HRT | MS | Aut/ 04 | 64 | ||
883 | Nirod Chandra Sarker | Oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) production technology suitable for Bangladesh and its nutritional and postharvest behavior | HRT | Ph.D. | Win/ 04 | 227 | ||
884 | Kabila Anjuman-Ara | Characterijation and Impsovement of Dendrobiuon Orchids the Tissue Culture
HRT | PhD | Sum/05 | 204 | ||
885 | Md. Belal Hossain | Effects of “RIPEN-15 “ and “crops care” on the fruit set and yield in cucumber and bitter gourd | HRT | MS | Win/ 04 | 72 | ||
886 | Sidrat Abdullah | Genetic variability and path coefficient analysis in sweet pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) | HRT | MS | Sum/05 | 84 | ||
887 | Dilruba Karim | Variability, genetic parameter, correlation and path analysis in aromatic rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 04 | 63 | ||
888 | Md. Hafizur Rahman | Outcrossing characteristics of A,B and r lines developed for hybrid seed production in rice( Oryza sativum L.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 04 | 100 | ||
889 | Md. Nakibul Hasan | Genetic variability and inheritance of yield related traits in french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 04 | 96 | ||
890 | Md. Zakirul Alam Sarker | Assessment of seed production potentiality and self-incompatibility mechanism in open pollinated populations of exotic radish | GPB | MS | Sum/05 | 79 | ||
891 | Md. Nurul Islam | Genetics of earliness and quality characters in garden pea(Pisum sativum L.) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 04 | 89 | ||
892 | Khaleda Akter | Combining ability analysis for new plant type(NPT) traits in rice(Oryza sativum L.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 04 | 134 | ||
893 | AKM Mahabubul Alam | Invitro plant regeneration of groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 04 | 58 | ||
894 | Jugal Kiasor Nath | Study of genetic divergence in T.Aman rice | GPB | MS | Sum/ 05 | 69 | ||
895 | Md.Motiar Rahman | Effect of growth regulators and sex types on in vitro culture and eastablishment of carica papaya L. Explants | GPB | MS | Sum/05 | 67 | ||
896 | Marin Sultana | Flowering behaviour and seed production potentiality of onion (Allium cepa L.) germplasm | GPB | MS | Sum/05 | 59 | ||
897 | Jahan Al Mahmud | Health stutus of wheat seeds collected from the farmers of rangpur district | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 52 | ||
898 | Miss Nurzahan Khatun | Control of ufra disease ( Ditylenchus angustus ) of rice with nematicides | PLP | MS | Win/ 04 | 48 | ||
899 | Kalyan Kumar Adhikary | An investigation on the diseases of tuberose (Polyanthes Tuberosa) | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 47 | ||
900 | Alaul Hossain Md. Sharif | Control of colletotrichum capsici causing anthracnose of chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.) by botanicals, chemicals and biocontrol agents | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 60 | ||
901 | Farzana Akmed | Screening of fifteen tomato varieties against tomato purple vein virus (TPVV) under field condition | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 91 | ||
902 | Md. Masum Haider | Biological and chemical control of rhizoctonia dry root rot and foliar blight of soybean (Glycine Max L. Merr) | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 68 | ||
903 | Mst. Ferdousy Rahman | Prevalence of papaya ringspot virus- watermelon strain (PRSV-W) in pumkin and its control through coss protection | PLP | MS | Aut/ 04 | 59 | ||
904 | Rahana Sultana | An investigation to virus like disease og marigold | PLP | MS | Aut/ 04 | 44 | ||
905 | Iqbal Ahmed | Integrated approach for controlling seedling morality of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. capitatalinn.)caused by sclerotium rolfsci | PLP | MS | Win/ 04 | 54 | ||
906 | Md.Khairul Kabir | Control of seedling mortality of radish (Raphanus stativus ) trichoderma and fungicides | PLP | MS | Win/ 04 | 60 | ||
907 | Chitra Basu | Control of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in pumpkin by cross protection | PLP | MS | Aut/ 04 | 61 | ||
908 | Aziza Begum | An investigation to the viruses of chili | PLP | MS | Sum/ 05 | 49 | ||
909 | Mst. Syfun Nahar | Health status of potato seeds collected from farmers in Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 54 | ||
910 | AKM Sadiqul Islam | Characterization of soft rot bacterial pathogen of some vegetables | PLP | MS | Aut/ 04 | 69 | ||
911 | Md.Mynul Islam | Control of foot and tuber rot of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)caused by sclerotium rolfsii with trichoderma and fungicid | PLP | MS | Sum/05 | 62 | ||
912 | Md. Zakir Hasnat | Integrated approach to control foot and root rot disease of soybean glycine max (L.)merr caused by sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Aut/ 04 | 62 | ||
913 | Md. Kabir Uddin Sarker | Impact of gur processing actvity from golpata (nypa fruticans) in improving livelihood status of the beneficiaries | AERD | MS | Aut/ 05 | 73 | ||
914 | Moh. Nazrul Islam Sikder | Farmer’s knowledge of quality rice seed production and presevation in Gazipur Sadar Upazilla | AERD | MS | Aut/ 05 | 85 | ||
915 | Moh. Jahangir Hossain | Impact of micro-credit in the poverty alleviation of BRAC women beneficiaries under sreepur upazilla of Gazipur District | ARED | MS | Aut/ 05 | 71 | ||
916 | Md. Rabiul Islam | Adoption of Pashu Pusti (Cattle feed concentration) in cattle rearing at farmers level | AERD | MS | Aut/ 05 | 107 | ||
917 | Muhammad Asif Alam | Knowledge and decision making ability of IPM farmers in rice pest management | AERD | MS | Aut/ 05 | 91 | ||
918 | Saleh Md. Shihab Uddin | Control of Okra yellow vein clearing mosaic virus (ok YVCMV) by checking its vector through adjusting sowing dates | AERD | MS | Aut/ 05 | 69 | ||
919 | Md. Habibur Rahnab | Management of tomato purple vein virus (TPVV) using trap crops and spraying inseciticides | PLP | MS | Aut/ 05 | 73 | ||
920 | Md. wahiduzzaman | Effect of seed borne fungi on germination disease severity and yield of wheat | PLP | MS | Aut/ 05 | 64 | ||
921 | Syeda Farah Deeba | Culrural and Chemical control of tomato payple vein virus | PLP | MS | Aut/ 05 | 76 | ||
922 | Zinnnat Karim | Effect of polythene mulch and fertilizer on the management of tomato purple vein virus (TPVV) in the field |
MS | Aut/ 05 | |||
923 | Md. Rafiqual Islam | Impact of cattle breeding prorames in a selected area of Bangladesh |
MS | Aut/ 05 | 76 | ||
924 | Md. Ramjan Ali | Profiability and efficiency of pineaple production in some selected areas of Tangail district | AEC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 85 | ||
925 | A.N.M. Ferdous | Socio-economic impact of cotton IPM programme in selected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 88 | ||
926 | Sharifur Rahman Bhuiyan | Demand, supply and utilization of maize in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 75 | ||
927 | Moh. Hafizur-Rahman Khan | Cost-benefit of the soil conservation technology for hill farming in Khagrachari District of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 89 | ||
928 | Zakia Sultana | Competitiveness of poultyr and dairy agri-business in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 91 | ||
929 | Md. Ziaur Rahman | Comparative host perference of whitefly bemisis tabaci (gennadius) on some winter vegetables inder field condition | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 58 | ||
930 | Golam Mostafa Khan | Insect Pest Management in potato through intercropping | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 73 | ||
931 | Md. Saiful Islam | Attact of ectoparasitic mite tropilaelaps clareae on honey bee apis mellifera I. colonines its effects and management tracts | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 85 | ||
932 | Abu Zafor Md. Sadel | Incidence and infestation intensity of insect pests and their natural enemies in stored cereal products of Joydebpur Market in Gazipur Distract | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 77 | ||
933 | Hurmat Taiarem | Efficacy of botanicals physical materials and chemical procettants in protecting stored rice against insect pests under farmers storage conditions | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 55 | ||
934 | Md. Firoj Ali | Management of insect pests and their natural enemies in chickpea through intercropping | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 68 | ||
935 | Israt Jahan | Efficiency of hybrid beetle menochilus sexmachlatus as a predator a matural aphids at different densities in laboratory condition | ENT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 74 | ||
936 | Tajalla Mahmuda Binte Reza | Growth and yield of mungeba varieties as influence by different light levels | AFE | MS | Aut/ 05 | 94 | ||
937 | Mohammad Kamrul Hasan | Agrono-economic performance of pineapple agroforesty, system in Madhupur rtract | AFE | MS | Aut/ 05 | 72 | ||
938 | Eshrat Sharmeen Akand | Mecicinal plant species and their contribution to income generation and bioderversity conservation | AFE | MS | Aut/ 05 | 144 | ||
939 | Moh, Rafiqul Islam | Floral biology and fruit set in bitter gourd | HRT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 68 | ||
940 | Md. Khahlur Rahman Bhuiyan | Organogenests and in vitro conservation of colocasia esculenta var globulifera | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 05 | 222 | ||
941 | Taslim Ahamed
Combining ability and heterosis in Tomato | HRT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 88 | ||
942 | Rubayest Ara | Effect of nitrogen and harvesting frequencies on yield and quality of spinach | HRT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 72 | ||
943 | Tapas Dhasli | Development of vegetables and fruits processing dryer and its multiple uses | HRT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 52 | ||
944 | Md. Harnur Rasid | Effect of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium on the yield in yielding bean | SSC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 83 | ||
945 | Md. Atiqul Islam | Phosphorus fractions, sorption characteristics and supplying capacity of piedmont plains in north east Bangladesh | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 05 | 204 | ||
946 | Razu Ahmed | Effect of inoculation mehtods of rhizobium on pea | SSC | MS | Aut/ 05 | 90 | ||
947 | Rina Rani Shaha | Physiological aspects of yield and seed qaultiy of mungbean | AGR | Ph.D | Aut/ 05 | 158 | ||
948 | Md. Abdur Razzaque | Elevated carbon dioside and nitrogen effects on photosynthesis, growth and nutrient composition of rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 05 | 108 | ||
949 | Md. Mahfiuz Bazzaz | Effect of nitrogen and boron on phosysynthesis growth, culm reserve translocation, yield and nutrient uptake in wheat | AGR | MS | Aut/ 05 | 118 | ||
950 | Md. Nadim Khan | Seasonal variation of growth, yield and seed quality of sunflower genotypes | CBT | MS | Aut/ 05 | 57 | ||
951 | Kohinoor Begum | Utilization of some food sources for mass rearing of brinnal (GUENEE) under laboratory condition | ENT | MS | Win/ 05 | 72 | ||
952 | A.S.M. Mesbah uddin | Influence of sowing time and plant population on growth and yield of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) | HRT | MS | Win/ 05 | 83 | ||
953 | Md. Mehedi Masud | Seed source and seeding production techniques ofncommonly ocuring tree species in central trace ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 05 | 98 | ||
954 | Md. Nure Yousuf | Effects of phosphorus and zinc application on OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus l. moench) | SSC | MS | Win/ 05 | 67 | ||
955 | Md. Kamrul Hassan Khan | Environemtnal knowledge of the farmers on the use of AGRO Chemicals in rice cultivation | AER | MS | Win/ 05 | 94 | ||
956 | Mollah Md.ahabubul Alam | Indigenous knowledge techniques used in processing storage and marketing of raw sugar from golpata sap. | AER | MS | Win/ 05 | |||
957 | Md. Matiul Islam | Women’s partidipation in poverty alleviation through different agricultural income generating activities | AER | MS | Win/ 05 | |||
958 | Md. Samiul Karim | A study on the pestalotia spp isolated from three different plams | PLP | MS | Win/ 05 | 56 | ||
959 | Most Shamsunnahat | Changes in rematode community structure in vegetable fields tranitioning from conventional to organic manamgement | PLP | Ph.D | Win/ 05 | 107 | ||
960 | Ranjit Chandra shil | Impact of OKRA yekkiw vein clearing mosaic virus on physiology cellular component and yield of four OKRA varities | PLP | MS | Win/ 05 | 50 | ||
961 | Rawnaq Nazeen Chowdhury | Exogenous application of plant griwth regulators for parthenoecarpic fruit development in teasle gourd (Monordica dioica Roxb) | GPB | MS | Win/ 05 | 56 | ||
962 | Md. Mubarak Ali | Metrospore embryogenesis and the performance of micdrospore dericed double haploid in BRASSICA sp. | GPB | MS | Win/ 05 | 66 | ||
963 | Sujan Chandra Shah | Identification male sterility maintainer lines in Brasica napus L. | GPB | MS | Win/ 05 | 53 | ||
964 | Rahman Akter | Variability Assessment in F4 generation of aromatic rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 05 | 61 | ||
965 | Md. Mohsin Ali Sarker | Input-output relationship and technical efficiency to tobacco production in some selected areas of Rangpur District | AEC | MS | Win/ 05 | 95 | ||
966 | Md Mokhlesur Rahman Chowdhury | Probability and Efficiency of Carp Production in Lalmonirhat District | AEC | MS | Win/ 06 | 79 | ||
967 | Md, Atiqur Rahman | Profit efficiency of tilapia monoculure in Trishal Upazila of Mymensingh District | AEC | MS | Win/ 05 | 97 | ||
968 | Md. Rashid Hayder | Comparative profitability and technical efficiency of contract and non-contract broiler farming Gazipur district of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 05 | 102 | ||
969 | Shannaj Parveen | Empowderment of rural women in Bangladesh household level analysis | AEC | MS | Win/ 05 | 225 | ||
970 | Mohammad Belayet Hossain | Performance of Mungbean Genotypes (Vigna radiata L. wilezek ) Under non-irrigated conditions | AGR | MS | Win/ 06 | 57 | ||
971 | Lutiful Lahil Kader | Impact of mushroom culture on the farmers livlihood in a selected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 00 | 80 | ||
972 | == | Impact of micro credit on rural poor in sadr thana of Rangpur District | AEC | MS | 2006 | 66 | ||
973 | Mashuda Khanom | Profitable of commercial layer farming in some selected areas of savar of Dhaka District | AEC | MS | 2006 | 84 | ||
974 | Md. Nur Alam | Hill Farming technology in Bangladesh prodictivity tisk and impact on income of the farmers | AEC | MS | 2006 | 88 | ||
975 | Mahbuba Khanom | Profiable of commercial layer farming in some selected areas of savar of Dhaka District | AEC | MS | 2006 | 84 | ||
976 | Rawshan Jahan | Impact of healthy rice seed technology on farm income in some selected areas of Gazipur District | AEC | MS | 2006 | 59 | ||
977 | Nahid Jahan | Trend stability and supply response of vegetables pulses and spices of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | 2006 | 57 | ||
978 | Sarkar Chandan Kumar | Farm level status of winter vegetable cultivation by the farmers of thakurgaon sadar Upazilla | AERD | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
979 | Mohammad Gofran | Impact of micro-credit based activities on the livelihood of rural farmers in Bangladesh through development projects undertaken by Department of Agriculture Extension | AERD | MS | 2006 | 164 | ||
980 | Shahinul Kabir | Farmers constraints of adopting ecofriencly rice farming practices | AERD | MS | 2006 | 61 | ||
981 | Md. Moynul Hoque Sarker | Involvement of landless rural youtyh in income generating activities in the two selected villages of gobindaganj Upazila Under Gaibanda District | AERD | MS | 2006 | 63 | ||
982 | Md. Ziaul Huda | Farmers Response to Modern Maize cultivation in Kapasia Upazilla Under Gazipur Distracrt | AERD | MS | 2006 | 58 | ||
983 | Jhanto Chandra Saha | Loan utilization and repaytment behaviour of clientele in scotia branch of Bank Aasia Limited | AERD | MS | 2006 | 68 | ||
984 | Md. Shafiqul Islam | Sustanible livelihood of Rural Community through comperchensive village development programme of Bangladesh Academy for rural development | AERD | Ph.D | 2006 | 289 | ||
985 | Md. Moshin Ali | Adoption of organic manute for boro rice production at sadar uazila in Gazipur District | AERD | MS | 2006 | 73 | ||
986 | Md. Foezullah Talukder | Farmer’s response of modern in sharimg culture in assasuni upazilla under Satkhira District | AERD | MS | 2006 | 63 | ||
987 | A.B.M. Sohel Mahmud | Adoption of modern wheat cultivation technologies by the farmers of Birganj Upazila under Dinajpur District | AERD | MS | 2006 | 68 | ||
988 | Arabinda Kumar Roy | Development of Agronomatic cytosource for Hybrid Rice Production | GPB | Ph.D | 2006 | 166 | ||
989 | Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal | Genetic Diversity in Rapesed and Mustard | GPB | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
990 | A.S.M. Shaiful Alam | Line x tester Analysis in Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
991 | Rajib Podder | Genetic analysis and Heterosis study in snakegourd (Trichosanthes anaguina L.) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 95 | ||
992 | Niti Rani Debnath | Genetic Divergence in Buck wheat (Forgopyrum esculenturm Moemch) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 75 | ||
993 | Md. Abdul Hakim | Combining ability analysis for economic Traits in wheat (Triticium aestivum L.) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 79 | ||
994 | K.M. Ashraful Islam | Variability and Geneotype-Environment Interaction in Ginger (Zingiber officianale Rose) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 62 | ||
995 | Tahid Akter | Efficacy of Fungicidal spray to pruduce healthy seed of cauliflower | PLP | MS | 2006 | 46 | ||
996 | Mst. Shamima Pervin | A study on the virus inflecting summper cosmos | PLP | MS | 2006 | 45 | ||
997 | Md. Raisussin Bhuyiyan Shaheen | Health stauts of Cauliflower seed produced by farmers of Tangail District | PLP | MS | 2006 | 49 | ||
998 | Dawam Md. Moshiur Rahman | Prevalence of seed brone fungi of chlli (capsicum annum L.) and their control using fungicides and Botanicals | PLP | MS | 2006 | 58 | ||
999 | Abdul Muqit | Management of Tomato yellow leaf curlvirus (TYLCV) in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D. | 2006 | 187 | ||
1000 | Musfiqa Hagerin | Effect of Photysynthetically active Radiation and Irrigation level on the yield and yield attributes of cabbage | AFE | MS | 2006 | 63 | ||
1001 | Kazi-Noor-E- Alan Jewel | Nrisery Techniques for production and management of commonly occuring tree species in floodplain Ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2006 | 83 | ||
1002 | Md. Enamul Hoque | Idenification use and economic improtance of Medicinal plants species in Netrokona District | AFE | MS | 2006 | 101 | ||
1003 | Md. Rabiul Hasan | Effect of tree levels on crop productivity and soil properties at different nitrogen levels | AFE | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
1004 | Md. Wahiduzzaman Akon | Evulation of some botanicals, chemicals and physical materials in protecting stored pulse seeds against pulse bettle | ENT | MS | 2006 | 71 | ||
1005 | Mohammed Ali | Bioecology and Management of the Legume Pod Borer, Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera Pyralidae) Infesting country Bean | ENT | Ph.D | 2006 | 221 | ||
1006 | Nurul Amin | Effects of food substitutes on honey bee apismellifera L. Colonies for maintaining their population | ENT | MS | 2006 | 44 | ||
1007 | Mohammad Mannu Molla | Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Association in Different Leguminous Crops and its interaction with Rhizobium of Mungbean | SSC | Ph.D | 2006 | 210 | ||
1008 | A.F.M Shamin Ahsan | Scope of using Poultry Manure with Bulking agents in onion cultivation | CBT | MS | 2006 | 73 | ||
1009 | Md. Siddique Amin | Performance of Heat Tolerant Tomato (Lycoperslcon exculenlum Mill) Hybrid under hot humid condition | HRT | MS | 2006 | 62 | ||
1010 | Md. Zahedul Alam | Quality of Fresh and Preserved Banana as influenced by Ripening stage | HRT | MS | 2006 | 108 | ||
1011 | Sanjida Akhter | Effect on Poultry Manure with Inoefnix Nitrogen on Growth and Yield of Onion | CBT | MS | 2006 | 67 | ||
1012 | Mohammad Shariful Islam | Response of Agronomic Rice to applied Nitrogen | AGR | Ph.D | 2006 | 179 | ||
1013 | Sazzad Karim | Exploring plant tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses | N.Sc. | Ph.D | 2007 | 67 | ||
1014 | Mohammad Razu Ahmed | Effects of pre Harvest and Post Harvest Application of calcium chloride and fungicide on the quality in mango | HRT | MS | 2006 | 67 | ||
1015 | Md. Abdus Sattar | Variability study in potato (Solamum tuberosum L). | HRT | MS | 2006 | 70 | ||
1016 | Most Marufa Khatum | Effect of pod age, blanching and freezing on nutritional quality of Bush Bean (phaseolus vulgaris) Genotypes | HRT | MS | 2006 | 59 | ||
1017 | Md. Iqbal Hossain | Effect of soil and follar application of nitrogen on the growth and yield of sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) | HRT | MS | 2006 | 47 | ||
1018 | Auna Biseas | Comparative Performance and stability analysis for yield and yield components in BSMRAU developed Radish varities | GPB | MS | 2006 | 78 | ||
1019 | Farhana Afroze | Genetic Diverence in Ash Gourd (Benincasa hispida Thumb.) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
1020 | Tamanna Aktar Jahan | Variability and Heterosis in sweet Gourd (Cucurbita mosehala Dutch ex. Poir) | GPB | MS | 2006 | 59 | ||
1021 | Sharmin Jui | Field screeeing of some ginger genotypes for resistance to the rhizome fly,mimegralla coceruleifronts (Diptera Micropezidae) | ENT | MS | 2006 | 50 | ||
1022 | Tarafder Md. Arifur Rahaman | Effects of artificial foods during the dearth period for the population development of honeybee (Apis Melifera L) | ENT | MS | 2006 | 50 | ||
1023 | Mohamaed Showkat Hasan Khan | Economic analysis of potential benefits of selected genetically modeified crops to solve specific problems in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | 2006 | 78 | ||
1024 | Rumena Yasmeen | Physiology of rice genotypes under salt stress conditions | CBT | Ph.D | 2006 | 16 | ||
1025 | Muhbub Hasan | Low phosphorus tolernce of chickpea vareties in acidic soil | CBT | MS | 2006 | 62 | ||
1026 | Suprity Roy | Effect of Boron and Molybdenum of the yield of cabbage in the shallow red-trown terrace soil | SSC | MS | 2006 | 71 | ||
1027 | Anil Kumar Das | Effect of applied phosphorus on the growth nutrient uptake and yield in chickpea | AGR | MS | 2006 | 58 | ||
1028 | Md. Jahangir Alam | Variation in seed growth, viaility and vigour of the five bush bean genotypes over time | AGR | MS | 2006 | 42 | ||
1029 | Rafiqul Alam Khan | Effictiveness of group approach in disseminating farm information the farmers | AER | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
1030 | Syed Estiak Ali | Impact of Thengamara nahila sobuj sangha on the development activities of rural women | AER | MS | 2006 | 64 | ||
1031 | Md. Ahasan Habib | Women’s participation in decision making at Homestead Agricultural activities | AER | MS | 2006 | 56 | ||
1032 | A.H.M. Fazle Rabbi | Adoption of maize production technologies under sadar upazilla of Thakurgaon distrect | AER | MS | 2006 | 45 | ||
1033 | Tobmoy Kumer Shaha | Perception of farmers on farmer information needs assessment | AER | MS | 2006 | 53 | ||
1034 | Md. Zahirul Islam Khan | Production processing and economic aspects of catechu tree (acacia catechu wild) in Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2006 | 83 | ||
1035 | Md. Kazi Golam Mortuza | Performance of cotton genotypes in association with jackfruit trees of Gazipur District | AFE | MS | 2006 | 64 | ||
1036 | Jahura Akter | Growth and fodder production of dual purpose mungbean as affected by different light and nitrogen levels | AFE | MS | 2006 | 62 | ||
1037 | Abdul Awal | Social Forestry program of forest department:activties and impacts on socio-economic conditions of the beneficiaries | AFE | MS | 2006 | 62 | ||
1038 | Ahmad Al Farooq | Growth and yield performance of eight tomato varieties infected with tomato spotted wild virus (TSWV) under field condition | PLP | MS | 2006 | 144 | ||
1039 | Md. Delwar Hossain | Prevalence of seed-borne fungi associated with chickpea seeds and biological botanical and chemical control of fusarium oxysportum causing with disease | PLP | MS | 2006 | 45 | ||
1040 | Din Islam | An investigation on fruit rot of papays (Carica papaya L.) | PLP | MS | 2006 | 63 | ||
1041 | Daulogan Aktar Banu | Varietal diversity of aromatic rice in response to blast disease ( Pyruclari Grisea ) | PLP | MS | 2006 | 57 | ||
1042 | Sheik Shariful Islam | Efficacy of gungicides to produce healthy seeds of radish and seed treatment against seedborne (alternaria spp) | PLP | MS | 2006 | 48 | ||
1043 | Md. Tahmidur Rahman | An investigation on blossom blight (fusarium equiseti)disease of tubers(pollanthes tuberosa L>) its management | PLP | MS | 2006 | 64 | ||
1044 | Latifur Rahman Shovan | Detection of seed-borne fungi of soybean and in vitro control of two seed-borne pathogens using botanicals, chemicals and trichoderma | PLP | MS | 2006 | 66 | ||
1045 | Rabeya Khatun | Integrated control of foot and root rot of blackgram caused by fusarium sxysporum and selerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | 2006 | 67 | ||
1046 | Md. Abul Kashem | Prevalence of seed-borne fungi of onion and their control using fungicides and botanicals | PLP | MS | 2006 | 60 | ||
1047 | Shazia Affin | S study on seed-borne fungi and incidence of field diseases of mexican coriander (Eryngium poetidum) | PLP | MS | 2006 | 63 | ||
1048 | Umime Shirajum Monira | Nutrient status in tomato grown on organic manure treated soil | SSC | MS | 2007 | 45 | ||
1049 | Md. Firoz Hossain | Foraging behaviour of Apis melliferal L. and the honey production in the mustard field | ENT | MS | 2007 | 71 | ||
1050 | Md. Abdul Mazad | Studies on the mating behavior and sex pheromone on leucinodes orbonals guenee | ENT | MS | 2007 | 82 | ||
1051 | Md. Abdur Raquib | Assessing lady bird beetle as an agent of biological control of mustard aphid | ENT | MS | 2007 | 73 | ||
1052 | Md. Mohaiminur Rahman | Effect of three micronutrients on fruit fly infestation in bitter gourd | ENT | MS | 2007 | 63 | ||
1053 | Israt Jahan | Effect of foraging distance of mudtard field from the apis mellifera L. hive on the yield of mustard | ENT | MS | 2007 | 67 | ||
1054 | Mohammad Abduhu | Quality of okra seed collected from farmers and control of seed borne pathogens by seed treatment | ST | MS | 2007 | 57 | ||
1055 | Md. Abul Hossain | Participation and empowerment of rural women ghrough NGO intervention in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | 2007 | 240 | ||
1056 | A.K.M. Wali
Ullah |
Implementation of block grant based development projecta and its effect of rural development | AER | Ph.D | 2007 | 140 | ||
1057 | Shah Muhammad Shakhawat Hossain | Adoption of commercial flower cultivation by the farmers in a selected area of Jessore | AER | MS | 2007 | 64 | ||
1058. | Md. Sarwarul Hoque | Performance assessment of the beneficiaries involved in high value crop production AERD | AER | MS | 2007 | 87 | ||
1059 | Mahmuda Khanam | Effect of arsenic on the growth of bipolaris sorokiniana and development of bipolaris leaf blight of wheat | PLP | MS | 2007 | 42 | ||
1060 | MST Sabiha Sultana | Antagonism of trichoderma against selerotium rolfsii and the rhizoctonia solani and effect of arsenic and organic matter on their mycelial growth | PLP | MS | 2007 | 47 | ||
1061 | Mst. Begam Nahid Hossain | Prevalence of seed-borne fungi of rice and their control using fungicides and garlicc | PLP | MS | 2007 | 61 | ||
1062 | Shalina Begum | Effect of arsenic on the development of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) | PLP | MS | 2007 | 51 | ||
1063 | Mohendro Nath Paul | Production and marketing of pineapple in madhupur upazilla under Tangail District | AEC | MS | 2007 | 87 | ||
1064 | Md. Aminul Islam | Growth and yield of wheat under optium and suboptium management practices | AGR | MS | 2007 | 99 | ||
1065 | Md. Alamgir Akter | Identification use and conservation of indigenous medicinal plant species in north west region of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2007 | 76 | ||
1066 | Talukder Humayun Kabir | Posthearvest loss assessment and product development from jackfruit guava and hogplum | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2007 | 118 | With CD | |
1067 | A.S.M. Harunor Rashid | Studies on improvement and production technology in french bean (phaseolus vulgaris L) | HRT | Ph.D | 2007 | 241 | ||
1068 | Sk. Md. Rezaul Islam | Morphological and nutritional variation in local bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) genotypes | HRT | Ph.D | 2007 | 201 | ||
1069 | Md. Kamrul Hasan | Yield gap in whaet production: a perspective of farm specific efficiency in Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D | 2006 | 263 | ||
1070 | Syed Md. Rafiqul Amin | Effect of antixenotic charcteristics of Brinjal and integrated approachesons arthropod diversity and management of Bribjjal shoot and fruit borer | ENT | Ph.D | 2007 | 180 | ||
1071 | Md. Abdul Latif | Effectiveness of some in secticides in managing brinjal shoot and fruit borer leucinodes orbonals Guenee and their impact on artropod biodiversity and soil microbial respiration | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2007 | 236 | With CD | |
1072 | Md. Mohabbat Hossain | An intregrated approach for the management of fruit fly in sweet gourd | ENT | MS | 2007 | 70 | ||
1073 | Md. Ruhul Kabir | Effectiveness of some insecticides for the management of okra shoot and fruit borer (Earias vittella F.) | ENT | MS | 2007 | 68 | ||
1074 | Md. Shariful Islam | Effectiveness of some IPM pakages for the management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonals guenee) | ENT | MS | 2007 | 61 | ||
1075 | Farhana Karim | Changes in nutritional qualities of some frozen and dried vegetables during storage | HRT | MS | 2007 | 51 | ||
1076 | Hashanul Banna Md. Abdul Kader | Influence of N-K fertilizer and seedling age on the yield and quality of vegetable beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp.esculenta) | HRT | MS | 2007 | 77 | ||
1077 | Md. Azizul Hoque | Characterization, floral biology propagation, storage behaviour and processing of pummelo | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2007 | 215 | With CD | |
1078 | Jahidul Hassan | Effect of sowing dates on yield and postharvest temperature management of spinach (Spinacea oleracea) | HRT | MS | 2007 | 83 | ||
1079 | Ahmed Shamsul Arafin Siddiqui | Effect of harvesting dates on the yield and quality of lettuce (Lacluca salloa L.) | HRT | MS | 2007 | 55 | ||
1080 | Md. Shafayet Hossain | Effect of seed size and cutting methods on the growth yield and profitability of potato | HRT | MS | 2007 | 65 | ||
1081 | Kazi Shahnewaz | Impact of training on poultry and nursery raising by the Nawabeyke gonomukhi foundation” beneficiaries | AER | MS | 2007 | 69 | ||
1082 | Md Azahar Ali | Impact of pineapple cultivation on the socio-economic condition of farmers | AER | MS | 2007 | 69 | ||
1083 | Ali Ahmned | Job Performance of sub assistant agriculture officer working under the department of agricltural extension | AER | MS | 2007 | 64 | ||
1084 | F.M. Mahbubur Rahman | Food security through homesteat vegetable production in the smallholder agricultural improvement project area | AER | MS | 2007 | 71 | ||
1085 | Sabina Sultana | Impact of micro-credit on empowerment of rural women | AER | MS | 2007 | 78 | ||
1086 | Md. Tasdiqur Rahman | Assessment of gognitive domain of cotton field officer on cotton technology | AER | MS | 2007 | 56 | ||
1087 | Abu Torab | Impact of new agricultural extension policy intervetions on changiing pattern of small farmers livehood in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | Aut/ 2007 | 231 | With CD | |
1088 | A.K.M. Nazmul Hoque | Participation of rural and suburb women in different farm and non-farm activities | AER | MS | 2007 | 76 | ||
1089 | Md. Golam Rabbani | Changes in soil organic matter due to long-term manuring and their influence on cabbage | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2007 | 190 | With CD | |
1090 | Sabikunnaher | Arsenic and other ionic status of shallow tube-well irrigation water at chatkhill Upazilla | SSC | MS | 2007 | 78 | ||
1091 | Moh. Mohi Uddin Chowdhury | Minimization of soil loss and nutrient depletion through agricultural practices in the chittagong hilltracts of Bangladesh | SSC | Ph.D | 2007 | 158 | ||
1092 | Md. Abdur Rahim | Assessment of demand and consumption of meat and egg in Mymensingh and Dhaka City | AEC | MS | 2007 | 89 | ||
1093 | Rubana Sharmin | Assessment of demand and consumprion of Dairy products in mymensingh and Dhala City | AEC | MS | 2007 | 86 | ||
1094 | Md. Anwar Hossain | Impact of RDRS poultry credit on the livelihood of rural women of Panchagarh District | AEC | MS | 2007 | 100 | ||
1095 | Kamrul Hasan | Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertlizers and stages of maturity on the seed yield and quality of Okra | Seed | MS | 2007 | 75 | ||
1096 | Moh. Hasan Kabir | Moisture level packaging material and storage condition effects on viability and vigour of rice seed | Seed | MS | 2007 | 84 | ||
1097 | Md. Abdul Khaleque | An appraisal of promotional activities and bysiness development of some selected seed companies in Bangladesh | Seed | MS | 2007 | 73 | ||
1098 | Dodrun Nessa | Performance of Lentil genotypes under excess soil moisture condition | AGR | MS | 2007 | 63 | ||
1099 | Sayedur Rahman | Studies on the performance of seed potato produced by BSDC against PVY and PLV | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2007 | 176 | With CD | |
1100 | Md. Shamim Akhter | Studies on a virus causing leaf distortion disease of Papaya | PLP | MS | 2007 | 72 | ||
1101 | Shaikh Sharmin Siddique | Pathological and Physiological studes of fusarium oxysporum F.Sp. Phaseoli infecting Bushbean and its chemical control | PLP | MS | 2007 | 72 | ||
1102 | Md. Shymum-Ur-Rahman Prodhan | Integrated control of seedling mortality of tomato caused by Fusarium oxyspsrum F.SpLycopercisi | PLP | MS | 2007 | 58 | ||
1103 | Kaniz Fatema Mittu | Gene Action and Heterosis in Garden Pea (Pisum sattaam L.) | GPB | MS | 2007 | 63 | ||
1104 | A.H.M. Kadir | Identification Growth behaviour and economic importance of waterlogged tolerant tree species | AFE | MS | 2007 | 43 | ||
1105 | Md. Sirajul Islam Khan | Agro-economic performance of traditional agroforestry systems in Madaripur tract of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2007 | 120 | ||
1106 | Duplicate of T-64 | |||||||
1107 | H.M. Moniruzzaman | Quality Assessment of wheat seed and production of health seed by seed treatment and fungicidal spray | Seed T | MS | 2007 | 63 | ||
1108 | Md. Akhtar Hossain Khan | Studies on the extent of damage on stored mungbean seed caused by Callosobruchus chinensis linnaeus and its’ control with botanicals | Seed T | MS | 2007 | 79 | ||
1109 | Abu Hasnat M Shohidul Hoque | Seed production potentiality of open pollinated BU radish variety | Seed T | MS | 2007 | 71 | ||
1110 | Md. Afsar Ali | Sorption, desorption and fractionation of phosphorus in acid and calcareous soil | SSC | Ph.D | 2007 | 322 | ||
1111 | Abu Wali Raghib Hassan | Effects of zinc, boron and molybdenum on different varieties of mustard | SSC | Ph.D | 2007 | 153 | ||
1112 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Influence of soil acidity factors on rhizobium sp. (cicer) | SSC | Ph.D | 2007 | 194 | ||
1113 | A.T.M Sakhawat Hossain | Effect of different aged poultry liter on wetland rice cultivation | SSC | MS | 2007 | 82 | ||
1114 | Sanjay Kumar Bhowmik | Socio-economic impact of roadside forestry programme of proshika | AFE | MS | 2007 | 102 | ||
1115 | S.M. Zubair Al Arman | Effect of different mulch materials on erosion and crop yield under orange based agrnforestry system at mode rate hill slope | AFE | MS | 2007 | 140 | ||
1116 | A.K.M. Julhaz uddin Mozumdar | Effect of tree species and alley width on cabbage yield at different nitrogen levels in upland ecosystem | AFE | MS | 2007 | 95 | ||
1117 | Md. Sazedul Islam | Impoact assessment of intensive afforestation project of barind multipurpose dev elopment authority form farmers perspective | AFE | MS | 2007 | 79 | ||
1118 | A.K.M Hhorshedduzzaman | Characterization of resistance in selected brinjal genotypes to brinjal shoot and fruit borer | ENT | Ph.D | 2007 | 186 | ||
1119 | Md. Mahmudunnabi | Abundance of diversity of predaceous insects and spiders on different crops as a habitat | ENT | MS | 2007 | 63 | ||
1120 | Mst Mahbuba Aktar | Effect of inseciticides and organic oil spray on the incidence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYCLV) its impact on growth and yield of tomato | PLP | MS | 2007 | 90 | ||
1121 | A.K.M. Saiful Islam | Permormance of fifth generation seed potato against potato virus (PYV) and potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) | PLP | MS | 2007 | 82 | ||
1122 | Sahana Sarmin | Effect of insecticides and soybean oil spray on incidence of tomato purple vein virus and its impact on growth and yield of tomato | PLP | MS | 2007 | 80 | ||
1123 | Md. Aminul Islam | Effect of shade on the leaf coloration plant growth and development of caladium (Caladium bicolor) | HRT | MS | 2007 | 65 | ||
1124 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Performance of commercial cauliflower variety and improvement of shelf life | HRT | MS | 2007 | 106 | ||
1125 | Emrul Kayesh | Influence of fertilizer on production and chemical for vase life improvement in gypsophilla | HRT | MS | 2007 | 59 | ||
1126 | Mohammad Ali | Development of parental lines for aromatic hybrid rice | GPB | Ph.D | 2007 | 219 | ||
1127 | Abu Syed Md. Jobaydul Alam | Impact of food security project on crop production | AER | MS | 2007 | 81 | ||
1128 | Quazi Afzal Hossain | Effectiveness of “Hridoye mati-o-manush;television programme in disseminating agricultural information | AER | MS | 2007 | 118 | ||
1129 | Md. Abiar Rahman | Potential application of tree leaves for crop production and soil environment change during the dry season of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | 2008 | 129 | ||
1130 | A.K.M Shahed Bin Mannan | Performance of six different potato varieties grown from 7th generation seed potato against PLRV and PVY | PLP | MS | Win/ 2007 | 76 | ||
1131 | Shohana Parvin | Response of Kalmegh (Andrographic paniculata) to nitrogen and cowdung | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2007 | 76 | ||
1132 | Md. Maniruzzaman Khandaker | Stem Canker and black scurf disease of potato in Bangladesh: its severity, characteristics of the causal organism and management practices | CBT | Ph.D | 2004 | 224 | ||
1133 | Mian Sayeed Hasan | Evaluation of rice genetic resources for low nutrient environments | CBT | Ph.D | 2006 | 192 | ||
1134 | Md. Hazrat Ali | Morphology nutritional Quality and Propagation technique of different Bale (Aegle marmelos Corr.) Genotypes | HRT | Ph.D | 2008 | 99 | ||
1135 | Bahauddin Ahmed | Influence of different organic approaches on the yield and nutritive values in cabbage | HRT | MS | 2008 | 66 | ||
1136 | S.M. Sharifuzzaman | Moephological vriability and quality flower production in gerbear (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) . | HRT | Ph.D | 2008 | 134 | ||
1137 | Mohammad Nurul Huda | In Vitro Propagation of Aspragus (Asparagus officinallis) . | HRT | MS | 2008 | 67 | ||
1138 | Md. Shahidul Islam | Genetic Diversity, Combining ability and heterosis in Hyacinth bean (Lablab purpueus L) Sweet. | HRT | Ph.D | 2008 | 190 | ||
1139 | Md. Humaun Kabir | Growth, yield nutritional Qualities of some country bean genotypes | HRT | MS | 2008 | 56 | ||
1140 | Muhammad Nazim Uddin | Morpho-Molecular Characteriuzation diversity and heterosis in cocumber (Cacumis Salious) | HRT | Ph.D | 2008 | 190 | ||
1141 | Bimal Chandra Kundu | Morpho-Biochemical diversity and heterosis in bitter gourd (Momordica charnita L.) | HRT | Ph.D | 2008 | 234 | ||
1142 | Shovon Kumar Paul | Studies on the flying behavior of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis genenee) and the efficiency of sex pheromone as a management tool | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2007 | 63 | With CD | |
1143 | Md Mamunur Rahman | Management of Apis Melifera L. in an apiary in the dearth period as a preparation for migratory beekeeping | ENT | MS | 2008 | |||
1144 | Md. Shahidul Islam | Water stress in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezek) and its response to application of plant growth regulators | AGR | Ph.D | 2008 | 223 | ||
1145 | Md. Mizanur Rahman | Improvement of farmers practices for the management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer in brinjal | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2008 | 263 | With CD | |
1146 | Md. Razzab Ali | Bio-ecology, host preference and management of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci gennadius on mungbean in Bangladesh | ENT | Ph.D | 2008 | 235 | ||
1147 | Md. Nazir Ahmed | Agro-economic performance of guva based agroforestry system in the southern part of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2008 | 64 | ||
1148 | Habiba Nasrin | Effect of moisture regimes and tree leaf mulches on the performance of tomato | AFE | MS | 2008 | 80 | ||
1149 | Noor Shaila Sarmin | Plant biodiversity around the homestead pondsite and its impact on fish production and household income | AFE | MS | 2008 | 104 | ||
1150 | Md. Abdul Jabber | Impact of homestead farming activities under agricultural deversification and intensification project | AFE | MS | 2008 | 86 | ||
1151 | Md. Amjed Hossain | Impact of social forestry program of forest department on the ecology and socio-economic condition of the beneficaries at coastalbelt of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2008 | 96 | ||
1152 | Nazneen Akter Bithi | Effect of tree leavls and nitrogen application on brinjal and soil properties | AFE | MS | 2008 | 64 | ||
1153 | Md Razib Rahman | Effect 0f organic fertilizer (Lalon) on the yield components and yield of tomato | SSC | MS | 2008 | 48 | ||
1154 | Hafijul Ahmed | Effect of organic fertilizer (Lalon) on the yield components and yield of cauliflower | SSC | MS | 2008 | 67 | ||
1155 | Most Fahmida Pervin | Effect of different nutrients on the yield and yield attributes of newly developed onion variety | SSC | MS | 2008 | 57 | ||
1156 | Md Sadekur Rahman | Farmer’s response to towards the cultivation of BRRI dhan33 to mitigate Monga | AER | MS | 2008 | 78 | ||
1157 | A.K.U Farhad | Coping strategies practised by the farmers against flood in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | 2008 | 248 | ||
1158 | Md. Aminul Islam | Farmers knowledge system and dissemination of mungbean cultivation in the south-western region of Bangladesh | AER | MS | 2008 | 107 | ||
1159 | Md. Sazzadur Rahman | Nitrogression of salt tolerance into Bangladesh mega rice variety BR11 through marker assisted backcrossing | CBT | MS | 2008 | 105 | ||
1160 | Sarder Mohammad Jamil Azad | Production and evaluation of micropropagated ginger (Zingiber officinale rosc) plant | GPB | Ph.D | 2008 | 129 | ||
1161 | Md. Nur Zahid | In vitro screening of aromatic rice under salt stresses | GPB | MS | 2008 | 64 | ||
1162 | Mohammed Harun Or Rashid | Genetic variability and induction of male sterility in onion | GPB | MS | 2008 | 87 | ||
1163 | Masud Iqbal | In vitro plant regeneration capacity of six aromatic rice varieties | GPB | MS | 2008 | 64 | ||
1164 | Koushik Prasad Ghosh | Genetic variability in F2 Segregating population of exotic tomato hybrids | GPB | MS | 2008 | 105 | ||
1165 | Asfakun Siddika | Genetic variability in advanced generations of vegetable pea (Pisum sativum ssp hrotanse) | GPB | MS | 2008 | 77 | ||
1166 | Md. Eleyash Mahmud | Assessment of variability in F5 generation of T. Aman rice | GPB | MS | 2008 | 63 | ||
1167 | Nasrin Akter Ivy | Development and utilization of self incompatible lines for hybrid seed production in radish | GPB | Ph.D | 2008 | 172 | ||
1168 | Md. Humayun Kabir | Effect of three calcumrich compounds on the incidence of Tomato purple vein virus and its impact on growth and yield of tomato | PLP | MS | 2008 | 67 | ||
1169 | Most Shahida Parvin | M anagement of tomato yellow leaf curl. virus (TYLCV) infecting tomato by using calcium rich compounds | PLP | MS | 2008 | 85 | ||
1170 | Shefa Moni | Performance of different generations of seed potato in respect of PVY and PLRV infection | PLP | MS | 2008 | 63 | ||
1171 | Zehad Pervez | Prevalence of mycoflora assoicated with Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreats) substrates and their chemical control | PLP | MS | 2008 | 53 | ||
1172 | Mohammad Siddiqur Rahman | Performance of chilli varieties against antheracnose and major viral diseases | PLP | MS | 2008 | 90 | ||
1173 | Md. Mahmud Hassan | Seed production potential and seed quality of ten yard long bean cultivares | SST | MS | 2008 | 80 | ||
1174 | Md Ziaul Haque | Seed production potentiality of vagetable pea (Pisum sativum ssp. hortese) varieties under varied planting times | SST | MS | 2008 | 107 | ||
1175 | Md Abdul Halim | Seed yield and seed quality of some okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) cultivars | SST | MS | 2008 | 60 | ||
1176 | Abdul Awal Miah | Seed priming effect on seed quality and stand establishment of chickpea (cicer arietinum) at different moisture regimes | SST | MS | 2008 | 38 | ||
1177 | Naresh Chandra Deb Barma | Genetic study of morpho-physiological traits related to heat tolerance in spring wheat | GPB | Ph D | 2006 | 150 | ||
1178 | Md. Abdul Muktadir | Development of an efficient plant regeneration protocol for eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) | GPB | MS | 2008 | 57 | ||
1179 | Md. Shafiqul Islam | Genetic diversity and characters association in B & R lines of quasi-aromatic hybrid rice | GPB | MS | 2008 | 100 | ||
1180 | Fatama Nusrat Ahsan | Heterosis in snakegourd (Trichosanthes cucurminata) | GPB | MS | 2008 | 54 | ||
1181 | Ferdousi Begum | Morphogenetic diversity in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) | GPB | MS | 2008 | 65 | ||
1182 | Md. Nur Alam Siddique | Outcrossing characteristics and yield potentiality of restorer line of rice | GPB | MS | 2008 | 84 | ||
1183 | Md. Zakir Hossain | Genetic diversity for morpho-physicochemical characters and microsatellite DNA markers in fine grain and aromatic landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | Ph D | 2008 | 132 | ||
1184 | Arif Mohammad Ullah | Comparative profitability and technical efficiency of aromatic and non-aromatic aman rice production in dinajpur district | AEC | MS | 2008 | 77 | ||
1185 | Mohd. Mostofa Kamal | Management of Mungbean yellow mosaic virus using four selected chemicals | PLP | MS | 2008 | 69 | ||
1186 | Md. Ali Akbar | Farmers’ perceotion on harmful effects of using pesticides in crop production | AER | MS | 2008 | 85 | ||
1187 | Shamsoon Nahar Tania | Biology and host preference of pulse beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis L.) on some mungbean varieties under storage conditions | ENT | MS | 2008 | 56 | ||
1188 | Prodip Kumar Roy | Effect of organic manures on growth and yield in stem amaranth | SSC | MS | 2008 | 71 | ||
1189 | Mahmuda Anwar | Efficacy of cowdung and poultry manure on hybrid cauliflower cultivation through IPNS approach | SSC | MS | 2008 | 80 | ||
1190 | Md. Serajul Islam | Effects of growth regulators and NPK on morpho-physiological attributes and yield of bitter gourd | CBT | Ph.D | 2008 | 180 | ||
1191 | Parimol Sarker | Growth, yield and quality of chilli as influenced by mulches, ANN N-fertilization | CBT | Ph. D | 2008 | 141 | ||
1192 | Mst. Farhana Yasmin | Effect of planting time and plant density of top shoot cuttings in potato production | HRT | MS | 2008 | 64 | ||
1193 | Md. Fazle Rabby | Study on growth, yield and quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L) under organic farming | HRT | MS | 2008 | 65 | ||
1194 | Haridas Chandra Mohanta | Effects of genotypes, micronutrients and plant growth regulators on the seed production of tropical carrots | HRT | Ph. D | 2008 | 160 | ||
1195 | Talia Hoque | Influence of NPK on the yield and shelf life of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) | HRT | MS | 2008 | 73 | ||
1196 | Md. Mostofa Kamal | In vitro propagation of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) | HRT | MS | 2008 | 77 | ||
1197 | Ferdous Zahan | Characterization and diversity in pumpkin genotypes | HRT | MS | 2009 | 78 | ||
1198 | Ummey Lotifa | Characterization and genetic diversity in bitter gourd genotypes | HRT | MS | 2009 | 56 | ||
1199 | Md. Iqbal Hossain | Response of follar application of GA3 and differentplant ages for seed production in carrot | HRT | MS | 2009 | 76 | ||
1200 | Israt Jahan | Effects of boron and zinc on growth and yield of french bean ( phaseolus vulgaris L.) | HRT | MS | 2009 | 56 | ||
1201 | Dharitry Barma | Growth, yield and profitability of potato influenced by cut seed and spacing | HRT | MS | 2009 | 63 | ||
1202 | Zakiya Gulshan Ara | Characterization and evaluation of bottle gourd genotypes | HRT | MS | 2009 | 58 | ||
1203 | A. T. M. Hamim Ashraf | Comparative performance, Variability and diversity in Okra | HRT | MS | 2009 | 78 | ||
1204 | Md. Jahangir Hossain | Characterization, evaluation and production technology of chilli ( Capsicum spp.) | HRT | Ph.D. | 2009 | 206 | ||
1205 | Tabassum Rahman | Growth, yield and chips quality of potato | HRT | MS | 2009 | 57 | ||
1206 | Tapan Kumar Paul | Technology of sweet pepper production in Bangladesh | HRT | Ph.D | 2009 | 225 | ||
1207 | Md. Adil | In vitro plant regeneration in indigenous aromatic rice under salt stress conditions | GPB | MS | 2009 | 91 | ||
1208 | Md. Ariful Islam | Synchronization and stability analysis of hybrid seed production of rice in different environment | GPB | MS | 2009 | 70 | ||
1209 | Samsun Nahar Bhuyan | Genetic variability for yield related and quality traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Dutch. ex Poir.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 85 | ||
1210 | Firoz Mahmud | Investigation and characterization of component lines for Brassica Napus L. hybrid development | GPB | Ph.D | 2009 | 186 | ||
1211 | Md. Shahadath Hossain | Integrated non-chemical management of major insect pests of year round country bean | ENT | Ph.D | 2009 | 209 | ||
1212 | Md. Shaheen Hasan | Refinement of different combination’s of IPM components for managing BSFB (brinjal shoot and fruit borer) in brinjal | ENT | MS | 2009 | 62 | ||
1213 | Md. Gulam Mostofa | Climate variability and impact of salinity on the profitability of T.Aman rice production in the coastal region of Khulna | AEC | MS | 2009 | 63 | ||
1214 | Bandana Rani Roy | Effects of S. Zn. B and Mo on the yield and quality of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) | HRT | MS | 2009 | 46 | ||
1215 | Md. Alamgir | Impact of shrimp farming on homestead production systems in shyamnagar upazila of satkhira district | AFE | MS | 2009 | 112 | ||
1216 | Mst. Momtaz Sultana | Temperature effects on germination of grain legumes | SST | MS | 2009 | 48 | ||
1217 | Md. Imam Hossain | Effect of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur on the yield and quality of onion seed | SST | MS | 2009 | 80 | ||
1218 | Md. Sadek Hossain | Planting time effect on growth, yield and seed quality of long grain rice, BUdhan 1 | SST | MS | 2009 | 59 | ||
1219 | Md. Mamun ur Rashid | Integrated use of urea with cowdung, poultry manure and urban wastes in a rice-rice cropping pattern | SSC | Ph.D | 2009 | 137 | ||
1220 | Md. Delowar Hossain | Response of cabbage to manure and fertilizer application in salna silty clay loam soil | SSC | Ph.D | 2009 | 153 | ||
1221 | Md. Abdur Rauf | Influence of soil arsenic on yield and arsenic accumulation in rice and wheat | SSC | Ph.D | 2009 | 210 | ||
1222 | Md. Safiul Islam Afrad | Impact of arsenic mitigation program in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | Sum/ 2009 | 203 | With CD | |
1223 | Akkas Mahmud | Impact of modern agricultural technology on livelihood status of CHARLAND farmers | AER | Ph.D | 2009 | 205 | ||
1224 | Sonia | Adoption of vegetable cultivation in selected area of patuakhali district | AER | MS | 2009 | 62 | ||
1225 | Wasim Ahmed | Impact of shrimp farming on rice and vegetable production in coastal region of Bangladesh | AER | MS | 2009 | 75 | ||
1226 | Suchanda Roy | Farmers’ attitude and use of indigenous technical knowledge in agricultural practices in north-west eco-system of Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | 2009 | 203 | ||
1227 | S. M. Nasim Hossain | Impact of shrimp farming on homestead production systems in Paikgacha upazila of Khulna district | AFE | MS | 2009 | 107 | ||
1228 | Subrata Kumer Sarker | Effect of tree species and alley widths at different nitrogen levels on Tomato production and soil fertility in upland ecosystem | AFE | MS | 2009 | 77 | ||
1229 | Md. Sanaul Haque | Diversity for seed characters in aromatic rice | SST | MS | 2009 | 59 | ||
1230 | S.M. Maruf Akther | Cabbage yield and changes of soil chemical properties in response to tree leaves and nitrogen application | AFE | MS | 2009 | 76 | ||
1231 | Chowdhury Afroza Akther | Variability for yield and its component characters in stem amaranth (Amaranthus Tricolor L.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 75 | ||
1232 | Nuruzzaman Howlader | Genetic divergence and path analysis in Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) wilezek) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 93 | ||
1233 | Md. Mostafizur Rahman | Varietal performance and post harvest quality assessment in lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.) | HRT | MS | 2009 | 50 | ||
1234 | Ershad Ali Sarker | Characterization and genetic diversity in Cucumber genotypes | HRT | MS | 2009 | 66 | ||
1235 | Md. Rabiul Islam | Heterotic performance of winter Tomato | HRT | MS | 2009 | 81 | ||
1236 | Arjun Mondol | Variability study in some genotypes of country bean (Lablab Purpureus L.) | HRT | MS | 2009 | 71 | ||
1237 | Jannatul Ferdousi | Yield and quality of broccoli influenced by nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and molybdenum | HRT | MS | 2009 | 72 | ||
1238 | Md. Mahbub Alam Patwary | Genetic diversity and heterosis in heat tolerant Tomato | HRT | Ph.D | 2009 | 201 | ||
1239 | Md. Sharaf Uddin | Genetic divergence and heterosis in eggplant for heat tolerance | HRT | Ph.D | 2009 | 189 | ||
1240 | Shailendra Nath Mozumder | Seed production potentiality of bangladhonia (Eryngium foetidum L.) influenced by plant growth regulator and population | HRT | Ph.D | 2009 | 177 | ||
1241 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Genetic diversity and floral biology of BER (Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.) | HRT | Ph.D | 2009 | 233 | ||
1242 | Alhaz Uddin Ahammed | Characterization, genetic diversity and quality assessment of stem amaranth genotypes | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2009 | 248 | With CD | |
1243 | Fatima-tuz-Zohora | Time of harvesting and varietal performance on the yield, quality and shelf life of sweet Potato | HRT | MS | 2009 | 63 | ||
1244 | Shamal Kumar Roy | Comperative yield and storage quality of commercial Tomato varietes of Bangladesh | HRT | MS | 2009 | 53 | ||
1245 | Farjana Nasrin Khan | Techniques of corm and cormel production in Gladiolus | HRT | Ph.D | 2009 | 205 | ||
1246 | Mir Aszad Ali | Genetic divergence of boro rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 55 | ||
1247 | Afsana Ansari | Variability of floral traits in component lines of hybrid rice | GPB | MS | 2009 | 100 | ||
1248 | Ratna Rani Majumder | Outcrossing characteristics of identified B (Maintainer) and R (Restorer) lines in aromatic rice | GPB | MS | 2009 | 100 | ||
1249 | Susmita Banik | Performance of F1 hybrid developed through self-incompatibility mechanism in radish | GPB | MS | 2009 | 74 | ||
1250 | Soniya Ferdousi | In vitro plant regeneration of aromatic rice under salt stress | GPB | MS | 2009 | 71 | ||
1251 | Md. Nooruddin | Variablity and character association in CMS and maintainer lines in rice ( Oryza sativa L. ) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 66 | ||
1252 | Md. Mohasin Hussain Khan | Bioecology and integrated management of pumpkin beetles (Chrysomelidae: coleoptera) infesting cucurbits | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2009 | 201 | With CD | |
1253 | Satyen Mondal | Effect of alley widths of Gliricidia sepium and nitrogen levels on rice productivity and soil properties | AFE | MS | 2009 | 70 | ||
1254 | Md. Abu Hasan | Physiology of sustaining wheat yield under late planting heat stressed environment | CBT | Ph.D | 2009 | 201 | ||
1255 | Tania Pervin | Field evaluation of six Mungbean genotypes for flooding tolerance | AGR | MS | 2009 | 70 | ||
1256 | Apurba Kanti Choudhury | Water stress tolerance of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) | AGR | Ph.D | 2009 | 203 | ||
1257 | Md. Zabied Ali | Seed quality and field performance of some Mungbean varieties and production of healthy seed using fungicides | SST | MS | 2009 | 72 | ||
1258 | Md. Ashraful Alom | A comparative study on seed yield and quality of some Onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars | SST | MS | 2009 | 69 | ||
1259 | Md. Bazlur Rahman | Harvesting stage and post harvest ripening effects on quantity and quality of Tomato seed | SST | MS | 2009 | 34 | ||
1260 | Md. Zahid Hassan | Heterosis and seed quality in aromatic rice | SST | MS | 2009 | 91 | ||
1261 | Md. Monirul Islam | Integrated nutrient management for homestead gardening in Gazipur | SSC | Ph.D | 2009 | 268 | ||
1262 | Manisha Saha | Study on Orobanche and Loranthus species occur in some areas of Bangladesh | PLP | MS | 2009 | 64 | ||
1263 | Pabitra Kr. Bhanderi | A study on seed crop management of Okra for disease free and quality seed production | PLP | Ph.D | 2009 | 157 | ||
1264 | Nasrin Jahan | Growers’ response to Mushroom cultivation technologies disseminated by Mushroom development project | AER | MS | 2009 | 61 | ||
1265 | Md. A. Mannan | Response of soybean genotypes to salinity stress | AGR | Ph.D | 2009 | 182 | ||
1266 | Paritosh Chandra Roy | Genetic variability and heterosis in submergence tolerant rice (Oryza sativa ) genotypes | GPB | MS | 2009 | 83 | ||
1267 | Ripon Kumar Roy | Diallel analysis in local and HYV rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 99 | ||
1268 | B.M. Rashedul Islam | Performance of exotic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes in F3 generation | GPB | MS | 2010 | 75 | ||
1269 | Sakila Afroza | Geneticdiversity in exotic rice germplasm | GPB | MS | 2010 | 83 | ||
1270 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman | Genetic variability and genotype-environment interaction in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 81 | ||
1271 | Nur-E-Afrin Jahan | Heterosis for yield related traits in radish | GPB | MS | 2010 | 55 | ||
1272 | Ratan Kumar Ganapati | Variabilitty, character association and generation mean analysis in submergence tolerant rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 86 | ||
1273 | Md. Motasim Billah | Combining ability and heterosis in maiza (Zea mays L.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 55 | ||
1274 | Hazira Khatun | Genetic diversity in brassica rapa | GPB | MS | 2010 | 68 | ||
1275 | Kaniza Fatema | Genetic divergence of hybrid maiza in excess water stress | GPB | MS | 2010 | 47 | ||
1276 | Md. Mizan ul Islam | Estimation of heterosis in local boro rice | GPB | MS | 2009 | 65 | ||
1277 | Md. Nur Alam | Combining ability and heterosis of new plant type (NPT) traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | 2009 | 96 | ||
1278 | Sharmin Rahman | Morphological amd molecular characterization on grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 76 | ||
1279 | Most. Nur-E-Safa Sarkar | In vitro regeneration of aromatic rice genotypes under salt stress conditions | GPB | MS | 2010 | 73 | ||
1280 | Mahjabin Jahan | Genetic variability and diversity for outcrossing traits in exotic rice genotypes | GPB | MS | 2009 | 73 | ||
1281 | Muhammad Ashraful Habib | Somatic embryogenesis in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 43 | ||
1282 | Md. Hasan-Ud-Daula | Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in T-Aman rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 68 | ||
1283 | Mohammad Aminul Islam | Diversity and heterosis in exotic eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 113 | ||
1284 | Mohammad Zahirul Alam Talukder | Genetic diversity of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) barisal region | GPB | MS | 2010 | 63 | ||
1285 | Md.Mizanur Rahman | Genetic variability in some advanced lines of vegetable pea | GPB | MS | 2010 | 74 | ||
1286 | Md. Mostake Ahmed | Geneotype X environment interaction in snakegourd (Trichosanthes cucurmerina L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 91 | ||
1287 | Zerina Haque | Performance and character associatin for reproductive traits in advanced lines of aman rice | GPB | MS | 2010 | 65 | ||
1288 | Kanika Rani Adhikari | Genetic variability and character association in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 62 | ||
1289 | Tabassum Mustari | Yield performance of exotic hybrid rice germplasm during aman season | GPB | MS | 2010 | 64 | ||
1290 | Md. Mamunur Rahman | Morpho-Physiological and molecular variation in T Aman rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties | GPB | MS | 2009 | 100 | ||
1291 | Haider Iqbal Khan | Mycoremediation of industrial effluenct and its impact on seed germination and seedling establishment | CBT | MS | 2010 | 79 | ||
1292 | Mazharul Aziz | Performance of cotton genotypes in respect of earliness yield and fibre quality | CBT | MS | 2010 | 148 | ||
1293 | Chitra Saha | Contribution of tesm reserves to grain development of wheat under late seedling condition | CBT | Ph.D | 2009 | 165 | ||
1294 | Parimal Chandra Sarker | Morphoi-physiolgical and yield attributes of rapseed mustard as affected by sowing dates, fertilizers and plant growth regulators | CBT | Ph.D | 2010 | 225 | ||
1295 | Md. Noor-Alam Siddique | Response of bush bean to applied nitrogen and phosphorus | AGR | Ph.D | 2010 | 204 | ||
1296 | Anil Kumar Das | Planting configuration and nitrogen management in cereal-legume intercropping system | AGR | Ph.D | 2010 | 268 | ||
1997 | Md. Roknuzzaman | Seed priming effects on seed quality, stand establishment growth and yield of direct seeded aus rice | AGR | Ph.D | 2009 | 93 | ||
1298 | Md. Anwar Hossain Howlader | Influence of germination temperature and incubation period on the relative contribution of heterotrophic- and autotrophic growth to seedling vigor and their impact on rice yield | AGR | Ph.D | 2009 | 99 | ||
1299 | Fatema Wadud | Impact of commercial flower cultivation on the livelihood of its growers in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | 2010 | 160 | ||
1300 | Sk. Harunur Rashid AhmedarunuHHH | Farmer’s participation in on-farm research activities on Bangladesh agricultural research institute | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2009 | 2001 | With CD | |
1301 | Md. Latiful Haider | Integrated pest management club for postering farmer’s empowerment in rice production | AER | Ph.D | 2010 | 187 | ||
1302 | Md. Abul Hossain | Impact of food security project of the department of agricultural extension on the livelihood and food security status of the beneficiaries | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2009 | 182 | With CD | |
1303 | Masuda Khanom | Comparative study on the growth and yield of thirteen Tomato varieties | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2010 | 65 | With CD | |
1304 | Mohammad Badiuzzaman Talukder | Combining ability and heterosis in Bitter Gourd | HRT | MS | 2009 | 107 | ||
1305 | Md. Khalid Jamil | Bulb and flower production of hippeastrum in Bangladesh | HRT
Ph.D | 2010 | 232 | ||
1306 | Mohammed Abu Taher Masud | Molecular characterization and marker aided selection for the development of hybrid rootstock parents and disease resistant lines in tomato | HRT | Ph.D | 2010 | 187 | ||
1307 | Sima Kundu | Study on seedling diseases of cotton and control of seedling mortality caused by rhizoctonia solani | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2010 | 130 | With CD | |
1308 | Md. Jamal Uddin | Health and quality status of rice seeds of three, sources in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2010 | 166 | With CD | |
1309 | Parvin Akter | A study on the anthracnose disease of chilli and its control | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2010 | 67 | With CD | |
1310 | Mustafa Kamal Shahadat | Mulch and irrigation effects on tomato performance and weed infestation | AFE | MS | 2010 | 70 | ||
1311 | Moshih Uddin Ahmed | Green manuring with tree leaves for maize production and soil properties change at different nitrogen levels | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2010 | 62 | With CD | |
Duplicate |
Md. Mahi Imam Mollah | Effect of most commonly used insecticides on biological control agents in country bean exosystem | ENT | MS | 2010 | 87 | ||
1313 | Mahbuba Nasrin | Effect of different food materials on the growth and development of corcyra cephalonica and sitotroga cerealella and their egg parasotpid, trichogramma chilonis | ENT | MS | 2010 | 54 | ||
1314 | MST Afsun ara Begum | Host preference and mating behavior for developing packages (s) for the management of cucurbit fruit fly bactrocera cucurbitae coquillett | ENT | Ph.D | 2009 | 188 | ||
1315 | Mohammad Munir Hossain | Quality of jute seed produced in conventional and late sowing method and performance of ten jute varieties in late sowing seed production method | SST | MS | 2010 | 67 | ||
1316 | Md. Shoebur Rahman | Effects of vine pruning on quality and seed yield in sweet gourd (Cucurbita moschata Duch.ex Poir.) | SST | MS | 2010 | 71 | ||
1317 | Tapas Kumer Hore | Floral structure, true seed production and seed quality of Momordica spp. | SST | MS | 2010 | 60 | ||
1318 | Parvin Akter | Ewffects of nitrogen phosphorus and maturity period on fresh yield and seed yield in bitter gourd | SST | MS | 2010 | 74 | ||
1319 | Mohammad Nazrul Islam Shikder | Seed quality assessment in hybrid rice | SST | Ph.D | 2010 | 187 | ||
1320 | Md. Imrul Hasan | Genotypic variation in degree of hardseededness in mungbean | SST | MS | 2010 | 45 | ||
1321 | Md. Nazmul Islam Manik | Characterization and genotype-environment interaction of aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2009 | 105 | With CD | |
1322 | Mohammad Shafiqul Islam | Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and nutrient use efficiency of rice-rice cropping system | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2010 | 223 | With CD | |
1323 | Md. Khairul Alam | Effect of tillage depths and cropping patterns on soil properties and crop productivity | SSC | MS | 2010 | 90 | ||
1324 | Md. Harun-r-Rashid Biswas | Response of rice varieties and vegetable crops to different levels of soil arsenic | SSC | Ph.D | 2009 | 214 | ||
1325 | Md. Golam Ambia | Effects of irrigation and integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil physical properties and yield of wheat | SSC | Ph.D | 2010 | 188 | ||
1326 | Md. Moniruzzaman | Fate of carbofuran in soil brinjal plant system | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2009 | 137 | With CD
1327 | Md. A. Salam | Nutrient balance in rice-based cropping patterns in salna silty clay loam soil | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2009 | 234 | With CD | |
1328 | A.K.M. Shamsul Hoque | Long-term manuring and nitrogen fertilization effect on soil properties and performance of wheat in a rice-wheat cropping sequence | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2009 | 216 | With CD | |
1329 | Thamamma Yesmin Suma | Influence of sowing time and spacing on growth and yield of gysophila | HRT | MS | Win/ 2010 | 67 | With CD | |
1330 | Swapna Rani Adhya | Characterization and evaluation of dahlia (dahlia spp.) germplasm | HRT | MS | 2010 | 79 | ||
1331 | Mohd. Moniruzzaman | Foliage and seed production technplogy of coriander | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 265 | With CD | |
1332 | Sultan Mahmud | Yield performance and stem quality of some promising amaranth genotypes | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 49 | With CD | |
1333 | Farzana Islam | Production of gladiolus from cormel influenced by GA3 and NPK | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 66 | With CD | |
1334 | Bimal Chandra Dey | Effect of casing materials, post composting supplements and plant growth reguylators on the yield of white button mushroom and its marketing in Bangladesh | HRT | Ph.D | Win/ 2010 | 191 | With CD | |
1335 | Farzana Islam | Influence of organic amendments and effective micro-organism on yield and preservatives in vase life of gladiolus | HRT | MS | 2011 | 58 | ||
1336 | Mohammed Razu Ahmed | Protocol development of precessed products from sweet potato | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 149 | With CD | |
1337 | Shah Md. Luthfur Rahman | Production technology of strawberry in Bangladesh | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 185 | With CD | |
1338 | Md. Nazmul Islam Sarker | Growth and yield profitability of potato as influenced by planting density and cut tuber | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 67 | With CD | |
1339 | A.K.M. Quamruzzaman | Genetic diversity and heterosis of bottle gourd | HRT | Ph.d | Sum/ 2011 | 168 | With CD | |
1340 | Kaniz Fatema Rokshana | Phenology yield and seed quality of rice as infulenced by planting dates ion late aman season | SST | MS | 2010 | 51 | ||
1341 | Syed Rafuul Haque | Yield potential and seed quality of garden pea varieties at varierd harvesting dates | SST | MS | 2011 | 89 | ||
1342 | Aziza Begum | Characteristic of self, incompatrible lines and their hybrid performance in Radish | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 157 | With CD | |
1343 | Gazi Md. Farhad Hossain | Performance of cotton genotypes for growth, yield and seed quality | SST | MS | 2010 | 65 | ||
1344 | S.M. Mahbub Ali | Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer effects on yield and physiological and biochemical quality of jute seed under field and storage conditions | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 140 | With CD | |
1345 | Naznin Akter | Varietal performance and seed quality of some exotic rice genotypes | SST | MS | 2011 | 84 | ||
1346 | A.K.M. Yousof Harun | Study on genetypic variability in seed dormancy and seed quality of soybean (Glycine max 0L.) | SST | MS | 2010 | 67 | ||
1347 | Mst. Salina Akter | Genetic diversity and character association for reproductive trains in onion | GPB | MS | 2011 | 62 | ||
1348 | Md. Kamrul Hasan Khan | Variability and character association for reproductive traits in exotic rice genotypes | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 64 | With CD | |
1349 | S.M. Abdullah al Mamun | Characterization and genetic diversity for agronomic traits in exotic rice | GPB | MS | 2011 | 95 | ||
1350 | Md. Saki Ul Arafin | Variability and heterosis in bottle gourd | GPB | MS | Win/ 2010 | 68 | With CD | |
1351 | Mosammat Umma Kulsum | Stability of BRRI developed promising hybrid for yield and its related traits | GPB | MS | Win/ 2010 | 101 | With CD | |
1352 | Md. Hafizur Rahman | Hybrid seed production in BRRI hybrid Dhane2 at different GA3 and row levels | GPB | MS | 2010 | 86 | ||
1353 | Israt Tanzia | Line X tester analysis in maize (Zea mays L.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 59 | With CD | |
1354 | Afrida Ali | Genetic diversity in cucumber (cucumis sativus L) | GPB | MS | Sum/2011 | 72 | With CD | |
1355 | Md Shamsur Rahman Khan | Characterization of component lines for developing hybrid rice | GPB | MS | 2010 | 92 | ||
1356 | Tania Akter | Characterization and genetic diversity for productive traits in exotic rice germplasm | GPB | MS | 2010 | 93 | ||
1357 | Liakat Ali | Heterosis in selected combinations fo A and R Lines in rice (Oryza sativa) | GPB | MS | 2011 | 66 | ||
1358 | Faysal Mohammad Ali | Estimation of heterosis in exotic hybrid rice | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 69 | With CD | |
1359 | Md. Muradunnabi | Genotyes-environment interaction in hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) | GPB | MS | 2010 | 56 | ||
1360 | Benoy Chandra Sen | Management of carrot diseases caused by rhizoctonia solani and sclerotiumrolfsii | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2010 | 180 | With CD | |
1361 | Md. Golam Kibria | Control of okra yellow vein clearing mosic virus and pseudocercospora leaf spot of okra seed crop | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 143 | With CD | |
1362 | S.M. Kamrul Hasan Chowdhury | Identification of strains of xanthomonas oryaze pv. Oryzae causing bacterial leaf blight of rice in Bangladesh and screening of some exotic rice genotypes against the pathogen | PLP | MS | 2011 | 68 | ||
1363 | Karima Akter | Evaluation of some hybrid, HYV and local varities of rice in respact pf prevalence of fungal pathagens in the field | PLP | MS | 2011 | 54 | ||
1364 | Md. Tanbir Rubayet | Management of stem rot of potato caused by sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Win/ 2010 | 82 | With CD | |
1365 | Sabiha Afroz Chaity | Prevalence of seed-borne fungi in soybean and their control using chemical fungicides and botanicals | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 71 | With CD | |
1366 | Ahsanul Haque | Management of ufra (Ditylenchus angustus) disease of rice | PLP | MS | 2010 | 50 | ||
1367 | Md. Johirul Islam | Quality improvement of farmers stored chickpea seed and its relation to disease development | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 82 | With CD | |
1368 | Md. Abdul Aziz | Studies on the production of quality and healthy jute seeds | PLP | Ph.D | Win/ 2010 | 187 | With CD | |
1369 | Afroza Sultana | Performance of seventeen tomato varieties when insected by tomato yellow curl virus (TYLCV) field condition | PLP | MS | 2011 | 84 | ||
1370 | Md. Majibar Rahman | Studies on bacterial soft rot disease of potato and onion in trorage and its management | PLP | Ph.D | Win/ 2010 | 154 | With CD | |
1371 | Md. Farhad Hossain | Prevalence and effect of tomato viral diseases on different tomato varieties in Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 106 | With CD | |
1372 | Md. Asad-Uz-Zaman | Integrated management of black root of strawberry caused by rhizoclona solani | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 68 | With CD | |
1373 | A.S.M. Kamruzzaman | Bioecology of jute yellow mite polyphagot arsonemus latus (Bank) (Arachnida: Acari: Tarsonemidae) and screeening of some jute varieties against this mite | ENT | MS | 2010 | 104 | ||
1374 | Marufa Fatema | Uswe pattern of insecticides in brinjal and their residues in farm gate and market samples | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 75 | With CD | |
1375 | Md. Ruhul Amin | Integrated management of fruit flies on bittergourd unsing some genotypes chemicals and non-chemical measures | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 2010 | 237 | With CD | |
1376 | Md. Shamim Hossain | Insecticide based management pckage against pod borer of yield-long bean and qualification of residue | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 75 | With CD | |
1377 | Muhammad Ziaul Hoque | Role of farming system towards househods food security in selected charland of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2010 | 83 | With CD | |
1378 | Hossain Ahamad Imran | Coping strategies practiced by displacees for rive bank erosion | AER | MS | Sum/2011 | 74 | With CD | |
1379 | Khandsker sazia Afrin | Farmers’ response regarding impact of industrial wastes on soil, water and crop production | AER | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 86 | With CD | |
1380 | Tanvir Manower | Socio-economic impact of alla in paikgacha upazilla under khulna District | AER | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 57 | With CD | |
1381 | Md. Moktar Hossain | Study on allelopathic effect of moringa oleifera on mungbean | AFE | MS | 2011 | 55 | ||
1382 | Nurunnaher Akter | Improving drought tolerance in maize by exogenous application of gibberellic acid and cytokinin | AGR | MS | 2010 | 57 | ||
1383 | Shah-Al-Emran | Source sink manipulation and population density effects of green fodder and grain yield in hybrid maize | AGR | MS | 2011 | 97 | ||
1384 | Md. Mahbubr Rahman | Yield performance and seed quality mungbean grown in salinity stressed condition | CBT | Ph.D | 2011 | 211 | ||
1385 | Rehana Banu | Effect of management of organic manure and crop residue on soil properties and crop performance under wheat-mungbean T. aman cropping pattern | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 200 | With CD | |
1386 | Md. Atikur Rahman | Effect of nutrient solution and yield and quality of okra | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2011 | 74 | With CD | |
1387 | Md. Sarwarul Haque | Integrated nutrient management for sustainable productivity and soil health in maize-rice cropping pattern | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2011 | 177 | With CD | |
1388 | Saiful Islam | Efficacy of different organic waste compost to improve soil fertility and crop productivity | SSC | MS | 2010 | 75 | ||
1389 | Esrat Jahan | Control of Bipolaris leaf blight of wheat | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 62 | With CD | |
1390 | Nilufar Hossain | Prevalence and control of fusarium wilt in chickpea | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 61 | With CD | |
1391 | Md. Nazmul Arefin | Disease free seed production of radish | PLP | MS | 2011 | 50 | ||
1392 | Wasira Akhter | Integrated management of seedling mortality caused by rhizoctonia solani and yield improvment of pea | PLP | MS | 2011 | 49 | ||
1393 | Abu Hadi Md. Asadur Rahman | Status of seed tomato grown by BADC in different zone of Bangladesh in respect of PVY and PLRV infection | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/2011 | 167 | With CD | |
1394 | Mst. Safia Aktar | Post Harvest papaya diseases and their management | PLP | MS | 2011 | 49 | ||
1395 | Md. Raihan Talukder | Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizae in suppessing damping off disease their selected vagetable | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 93 | With CD | |
1396 | Tania Rukshana | Effect of root-knot nematode (meloidogyne incognita) infection on growth of some vegetable crops | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 43 | With CD | |
1397 | Moinak Ahammed | Production and marketing channels of tuberose in some selected areas of Jessore District | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 70 | With CD | |
1398 | Sanjukta Bardhan | Production and marketing of Banana some selected areas of Narsingdi District | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 74 | With CD | |
1399 | Saleh Mohammad Shahriar | Response use ffficiency and profitablity of potato production in two selected areas of Bangaladesh | AEC | MS | 2011 | 72 | ||
1400 | Shamima Akter | Profitability and resource use efficiency of rice production in old brahmaputra floodplain areas | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 74 | With CD | |
1401 | Md. Lutfar Rahman | Carbon emission and accumulation from different organic wastes in soil | SSC | MS | 2011 | 69 | ||
1402 | Rafiqul Alam Khan | Effects of household wastes and poultry manure on soil properties, growth, yield and quality of okra | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2011 | 222 | With CD | |
1403 | Md. Shafiqul Islam | Characterization of aromatic rice (oryza sativa L.) germplasm through morphological, biochemical and molecular techniques | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2011 | 190 | With CD | |
1404 | Karimatul Ambia | Seed yield and quality of different genotypes of spinach | SST | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 53 | With CD | |
1405 | Sultana Zaman Chowdhury | Effect of Phosphorus and Born on the yield and quality of lettuce seed | SST | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 63 | With CD | |
1406 | Fatema Sultana | Morphological variablity nnd character association in cucumber (cucumis sativus L.) | GPB | MS | 2011 | 58 | ||
1407 | Md. Tarik Mahmud Razim | Genotype-environment interaction in pumpkin (cucurbita moschata Dutch ex.Poir) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 72 | With CD | |
1408 | F.M.Mahbubur Rahman | Hybrid rice cultivation and its impact on social inequality in some selected areas of Banladesh | AER | Ph.D | Aut/ 2011 | 199 | With CD | |
1409 | Asrafun Nahar Tuli | Women’s participation in household and agricltural activities in selected area of Gazipur District | AER | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 71 | With CD | |
1410 | A.K.M Hedayet Ullah Chowdhury | Adoption of BRRI dhan47 in the coastal saline areas of Bangladesh | AER | MS | 2011 | 71 | ||
1411 | Hasina Sultana | In vitro propagation of Strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa Duch) and it’s field performance | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 77 | With CD | |
1412 | Lotifa Yesmin | Characterization and evaluation of Tomato genotypes for inbred and hybrid seed production potentiality | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 83 | With CD | |
1413 | Md. Riazul Islam | In vitro growth of Potato under salt stress | HRT | MS | 2011 | 51 | ||
1414 | Minhaz Ahmed | Study on climate variability to homestead production systems in central terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | 2011 | 94 | ||
1415 | Mira Rani Das | Floral biology, fruit setting and quality of passion fruit | CBT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2011 | 122 | With CD | |
1416 | Fatema-Tuj- Johora | Optimizing sowing date of direct seeded Boro rice | CBT | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 138 | With CD | |
1417 | S. M. Shahriar Parvej | Soil puddling and nitrogen effects on growth and yield of Mungbean | AGR | MS | 2011 | 58 | ||
1418 | Sharif Ahmed | Growth, productivity and profitability of rice as influenced by integrated crop and resources management | AGR | MS | 2011 | 91 | ||
1419 | Mani Shankar Mandol | Influence of monopodia removal, plant spacing and N.P.K application on yield and quality of cotton lint | AGR | MS | 2011 | 80 | ||
1420 | Md. Shibly Noman | Intercropping mustard with four spices crops to suppress aphid, lipaphis, erysimi, kalt. and its effect and yield | ENT | MS | 2011 | 63 | ||
1421 | Md. Iftekhar Mahmud Akhand | Effects of neem products for the management of yellow stem borer in boro rice | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 64 | With CD | |
1422 | Rozalin Nova | Use pattern of insecticides in country bean and their residues in edible pods, soil and water samples | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2011 | 89 | With CD | |
Khondoker Mohammad Alam | Assessing potentiality of rhizosphere bacteria and fungi against sclerotia forming pahogens of cucumber seedling | PLP | MS | Win/ 2011 | 89 | With CD | |
1424 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Studies on the postharvest diseases of six major fruits of Bangladesh and their management | PLP | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 178 | With CD | |
1425 | Farzana Haque Depo | Performance of seventeen tomato varieties against tomato purple vein virus (TPVV) in field condition | PLP | MS | Win/ 2011 | 72 | With CD | |
1426 | Akter Sabera | Influence of nitrogen and phopphorus fertilizer on growth, yield and shele life lettuce | HRT | MS | 2011 | 51 | ||
1427 | Md.Al-Amin Hossain Talukder | Characterization, floral biology and post-havest technology in mandarin | HRT | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 220 | With CD | |
1428 | Rahima Khatun | Yield and quality of onion as influenced by nirogen fertilizer | CBT | MS | Win/ 2011 | 48 | With CD | |
1429 | Masud Hossain Polash | Nature of low temperature injury in rice genotypes | CBT | MS | Win/ 2011 | 56 | With CD | |
1430 | Ashoke Kumar Roy | Excess water tolerance in chilli | CBT | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 222 | With CD | |
1431 | Md. Alamgir Miah | Assessment of component lines for hybrid development in Brassica napus L | GPB | Ph.D | 2011 | 223 | ||
1432 | Md. Al-Amin Khan | Effect GA3 on hybrid rice ..seed production | GPB | MS | Win/ 2011 | 63 | With CD | |
1433 | Hasan-uz-Zaman RAIHAN | Heterosis in relation to genetic diversity in snakegourd | GPB | MS | Win/ 2011 | 60 | With CD | |
1434 | Md. Mahamudul Hasan | Genetic diversity for heat tolerance traits in spring wheat | GPB | MS | 2011 | 131 | ||
1435 | Shahadat Hossain | Screeing of advanced breeding lines of uplant rice for tolerance to drought | GPB | MS | Win/ 2011 | 41 | ||
1436 | Md. ROKEBUL Hasan | Genetic diversity in micronutrient dense rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2011 | 93 | ||
1437 | Kaniz Fatema | Genetic variation for grain quality in aromatic rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2011 | 66 | With CD | |
1438 | Md. Abdul Mazed | Study in the bioecology of okra shoot and fruit borer and its integrated management | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 223 | With CD | |
1439 | Mafroza Akter | Foraging behaviour of apis mellifera l. in litchi orchard nd honey production | ENT | MS | Win/ 2011 | 60 | With CD | |
1440 | Md. Rajaul Karim | Effect on nitrogen on growth, productivity and seed quality of long grain rice | SST | MS | Win/ 2011 | 44 | With CD | |
1441 | Md. Mosharraf Hossain | Quality status of farmers mungbean seeds, and production and storage of quality seeds | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 173 | With CD | |
1442 | Md. Shafayet Hossain | Yield potential,storage behaviour and degeneration of potato varieties in Bangladesh | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 195 | With CD | |
1443 | Bithi Sarma Majumder | Effect of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on the bulb seed production of simmer onion | SST | MS | Win/ 2011 | 50 | With CD | |
1444 | Sarder Md. Raihan Kabir | Seedling age effects on growth characterisics productivity and seed quality of long grain rice | SST | MS | Win/ 2011 | 70 | With CD | |
1445 | Abhijit Shah | Genetic divergence in relation to reproductive traits and seed quality attributes in indigenus aman rice genotypes | SST | MS | 2011 | 69 | ||
1446 | A.S. M. Iqbal Hussain | Optimizing management practices for quality seed production of rice | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 85 | With CD | |
1447 | Benazir Binte Borhan | Productivity, profitability and resposes use efficiency of mustard production in Manikgonj and Jessore Districts | AEC | MS | Win/ 2011 | 79 | With CD | |
1448 | Md. Hasibul Hasan | Production and marketing of tomato in some selected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 2011 | 98 | With CD | |
1449 | Asma Jahan | Carbon sequestration fertility improvement in soils under different tillage and rice straw management practices | SSC | MS | Win/ 2011 | 72 | With CD | |
1450 | Mahbuba Sultana | Effect of different organic waster in tomato cultivation and soil fertility | SSC | MS | Win/ 2011 | 57 | With CD | |
1451 | S.M.Rezaul Karim | Adaption of agro technologies to address climate change in drought prone region of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2011 | 111 | With CD | |
1452 | Lutfun Nahar Mukta | Particiption of rural woment in homestead agricultural activities | AER | MS | Win/ 2011 | 61 | With CD | |
1453 | Md. Ibrahim Khalil | Socio-Economic and technological factors affecting livelihood of the potato farmes | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 199 | With CD | |
1454 | Tanjila | Adoption of hybrid rice in the selected area of Gazipur District | AER | MS | Win/ 2011 | 71 | With CD | |
1455 | Mominul Islam | Perception of sub assistant agriculture officer on sustanable agriculture practices | AER | MS | Win/ 2011 | 72 | With CD | |
1456 | A.H.M. Fazlul Kabir | Nutrient uptake and yield response of sesame to NPKS application and source-sink manipulation | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2011 | 225 | With CD | |
1457 | Md. Mahbub Hasan | Effect of herbicides on weed control, crop performance and soil properties in boro rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 2011 | 109 | With CD | |
1458 | Mahmudul Hasanin Faruque | Evaluation of rice genotypes for their tolerance to salinity | AGR | MS | 2011 | 75 | ||
1459 | Mohammad Rezaul Karim | Evaluation of different irrigation and tillage methods in boro rice based on principles of conservation agriculture | AGR | MS | Win/ 2011 | 99 | With CD | |
Duplicate |
Kabir Uddin Ahmed | Biecological and Integrated Management of Jackfruit borer in Agroforestry System | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 211 | With CD | |
Duplicate |
Abdul Awal
Effectiveness of selected insecticides on brinjal shoot and fruit borer and their compatibility with biological control agents and impact on arthropod diversity | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 163 | With CD | |
1462 | Md. Shafi Uddin | Insect Pest Complex and integrated management of major insect pests of yard long bean | ENT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 234 | With CD | |
1463 | Niyanta Barman | Effectiveness of some IPM packages consisting of chemical and non chemical components for suppressing pod borer and aphid in summer conutry bean | ENT | MS | 2012 | 70 | With CD | |
1464 | Nasrin Perven | Genetic variability in Ash Gourd | HRT | MS | 2012 | 66 | ||
1465 | Sirajum Munira | Evaluation of potato varietes against salinity stress | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 96 | With CD | |
1466 | Abdullah-Al-Mahmud | Improvement of drought tolerant potato variety | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 207 | With CD | |
1467 | Md. Abdullah Al-Mamun | Effect of planting time and plant density of top-shoot cuttings on multiplication of breeder seed potato | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 63 | With CD | |
1468 | Md. Nasir Uddin | Seed Hardening effects of physio-chemical properties storability and quality of jute seed | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 104 | With CD | |
1469 | Selim Ahmed | Effect of plant nutrients on yield and shelf life of corinder seed | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 201 | With CD | |
1470 | Md. Kabir Uddin Sarker | Study on the producton and storage technology of onion seeds | SST | Ph.D | 2012 | 168 | ||
1471 | Md. Sultanul Alam | Assessment of seed qual;ity and ifield performnce of rice hybrid | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 252 | With CD | |
1472 | Khandaker Mahfuzul Haque | Morphological physiological and biochemical characterization of seeds of prench bean genotypes | SST | MS | Sum/ 2012 | 61 | With CD | |
1473 | Md. Abdul Halim | Yield and quality of onion seed as influenced by production and postharvest practices | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 172 | With CD | |
1474 | Md. Mubarak Ali | Self-incompatibility, combining ability and heterosis brassica rapa L | GPB | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 106 | With CD | |
1475 | Sahadeb Chandra Dsa | Inbreeding depression in F2 generation of T.Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2012 | 54 | With CD | |
1476 | Mohammad Amir Hossain | Exploitastion of diversified male sterile cytosources in developing hybrid rice | GPB | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 249 | With CD | |
1477 | Kamrul Islam | Marker –Assisted Breeding for Introgression of flash flooding tolerant QTL SUB1 into BRRI dhan33 | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 131 | With CD | |
1478 | Kumkum Rani | Genetic variability and genotype-environment interaction in ash gourd | GPB | MS | 2012 | 73 | ||
1479 | Md.Enamul Kabir | Maeker-Assisted breeding for Introgressin of bacteial blight resistant genes into BRRI dhan52 | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 105 | With CD | |
1480 | Sadia Sabrina Alam | Combining ability and hererosis in tomato | GPB | MS | 2012 | 57 | ||
1481 | Md.Golam Azam | Morphological and molecular diversity in maize inbrid lines | GPB | MS | 2012 | 109 | ||
1482 | Nasrin Akter | Genetic vaiability for morphological and quality thaits in pumpkin | GPB | MS | 2012 | 99 | ||
1483 | Md. Abu Sayeed Miah | Studies on postharvest diseases of selected vgetables and spices and their management | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 135 | With CD | |
1484 | Mohammed Ziaul Hoque | Study on diseases of improved varieties of jujube grown in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 149 | With CD | |
1485 | Shoheli Jabbar | Management of leaf blight disease of onion caused by alternaria porri | PLP | MS | 2012 | 76 | ||
1486 | Md. Al Mamun Hasan | Contribution of forest poroduct on the livelihood of the households of Madhupur SAL forest area | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 83 | With CD | |
1487 | Shamim Reza | Performance of indian spinach under fruit tree based agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 54 | With CD | |
1488 | Md. Forhad Hossain | Agro-economic study of fruit tree-vegetable based agroforestry system in Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 333 | With CD | |
1489 | Pryanka Roy | Genotypic variation in phenology, yield and seed quality of mungbean | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2012 | 60 | With CD | |
1490 | Munnujan Khanam | Growth and development changes in modern varieties and landrances of rice in response to variable agromomic paracices | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 77 | With CD | |
1491 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Study of different industrial effuents on soil fertility and rice production | SSC | Ph.D | 2012 | 193 | ||
1492 | Zebunnesa | Toxi metals contamination in soil-crop sysetm through industrial wastes and its Bioremediation | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 110 | With CD | |
1493 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Carbon stock and nutrient contents in the northern and eastern piedmont plants and madaripur tract of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2012 | 67 | With CD | |
1494 | Farzana Alam | Effect of micronutrients on the yield and nutrient uptake of garlic under red brown terrace soil | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 63 | With CD | |
1495 | Ashraful Arif | Production and marketing of some selected exportable horticultural crops in Bnngladesh | AEC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 280 | With CD | |
1496 | Md. Mamnuor Rashid | An economic assessment of livestock production and consumption in Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2012 | 181 | With CD | |
1497 | Sheik Fayeem Uddin | Adoption and relative profitablity of BARRI, released mustard variety in Manikjonj district | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 83 | With CD | |
1498 | Md. Ali Akber | Impact of eco-friendly agricultural practices on crop production in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | Sum/ 2012 | 158 | With CD | |
1499 | Samira Sharine | Women Participation in homested vegetable cardening to enhance food security for char land people in Manikgonj District | AER | MS | Aut/ 2012 | 70 | With CD | |
1500 | Rayhana Wazed Ruma | Evaluation of eggplant genotypes against soil flooding Tolerance | CBT | MS | 2012 | 61 | ||
1501 | Mahbub Uddin Ahmed | Study on seedling disease of wheat in Bangladesh | Botany | Ph.D | 2009 | 227 | ||
1502 | Mukta Chakma | Identification and production of minor vegetables by tribal people | AER | MS | Win/ 2012 | 75 | With CD | |
1503 | Moushumi Hossain | Poverty alleviation of rural women through different agril, income generating activities | AER | MS | Win/ 2012 | 69 | With CD | |
1504 | Sagir Uddin Ahmed | Utilization and effectiveness of ICT for dissemination agricultural technologies anong the farmers | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2012 | 142 | With CD | |
1505 | Foyez Ahmed Prodhan | Barriers and preparedness of agricultural extension workers towards ICT utilization in Gazipur District | AER | MS | Win/ 2012 | 84 | With CD | |
1506 | Md. Hashmi Sakib | Adoption of modern aquaculture technologies by the farmers in selected area of Bogra District | AER | MS | Win/ 2012 | 105 | With CD | |
1507 | Israt Zerrin Suchi | Students attitude towards sustainable diploma agricultual education | AER | MS | Win/ 2012 | 62 | With CD | |
1508 | Nasir Uddin Mahmud | Heavy metals in veetables at industrial effluent polluted soils | SSC | MS | Win/ 2012 | 73 | With CD | |
1509 | Mohammad Nasir | Effects of gliricidia sepium and cassia siamea on weed control, crop performance and soil properties in aman rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 2012 | 65 | With CD | |
1510 | Tanuja Mandal | Effect of some nutrient elements on fruit Fly infestation in bitter gourd | ENT | MS | 2012 | 67 | ||
1511 | Fatama Jarin | Expression of glyoxalase-under salinity stress in onion | GPB | MS | 2012 | 72 | ||
1512 | Anjuman Ara | Introgression of SUB1 QTL into BRRI dhan49 using marker assisted backcrossing technique | GPB | MS | Win/ 2012 | 68 | With CD | |
1513 | Rahima Nusrat Remme | Purification of sodium chloride (NaCl) induced salinity responsible glatathione S-Transferase from maize (zeamays L.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 2012 | 70 | With CD | |
1514 | Shaikhul Islam | Isolation and utilization of endophytic rhizobactria for stimulating palnt growth and controlling phytophthora blight of cucumber | PLP | MS | Win/ 2012 | 101 | With CD | |
1515 | Fatematuz Zohara | Isolation and characterization of antagonistic bacteria from plant and soils agrainst late blight pathogen phytophthora capsici | PLP | MS | Win/ 2012 | 104 | With CD | |
1516 | Debashish Sarker | Isolation and utilization of Edophytic rhizobacteria for stimukating plant growth and contolling damping off disease of cucumber | PLP | MS | Win/ 2012 | 57 | With CD | |
1517 | Ananya Prova | Isolaion, identification and characterization of white mold disease in marigold (tagets officinals L) and hyacinth ben (lablab purpureus) cased by sclerotinia scerotiorum | PLP | MS | Win/ 2012 | 72 | With CD | |
1518 | Md. Ferdous Alam | Integrated management foot and root for sisease of Bush bean caused Sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Win/ 2012 | 68 | With CD | |
1519 | Munshi Rashid Ahmed | Genetic diversity and molecular characterization for the improvement of Guava | HRT | Ph .D | Win/ 2012 | 162 | With CD | |
1520 | Md. Moshiur Rahman | Characterization production and postharvest technology of strawberry | HRT | Ph.D | Win/ 2012 | 228 | With CD | |
1521 | Mohammad Ahmmed Ali | Effect of bulb size and Ga3 on quality seed production in onion | HRT | MS | Win/ 2012 | 47 | With CD | |
1522 | Md. Shydyzzaman Roni | Effect of plant spacing and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and quality of Broccoli | HRT | MS | Win/ 2012 | 96 | With CD | |
1523 | Sumaia Mahmuda | Estimation of heterosis for heat tolerance in Tomato | HRT | MS | Win/ 2012 | 79 | With CD | |
1524 | Sushan Chowhan | Nutritive value,shelf, life and yield potential of strawberry genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 2012 | 80 | With CD | |
1525 | Sonia Rashid Soni | Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on free yield nutritional quality and seed yield of caulflower | HRT | MS | Win/ 2012 | 85 | With CD | |
1526 | Mohammad Sidula Islam | Health status of seed potato of public and private cold storage and effect of soil amendments on production of healthy seed potato | SST | MS | Win/ 2012 | 79 | With CD | |
1527 | Muhammad Shamsul Huda | In Vitro plantlet production and their performance producing sed potato | SST | MS | 2012 | 81 | Blank CD | |
1528 | Mohammad Abduhu | Effect of Production practices storage and investigation on seed quality of okra | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2012 | 189 | With CD | |
1529 | Md.Jahangir Alam | Effects of follior application of NPKSB on growth yield nutrient content and seed quality of soybean | SST | Ph.D | 2012 | 99 | ||
1530 | Bashir Ahmmed | Nitrogen and potassium fertilzer application, Dehaulming effects on tuber development, physiological and biochemical properties of seed potato | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2012 | 86 | With CD | |
1531 | M.M.Shah Neaz | Influence of Tree leaves incroporation and nitrogen on maize production and soil environment | AFE | MS | Win/ 2012 | 100 | With CD | |
1532 | Tahmina Afroz | Community-based forestry and liveihood in the context of climate change in Madaripur region of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 2012 | 86 | With CD | |
1533 | Hasan Iman | Performance of wheat varieties under different agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2012 | 83 | With CD | |
1534 | Mohammad Shah Alam | Tree Leaf Mulching for irrigation water saving soil environment change and weed infestation in tomato production | AFE | MS | Win/ 2012 | 80 | With CD | |
1535 | Md. Rafiul BARI | Profitability and technical efficiency of BRRI dhan 29 in some selected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 2012 | 72 | With CD | |
1536 | Md. Jahirul Islam | Comparative economic analysis of local and modern varieties of potato production in some selected areas of Rangpur | AEC | MS | Win/ 2012 | 76 | With CD | |
1537 | Avijit Sarker | Effects of selected herbicides on weed control, crop growth and yield performance in transplanted aman rice | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 79 | With CD | |
1538 | Md. Zillur Rahman | Optimizing nitrogen application in wheat using spad-502 chlorophyll meter | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 64 | With CD | |
1539 | Ashifa Tanzin Mishu | Alleviating constraints of soil puddling for legume establishment through various tillage practices | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 65 | With CD | |
1540 | Md. Fakhre Alam Ibne Tabib | Planting pattern and nutrient management effect on the productivity of cotton + mungbean intercropping systems | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2013 | 240 | With CD | |
1541 | Md. Maniruzzaman | Effects of drought and high temperature stress on maize | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 69 | With CD | |
1542 | Hossain Md. Ferdous | Effect of sowing dates on growth, yield and quality of tropical sugar beet | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 70 | With CD | |
1543 | Sobnom Mustari | Evaluation of selected herbicides on weed control and productivity of wheat | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 62 | With CD | |
1544 | Md. Ariful Islam | Idenfification and evaluation of component lines from exoitc rice germplasm for hybrid variety development | GPB | Ph.D | Sum/ 2013 | 282 | With CD | |
1545 | Md. Mahfuzur Rahman | Responses of maize glutathione s-transferse under abiotic stresses | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 86 | With CD | |
1546 | Mohammad Forhad Amin | Genetic diversity and variability in spring wheat | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 75 | With CD | |
1547 | Reshma Sultana | Development of gynodioecious variety using papaya landraces in Bangladesh | GPB | Ph.D | Sum/ 2013 | 125 | With CD | |
1548 | Afsana Hoque Akhi | Character association and purification of restorer lines in aromatic rice | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 77 | With CD | |
1549 | Salma Akter | Genetic variation for yield and quality traits in pumpkin | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 84 | With CD | |
1550 | Nazah Salawat | Knowledge and attitude of mushroom growers at selected upazillas of Dhaka District | AER | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 82 | With CD | |
1551 | Tahmina Shireen Tanni | Impact of mushroom cultivation on socio-economic condition of beneficieries | AER | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 68 | With CD | |
1552 | Md. Abdus Salam | Genotype variation in biochemical and physiological quality of cotton seed stored under ambient condition | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2013 | 138 | With CD | |
1553 | Joyanti Ray | Canopy temperature effects on yield, grain growth and seedling establishment in wheat | CBT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 83 | With CD | |
1554 | Soyema Khatun | Carbohydrate accumulation and seed reserve utilization in wheat under variable temperatures | CBT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 97 | With CD | |
1555 | Nishat Farhana | Effects of micronutrient and spacing on growth and yield of rice | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 80 | With CD | |
1556 | Md. Anowar Hossain | Effect of alley cropping system on wheat productivity and soil fertility | AFE | MS | 2013 | 91 | With CD | |
1557 | Md. Golam Mortuza | Performance of selected perennial and annual crops in aonla (Phyllanthus emblica) based multistoried agroforestry system in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | Sum/ 2013 | 277 | With CD | |
1558 | Md. Rezwanul Islam | Screening of tree species for saline and drought prone areas of Bangladesh in relation to climate change | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 105 | With CD | |
1559 | Effat Sharmin | Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 67 | With CD | |
1560 | Tuhina Hasan | Yield and process quality of potato varieties | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 114 | With CD | |
1561 | Fahmida Sabrin Sama | Influence of date of planting and plant spacing on the yield of potato mini-tubers produced from tissue culture derived plantlets | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 66 | With CD | |
1562 | Rayhana Parvin | Influence of planting material with plant spacing and seeding depth on the production of Gladiolus | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 63 | With CD | |
1563 | Md. Anwarul Hafiz | Effect of planting times on growth and yield of broccoli genotypes | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 62 | With CD | |
1564 | Rewana Islam Rimi | Performance of cucumber genotypes in different planting times | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 70 | With CD | |
1565 | Amena Khatun | Epiphytic rhyzoplane bacteria as biopesticide against | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 77 | With CD | |
1566 | Most Waheda Rahman Ansary | Effects of extract, endophyte and secondary metabolities from medicinal plant against | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 94 | With CD | |
1567 | Md. Kamruzzaman | Isolation and characterization of plant probiotic bacteria from the rhizosphere of native plants to control Cucumber late blight pathogen | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2013 | 81 | With CD | |
1568 | Md. Ataur Rahman | Bioecology and integrated management of stem borer infesting sugarcane | ENT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2013 | 224 | With CD | |
1569 | Md. Jahangir Alam | Genetic variation and genotype x environment interaction on iron and zinc uptake in lentil | GPB | MS | Win/ 2013 | 98 | With CD | |
1570 | Israt Jahan | Morpho-gnenatic-Diversity in Mustard (Brassica rapa L) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 68 | With CD | |
1571 | Md. Shhel Rana | Combining ability of quality traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch.ex. Poir.)
GPB | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 67 | With CD | |
1572 | Farjana Simi | Parental diverit and heterosis in ccumber (Cucumis sativus L) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 71 | With CD | |
1573 | Md. Ashabul Hoque | Improvement of yield attributes and quality traits in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch ex. Poir) | GPB | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 203 | With CD | |
1574 | Shaikh Shakin Ahmed | Genotype x Environment interaction on the field performance of Amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 92 | With CD | |
1575 | Arindam Biswas | Genetic diversity and genotype x environment interaction of maize inbreds under salinity stress | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 71 | With CD | |
1576 | Somara Kaabir Ima | Performance of Local and Exptic Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Cultivars | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 64 | With CD | |
1577 | Mohammad Anwar Hossain Khan | Morphologial characterization and diversityin sponge gournd | GPB | MS | Win/ 2013 | 68 | With CD | |
1578 | Hasib-Bin-Saif | Effects of sunflower plant extract on weed control and productivityof wheat | AGR | MS | Win/ 2013 | 74 | With CD | |
1579 | Uswatun Hasana Hashi | Potassium in Mitigation of salinity stress in soybean | AGR | MS | Win/ 2013 | 72 | With CD | |
1580 | Md. Mahfuz Bazzaz | Morpho-Physiology and yield response of wheat to variable water regimes | AGR | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 228 | With CD | |
1581 | Md. Shawquat Ali Khan | Evaluation of soybean genotypes in relation to yield performance, salinity and drought tolerance | AGR | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 188 | With CD | |
1582 | Md. Arafat Hossain | Management of puddled soil through organic amendments for post rice mungbean production | AGR | MS | Win/ 2013 | 76 | With CD | |
1583 | Sharmin Akter | Comparative assessment of microbials, chemical insecticide and mechanical control for suppressing brinjal shoot and fruit borer | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 64 | With CD | |
1584 | Mohammed Sakhawat Hossain | Status of beekeeping in Bangladesh and dearth period management to improve bee health for quality honey production | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 182 | With CD | |
1585 | Mofasshera Moni | Effectiveness of nutrient elements for the management of fruit fly attacking bitter gourd | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 66 | With CD | |
1586 | Shakura Namni | Insect visitors and their impact on mango based agroforestry system | ENT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 66 | With CD | |
1587 | Sharmin Akther | Study on red spider mites (Tetranychus spp.)in country bean and its management | ENT | MS | 2013 | 53 | ||
Duplicate |
Md. Shahinoor Rahman | Chemodynamics of cypermenthrin in eggplant ecosystem | ENT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 73 | With CD | |
1589 | MST.Nur Mohal Akhter Banu | Study on bioecology of mango mealybug and its management | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 175 | With CD | |
1590 | Md. Shah Alam | Bioecology of A learval parasitoid bracon hebetor say for the management of some vegetables pests | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 168 | With CD | |
1591 | Kohinoor Begum | Study on bioecology of trichogramma spp. And its use in IPM of some vegetable, pests | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 123 | With CD | |
1592 | Md. Mazadul Islam | Effects of Industrial Effluents on Germination and growth of summer Leafy Vegetables | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 96 | With CD | |
1593 | Afroza Naznin | Influence of organic amendments and bio-control agent of yield and quality of tuberose | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 72 | With CD | |
1594 | Shamsun Nahar | Characterization and genetic divergence in Cauliflower genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 75 | With CD | |
1595 | Md. Zafar Ahmed | Effect of sowing time and spacing on growth and yield of back cumin | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 87 | With CD | |
1596 | Mohammad Matin Akand | Heterosis and combining ability of summer tomato | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 81 | With CD | |
1597 | Mohammad Rezaul Karim | Characterization and genetic divergence in eggplant genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 147 | With CD | |
1598 | Kaniz Rezowana | Effect of nitrogen and potash fertilizer on the yield of exotic and indigenous cultivars of garlic | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 55 | With CD | |
1599 | Most Sharmin Sultana | Effect of plant spacing on broccoli genotypes and quality analysis depending on blanching time and shelf-life | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 90 | With CD | |
1600 | Shakila Islam | Efect of stem cutting and spacing on yield and quality of mint | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 72 | With CD | |
1601 | Farzana Jahan | Effect of different post harvest management practices on shelf life and nutritional qualities of pointed gourd | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 81 | With CD | |
1602 | Md. Azhar Ali | Impact of seed production project on changing knowledge, attitude, practice and livelihood status of the beneficiaries | AER | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 151 | With CD | |
1603 | Mithun Kumar Ghosh | Farmers’ response towards sustainable agriculture | AER | MS | 2013 | 83 | ||
1604 | A.K.M Nazmul Hoque | Research-Extension linkage influencing farmers’ knowledge, perception and adoption of orange production technologies | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 122 | With CD | |
1605 | Md. Shamsul Arefeen | Farmers’ attitude towards use of agro-chemicals in rice cultivation | AERD | MS | Win/ 2013 | 75 | Dam. CD | |
1606 | Sonia Yasmin | Impact of liming on vegetable production in acid soils of belabor upaziaal uner Narsingdi District | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 83 | With CD | |
1607 | Shamsun Nahar | Adoption of BRRI dhan28in the coastal areas of Banladesh | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 81 | With CD | |
1608 | Naima Sultana | Womens’ participation in rice husking mills in sherpur District Town | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 71 | With CD | |
1609 | Ashek Mohammad | Farmer’s knowledge and attitude towards floating agriculture for sustainable development | AERD | MS | Win/ 2013 | 64 | With CD | |
1610 | Sanjida Ananna Zaman | Job satisfaction and food security of the women garments worker in selected garments of Gazipur District | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 73 | With CD | |
1611 | Shifat Sultana | Womens’ participation in food for work program in Kapasia Upazilla under Gazipur District | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 77 | With CD | |
1612 | Md. Ashraf Hasan | Performance of newly breed yard long bean genotypes | SST | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 67 | With CD | |
1613 | Biswas Pankaz | Plant characterization and seed quality of some dware soybean genotypes | SST | MS | Win/ 2013 | 63 | With CD | |
1614 | A.K.M. Badruzzaman Satu | Grain yield and seed quality of wheat as influenced by planting time | SST | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 78 | With CD | |
1615 | Shamsun Nur Akhi | Variability in earliness disease reaction yield and seed quality of mungbean | SST | MS | Win/ 2013 | 65 | With CD | |
1616 | Md. Sadiqur Rahman | Morphology, yield disease incidence and seed quality of aus rice | SST | MS | Win/ 2013 | 71 | With CD | |
1617 | Md. Ziaul Haq | Development of seed production technologies in black cumin | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 190 | With CD | |
1618 | Md. Sanaul Haque | Effects of plant nutrients on yield, quality and storability of true onion seeds
SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 176 | With CD | |
1619 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Genetic purity of rice hybrids using morphological and molecular markers | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 208 | With CD | |
1620 | A.K.M.Mizanur Rahman | Genetic variability in parental lines for floral and seed quality traits in hybrid rice | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 233 | With CD | |
1621 | Md. Sadek Hossain | Micrtuberization in potato and its storage and field performance | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 152 | With CD | |
1622 | Md. Obaidul Islam | Effect of potassium on quality seed production and its storage behavior in wheat | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 201 | With CD | |
1623 | H.M. Moniruzzaman | Seed quality assessment of three successive generations of wheat | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 87 | With CD | |
1624 | Md. Akhtar Hossain Khan | Nitrogen, potassium and spacing effects on yield quality and nutrient uptake of seed sized potato | SST | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 124 | With CD | |
1625 | Nadira Mokarroma | Growth and tuber formation in processing potatoes in relation to soil temperature | CBT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 63 | With CD | |
1626 | Swaty Khandker | Economic comparison of freshwater and breakiswater shrim farming in the south west region of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 84 | With CD | |
1627 | Fahmida Rahman | Effect of different organic manures and chemical fertilizers on carbon sequestration in soils under rice-rice cropping pattern | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 112 | With CD | |
1628 | A.T.M. Rezaul Hoque | Study on yield gap and farm specific efficiency in boro rice cultivation in north western region of Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 253 | With CD | |
1629 | Mir Mehedi Hasan | Impact of dolochon use on productivity and profitability of crop production in acidic soil of shreepur upazilla. | AEC | MS | Win/ 2013 | 82 | With CD | |
1630 | Sadiqur Rahman | Impact of irrigation water on cropping intensity and profitability in ganges tidal floodplain | AEC | MS | Win/ 2013 | 86 | With CD | |
1631 | Joity Hossain | Screeng of tomato varieties for fruit tree based agroforestrt system | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 72 | With CD | |
1632 | Aminul Islam | Long-term potassium fertilization effects on soil potassium characterization and rice plant nutrion | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 267 | With CD | |
1633 | Mst.Afrina Akhter | Effects of nitrogen and spacing on growth and yield of transplanted aman rice | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 63 | With CD | |
1634 | Md. Jamal Hossain | Integrated nitrogen management of yield and quality of broccoli | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 214 | With CD | |
1635 | Md. Humayun Kabir | Spatial variability of soil and rice grain arsenic in different land types | SSC | MS | Win/ 2013 | 100 | With CD | |
1636 | Hanif Uddin | Performance of Indian spinsch and papaya in litchi based agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2013 | 60 | With CD | |
1637 | Ajnabi Sultana | Performmance of BRRI dhan28 in mango based agroforestry system of coastal region of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 2013 | 61 | With CD | |
1638 | Md. Riaj uddin | Land use change and its impact on ecosystem services ad livelihood in Tanguar Haor wetlnd of B/D | AFE | MS | Win/ 2013 | 87 | With CD | |
1639 | Md. Masumur Rahman | Impact of climatic vulnerabilities on rice cultivation in a coastal area of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 56 | With CD | |
1640 | Rezwana Rahman | Trichoderma fortified compost in controllig diseases and increasing yield of tomato | PLP | MS | Win/ 2013 | 65 | With CD | |
1641 | Tahmina Akter | Characterization of soft rot bacterial pathogens of some vegetables and their control | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 70 | With CD | |
1642 | Md. Mofassal Hoque | Household waste management for vegetable production and soil health improvement | SSC | MS | Win/ 2013 | 54 | With CD | |
1643 | Masuda Begum | Integrated nutrient management of boro rice and its residual effect on okra | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 187 | With CD | |
1644 | Shukdeb Kumar Das | Growth yield and seed quality of short duration Aman Rice varities as influenced by plant density and rates of nitrogen fertilizer | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 110 | With CD | |
Duplicate |
Md. Rakibul Islam | Effect of ethrel at different maturity stages of Tomato on its physical and biochemical characteristics | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2013 | 61 | With CD | |
1646 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman Salim | Genetic diversity combining ability and heterosis in winter tomato | HRT | Ph.D | Win/ 2013 | 217 | With CD | |
1647 | Sultana Subrin | Floral biology and fertilizer management of golden Apple var. BARI, Amra-1 | HRT | MS | Win/ 2013 | 66 | With CD | |
1648 | Md. Altaf Hossain | Low Cost Micropropagation and seed production of potato | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2013 | 200 | With CD | |
1649 | Miltan Chandra Roy | Foraging and growth responses of armyworrm to biophysical characteristics of cotton varieties | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 60 | With CD | |
1650 | Md. Nizam Uddin | Bioechology and management of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari:tetranychidae) infesting country Bean | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 150 | With CD | |
1651 | Abdul Awal Miah | Grain yield and seed quality of early maturing dwarf soybean (glycine max) genotypes as influenced by planting time and spacing | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 116 | With CD | |
1652 | Md. Tasdiqur Rahman | Effect of foliar application of nitrogen, potassium and boron on seed yield and quality of cotton | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 100 | With CD | |
1653 | Md. Bazlur Rahman | Quality seed production and storability of eggplant seed as influenced by stage of maturity and post harvest ripening | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 119 | With CD | |
1654 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman | Interaction of genotype and environment in respect to disease incidence, seed yield and quality of mungbean | SST | PhD | Aut/ 2014 | 121 | With CD | |
1655 | Md. Mamunur Reza | Influence of GA3 on Growth yield and shelf life of Broccoli | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 98 | With CD | |
1656 | Sabnam Moonsat | Effect of Potash Fertilizer on yield and chips quality of different potato varieties | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 71 | With CD | |
1657 | Mohidul Islam | Effect of Boron on yield and quality of Different Broccoli Genotypes | HRT | MS | Sum/2014 | 94 | With CD | |
1658 | Md. Shahinul Islam | Technology of leaf and seed production in lettuce | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 218 | With CD | |
1659 | Limu Akter | Seasonal and varietal differences in floral biology of eggplant | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 66 | Blank CD | |
1660 | Mohammed Bin Sadek | Effect of textile dyeing effluents on germination, growth, yield and nutritional quality of Okra | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 62 | With CD | |
1661 | Abdur Rakib | Effect of follar application of urea and planofix on the foliage yield of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 67 | With CD | |
1662 | Asma Rahman | Growth and yield of mint in response to planting time and NPK fertilization | HRT | MS | 2014 | 67 | ||
1663 | Avijit Biswas | Nutritive value and yield potential of okra genotypes | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 56 | With CD | |
1664 | Syed Nasir Uddin | Studies on production and processing qualities of garden pea | HRT | Ph.D | Summer/ 2014 | 208 | ||
1665 | Zakaria Alam | Effect of potassium on yield and storability of different potato varieties under natural condition | HRT | MS | 2014 | 73 | ||
1666 | Sabina Yasmin | Farmer’s practices on pesticide use for vegetable cultivation in Sadar Upazilla of Gazipur District | AERD | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 78 | With CD | |
1667 | Shahoriar Ferdous | Impact of vulnerable group development program on food security in Kstia Sadar Upazilla of Bangladesh | AERD | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 65 | With CD | |
1668 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Effectivness of floating agriculture for adapting climate change in southern Bangladesh | AERD | Ph.D | 2014 | 136 | ||
1669 | Shalina Akther | Bioecology and management approaches of termites infesting sugarcane in Bangladesh | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 139 | With CD | |
1670 | Gazi Md. Akram Hossain | Influence of diazotrophic bacteria on growth and yield of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 194 | With CD | |
1671 | Md. Imran Ullah Sarkar | Effect of integrated plant nutrition system on sustaining rice yield in rice-rice cropping pattern | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 66 | With CD | |
1672 | Md. Farid Ahmmed Anik | Microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen under different land management practices in rice fields | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 83 | With CD | |
1673 | Mahjabin Khanum | Impacts of liming on soil properties and crop yield in acid soils of madhupur tract | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 84 | With CD | |
1674 | Jakia Sultana | Impact of phosphorus on the level of arsenic in cooked rice | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 115 | With CD | |
1675 | Masudur Rahman Shibli | Morphogenetic Characterizatio of country bean (Lablab purpureus) genotypes collected from coatal region of Bangladesh | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 84 | With CD | |
1676 | Md. Enamul Haque | Purification of salinity induced catalase in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 83 | With CD | |
1677 | Pangkaj Kumar Rai | Genetic variability and charcter association in F4 generation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 81 | With CD | |
1678 | Md. Saikat Hossain Bhuiyan | Performance of test cross hybrid in rice | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 69 | With CD | |
1679 | Sajia Rahman | Morpho-molecular characterization , gene action and heterosis in Muskmelon (cucumis melo L) | GPB | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 182 | With CD | |
1680 | Md.Ranju Ahmed | Effects of herbicide concentration and water management on weed control and performance of boro rice | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 87 | With CD | |
1681 | Md. Abdur Razzaque | Genotypic variability in yield and nutrient acquisition of mungbean under low nitrogen and phosphorus conditions | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 127 | With CD | |
1682 | Md. Rezaul Karim | Effect of herbicides on weed control, crop growth and yield performance of jute | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 65 | With CD | |
1683 | Md. Ruhul Amin | Nutrient management and yield performance of mungbean genotypes under soil flooding conditions | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 170 | With CD | |
1684 | Shafayet Ahammad Siddiqui | Mineral nutrition in mitigating water stress effects on morpho-physiology and yield in mungbean | AGR | Ph.D | 2014 | 253 | ||
1685 | Md. Nurul Kashem | Effect of sowing date, spacing, nitrogen and potassium on growth, yield quality of tropical sugar beet | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 223 | With CD | |
1686 | Fatema Begum | Breeding for papaya ring spot virus (Prsv-w) disease resistance in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata dutch,ex.poir.) | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 175 | With CD | |
1687 | Raihan Mujib Himel | Study on soft rot bacterial pathogens of different fruits and their control | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 54 | With CD | |
1688 | Md. S aeed Sultan | Role of plant disease activators in inducing resistance against ditylenchus angustus in rice | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 55 | With CD | |
1689 | Md.Tahmidur Rahman | Investigation of major fungal diseases resistance in soybean (Glycine max (L.) merill.) genotypes and their integrated management | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 192 | With CD | |
1690 | Moh. Siddiqur Rahman | Selection of chilli genotype resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and anthracnose and their control | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 200 | With CD | |
1691 | Md. Salim Mian | Diversity of pyricularia grisea in Bangladesh | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2014 | 147 | With CD | |
1692 | Md. Nazrul Islam | Impact of IPM technology on productivity and technical efficiency of selected crops in Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 147 | With CD | |
1693 | Tarin Farhana | Isolation and molecular characterization of plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria from wheat | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 90 | With CD | |
1694 | Jannatul Farthouse | Isolation and molecular characterization of biofunctional endophytic bacteria from rice | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 106 | With CD | |
1695 | Farjana Yasmin Tithi | Discovery of biofunctional endophytic bacteria from wheat | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 97 | With CD | |
1696 | Musrat Zahan Surovy | Isolation and molecular characterization of novel plant growth promoting bacteria from rice | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 82 | With CD | |
1697 | A.B.M.Zahidul Hoque | Marke-assisted introgression of saltol locus into genetic background of BRRI Dhan49 | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 91 | With CD | |
1698 | Effi Haque | Isolation and molecular characterization of plant endophytic bacteria and their potentials as biofertilizer and biopesticide | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 108 | With CD | |
1699 | Md. Ferdous R.K.Prince | Molecular characterization of novel environmental bacteria and their growth promoting effect of rice | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 133 | With CD | |
1700 | Atiqur Rahman | On-farm study of brinjal under jackfruit based multistoried agroforestry systems in terrace ecosystem | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 60 | With CD | |
1701 | Umma Salma | Effect of companion plants and incorporation of Gliricidia leaf on quality of tomato and soil properties | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 96 | With CD | |
1702 | Md. Emdad Ullah | Maimizing latkan (Baccaurea sapida) production through irrigation and fertilizer management at farm level in Narsingdi | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 60 | With CD | |
1703 | Jannatul Ferdush | Impact of alley cropping on wheat productivity and soil fetility | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 76 | With CD | |
1704 | Md. Abdul Jabber | Production, disposal and economics of nursery plant species at government and private levels in different ecosystems of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 220 | With CD | |
1705 | Maliat Anjum | Species diversity and productivity of different homestead microsites in selected terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 71 | With CD | |
1706 | Shabrina Sharmin | Ecophysiology and performance of kangkongin mango based agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 82 | With CD | |
1707 | Shah Md. Helal Uddin | Effectiveness of urea super granule application on rice cultivation in Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2014 | 193 | With CD | |
1708 | Md. Junaied Alam | Profitability of Mango based agroforestry system | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2014 | 65 | With CD | |
1709 | Md.Shahinul Islam | Economic Aspects of different Agroforestry practices in Tangail District | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2014 | 81 | With CD | |
1710 | Syada Nizer Sultana | Performance of potato in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2014 | 83 | With CD | |
1711 | Polly | Effect of hormone on early pineapple production in jackfruit-pineapple based agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2014 | 65 | With CD | |
1712 | A.T.M Obaidul Islam | Performance of sweet gourd and bitter gourd under guava-papaya based agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2014 | 73 | With CD | |
1713 | Md. Mahfuz Imran | Performane of mungbean varieties in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2014 | 74 | With CD | |
1714 | Most.Papia Sultana | Performance of soybean genotypes as affected by spacing and nitrogen management | AGR | MS | Win/ 2014 | 82 | With CD | |
1715 | Johir Raihan | Growth and physiological response of mustard to salinity | AGR | MS | Win/ 2014 | 84 | With CD | |
1716 | Md.Nazmul Hasan | Precision of nitrogen fertilizer application in wheat using spad-502 chlorophyll meter | AGR | MS | Win/ 2014 | 73 | With CD | |
1717 | Md. Rukunuzzaman Talukder | Food security assessment in sylhet haor area emphasizing homestead productivity and agricultural resource utilization | AGR | MS | Win/ 2014 | 83 | With CD | |
1718 | Md. Abdul Gaffar Al-Hadi | Evaluation of morpho-physiological and Genetic variability in soybean genotypes using multivariate analysis | AGR | MS | Win/ 2014 | 73 | With CD | |
1719 | Kazi Khayrul Bashar | Morphological and molecular characterization of some selected aromatic rice genotypes | GPB | MS | Win/ 2014 | 109 | With CD | |
1720 | Mohammad Zahidul Islam | Vriability assessment of aromatic and fine rice genotypes Through morphological physicochemical traits and microsatellite DNA markers | GPB | Ph.D | 2014 | 220 | ||
1721 | Joynob Rashid | Somaclonal variation for development of salt tolerance in aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 2014 | 61 | With CD | |
1722 | Md.Sofiqul Islam | Variability in mineral profile of vegetable maranth (amaranthus tricolor L) | GPB | MS | Win/ 2014 | 65 | With CD | |
1723 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman | Regeneration ability and their smaclonal variation in sugarcane | GPB | MS | Win/ 2014 | 163 | With CD | |
1724 | Pronita Roy | In vitro screening for salt tolerance in aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties | GPB | MS | Win/ 2014 | 75 | With CD | |
1725 | Kamrul Hasan | Impact of alternate wetting and drying technique on rice production in drought prone areas of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2014 | 75 | With CD | |
1726 | Abu Habib Md. Abdullah | Status and prospects of biotechnological products in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2014 | 116 | With CD | |
1727 | Nahid Shahnewaz | Role of union information and service centre in community development | AER | MS | Win/ 2014 | 116 | With CD | |
1728 | Mursaleen Zebin Turin | Feedback of agricultural extension worker towards sustainable agriculture | AER | MS | Win/ 2014 | 80 | With CD | |
1729 | Shahriar Mursalin Mehedi | Yield gap of major crops in selected area of sadar upazilla of Mymensingh District | AER | MS | Win/ 2014 | 101 | With CD | |
1730 | Shanzida Akter | Empowerment of rural women through agricultural technology intervention | AER | MS | Win/ 2014 | 76 | With CD | |
1731 | Md. Noim Imtiazy | Spatio-temporal variation of flushing time in the pasur river estuary | FMG | MS | Win/ 2014 | 82 | With CD | |
1732 | Saima Sultana | Genotype environment interaction in quality seed production in mungbean | SST | MS | Win/ 2014 | 57 | With CD | |
1733 | Sharmin Afroz | Plant parasitic nematodes of brinjal (Solanum Melongena) in some areas of Bangladesh | PLP | MS | Win/ 2014 | 47 | With CD | |
1734 | Md. Jahangir Alam Liton | Application of trichoderma fortified compost in controlling soil-borne diseases of Bush Bean | PLP | MS | Win/ 2014 | 59 | With CD | |
1735 | Rashida Afrin | Comparative resistance of some cotton varieties against aphids and jassids | ENT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 70 | With CD | |
1736 | Md. Lutfar Rahman | Management practices for carbon sequestration and reducing carbon dioxide emission from soils | SSC | Ph.D | 2014 | 139 | ||
1737 | Md. Johirul Islam | Management practices for rice production and soil fertility improvement in nachole upzilla of Chapai Nawabganj | SSC | MS | Win/ 2014 | 47 | With CD | |
1738 | Orthita Howlader | Growth analysis and yield performance of four potato varieties | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 85 | With CD | |
1739 | Sampa Halder | Field performance and storability of gerbera genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 66 | With CD | |
1740 | Md. Meftahul Karim | Effect of irrigation on growth and yield performance of black cumin genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 93 | With CD | |
1741 | Msuma Akter | Impact Assessment of dyeing industry wastewater irrigation on tomato cultivation | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 97 | With CD | |
1742 | Md.Faruq H.Chowdhury | Performance of rootstock in off season tomato production | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 80 | With CD | |
1743 | Kazi Tahmina Akter | In vitro regeneration of mint (Mentha sp.) using different growth regulators and explants | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 96 | With CD | |
1744 | Sazib Biswas | Performance of eggplant grafted Tomatoes under open and rain shelter conditions | HRT | MS | Win/ 2014 | 76 | With CD | |
1745 | Jasmine ara Chowdhury | Growth, yield and stress tolerance mechanisms of soybean under drought conditions | AGR | Ph.D | Win/ 2014 | 184 | With CD | |
1746 | Roksha Ara | Response of soybean genotypes to waterlogging | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 65 | With CD | |
1747 | Munny Akter | Photosynthesis, dry matter partitioning and yield variation I five sesame genotypes | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 66 | With CD | |
1748 | Md. Iqbal Hossain | Enhancing salinity tolerance of chickpea using plant growth regulators | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 62 | With CD | |
1749 | Miceli Chakma | Effect of chemical fertilizers on the performance of soybean genotypes | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 70 | With CD | |
1750 | Marcia Mabin | Morphological characterization of sesame (sesamum indicum L.) genotypes | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 59 | With CD | |
1751 | Md. Shoeb Hasan | Performance of selected new generation herbicides on weed suppression and yield of boro rice | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 111 | With CD | |
1752 | Dalia Sultana | Grain growth nutrient content and yield performance of five selected soybean genotypes | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 67 | With CD | |
1753 | Nusrat Jahan Nishat | Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth, yield and quality of tomato | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 70 | With CD | |
1754 | Khaleda Parvin | Assessment of postharvest losses and quality nutrient and heavy metal content in major fruits of Bangladesh | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 52 | With CD | |
1755 | Shamim Ahammed | Hybrid variety development of cucumber utilizing local germplasm | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2015 | 193 | With CD | |
1756 | Jamila Akter Tuly | In vitro regeneration of nine mint genotypes using differern explants | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 63 | With CD | |
1757 | Sharmila Rani Mallick | Minituber yield potentials of Potato varieties of Bangladesh | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 63 | With CD | |
1758 | Syed Md. Mizanur Rahman | Morphological characteristics and yield potentiality in plantain | HRT | Ph.D | 2015 | 172 | ||
1759 | Nusrat Jahan | Yield potential and nutritional quality of different genotypes of black cumin (Nigella sttivaL.) | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 56 | With CD | |
1760 | Md. Abdul Hannan | Molecular identification and bio-control of vibriosis in shrimp | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 102 | With CD | |
1761 | Md. Ataur Rahman | Fish biodiversity and socio economic condition of fishing community of Talma river in Panchagarh | FMG | MS | Sum/2015 | 69 | With CD
1762 | Afia Farzana | Growth performance and production of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) using german grass (Holcus mollis) and vermicompost | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 97 | With CD
1763 | Md. Rafi Afruz Sony | Seasonal variation of mixing and property distributions in pasur river estuary | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 92 | With CD
1764 | Gazlima Chowdhury | Molecular identification and control of the pathogens associated with black spot disease in prawn and shrimp | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 101 | With CD
1765 | Md. Mahmudur Rahman | Effects of vermicompost on growth and production performance of Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 77 | With CD
1766 | Md. Abu Syed | Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for arsenic phytotoxicity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L) | GPB | Ph.D | Sum/ 2015 | 215 | With CD
1767 | Md. Sabbir Mohamud | Diversity and heterosis for quality and agronomic characters n snake gourd | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 76 | With CD
1768 | Sudipto Das | Haplotype diversity and development of molecular markers for the improvement of submergence tolerance in rice | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 122 | With CD
1769 | Nadira Bilkish | In vitro screening of aromatic rice genotypes for drought tolerance using polyethylene glycol | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 68 | With CD
1770 | Mithun Paul | Chemodynamics of cypermethrin insecticide in summer contry bean ecosystem | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 82 | With CD
1771 | Md. Tanbir Ahmed | Evaluation of some plant products against aphid and pod borer of country bean and their impact of beneficial insect | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 84 | With CD
1772 | Asfia Sultana | Biology of pulse bettle (CallosobruchusChinensis L.) and its host performance on soybean genotypes uner laboratory conditions | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 56 | With CD
1773 | Pabitra Sutradhar | Nutritional indices and biology of the armyworm (spodopteralitura) on five cotton varieties | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 54 | With CD
1774 | Morsheda Khatun | IPM packages using chemical, botanical and some mechanical approaches for combating whitefly (Bemisia Tabact) attacking tomato | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 75 | With CD
Duplicate |
Milia Bente Momtaz | Effectiveness of some eco-friendly IPM packages for the management of fruit flyinfesting Cucumber | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 67 | With CD
1776 | Rubi Akter | Role of women on conservation of homeasted plant biodiversity | AER | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 105 | With CD
1777 | Pinu Chakma | Chakma women and shifting cultivation in Khagrachari District | AER | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 91 | With CD
1778 | Lily Chakma | Fish biodiversity and livelihood status of fishmen living around the kaptailake | AER | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 92 | With CD
1779 | Akter Faruk Fuad | Impact of IPM practices on tomato cultivation | AER | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 99 | With CD
1780 | Arafat Hossain | Nutrient uptake, growth and yield in tomato under salt stress | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 66 | With CD
1781 | Amena Begum | Influence of Rhizobium in combination with urea and poultry manure on growth and yield of rice (Oryza SativaL.) | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 90 | With CD
1782 | Khandoker Khalid Ahmed | Nutrient requirement for short-duration mustard | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 58 | With CD
1783 | Md. Dhin Islam | Spatial variability of trace elements in ganges floodplain river soils | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 54 | With CD
1784 | Tasmia Rezoana Khan | Spatial variability of heavy metals in ganges floodplain soil of Rajbri District | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 56 | With CD
1785 | Shaikh Jafar Mojiuddin | Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci conferring grain zinc content in rice | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 152 | With CD
1786 | Abdullah As Sabir | Molecular characterization of strawberry growth ro pathogen and enhancemenht of tawberry yield by plant probiotics | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2015 | No pag | With CD | |
1787 | Nazmun Nahar | Regulation of pectate lyase enzyme produced by Erwinia sp. | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 51 | With CD | |
1788 | Roksana Akter | Effect of trichoderma fortified compost in controlling seedling mortality and stem rot of soybean caused by sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 41 | With CD | |
1789 | Md. Abul Kalam Al Azad | Influence of smut disease (Ustaligo scitaminea) of sugarcane on yield and its control through sett treatment, cultural practices and fungicidal spray | PLP | Ph.D | Sum/ 2015 | 83 | With CD | |
1790 | Rumpa Biswas | Identification of bacteril blight pathogen of mungbean and its in vitro chemical control | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 46 | With CD | |
1791 | Atika Sultana | Effect of salt stress on the morphological and physiological attributes of aromatic fine rice | CBT | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 113 | With CD | |
1792 | Shah Md. Yusuf Ali | Physial chemical characteristics of pineapples grown in Bangladesh | AGP | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 61 | With CD | |
1793 | A.T.M. Morshed Alam | Genotype and environment effects on yield and quality of jute (Cochrous olitorius L.) seed in lte season | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2015 | 144 | With CD | |
1794 | Muntasir Rahman | Moleculr identification, pathogenicityand iocontrol of Enterococus faecalis collected from fish and fish feed | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 83 | With CD | |
1795 | A.Q.M. Robiul Kawser | Growth response, feed utilization and nutrient retention in monosex Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with floating and sinking pellets in a recirculating aquaponic system | AQC | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 57 | With CD | |
1796 | Md. Mezanur Rahman | Elucidation of salinity tolerance mechanisms of acacia auriculiformis | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2015 | 174 | With CD | |
1797 | Md.Golam Mostofa | Physiological and biochemical mechanisms associated with Trehalose and hydrogen sulfide induced biotic stress tolerance in rice | PES | Ph.D | 2015 | 195 | ||
1798 | Rubaiya Jesmin | Genetic diversity for reproductive traits CMS restorer lines of rice | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 70 | With CD | |
1799 | Md. Asif Iqubal | Comparative study on morpho nutritional traits in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus lividus)under different water stress conditions | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 76 | With CD | |
1800 | Fatema Moli | Genetic variability and metroglyph analsis in country bean
GPB | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 72 | With CD | |
1801 | Md. Eleyash Mahmud | Morpho-molecular characterization of local rice germplasm collected from the coatal belt of Bangladesh | GPB | Ph.D | Aut/ 2015 | 161 | With CD | |
1802 | Paritosh Chandra Roy | Restorer development, hybrid evaluation and GXE Interaction of component lines of Brassica napus Hybrid | GPB | Ph.D | Aut/ 2015 | 169 | With CD | |
1803 | Taufika Taheri | Genetic diversity in S1 generation of pumpkin | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 75 | With CD | |
1804 | Raisa Tasneem | Effect of phosphorus and boron on growth, yield and quality of tomato | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 75 | With CD | |
1805 | Momena Akter Sweety | Yield potential ,molecular characterization and shelf life of strawberry | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 117 | With CD | |
1806 | Raihana Rumman | Characterization and evaluation of twenty two mint genotypes | HRT | MS | 2015 | 54 | ||
1807 | Rifat Sultana | Influence of different levels and sources of nitrogen on growth , yield and quality of cucumber | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 62 | With CD | |
1808 | Tania Sultana | Effect of spacing and NPK on growth and yield of late planted Onion var. BARI Piaz-1 | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 80 | With CD | |
1809 | Md.Anamul Haque | Effect of nitrogen on growth, yield and nitrogen use efficiency of transplanted aman rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 47 | With CD | |
1810 | Syed Sajeeb Rana | Enhancement of pollen viability and yield of late planted agronomic rice cv. Kataribhog through foliar applied boron | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 65 | With CD | |
1811 | Md. Manjur Morshed | Effect of nitrogen on weed infestation and performance of boro rice under two selected herbicides | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 97 | With CD | |
1812 | S.M.Shafiul Abedin | Performance of tidal local aman rice at not tidal condition using use | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 81 | With CD | |
1813 | Afsana Mimi | Response of soybean genotype to water stress | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 73 | With CD | |
1814 | Erin Zaman | Morpho-physiology of selected wheat varieis under water deficit conditios | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 73 | With CD | |
1815 | Afrin Sultana | Knowledge of farm women on nutritional value of farm products | AER | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 83 | With CD | |
1816 | Md. Ashiqur Rahman | Contributio of crop and homestead forest production towards household economy | AER | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 84 | With CD | |
1817 | Rumman Akter Kafura | Use of ICT as extension tool by the farmers of Gazipur district | AER | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 116 | With CD | |
1818 | Jnnatul Hema | Development of nutritious instant dried powder by mixing bulb and seed of the jackfruit | AGP | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 77 | With CD | |
1819 | Nasimul Islam | Characteristics of oil extracted from locally available rice bran in Bangladesh | AGP | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 78 | With CD | |
1820 | Md. Nafi Iqbal | Extraction and characteristics analysis of jatropha (jatropha curcas) seed oil | AGP | MS | 2015 | 70 | ||
1821 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman | Potentials and prospects of pond fish farming in kaliakair Upazilla under Gazpur District | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 89 | With CD | |
1822 | Arefin Rahman | Effect of substrate on the cage culture of stiingt catfish Heteropneustes fosills | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 59 | With CD
1823 | Riyadh Arefin | In vitro regeneration for screening against salt stress in rice (Oryza sativa L) | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 73 | With CD
1824 | Israt Jahan Eva | Effect of salt stress on growth and physiological responses on neem seedlings | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 81 | With CD
1825 | Mosheur Rahman | Vermicompost application for improving soil environment and nutritional quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracea) | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 54 | With CD
1826 | Sujan Barua | Role of Trichoderma-enriched bio-organic fitilizer for bottle gound production | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 85 | With CD
1827 | Yeakub Khan | Assessment of Trichoderma-enriched biodertiliz on soil health yield and quality of tomato | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 71 | With CD | |
1828 | Aslam Hossain Sheikh | Assessment of aquatic biodiversity of polluted and non polluted wetlands in Gazipur District | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 94 | With CD | |
1829 | Sumaia Jabbar | Determination of breeding season of freshwater goby, glossogobius giuris (Hamilton,1822) by Gonadosomatic index and gonadal development | GFB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 51 | With CD | |
1830 | Chayanika Pondit | Length-Length relationahip, length weight relationshop and condition factor: an index of growth pattern for five stocked carp fish …. Area in Bangladesh | GFB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 55 | With CD | |
1831 | Most. Rokeya Khatun | Integrated nutrient management for sustaining soil fertility and crop yield in maize – mungbean-T. Aman rice cropping pattern | SSC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2015 | 185 | With CD | |
1831-A | Tahsina Sharmin | Genetic variation in four populations of channa striata (Channidae: Pereiformes) revealed by PCR-Relp and Sequence analysis of mitochondrial gene | GFB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 52 | With CD | |
1832 | Md. Tapon Mahmud | Production performance of stinging catfish (Heteropnustw fosilis, BLOCH) monoculture at two different location | FBE | MS | Win/ 2015 | 83 | With CD | |
1833 | Sabiqun Nahar | Genetic variation between Bangladeshi, Thai, and Vietnamese climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) revealed by PCR-Rflp and Sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA
GFB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 49 | With CD | |
1834 | Uttam Kumar Ghosh | Evaluation of direct seeded aus rice varieties in relation to yield performance under rainfed condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2015 | 131 | With CD | |
1835 | Rumana Yeasmin | Genotype and density interaction effect on productivity of short duration Mungbean | AGR | MS | Win/ 2015 | 55 | With CD | |
1836 | Tanver Iqbal | Cultural and chemical management of common scab (Streptomyces Scabies) disease of potato | PLP | MS | Win/ 2015 | 59 | With CD | |
1837 | Md. Mahmud Hassan | Development of new dwarf and vine type yard long bean advanced line advanced line for high quality pod and seed yield | SST | Ph.D | Aut/ 2015 | 192 | With CD
1837-A | Subhadra Mondal | Effect of textile dyeing waste water irrigation on growth and yield of radish and cauliflower | HRT | MS | Win/ 2015 | 75 | With CD | |
1838 | Mahmuda Akter | Morphological characterization and nutritional quality assessment of strawberry genotypes | HRT | MS | Win/ 2015 | 71 | With CD | |
1839 | Md. Helal Uddin | Carbon sequestration and microclimate modification in aonla based multristoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2015 | 88 | With CD | |
1840 | Mohammad Mahbub Islam | Prouctivity and profitability of jackfruit based multistoried agroforstry system in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | Win/ 2015 | 200 | With CD | |
1841 | Md. Shariaj Biswas | Suppression of Tomato fruit borer helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) using some bio-rational management approaches | ENT | MS | Win/ 2015 | 61 | With CD | |
1842 | Habibur Rahman | Residues and risk analysis of selected organochlorine organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides in different matrices in Bangladesh | ENT | Ph.D | Win/ 2015 | 212 | With CD | |
1843 | Mahmuda Akter | Spatial variation and accumulation of hevy metal in industrial effluent contaminated paddy field soil in Dhaka division of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Win/ 2015 | 55 | With CD | |
1844 | Md.Imam Hosain | Soil fertility assessment of Keshorita village under Gazipur District | SSC | MS | Win/ 2015 | 57 | With CD | |
1845 | Masud Iqbal | Response of different rice varieties to soil arsenic | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2015 | 130 | With CD | |
1846 | Jakaria Chowdhury Onik | Formulation and nutritional analysis of jackfruit yogurt | AGP | MS | Win/ 2015 | 61 | With CD | |
1847 | Md.Hafizur Rahman | Formulating and analyzing consumer preference of ggluten free bread | AGP | MS | Win/ 2015 | 62 | With CD | |
1848 | Nusrat Bari | Quick screening of heat tolerant wheat genotypes by seed endosperm utilization and thermotolerance in autotrophic plant | CBT | MS | Win/ 2015 | 92 | With CD | |
1849 | S.M.Raihanun-Nabi | Molecular identification of probiotic bacteria and their influence on growth and yield of wheat | BTL | MS | Win/ 2015 | 62 | With CD | |
1850 | Nelema Rani Sarker | Efficiency of trichoderma strains in crop seed germination | ENS | MS | Win/ 2015 | 66 | With CD | |
1851 | Md.Zahid Hasnat Tanvir | Characterization of biofilm producing bacteria isolated from wastewater for bioremediation of heavy metals | ENS | MS | Win/ 2015 | 68 | With CD | |
1852 | Apurba Saha | Evaluation of full-sib and Half-sib families grown from BU Papaya-1 | GPB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 66 | With CD | |
1853 | A.S.M Solaiman | Performance of three wheat varieries in aonla based multistoried agroforestry | AFE | MS | Win/ 2015 | 64 | With CD | |
1854 | Asmaul Rizal | Replacement of sodium nitrate in kosaric medium with urea for culture of spirulina platensis | AQC | MS | Win/ 2015 | 52 | With CD | |
1855 | MST Fahamida Yeasmin | Effect of using commercial grade sodium bicarbonate in kosaric medium for culture of spirulina platnesis | AQC | MS | Win/ 2015 | 54 | With CD
1856 | Md. Hasan S.Rahman | In vitro screening of potato lines for sal tolerance using physiological parameters and rapd maker analysis | BTL | MS | Win/ 2015 | 65 | With CD
1857 | Md. Ibrahim Ali | Effect of Zinc fertilizer application on growth, yield and zinc partitioning in rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 2015 | 99 | With CD | |
1858 | Nur-A-Azima | Molecular characterization of ric using simple sequence repeat(SSR) markers | GPB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 54 | With CD | |
1859 | Moh. Quamrul Islam Matin | Parental diversity, combining ability and heterosis of maize hybrid under water logging condition | GPB | Ph.D | Win/ 2015 | 148 | With CD | |
1860 | Mahbuba Rahman | Performance of tube rose under saline condition | HRT | MS | Win/ 2015 | 65 | With CD | |
1861 | Mohammad Jalal Uddin | Apatial variability of arsenic in soil as affected by phosphorus and iron irrigation water | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2016 | 189 | With CD | |
1862 | Shaila Pervin | Impact assessment of nitrogen fertilization on yield of maize using apsim model | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 78 | With CD | |
1863 | Tasfia Haque | Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers and tillage practices on soil physical properties under rice-rice cropping pattern | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 70 | With CD | |
1864 | Nusrat Farzana | Impact assessment of sowing date on yield of maize using APSIM model | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 86 | With CD | |
1865 | Suchitra Barman | Response of Garlic as affected by nitrogen and potassium application | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 71 | With CD | |
1866 | Md. Selim Reza | Impact of organic fertilizers on yield and nutrient uptake of cabbage | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 85 | With CD | |
1867 | Md. Shazzadul Islam | Combined effect of rhizobacteria and urea on growth and yield of rice | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 93 | With CD | |
1868 | Md. Firoj Ali | Characterization of bacterial wilt pathogen isolated from solanceous crops and its in-vitro control | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 62 | With CD | |
1869 | Md. Mejbah uddin | Screenig if BARI released potato varieties against common scab disease and its management | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 57 | With CD | |
1870 | Prosenjit Talukdar | Effect of Trichodermafortified compost on disease suppression, growth and yield of chickpea | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 50 | With CD | |
1871 | Md. Shahadat Hossain | Characterization of soft rot cauing bacteria from fruit and vagetales and their control | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 67 | With CD | |
1872 | Shahar Banu | Disease of yield performance of an advanced line of rice in Aman season | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 67 | With CD | |
1873 | Nusrat Jahan Nitu | Application of chutosan and trichoderma against soil-borne pathogen and their effects of yield of tomato | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 70 | With CD | |
1874 | Kallol Kishore Sarkar | Morpho-Physiological response of soybean to water deficit stress | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 73 | With CD | |
1875 | Md. Mahmudul H.Akand | Screening of soybean genotypes against drought stress | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 111 | With CD | |
1876 | Md. Shahinur Islam | Physiological mechanism of drought tolerance in maize applied with cytokinin | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 67 | With CD | |
1877 | Tanmay Kumar Saha | Effect of plant spacing and method of weed control on the performance of Boro rice | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 99 | With CD | |
1878 | Md. Zahirul Islam | Submerence Tolerance in rice:search for short-drought aman rice varieties and high yielding traits | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 63 | With CD | |
1879 | Md. Mustafa Khan | Response of wheat genotypes to salt stress | AGR | Ph.D | Sum/ 2016 | 238 | With CD | |
1880 | A.N.M.Tauhidul Islam | Effect of weed infestation pattern on growth and yield performance of Mungbean | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 91 | With CD | |
1881 | Sulogna Chakma | Contribution of fruit production toward family income of tribal people | AER | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 91 | With CD | |
1882 | Shahriar Hasan | Pest risk analysis and management practices for increasing profitability of lemon production | AER | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 69 | With CD | |
1883 | Sharifunnahar Kazal | Women’s participation in rice mill: current status and problems | AER | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 73 | With CD | |
1884 | Ibrahim Rashid | Evaluation of semen composition and sperm quality parameter of silver Barb Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker, 1850) and its effects on motility | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 61 | With CD | |
1885 | Mohammad Maruf Billah | Effects of different planktivore fish composition on Heteropneuses fossillis grow-out pond environment and production | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 73 | With CD | |
1886 | Hoomayra Yasmin | Integration of Hydroponic with aquaculture inpond environment | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 83 | With CD | |
1887 | Kamrul Hassan Suman | Enhancement of fish production and biodiversity conservation in selected floodplains of chalan beel through community enterprise approach | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 108 | With CD | |
1888 | Md. Neamul Hasar Shovon | Heavy metals (Pb,Cd and Ni) concertration in different organs of three commonly consumed fish in Bangladesh | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 46 | With CD | |
1889 | Md. Khaled Monsur Mallik | Fecundity,Gonadosomatic index and ganadal development of gangtic leaffish | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 50 | With CD | |
1890 | Sayada Khanam Liza | Efect of vitamin E on growth Ovarian Development and Breeding Performance of Thai Sarpunti | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 59 | With CD | |
1891 | Ummay Saima | Heavy metal concentration in fish from the river Turag | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 73 | With CD | |
1892 | Sharmin Akhter | Probiotic-enriched dietary effect on the reproduction of butter catfish Ompok pabda (Hamilton-Bouchanan, 1822 | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 45 | With CD | |
1893 | Arifuzzaman | Genetic variation in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus)from the chalan Beel wetland in Bangladesh Revealed by PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis of Mitochondrial Gene | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 45 | With CD | |
1894 | Anukul Chandra Sinha | Impact of different diets on the breeding performance of stinging catfsh Heteropneustes fossillis (Bloch,1794) | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 53 | With CD | |
1895 | Al-Mamun | Effects of Probiotics on production of the sex reversed Tilapia Fry | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 47 | With CD | |
1896 | Sayeda Zaman Jui | Effect of different chemical and non-chemical IPM packages for suppressing mustard aphid 9Lipaphis, Erysmi) | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 51 | With CD | |
1897 | Md.AmzedHossain Chowdhury | Management of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (BSFB) Leucinodes Orbonals Guenee using some environment friendly approaches | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 75 | With CD | |
1898 | Md.Ashaduzzaman Noor | Economic suppression of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (BSFB) of brinjal by utilizing some bio-rational management approaches | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 63 | With CD | |
1899 | MST.Sanjida Sultana | Population fluctuation of leaf eating caterpillers of cabbage and their bio-rational based management | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 74 | With CD | |
1900 | Ferdousi Bagum | Development of Dware Hybrid Maize for Wider Adaption | GPB | Ph.D | Sum/ 2016 | 139 | With CD | |
1901 | Md.Taharat Al Tauhid | Combining abiity and Heterosis in pea (Pisum sativum L) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 48 | With CD | |
1902 | Most. Shaika Shafin | Heterosis and combining ability in pumpkin Inbreds | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 88 | With CD | |
1903 | Fatema Najmim | Performance in growth, yield and fruit characters of five half-Sib Families of Papaya | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 62 | With CD | |
1904 | Nasira Akter | Characterization of Near Isogenic lines of BRRI dhan29 for Cold Tolerence at Seedling Stage | GPB | MS | Sum/2016 | 91 | With CD | |
1905 | Farzana Mustafa Era | Growth, yield and fruit characteristics in Papaya lines grown from differenct cross combinations | GPB | MS | Win/ 2015 | 74 | With CD | |
1906 | Sk. Jaber Ahamed | Molecular Characterization of selected sast tolerant and sensitive rice genotypes using Microsatelite Makrkers | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 83 | With CD | |
1907 | Nafia Hassan | Bonechar carrier of Multifunctional Probiotic Bacteria and Fertilizer of Crop Plants | BTL | MS | Sum/2016 | 113 | With CD | |
1908 | Nabila Mustafy | Genetic Diversity of eight Bangladeshi Potato Cultivars Assessed by Rapd Analysis | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 43 | With CD | |
1909 | Nipa Akter | Impact of alley Cropping on Wheat Productivity and Soil Fertility | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 73 | With CD | |
1910 | Md. Masumur Rahman | Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Production in Northwest Region of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | Sum/ 2016 | 136 | With CD | |
1911 | Sadia Afrin Jui | Performance of Gerbera Genotype as Influenced by Different Soil Amndments and in Vitro Callus Formation from leaf Explant in Gerbera | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 66 | With CD | |
1912 | Bahauddin Ahmed | Combining ability and Heterosis in Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch.ex Poir.) | HRT | Ph.D | Sum/ 2016 | 152 | With CD | |
1913 | Sheikh Arafat Nihad | Antioxidant Activity of Mint Genotypes | CBT | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 61 | With CD | |
1914 | Md. Abu Shama | Effects of Vermicompost and Inorganic Fertilizer on Growth Performance of Oreochromis Niloticus and Anabas Testudineus | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 49 | With CD | |
1915 | Sharifa Alam Shimu | Effect of Phosphorus Supplemenyation on the Growth and Yield of Azolla Pinnata | AQC | MS | Sum/2016 | 70 | With CD
1916 | Abdur Rahman | Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Their Link with Water Quality Parameters at Ahitalakkah Wetland Narayangonj City | ENS | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 80 | With CD
1917 | Md. Saiful Islam | Shelf-life improvement and processed product development of tomato carrot cabbagr and Cauliflower | HRT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2016 | 214 | With CD | |
1918 | Farhana Shahrin | Effecr of nitrogen and Phosphorus on growth and yield of Capsicum | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 66 | With CD | |
1919 | MST.Umme Mariya Akter Shimu | Effect of Organic Amendments on germination and yield of potato in salihe soil | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 77 | With CD | |
1920 | Md. Asif Rahman | Introgression of Saltol QTL introgenetic background of BRRI dhan49 through marker-assisted Breeding | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 80 | With CD | |
1921 | Md. Borhan Uddin Rony | Gene action in yield and related characters of Lablab Bean | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 80 | With CD | |
1922 | Sabikun Nahar Nima | Development of drought tolerant aromatic rice somaclones through in vitro selected | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 55 | With CD | |
1923 | Tonmoy Chakrabarty | Variability in mineral Composition, yield and yield Contributing Traits in stem Amaranth | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 72 | With CD | |
1924 | Nelufar Yeasmin Tripty | Effect of growth regulations on growth yield and yield contributing characters in Bu Papaya 1 | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 65 | With CD | |
1925 | Sharmin Akter | Effect of polyamine of Pigmentation, reactive oxidative species and antioxidant activity under polyethylene glycol introduced drought in maize | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 105 | With CD | |
1926 | Md. Khairul Mazed | Pesticide Application in Bannana Cultivation at selected areas of Bangladesh and Determination of DDT residues in Banana using gas Chromatography | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 82 | With CD | |
1927 | Tanzia Akhter Siddiqua | Ecofriendly Management of Jassid on Cotton Plants using some Botanicals | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 68 | With CD | |
1928 | Md. Nur Alam Miah | Effectivness of cattle urine and its combination with some indigenous plant extracts against scale insects and mealybugs of Sugarcane | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2016 | 162 | With CD | |
Duplicate |
Md. Abdur Razzak Choudhury | Development of integrated pest management pack(s) against insect pests of Brinjal and Chemodynamics of the most effective Insectiucide | ENT | Ph.D | Aut/ 2016 | 259 | With CD | |
1930 | Md.Razaul Karim | Response of lentil to zinc,boron and molybdenum application in terrace soil of Bangladesh | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 62 | With CD | |
1931 | Md. Jahidul Islam Shaon | Growth and yield response of maize to rice husk Biochar | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 66 | With CD | |
1932 | Md.Sohel Rana | Screening of Backgram Genotypes under Flooding Condition | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 72 | With CD | |
1933 | Jannatul Ferdous | Mitigation of salinity stress in soybean using oeganic Am endments | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 65 | With CD | |
1934 | Maria Khatun | Fisheries Resources and Levelhood of Fisheries in Chalan Beel | AER | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 86 | With CD | |
1935 | Md. Shariful Islam | Utilization and Obstracle of ICT use in Agricultural Extension Services | AER | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 95 | With CD | |
1936 | None Gopal Paul | Contribution of Livestock,poultry and Fisheries Production to Household Income
AER | MS | Aut/ 2916 | 81 | With CD | |
1937 | Md. Saruar Hossain | Molecular Characterization of fish Pathogenic Aeromonas veronii by Multiplex PCR and Control of Aeromonas Septicemia by Herbal Extracts | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 95 | With CD | |
1938 | Farzana Sultana | Effect of Plant Probiotic Bacteria on Growth and Yield of Rice (cv.BRRI dhan29) | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 112 | With CD | |
1939 | Mosaddiqur Rahman | Growth, yield and quality of strawberry as Incluenced by Plant Probiuotic, Chitosan and Fungicides | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 90 | With CD | |
1940 | Istiyak Ahmad | Effects of Cadmium Accumulastion in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus) | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 41 | With CD | |
1941 | Shanko Rani Deo | Genetic Varition in Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus)from the Wetland Ecosystem (Haor) in Mymensingh and Dhaka egion Revealed by PCR-RFLP and sequence Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 50 | With CD | |
1942 | Ali Ahsan | Growth Pattern of ten small Indigenous Fish Species in Chalan Beel Area | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 66 | With CD | |
1943 | Jalil Miah | Effect of Hedgerow Species and Nitrogen Level on the Growth and Yield of Okra with Soil Properties Changes | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 66 | With CD | |
1944 | Md.Sohrab Hossain | Performance of Indian Spinach in Aonla ased Multistoried Agroforestry System | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 89 | With CD | |
1945 | Mst. Ferdousy Rahman | Microbial Biopriming for Plant Growth Promotion Disease Suppression and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Wheat | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2016 | 153 | With CD | |
1946 | Md. Abdul Kader | Plant Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Rhizosphere Soils of Potato in Munshigonj and Bogra Districts | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 48 | With CD | |
1947 | Umme Salma | Integrated Nutrient Management in Capsicum Cultivation (Capsicum annunm) | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 72 | With CD | |
1948 | Jinat Rehana | Spatial Variation of Soil Chemical Properties in Industrial Contaminated Soil | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 56 | With CD | |
1949 | Md.Sipon Howlader | Genotypic Differences in Phenology, Growth, Productivity and Seed Quality of Rice | SST | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 56 | With CD | |
1950 | S.M.Zubair Al-Meraj | Processing Quality and Anttioxidant Activity in Potato Genotypes | CBT | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 70 | With CD | |
1951 | Ferdous IBN Rahim | Evaluation of Fresh Azolla Pinnata as Supplementary Feed for Barbonymus Goionotus in Cage Culture | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 75 | With CD | |
1952 | Md.Moniruzzaman Monir | Exposure of Natural Disasters and Their Croping Strtategies in Context of Climate Change at Kuakara Coasral Belt of Patuakhali | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2016 | 82 | With CD | |
1953 | Aparajita Kundu | Haplotype diversity analysis cold tolerant Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 111 | With CD | |
1954 | Fahamida Akter | Long-term manuring effect on soil properties and crop productivity | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 64 | With CD | |
1955 | Lipiara Khatun | Integrated nutrient management in amaranth | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 71 | With CD | |
1956 | Julakha Akter Mukta | Effects of plant probiotics, chitosan and fungicides on growth and yield of Strawberry | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 89 | With CD | |
1957 | Suraiya Salam | Management of mustard APHID (LIPAPHIS ERYSIMI KALT.) with some chemical and botanical approaches and their impact on beneficial insects | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 73 | With CD | |
1958 | Md. Aaseif Uddin | Chemodynamics of cypermethrin insecticide in okra ecosystem | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2015 | 72 | With CD | |
1959 | Mahmuda Akter | TRICHODERMA fortified compost on disease suppression and yield of Onion | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2016 | 43 | With CD | |
1960 | Md. Khaled Saifullah | Participation of literate and trained youth of Savar upazila in six farm family traits | AER | MS | Win/ 2005 | 74 | ||
1961 | ||||||||
1962 | Habibur Rahman | Resodues and risk analysis of selectyed organochlorine, organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides in different matrices in Bangladesh | ENT | Ph.D | 2015 | 212 | VC Off | |
1963 | Md.Moktar Hossain | Study on allelopathic effect of Morings oleifera on Mungbean | AFE | MS | 2011 | 56 | VC Off | |
1964 | Miltan Chandra Roy | Foraging and growth responses of armyworm to biophysical characteristics of cotton varieties | ENT | MS | 2014 | 70 | VC Off | |
1965 | Khairul Mazed | Pesticide applications in banana cultivation at selected areas of Bangladesh and dtermination of DDT residues in banna using gas chromatography | ENT | MS | 2016 | 82 | VC Off | |
1966 | Sharmin Akter | Comparative assessment of microbials, chemical insecticide and mechanical control for suppressing brinjak shoot and fruit borer | ENT | MS | 2013 | 64 | VC Off | |
1967 | Gazi Golam Mortuza | Performance of selected perennial and annual crops in aonla based mulristoried agroforestry system in terrace ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | 2013 | 277 | VC Off | |
1968 | T-1929 | |||||||
1969 | Dilruba Bedana | Viability of biogas production in its utilization in rural Bangladesh | AEC | Ph.D | Aut/ 2015 | 151 | With CD | |
1970 | T- 1395 | |||||||
1971 | Md. Riazul Islam | A Spatio-temporal analysis of land cover, soil fertility and climate for sustainable crop production in the teesta barrage project area of Bangladesh | AGR | MS | Win/ 2016 | 105 | With CD | |
1972 | Avijit Sarkar | Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on growth and yield of cowpea | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 88 | With CD | |
1973 | Tahera Tasmima | Morpho-physiological changes of wheat varieties under water deficit condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2016 | 155 | With CD | |
1974 | Khurshida Jahan | Amelioration of salinity on tomato by exogenous application of calcium | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 80 | With CD | |
1975 | A. A.M. MohammadMustakim | Morphological and agronomical characterization of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) accessions | AGR | MS | Win/ 2016 | 68 | With CD | |
1976 | M.Shariful Hasan | Genotypic variation in growth and poroductivity of short duration aman rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 2016 | 53 | With CD | |
1977 | Sayed Eshtiak Akter | Effect of dose herbicide on weed infestation and performance of wheat under irrigated and mon-irrigated condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2016 | 78 | With CD | |
1978 | Md. Mahmudul Hasan | Communication behavior of the potato growths in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D | Win// 2016 | 174 | reject | |
1979 | Sabina Yeasmin | Fish biodiversity and livelihood status of fishermen living aroubd the titas river | AER | MS | Win/ 2016 | 83 | With CD | |
1980 | Dipanwita Bhattacharjee | Chakma women in shifting cultivation: a comparative study in selected area of Bangladesh India | AER | Ph.D | Win/ 2016 | 192 | With CD | |
1981 | Fardus Ahamed Nasim | Adoption of BU dhan and its impact on farmers food security | AER | MS | Win/ 2016 | 82 | With CD | |
1982 | S. M Tawshifur Rahaman | Adoption of aquaculture technologies by the farmers of Gazipur District | AER | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 85 | With CD | |
1983 | Nymphaea Parveen | Consumers perception on safety of vegetables and its effect on their vegetable purchasing decisions in Mymensingh city | AER | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 77 | With CD | |
1984 | Lelin Chakama | Perception of fisherman fisheries management practices adoption in Kaptallake Area | AER | MS | Win/ 2016 | 84 | With CD | |
1985 | Mersiful Jannat Monira | Sustainability of organic vegetable farming:some selected areas in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2016 | 84 | With CD | |
1986 | Mahmudul Hasan | Socioeconomic status fishermen and fish farmers in trishal upazla of Mymensingh District | AER | MS | Win/ 2016 | 68 | With CD | |
1987 | Khairrun Nahar | Impact of banning hilsa fishing on the livelihood status of fishermen in Lalmohan Upzilla under Bhola District | AER | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 91 | With CD | |
1988 | Ahsan Habib Khan | Farmer’s preference for selectyed rice varieties at Mirzaganj Upzilla of Patuakhali District | AER | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 88 | With CD | |
1989 | Md. Ishtiaque Jahan | Study of fish biodiversity,fishing gear and socioeconomic condition of fishermen of the bekak beel at Gazipur District | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 53 | With CD | |
1990 | Himal Thapa | Manipulation of substrate in net cage nursery system of giant freshwater prawn | FBE | MS | Win/ 2016 | 89 | With CD | |
1991 | Balayet Hossen | Effect of extenders at storage periods on motility and fertilization rate of silver barb semen | FBE | MS | Win/ 2016 | 52 | With CD | |
1992 | Rokhsana Ethin | Landmarke-based morphometric and meristic variations of threatended carp from different rivers of Bangladesh | FBE | MS | Win / 2016 | 45 | With CD | |
1993 | Md.Rejouanul Islam | Spatiorwmporal changes of water logged area in sourth western Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 71 | With CD | |
1994 | Imranul Islam | Quantifying the spatial temporal pattern of land use and land cover change in Gazipur | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 59 | With CD | |
1995 | Ruhul-Amin Howlader | Assessment of Climatic variability and its impacts on major crop production in Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 2016 | 69 | With CD | |
1996 | Rashidul Hasan Anik | Characterization of soil profile and assessment of carbon stock under different locations of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 2016 | 86 | With CD | |
1997 | MST Nahida Nastarin | Evaluation of crop seeds germination by using industrial wastewater | ENS | MS | Win/ 2016 | 87 | With CD | |
1998 | Manoranjan Adhikari | Impact of uneven water distribution and climatic parameters on aquatic environment at teesta riverline area | ENS | MS | Win/ 2016 | 69 | With CD | |
1999 | Bhubaneshare Deb Barman | Analysis of the biofilm formed at the air-liquid interface by Escherichia coli ensd101 and enterobacter asburiae ensd102 | ENS | MS | Win/ 2016 | 57 | With CD | |
2000 | Polash Nadi | In vitro selection of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) somaclones under salt stress | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 50 | With CD | |
2001 | Abul Kalam Azad | Combining ability and heterosis study in aman rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 83 | With CD | |
2002 | Tanbin Akter | Characterization and identification of short durated cotton Genotypes | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 75 | With CD | |
2003 | Mainul Islam Rashad | Genetic variations for morphological traits in vegetable Amaranth | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 83 | With CD | |
2004 | Md.Nazmul Hasan | Variability in seed characteristics of half-sib families of BU Papaya 1 | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 37 | With CD | |
2005 | Irin Sultana Nila | Genetic Polymorphism in rice through microsatellite markers | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 61 | With CD | |
2006 | Md.Monoar Hossain | Genetic variability and character association in F2 population of pea | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 51 | With CD | |
2007 | Rished Sharmin | In Vitro selection of rice somaclonal variation for salt tolerance | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 45 | With CD | |
2008 | Rayhan-Ur-Rahaman | Genotype-environment interaction in country bean | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 92 | With CD | |
2009 | Tahmina Sadia Jamini | Genetic evaluation of roselle genotypes for yield and quality trits | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 85 | With CD | |
2010 | Mahathir Sarker | Maker assisted introgression of seedling stage gold tolerance into BRRI dhan28 | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 154 | With CD | |
2011 | Sakhawat Hosen Galib | Morphological characterization and genetic diversity in aromatic and fine rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 76 | With CD | |
2012 | Tonusree Roy | Genetic variability on morpho-physiological traits and biochemical parameter in relation to drought tolerance in spring wheat | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 98 | With CD | |
2013 | Shakil Khandakar | Evalation of some plant extracts as insectidice against fruit fly of Bitter gourd | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 46 | With CD | |
2014 | Zannatul Ferdous | Assessment of organochlorine pesticide residues in edible oil
ENT | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 49 | With CD | |
2015 | S. M. Alamgir Shafiullah | Toxicity and physiological effects of some plant extrects of fruit fly | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 59 | With CD | |
2016 | Avishek Chakama | Screeing of some tomato varieties against hitefly and fruit borer | ENT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 54 | With CD | |
2017 | Abu Ahmed Tarif | Effectiveness of botanical biopesticide and chemical insecticide for management of insect pests in yard-long bean | ENT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 46 | With CD | |
2018 | Rahul Mazumder | Insect pests of green pea and their bio rational management | ENT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 51 | With CD | |
2019 | Shah Johir Rayhan | Market integration and value chain analysis of high value vegetable crops in Chittagong hill Districts of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 2016 | 127 | With CD | |
2020 | Ashraful | Effect of planting desnity on growth and yield of Indian spinach and Tilapia in a Aquaponic system | AQC | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 69 | With CD | |
2021 | Nusrat Jahan | Domestication and induced breeding of freshwater mud ee | GFB | MS | Win/ 2016 | 56 | With CD | |
2022 | Md. Mosharraf Hossain | Role of rhizobacteria in arsenic mobilization in soils and uptake by rice plant | SSC | Ph.D | Sum/ 2017 | 228 | With CD | |
2023 | Alamgir Shuvo | Effect of peak performance nutrients on soil fertility and yield of rice | SSC | MS | Win/ 2016 | 72 | With CD | |
2024 | Nasrin Akhter | Characterization of hill soil of BARI farm at Khagrachhari | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 81 | With CD | |
2025 | Tahmina Akter Urmi | Integrated nutrient management for rice yield and carbon sequestration | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 57 | With CD | |
2026 | Md. Babu Hossain | Carbon mineralization and carbon dioxide emission under different temperature regimes | SSC | MS | Win/ 2016 | 58 | With CD | |
2027 | Abdullah Al Mamun | Characterization of some bacterial isolates collected from industrial effluent polluted Agricultural soil | SSC | MS | Win/ 2016 | 54 | With CD | |
2028 | Saiful Islam | Influence of diazotrophic bacteria on growth and yield of rice | SSC | MS | Win/ 2016 | 54 | With CD | |
2029 | Sharmin Akhter | Biochar and peat application for heavy metal remediation and carbon sequestration in soil | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 96 | With CD | |
2030 | Jannatul Ferdush | Digital mapping of soil organic carbon using random forest regression kriging algorithm | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 81 | With CD | |
2031 | Zulfiker Ali | Effect of rice straw on soil fertility and rice yield | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 68 | With CD | |
2032 | Mobashira Sharkar | Determination of suitable harvesting date of processing potato variedties using chemical maturity monitoring | CBT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 78 | With CD | |
2033 | Pavel Mollah | Screening of aromatic rice genotypes against salt tresss and their physiological attributes | CBT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 83 | With CD | |
2034 | Md. Shamim Sharker | Growth and yield of broccoli as affected by different organic and inorganic fertilizer doses | HRT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 80 | With CD | |
2035 | Tahsin Nahar Sigma | Effect of phosphorus and potassium on flower and bulb production of tuberose | HRT | MS | Win/ 2016 | 82 | With CD | |
2036 | Sujoy Das | Phenological characterization and shelf life improvement of lemon in Bangladesh | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 78 | With CD | |
2037 | Kazi Rakib Zobair | Evaluation of potentiality of PGPR and Bradyrhizobium to improve plant growth and control collar rot of soybean | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 60 | With CD | |
2038 | Main Uddin Ahmed | Use of chitosan and trichoderma harzianum as alternative to fungicides against southern blight of carrot | PLP | MS | Win/ 2016 | 47 | With CD | |
2039 | Farzana Zarin Eivy | Effect of PGPR on growth promotion suppression of bioolaris leaf blight and drought stress tolerance in wheat | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 85 | With CD | |
2040 | Md. Abdul Azim | Characterization of some salt tolerant aromatic rice genotypes in Bangladesh by rapd markers | BTL | MS | Win/ 2016 | 92 | With CD | |
2041 | Sudipta Kumar Pramnnik | Identification of fish pathogenic and its inhibition by medicinal plant extracts | BTL | MS | Win/ 2016 | 60 | With CD | |
2042 | Md. Jahurul Islam | Assessing marketable and marketed surplus of seasonal fruits for linking hill farmers with market: an empirical study in the Chittagong hill tracts of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 2016 | 118 | With CD | |
2043 | Esrat Jahan | Yield and seed quality assessment of large seeded munhbean genotypes | SST | MS | Sum/ 2017 | 53 | With CD | |
2044 | Muhammad Hasanul Abedin | Effect of submergence at different growth stages on growth, physiology and yield of Aman rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 89 | With CD | |
2045 | Nazmun Nahar Shibly | Screening of Mungbean genotypes for soil flooding tolerance | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 66 | With CD | |
2046 | Tanzina Afrin Bristy | Water relations, physiological changes and yield of wheat varieties differing in water deficit tolerance | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 116 | With CD | |
2047 | Md. Abdullah Al Mamun | Fertilizer management for rice in changes tidal floodplain soils of Bangladesh | AGR | Ph.D | Aut/ 2017 | 114 | With CD | |
2048 | Nusrat Jahan Neashat | Field observation of flood tolerance in mungbean genotypes and their molecular characterization | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 79 | With CD | |
2049 | Halima Khatun | Evaluation of the allelopathic potential of mango leaf for weed management in chickpea | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 74 | With CD | |
2050 | Mahia Khandaker | Enhancement of salinity tolerance in rice by plant probiotic bacteria | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 61 | With CD | |
2051 | Farhana Naznin | Genetic diversity of eight Bangladeshi traditional potato cultivars assessed by rapd analysis | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 56 | With CD | |
2052 | Sudipta Dutta | Genomics and field studies of plant probiotic bacteria on improvement of rice yield | BTL | Ph.D | Aut/ 2017 | 202 | With CD | |
2053 | Sanjida Akter | Effect of zero valent iron on arsenic uptake by rice and microbial population in soil | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 99 | With CD | |
2054 | Mia Md. Bashir | Maximization of production and income through mango and ber based agroforestry systems in coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D | Aut/ 2017 | 196 | With CD | |
2055 | Kaniz Fatima | Impact of alley cropping on cabbage productivity and soil environment | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 63 | With CD | |
2056 | Maksuda Manjura Elahi | Impact of alley cropping on cabbage productivity and soil fertility | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 55 | With CD | |
2057 | Shah Rokonuzzaman Roxy | Performance of okra under aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 84 | With CD | |
2058 | Shukla Chakma | Performance ofdifferent mushroom production technologies and substrates on the growth and yiled of oyster mushroom | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 72 | With CD | |
2059 | Sanjida Nawrin | Yield and quality of broccoli as influenced by different sources on nutrients and mulching under open and shade condition | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 70 | With CD | |
2060 | Labanya Biswas | Effeect of nitrogen on yield, quality and shelf life of Indian spinach | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 66 | With CD | |
2061 | Md.Saddam Hossain | Effect of potassium on yield and nutritional quality of strawberry | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 79 | With CD | |
2062 | Md. Estiak Islam | Genetic diversity of lowand taro (colocasia esculenta var.esculenta) genotypes | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 98 | With CD | |
2063 | Md. Mahbubul Haque | Financial profitability analysis of jute cultivation: A field level survey in the Kishoreganj district of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 64 | With CD | |
2064 | Md.Abul Hayat Tufael | Marketing system of orange in Sylhet region of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 64 | With CD | |
2065 | Bidyut Narayan Deb | Drivers of profitability and adoption of different fisheries polyculture practices in southern coastal region of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 87 | With CD | |
2066 | Hasna Hena | Isolation and characterization of salt tlerent bacteria from saline soils of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 60 | With CD | |
2067 | Md. Shahadat Hossain | Modeling geochemical characteristics of saline soils of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 99 | With CD | |
2068 | Nazmun Naher | GGE Biplot analysis for yield stability of lentil genotypes | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 50 | With CD | |
2069 | A.S.M. Faysal | Genetic variability,character association and path coefficient analysis in T aman rice genotypes | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 71 | With CD | |
2070 | Md. Zahir Rayhan | Effect of stockingDensity on growth performance of momosex tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) in a recirculating aquaponic system | AQC | MS | 2017 | 60 | ||
2071 | Bhaskar Chandra Majumdar | Changes physioco-chemical and microbiological properties of sun-dried fishes (Mystus vittatus and collisa fasciata) during storage | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 84 | With CD | |
2072 | Md. Salim | Response of four potato varities to water stress condition | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 163 | With CD | |
2073 | Rupa Saha | Impact of industrial discharge on water pollution, biodiversity and pollutant dynamics in fishes of mokesh beel wetland | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 124 | With CD | |
2074 | Hasnat Zahan | Remediation of industrial effluents by native filamentous fungi | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 77 | With CD | |
2075 | Kaniz Fatema Kanon | Genetic variation in five populations of Channa striara(Channidae:Perciformes) revealed by sequence analysis of mitochondrial gene | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 64 | With CD | |
2076 | Sraboni Islam | Yield and seed quality traits in advanced lines of Mungbean | SST | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 48 | With CD | |
2077 | Tajmira Hasan | Study on reproductivity biology of puntius sophore collected from Gazipur and Jessor District of | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 58 | Blank CD | |
2078 | Tasnim Siddika Tonny | Salinity tolerance of stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis at different ontogenic stages | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 72 | With CD | |
2079 | Sanjida Akter | Effect of zero valent iron on arsenic uptake by rice and microbial population in soil | BIT | MS | 2017 | |||
2080 | Ashek Mohammad | Population fluctuation of jassid, and shoot and fruit bores of okra and their bio-rational management | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 69 | With CD | |
2081 | Nabanita Paul Nancy | Abundance and diversity of insects, and population dynamics of fruit fly in sween courd field | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 62 | With CD | |
2082 | Md.Raju Mia | Insect abundance, diversity and population dynamics in agroforestry system | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 62 | With CD | |
2083 | Jahangir Alam | Pathology of fowl paratyphoid and molecular characterization of its pathogen | PBL | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 89 | With CD | |
2084 | Milon Shaha | Control measures of phomopsis blight and fruit rot of Brinjal | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 78 | With CD | |
2085 | Md. Abdus Salam | Trichoderma fortifield compost for the suppression of soil, borne pathogens and improvement of plant growth and yield of tomato | PLP | Ph.D | Aut/ 2017 | 141 | With CD | |
2086 | Pallab Bhattacharjee | Determination of Genetic Idenfify and Origin of wheat Blast in Bangladesh | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 98 | With CD | |
2087 | Rafia Akter | Studies on Germplasms Resistant to wheat Blast Pathogen | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 46 | With CD | |
2088 | Md. Robyul Islam | Modulation of Oxidative stress in Maize by 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) under salinity and drought stress | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 128 | With CD | |
2089 | Sanjida Khanom | Studies on antioxidant enzyme activities in plants to wheat blast fungus | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 53 | With CD | |
2090 | Kaniz Fatema | Isolation and molecular characterization of plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria from weeds | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 94 | With CD | |
2091 | Md. Mostafizar Rahman | Phenotypic and molecular characterization of aroimatic rice genotypes for salt tolerance | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 100 | With CD | |
2092 | Samiha Sultana | Genetic diversity of potato culativars assessed by SSR marker in Bangladesh | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 55 | With CD | |
2093 | Md. Rashidul Islam | Genetic diversity analysis of Bangladeshi local rice germplasm differing in salinity tolerance using molecular markers | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 166 | With CD | |
2094 | Rumpa Banik | Genotypic variation in Photosynthesis, Nodulation and yield Performance of Mungbean in low Fertility soil | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 53 | With CD | |
2095 | Mariam Akter Shashi | Mitigation of Drought Stress of Maize using Rice Hush Biochar | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 63 | With CD | |
2096 | Tahmidul Ashik | Evallation of wheat Genotypes for their Tolerence to Salinity | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 86 | With CD | |
2097 | Fatema Begum Putul | Effect of Phosphorus levels on growth and Productivity of Cowpea Genotypes | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 85 | With CD | |
2098 | Md. Ashraful Alam | Evaluation of Aus Rice Genotypes for Yield and Yield Contributing Characters | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 101 | With CD | |
2099 | Shubhati Khisa | Insect Pest, Predator and Pollinator Occurrence in Guava Orchard and Seasonality of the Fruit Fly in Guava and Mango | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 79 | With CD | |
2100 | Sanjida Nahid | Insect species Diversity and Seasonal Abundance of Fruit Fly in Cucumber Field | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 67 | With CD | |
2101 | Khushi Tripura | Effect of Intercropping aand Neem Oil,on Okra Plant Characterization Insect Diversity and Infesytation | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 70 | With CD | |
2102 | Effat Ara | Screening of Okra Genotypes Against Jassid and Fruit Borer | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 48 | With CD | |
2103 | Mohsen Ara Sharmin | Assessment of Bean Aphid Population Dynamics, Infestations and Deleterious on four Beans Species | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 56 | With CD | |
2104 | Rubaiyat Binte Rahim | Study on Pollen Collection Efficiency onf European Honey Bee From Lichit Flower | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 59 | With CD | |
2105 | Mohammad Anisur Rahman | Effects of Intercropping Systems on Arthropod Community Composition in Tomato Field | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 70 | With CD | |
2106 | Md. Shahin Miah | Insect Abundance and Diversity in Eggplant and Foraging Behavior of Native Pollinators | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 56 | With CD | |
2107 | Mst. Husneara Khatun Mishu | Degradation Pattern and Risk Assessment of Imidacloprid in Country Bean Using Gas Chromatography | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 50 | With CD | |
2108 | Md. Mahbobur Rahman | Pathology of Pullorum Disease and Molecular Identification of its Pathogen | PBL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 77 | With CD | |
2109 | Jaman Hosen | Pathology of Fowl Typhoid and Molecular Characterization of its Pathogen | PBL | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 72 | With CD | |
2110 | Turnalisha Chakma | Pathology of Colibacillosis and Molwcular Characterization of Its Pathogen | PBL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 70 | With CD | |
2111 | Mafruha Afroz | Differential Colonization of Ralstonia Solanacearum in Solanum Sisymbriifolium and Tomato and Pathogenic and Genomic Variations in Clavibacter Michiganensis subsp. Michiganensis | PLP | Ph.D | Win/ 2017 | 128 | With CD | |
2112 | Ila Rani Das | Management of Three Major Soil-Borne Fungal Diseases of Lentil with Trichoderma Fortifield Compost | PLP
MS | Win/ 2017 | 60 | With CD | |
2113 | Irin Akter Rony | Characterization of seed Borne Bacterial Pathogens of Rice and In-Vito Control of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae | PLP | MS | Win/ 2017 | 60 | With CD | |
2114 | Samina Akter Simi | Application of Trichoderma Fortified Compost in Controlling Anthracnose Disease of Chilli | PLP | MS | Win/ 2017 | 58 | With CD | |
2115 | Sahadat Hossain | Use of Banana Leaf Ash Extract for Culture o f Spirulina Platensis | AQC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 71 | With CD | |
2116 | Sonia Khatun | Replacement of Sodium Bicarbobate and Micronutrients in Kosaric Medium with Banna Leaf Ash Extract for Culture as Spirulina Platensis | AQC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 48 | With CD | |
2117 | Md. Imdadul Haque | Replacement of Potassium Sulphate in Kosaric Medium with Muriate of Potasium for Culture of Spirulina Platensis | AQC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 52 | With CD | |
2118 | Md. Mahadi Hasan | Use of Wheat Bran as an Inexpensive Medium for the Culture of Chlorella Ellipsoidena | AQC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 55 | With CD | |
2119 | Shajeya Akter | Saline Soil Management Using Biochar and Its Impact on Rice Growth | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 77 | With CD | |
2120 | Mariam Khanam | Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria Influencing Rice Growth | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 99 | With CD | |
2121 | Jinia Shoukot | Short Duration Stem Amaranth (Amaranthus Oleraceus) Production by Organic Fertilization | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 59 | With CD | |
2122 | Md. Ashraful Alam | Nitrogen Transformation and Carbon Sequestration in Wetland Paddy Field | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 73 | With CD | |
2123 | Fakrul Kabir | Effect of Long Term Organic and Inorganic Fertilization on the soil Properties and Yield of Rice | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 90 | With CD | |
2124 | Nishat Jahan | Genotypic Variability in Morphological, Treits and Bioactive Compound in Vegetable Amaranth | GPB | MS | Win/ 2017 | 87 | With CD | |
2125 | Swapan Chakrabarty | Combining Ability and Heterosis for Yield and Related Traits in Chili | GPB | MS | Win/ 2017 | 85 | With CD | |
2126 | Tanjilul Hasan | Genetic Divergence in Advanced Lines of Rice Using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers | GPB | MS | Win/ 2017 | 48 | With CD | |
2127 | Ummy Kulsum Mukta | Genetic Variability, Heritability and Interrelationship in Newley Developed Salt Tollerant Lines of T. Aman | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 110 | With CD | |
2128 | MST. Jannatun Rezowana | Effects of Phosphors and Potassium on Yield,Nutritive Value and Shelf Life in Tropical Strawberry | HRT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 72 | With CD | |
2129 | Mahmud Hasan Rifat | Studies on Yield, Nutritive Value and Shelf Life of Broccoli | HRT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 75 | With CD | |
2130 | Md. Mahbubur Rahman | Effect of Spacing on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Garden Pea Variety | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 64 | With CD | |
2131 | Mahfuza Khanam | Yield, Quality and Shelf Life of Papaya Influenced by Nitrogen and Potassium | HRT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 60 | With CD | |
2132 | Srijan Chandra Das | Performance of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberose L.) genotypes at Gazipur | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 63 | With CD | |
2133 | Nosrat Nomary | Water pollution and Aquatic Biodiversity Status of the Buriganga Rivers in Two Different Seasons | ENS | MS | Win/ 2017 | 91 | With CD | |
2134 | Md.Nazmul Hossen Tarun | Seasonal Variation of Aquatic Biodiversity at Various Haors of Nikli Upizalla in Kishorgonj | ENS | MS | Win/ 2017 | 102 | With CD | |
2135 | Mt. Mimi Talukder | Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for the Reduction of Arsenic Accumulation in Lentil Crop | ENS | MS | Win/ 2017 | 63 | With CD | |
2136 | Azima-Ha-mim Khan Nisa | Genotoxic Effects of Sumithion on erythrocyte and its Recovery in Zebra Fish (Danio Rerio) | FBE | MS | Win/ 2017 | 70 | With CD | |
2137 | Asaduzzaman Nur | Effect of Selected Seaweed Power as a Aupplement of Fish Feed on Growth and Immune system of Tilapia | FBE | MS | Win/ 2017 | 48 | With CD | |
2138 | Md. Nahid Hasan | Production of all Female of Heteropneustes fossilis Through Hormonal Manipulation | FBE | MS | Win/ 2017 | 52 | With CD | |
2139 | Muhammad Emran Hossain | Performance of Tomato in Aonla Based Multistoried Agroforestry System | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 71 | With CD | |
2140 | Jannatul Ferdoush Amina | Effect of Three Levels and Nitrogen Levels on Yield and Quality of Tomato | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 74 | With CD | |
2141 | Bhaskar C.Majumder | Changes in Physico-chemical and Microbiological Properties of sun- Dried Fishes during Storage | FIT | MS | 2017 | 84 | ||
2142 | Zahir Rayhan | Effect of Stocking Density on Growth Performance of Monosex Tilapia in a Recirculating Aquaponic System | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2017 | 60 | With CD | |
2143 | Kaniz Fatema Kanon | Genetic Variation in Five Populations of Channa striata Revealed by Sequence Analysis of Mitochondrial Gene | GFB | MS | 2017 | 64 | ||
2144 | M. Shadman Akond | Molecullar Characterization of Rice Germplasm Collected From Coastal Region of Bangladesh | GPB | MS | Win/ 2017 | 40 | With CD | |
2145 | Md. Muraduzzaman | Spatiotemporal Change Mapping of Delta in Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Win/ 2017 | 39 | With CD | |
2146 | Md. Khaled Mosharaf | Regulatory Mechanism of Biofilm Formation and Remediation of Heavy Metals by Enterobacter ludwigii ENSH201, Vitreioscilla sp. ENSG301, Acinetobacter lwoffi ENSG302 and Bacillus thuringiensis ENSW401 | ENS | MS | Win/ 2017 | 76 | With CD | |
2147 | Golam Kibria | Assessment of Poultry Manure Quality of some Selected Farms of Gazipur District | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 45 | With CD | |
2148 | Kh. Dil Afroze | Influence of Heavy Metal Tolerant Bacteria for Safe Leafy Vegetable Production in Industrial Effluent Contaminated Soil | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 56 | With CD | |
2149 | Sinthia Khan Esha | Effect of Irrigation and Potyassium on yield and Quality of Carrot | SSC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 81 | With CD | |
2150 | Sadia Islam | Effect of phosphorus and Boron on Growth and Yield of French Bean | HRT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 83 | With CD | |
2151 | Shahria Akter | Effect of Nitrogen and Sulphur on Yield and Storability of Onion | HRT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 68 | With CD | |
2152 | Farhana Islam Saimun | Foliar application of GA3 on growth and flowering of Chrysanthemum | HRT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 63 | With CD | |
2153 | Shah Newaz Munna | Production and Profitability Annalysis of Layer Chicken in Sylhet District of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 72 | With CD | |
2154 | Syeda Sadia Afrin Badhon | Profiablility Analysis of Broiler Production in Some Selected Area of Sylhet | AEC | MS | Win/ 2017 | 46 | With CD | |
2155 | Afsana Khatun | Effect of Biochar and Chimcal Fertilizer on Carbon Dioxide Emission and Yield of Transplanted Aus Rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 71 | With CD | |
2156 | Md. Hadiur Rahman | Screening of Wheat Genotypes Based on Growth and Yield Performance | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 42 | With CD | |
2157 | Most. Atiya Afrin | Effect of Number of Seedlings Per Hill on Growth and Productivity of BUdhan 2IN Aus Season | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 50 | With CD | |
2158 | Sukhesh Chakma | Development of Appropriate Weed Management Options for Jhum Cultivation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts | AGR | MS | Win/ 2017 | 88 | With CD | |
2159 | Eeshita Mandal | Arthropod Diversity in Mustard Field and Role of Native Pollination s in Polination | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 69 | With CD | |
2160 | Tahmina Akter | Assessment of Residual Behaviour of Imidacloprid in the Soils of Country Bean Agroecosystem Using Gas Chrommatography | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 49 | With CD | |
2161 | Rakhi Chanda | Management of Jassid and Whitefly of Okra Using Some Botanicals | ENT | MS | Win/ 2017 | 61 | With CD | |
2162 | Md. Khairul Kabir | Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Strawberry Grown Rot Pathogen and its Biological Control | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 74 | With CD | |
2163 | Nur Uddin Mahmud | Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Potassium Solubilizing Probiotic Bacteria From the Rhizosphere of Rice | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 93 | With CD | |
2164 | Md. Shaid Hossain | Morophological and Molecular Characterization of Wheat Blast Fungus | BTL | MS | Win/ 2017 | 69 | With CD | |
2165 | Mousumi Najnin
Women in the garments industry of bangladesh: a study on food security and migration from agricultural sectors | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 57 | With CD | |
2166 | Susmita Das Gupta
Financial analysis and gender distribution of duck farming in haor areas of moulvibazar district | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 59 | With CD | |
2167 | Md. Khalid Hasan
Access to livelihood capitals by the farmers in char areas: some cases in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 71 | With CD | |
2168 | Mehedi Hasan Tapu
Farmers’ knowledge and problem confrontation on rice fish integrated farming in Tangail district | AER | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 59 | With CD | |
2169 | Mostakima Binta Monir
Farmers’ perception on impact of industrial effluent contamination in rice production | AER | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 96 | With CD | |
2170 | Moriom Naznin
Farmers’ knowledge and perception on pesticide use for vegetable production in a selected area of Narsingdi district | AER | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 88 | With CD | |
2171 | Shahnaz Khanom
Consumers’ preference and consumption of sea fish in Dhaka city | AER | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 74 | With CD | |
2172 | Mahfujul Islam Bhuiya
Gliricidia leaf incorporation into soil and use of companion plants for safe Tomato production | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 81 | With CD | |
2173 | Ishita Parvin
Preparation of wood apple (aeglemarmelos l.) Powder and its utilization in yogurt formulation | AGP | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 64 | With CD | |
2174 | Fatema Akter
Isolation and characterization of jackfruit seed’s protein | AGP | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 63 | With CD | |
2175 | Md. Rashidul Islam
Nutritional improvement of rice straw using aerobic cellulytic bacteria isolated from forest soil of Gazipur | ASN | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 70 | With CD | |
2176 | Sulav Indra Paul
Marine sponge and sponge associated bacteria inhibiting fish pathogen | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 94 | With CD | |
2177 | Kazi Md. Al-Noman
Exploring bovine raw milk for the potent yeast to produce bioethanol from chhana whey | DPS | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 78 | With CD | |
2178 | Doly Sultana
Evaluation of pollutants load and aquatic biodiversity in Turag river | ENS | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 89 | With CD | |
2179 | Md. Faridul Islam
Roles of klebsiellapneumoniae ensg303 and pseudomonas fluorescensensg304 in biofilm formation, cellulose and curli expresion and remidiation of heavy metals | ENS | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 55 | With CD | |
2180 | Md. Mobarok Hossain
Management of whitefly (bemisia tabaci) and tomato fruit borer (helicoverpaarmigera) by using bvotanicals and insecticide and their impacts on natural enemies | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 77 | With CD | |
2181 | Tafhima Binte Awal Luma
Bio-rational management of fruit fly in Bitter Gourd | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 63 | With CD | |
2182 | Tahmina Akter
Evaluation of persistent pesticides residue in diverse floral honey and their potential risk to consumers | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 56 | With CD | |
2183 | Sharmin Jahan
Assessment of organochlorine pesticides residue in honey from different geographic regions of Bangladesh | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 61 | With CD | |
2184 | Md. Taufikul Islam Shah
Screening of chilli germplasm for resistance to Aphid | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 46 | With CD | |
2185 | Saida Zannat
Assessment of organochlorine pesticide residues in muscles of channa punctata, collected from bhairab river of Jessore region, Bangladesh | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 48 | With CD | |
2186 | Bilkis Jahan
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in water and fish of balu river | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 66 | With CD | |
2187 | Hosne Ara Khatun
The potentiality of potato (solanumtuberosum) as an alternative source of carbohydrate in fish feed | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 45 | With CD
2188 | Md. Nahid Hossain
Optimization of stocking density of spotted snakehead (channa punctata) in carp polyculture system | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 65 | With CD
2189 | Shammee Akter
Effects of baker’s yeast as feed additive on growth performance and disease resistance of gulsa tengra (mystus cavasius) | FMG | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 64 | With CD
2190 | Md. Khokan Hossain
Evaluation of epididymal spermatozoa and fertility rate after artificial insemination in black bengal Goat | GOR | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 60 | With CD
2191 | Wali Ahad Setu
In vitro maturation of abattoir-derived balck bengal Goat Oocytes | GOR | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 54 | With CD
2192 | Mahmuda Binte Monsur
Oxidative stress tolerance mechanism in rice under salinity | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 131 | With CD
2193 | Mahmuda Maliha Yasmin
Genetic variation of quantitative and quality traits in Rice (oryzasativa l.) varieties | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 63 | With CD | |
2194 | Md. Nazmul Hossain
Effects of salinity stress on morphological and bioactive compounds of amaranthus lividus leafy vegetables | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 98 | With CD | |
2195 | Tanzim Jahan
Genetic diversity in mota named local coarse rice [oryza sativa l.] Germplasm based on morpho molecular traits | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 70 | With CD | |
2196 | Ponkaj Hom Chowdhury
Evaluation of chili genotypes for nutritional phytochemicals | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 83 | With CD | |
2197 | Md. Nurul Huda
Molecular characterization and geospatial mapping for allelic richness of date palm at south-central Bangladesh | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 56 | With CD | |
2198 | Mir Sayeada Alam
Seaweed extracts for plant growth promotion and tolerance to salt, drought and blast disease in rice | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 73 | With CD | |
2199 | Jahanara Akter
Chitosan for plant growth promotion and disease suppression against anthracnose in chilli | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 71 | With CD | |
2200 | Bithe Debnath
Occurrence of magnaportheoryzaetriticum in different parts of inflorescence of wheat and its fungicidzal control | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 64 | With CD | |
2201 | Marjia Effat Supty
Isolation and characterization of rhizobacteria for plant growth promotion, salt stress tolerance and disease suppression in Wheat | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 87 | With CD | |
2202 | Kamrunnaher
Impact of long term fertilization on soil chemical properties at variable soil depth | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 56 | With CD | |
2203 | Jannatul Ferdushi
Comparative prospects of biochar with traditional manures on soil chemical properties and yield of broccoli (brassica oleracea l var. Italica) | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 77 | With CD | |
2204 | Md. Imran Hossain Sazib
Effect of rice straw residues on soil properties and rice yield in rice based cropping pattern | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 81 | With CD | |
2205 | Rabeka Sultana Smriti
Effect of rice straw derived biochar on soil fertility and capsicum (capsicumannum) yield | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 44 | With CD | |
2206 | Fahima Akter Misho
Efficiency of rice-husk derived biochar in reducing heavy metal uptake by vegetable | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 85 | With CD | |
2207 | Momtahina Hasnat
Role of nitrogen fertilizer on mineralization of organic materials | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 67 | With CD | |
2208 | Most. Shirazum Monira
Nutrient dynamics in soil profile under long term manuring experiment | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2018 | 101 | With CD | |
2209 | Md. Zakir Hossain
Adaptation to adverse impacts of climate change in the coastal area of Bangladesh with changes in cropping pattern | AFE | Ph.D | Sum/ 2018 | 144 | With CD | |
2210 | Mohammad Saidul Islam
Effect of nutrients and gibberellic acid on plant growth, yield and health of potato tuber | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2018 | 110 | With CD | |
2211 | Khandakar Mahfuzul Haque
Quality assessment of soybean seeds of different sources and the effect of npksb foliar fertilizer on yield permormance of the crop | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2018 | 128 | With CD | |
2212 | Abul Kashem Mohammad Alauddin Chowdhury | Plant density and applied nutrient effect on growth yield and seed quality of new aromatic rice | SST | Ph.D | Sum/ 2018 | 91 | BlankCD | |
2213 | Tahmina Ferdous | Backward and forward linkages of broiler farming in gazipur district | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 104 | With CD | |
2214 | Md. Tariqul Islam Bhuiyan | Comparative profitability of some summer vegetables in Narsingdi district | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 71 | With CD | |
2215 | Arif Mahmud
Wellbeing status of indigenous people at Chittagong hill tracts in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 71 | With CD | |
2216 | Md. Atik Ullah Patwary
Adoption of e-agriculture in transfer of agricultural information | AER | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 71 | With CD | |
2217 | Muminul Haque
Impact of anthropogenic activities on fish biodiversity of jamuna river and its effects on profession of fishermen | AER | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 73 | With CD | |
2218 | Sanjida Sultana Keya
Incorporation of leaves of gliricidia sepium and application of nitrogen in Tomato production | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 74 | With CD | |
2219 | Sumon Roy
Productivity and microclimatic modification of lemon-based agroforestry system with different winter vegetables in upland condition | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 93 | With CD | |
2220 | Sudipta Saha
Productivity, profitability and microclimatic modification in jackfruit based agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 93 | With CD | |
2221 | Rashida Rocksana Mou
Morpho-physiological changes in mangifera indica l. And azadirachta indica l. In response to sea water induced salt stress | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 81 | With CD | |
2222 | Md. Nurul Kadir
Assessment of agricultural damage under different simulated flood conditions | AGE | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 71 | With CD | |
2223 | Md. Moniruzzaman
Evaluation of hydraulic characteristics of micro emitters available in Bangladesh | AGE | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 86 | With CD | |
2224 | Musarrat Rafiq
Development of appropriate weed management options for Maize | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 79 | With CD | |
2225 | Nazmul Ahmed Oli | Effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation to culture medium on growth performance of chlorella ellipsoidea | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 55 | With CD | |
2226 | Md. Afzal Hossain
Effect of dietary spirulina platensis supplementation on growth and carcass composition of Pabda (ompok pabda) | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 67 | With CD | |
2227 | Md. Saif Uddin | Use of wheat bran extract medium as a replacement of kosaric medium for spirulina platensis culture | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 85 | With CD | |
2228 | Mst. Sobnom Binta Mofiz
The potential for using azolla extract for culture of spirulina platensis | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 57 | With CD | |
2229 | Neepa Dew
Morphological and molecular characterization of fusarium spp. Isolated from head blight of wheat and its biological control | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 57 | With CD | |
2230 | Bishwajit Karmakar Sunny | Identification of indigenous probiotic bacteria inhibiting fish pathogens | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 64 | With CD | |
2231 | Dalia Parvin
Effect of storage conditions on the quality of processing Potato tubers | CBT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 87 | With CD | |
2232 | Anika Nazran
Physiological aspects of drought tolerance during early growth stages of Mungbean | CBT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 74 | With CD | |
2233 | Mst. Umme Habiba
Searching probiotic bifidobacteria from traditional buffalo milk curd as an emerging safeguard of human health | DPS | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 82 | With CD | |
2234 | Shishir Mitra
Effect of salinity on agricultural production at Kalapara coastal belt in Patuakhali | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 83 | With CD | |
2235 | Eva Armin
Determination of air pollutants and their possible health effects at different locations in Dhaka city | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 83 | With CD | |
2236 | Faria Afrin
Effects of chitosan coating on chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of labeo rohita fillets during frozen storage | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 56 | With CD | |
2237 | Tahia Naznin
Morphological variation in coastal rice (oryza sativa l.) Genotypes | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 80 | With CD | |
2238 | Panchali Chakraborty
Evaluation of Brassica napus lines for seed yield and oil composition | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 85 | With CD | |
2239 | Onita Mostafiz
Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth, yield and quality of Carrot | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 77 | With CD | |
2240 | Md. Imran Husain
Postharvest quality assessment of tender palmyra (Borassus flabellifer L.) fruit endosperm | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 51 | With CD | |
2241 | Ruby Akter
Summer Tomato as influenced by plant growth regulators under open and poly tunnel condition | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 97 | With CD | |
2242 | Lutfun Nahar
Response of different explants for indirect organogenesis in Cucumber | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 51 | With CD | |
2243 | Nazma Akter
cultivars growen under organic and conventional fertilization | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 97 | With CD | |
2244 | Md. Atiq Ahamed Fattah
Characterization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and their influence on Tomato cultivation | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 103 | With CD | |
2245 | Sondhi Roy
Soil structural stability and carbon sequestration under different organic and inorganic management practices | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 51 | With CD | |
2246 | Mahbuba Sultana
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of cauliflower | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 86 | With CD | |
2247 | Rahanuma Tarannum Shifa | Effect of drought on yield and seed quality of twenty one rice genotypes | SST | MS | Aut/ 2018 | 59 | With CD | |
2248 | H. M. Hasan Hafiz
Sustainability of rice based farming at coastal areas in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2018 | 86 | With CD
2249 | Sonjith Das
Farmers’ attitude towards extension services provided by the local extension agent in haor area | AER | MS | Win/ 2018 | 62 | With CD
2250 | Md. Shahnewas Kabir
Farmers’ response on cultivation of mustard in between aman and boro rice | AER | MS | Win/ 2018 | 65 | With CD
2251 | Md. Zahangir Alam
Performance of cabbage varieties in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2018 | 74 | With CD
2252 | Md. Zahangir Hossain
Performance of soybean varieties in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2018 | 79 | With CD
2253 | Zabid-Al-Riyadh
Performance of different vegetable and spice crops in jackfruit based multistorey agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2018 | 100 | With CD | |
2254 | Tanjina Yasmin Rita
Performance of stem amaranth in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2018 | 82 | With CD
2255 | Ashrafun Nahar
Growth and yield performance of foxtail millets under salinity | AGR | MS | Win/ 2018 | 56 | WithCD | |
2256 | Md. Mukhairul Islam | Evaluation of Rice genotyupes under low water condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2018 | 64 | With CD
2257 | Md. Mahbub Sobhan
Effect of probiotic treatment on nutrient content of rice straw and its impact on blood parameters and health status of dairy cows | ASN | MS | Win/ 2018 | 78 | With CD | |
2258 | Priyanka Dutta
Effect of partial replacement of soybean meal protein by cottonseed meal protein on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken | ASN | MS | Win/ 2018 | 68 | With CD
2259 | Md. Mahfuzur Rahman
Identification of marine and terrestrial soil microbes inhibiting fish and shrimp pathogen | BTL | MS | Win/ 2018 | 67 | With CD
2260 | Rakib Ehsan
Molecular characterization of the pathogens causing streptococcosis in barbodes gonionotus and tail and fin rot disease in anabas testudineus
BTL | MS | Win/ 2018 | 70 | With CD
2261 | Samia Haque Binto
Regeneration of rare medicinal plant through tissue culture technique | CBT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 64 | With CD
2262 | Md. Sohel Rana
Impacts of trichoderma-enriched biofertilizer on bioactive compounds, nutritional and post harvest quality of Tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) | ENS | MS | Win/ 2018 | 103 | With CD
2263 | Polash Kisku Marcus
Decolorization, degradation and detoxification of congo red, methyl orange and remazol briliant blue by different bacterial biofilm consortia | ENS | MS | Win/ 2018 | 76 | With CD
2264 | Md. Shohel Rana
Level of occurrence and risk characterization of organochlorine pesticide residues in different river water of Bangladesh | ENT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 63 | With CD
2265 | Md. Arafat Sadat
Assessment of persistent organic pollutant residues in the water from different sources and their level of risk for utilization | ENT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 60 | With CD | |
2266 | Taslima Akter Siddiqua
Bio rational management of jassids and their impact on virus diseases of Okra | ENT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 94 | With CD
2267 | Mirza Jinat Akter Nishat
Seasonal dynamics of eriophyid mite and its associated predatory mite on coconut | ENT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 59 | With CD | |
2268 | Tejashri Chakma
Fate of carbofuran in ash gourd (benincasahispida) agroecosystem | ENT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 60 | With CD | |
2269 | Md. Foysul Hossain
Red seaweed (hypnea musciformis) powder as a fish feed supplement for growth and immune elicitor of Asian Catfish (heteropneustes fossilis)
FBE | MS | Win/ 2018 | 53 | With CD
2270 | Swagata Aditya
Genetic variation of climbing perch (anabastestudineus) populations in bangladesh revealed by sequenc e analysis of mitochondrial control region | GFB | MS | Win/ 2018 | 70 | With CD | |
2271 | Nayan Chandra Mondal
Breeding performances of netrokona and sylhet koi (anabastestudineus) populations in a semi-artificial condition | GFB | MS | Win/ 2018 | 46 | With CD | |
2272 | Muhammad Sharif
Prevalence and epidemiological risk factors associated with clinical mastitis in dairy Cows | GOR | MS | Win/ 2018 | With CD
2273 | Suraiya Nishat
Genetic variation for field performance in country bean (lablabpurpureus l.) Genotypes | GPB | MS | Win/ 2018 | 58 | With CD
2274 | Abu Sayeed Md. Hasibuzzaman | Characterization of local and exotic papaya (caricapapaya l.) Genotypes | GPB | MS | Win/ 2018 | 81 | With CD
2275 | Madhuri Debnath
Effect of nitrogen and plant spacing on growth, yield and profitability of Okra | HRT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 89 | With CD | |
2276 | Jeba Tasnia Moon
Performance of heat tolerant lablab bean varieties at varied planting time | HRT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 56 | With CD
2277 | Ripa Rani Bhowal
Morphological and molecular characteriation of tropical Strawberry | HRT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 69 | With CD
2278 | Salma Sultana
Pathological study of enteric bacterial diseases of Chickens in Gazipur district | PAT | MS | Win/ 2018 | 104 | With CD
2279 | Suhuur Mohamoud Abdilahi
Pathological investigation of lung diseases of cattle in Gazipur district | PBL | MS | Win/ 2018 | 61 | With CD
2280 | Sayma Tahsin Nira
Isolation, molecular identification and control of alternaria leaf spot in Broccoli | PLP | MS | Win/ 2018 | 78 | With CD | |
2281 | Nusrat Zahan
Isolation, molecular identification and in vitro control of anthracnose in Chili | PLP | MS | Win/ 2018 | 82 | With CD | |
2282 | Nabila Yesmin
Isolation, molecular identification and control of phyllosticta leaf spot of Jackfruit | PLP | MS | Win/ 2018 | 85 | With CD | |
2283 | Preangka Saha Briste
Isolation, molecular identification and control of dragon fruit stem rot caused by lasiodiplodiatheobromae | PLP | MS | Win/ 2018 | 84 | BlankCD | |
2284 | Nasrin Sultana
Isolation, molecular identification and control of coconut grey leaf spot caused by pestalotiopsis species | PLP | MS | Win/ 2018 | 63 | With CD
2285 | Mahmuda Haque
Influence of diazotrophic bacteria on growth and yield of wheat | SSC | MS | Win/ 2018 | 70 | With CD
2286 | Falguni Khan
Influence of long term incorporation of Rice straw on soil health under variable soil depth and rice (oryzasativa l.) Yield | SSC | MS | Win/ 2018 | 79 | With CD
2287 | Ismail Hossain
Seasonal effects on seed quality of rice | SST | MS | Win/ 2018 | 58 | With CD | |
2288 | Mohammed Nure Yousuf
Effect of soil moisture levels and nutrient management, on growth, yield and quality attributes of black cumin | SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2018 | 165 | With CD
2289 | Md. Humayun Kabir Shiragi
Mathematical indices for evaluation of physico-chemical properties of Bangladesh soils
SSC | Ph.D | Win/ 2018 | 134 | With CD
2290 | Aliyu Akilu Barau
Crop management and livelihood practices of farmers in selected char lands of Bangladesh | AER | PhD | Sum/ 2019 | 176 | With CD
2291 | Mosammat Umma Kulsum
Exploitation and introgression of submergence tolerance in component lines of Hybrid Rice | GPB | PhD | Sum/ 2019 | 185 | With CD
2292 | Mohammed Harun Or Rashid
Quantitative analysis of yield and quality traits in Sunflower (helianthus annuus L.) | GPB | PhD | Sum/ 2019 | 158 | With CD
2293 | Md. Mokter Hossain Bhuiyan
Nitrogen use efficiency in wheat in wheat-mungbean-t. Aman cropping system | SSC | PhD | Sum/ 2019 | 231 | With CD
2294 | Touhid Reza Shawon
Profit efficiency of power tiller operated seeder in some selected areas of Faridpur district | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 71 | With CD
2295 | Sharmin Shifa
An analysis of the extent, determinants and impact of crop diversification in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 76 | With CD
2296 | Saida Akter Jui
Enhancing supply of indigenous vegetables through adoption of improved varieties and safe environment friendly production technologies | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 97 | With CD
2297 | Sadia Afrin Pranty
Value chain analysis of selected indigenous vegetable in Moulvibazar district | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 131 | With CD
2298 | Mahmud Al Hasan
Impact of climate change on agricultural production in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 62 | With CD
2299 | Md. Rakib Uddin
Viability of medium scale layer farming in Sreepur upazila of Gazipur district | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 63 | With CD
2300 | Mst. Jinath Ara Begum
Financial analysis of cabbage, cauliflower and tomato production in Gazipur district | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 59 | With CD
2301 | Shadesh Karmaker
Wellbeing status of garo ethnic people at Madhupur upazila in Tangail district | AER | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 73 | With CD
2302 | Nusrat Jahan Upoma
Impact of integrated agricultural productivity project on the beneficiaries in Mithapukur upazila of Rangpur district | AER | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 60 | With CD
2303 | Zannatul Ferdaous Bony
Productivity and profitability of lemon-based agroforestry systems with different vegetables and spices | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 85 | With CD
2304 | Khokon Chandro Mohanta
Effect of drip and furrow irrigation on bt Brinjal production | AGE | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 67 | With CD
2305 | Md. Yunus Mia
Response of corn to starter fertilizer under different irrigation regimes | AGE | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 56 | With CD
2306 | Sharmin Alam
Processing and preservation of aloe vera (aloe barbadensis mill.) Juice and drink | AGP | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 119 | With CD
2307 | Md. Akibul Hasan Bakky
Replacement of expensive pure nutrients in kosaric medium with low-cost commercial fertilizers for the culture of spireulina platensis | AQC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 40 | With CD
2308 | Imran Hossain
Larval rearing of stinging catfish heteropneustes fossilis fed with natural and artificial diets | AQC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 46 | With CD
2309 | Masuma Akter Sadia
Effect of different food sources on growth and reproduction of earthworm periomyx excavatus | AQC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 55 | With CD
2310 | Akramul Haque
Use of probiotic to improve nutritional value of rice straw and its effect on digestibility in heifer | ASN | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 73 | With CD
2311 | Arshadul Haque
Assessment of the nutritional quality and fungal contamination of commercial poultry feed and raw materials available in Mymensingh and Gazipur district | ASN | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 80 | With CD
2312 | Suma Rani Ghosh
Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and biochemical parameters in arsenic treated field pea | ENS | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 50 | With CD
2313 | Moriom Khatun
Characterization of biofilm-producing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from drought prone areas of Bangladesh | ENS | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 86 | With CD
2314 | Md. Wahiduzzaman Nur
Management of aphids and pod borer of country bean with bio-rational approaches and their impact on natural enemies | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 74 | With CD
2315 | Md. Shahab Uddin Bhuiyan
Management of aphid and pod borer of yard long bean using some promising insecticides | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 62 | With CD
2316 | Ryjwana Shahrin
Population dynamics and harmful effects of sucking insect on different tomato varieties | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 79 | With CD
2317 | Homaira Mohsina
Bioefficacy, fate and risk assessment of fipronil in banglamati rice | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 53 | With CD
2318 | Mst. Sabrina Sultana
Dissipation pattern and safety evaluation for dimethoate in yard long bean | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 53 | With CD
2319 | Homaira Alam Jui
Biology and management of pulse beetle callosobruchus chinensis l. On stored mung bean | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 59 | With CD
2320 | Md. Ariful Islam
Arthropod pests infesting ornamental plants in Bangladesh: strategies for management | ENT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 102 | With CD
2321 | Tasmiah Tabassom
Biochemical characterization of presumptive lactobacillus sp. From the intestine of shing (heteropneuestes fossilis) with it’s enumeration of probiotic properties | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 59 | With CD
2322 | Abu Bakar Siddique
Growth and adaptation of stinging catfish (heteropneuestes fossilis) at different salinity | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 66 | With CD
2323 | Sultana Razia
Isolation, biochemical identification and probiotic properties characterization of presumptive lactobacillus sp. From the intestine of tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 70 | With CD
2324 | Ilias Ebne Kabir
Effect of different drying methods on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of torpedo scad (megalaspis cordyla)
FIT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 50 | With CD
2325 | Md. Rayhanur Rahman
Impacts of cage culture on the water quality of the Meghna river at karimpur, Narsingdhi
FMG | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 40 | With CD
2326 | Shafia Mashiat
Screening of zinc and iron rich CMS component lines (A, B and R lines) of Rice | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 104 | With CD
2327 | Urmi Rani Shaha
Development of zinc enrich hybrid rice utilizing cytoplasmic male sterile lines | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 88 | With CD
2328 | Farzana Akter
Effect of salt stress on the development of maize (zea mays l.) Hybrids under hydroponic system | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 59 | With CD
2329 | Tamanna Sharmin
Physiological and morphological responses of hybrid maize under drought stress condition | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 64 | With CD
2330 | Sarnaly Goon Sarna
Genetic analysis for yield and quality traits of Aus rice (oryza sativa l.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 89 | With CD
2331 | Sarah Tasnim
Genetic variation and character association in segregating population of pea (pisum sativum l.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 72 | With CD
2332 | S.M. Mustafizur Rahman
Effect of vermicompost on growth, yield and quality on B roccoli | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 78 | With CD
2333 | Rafia Akhtar Rimu
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer application on the yield and quality of black cumin | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 70 | With CD
2334 | Nahida Akter
Morphological characterization, fruit quality and shelf life of burmese grape genotypes in Bangladesh | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 70 | With CD
2335 | Ananya Sarker
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on biomass and biochemical parameters of garden pea | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 51 | With CD
2336 | A.Z.M. Shafiullah Prodhan
Early and late broccoli performance as influenced by different field condition | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 66 | With CD
2337 | Md. Masud Karim Prodhan | Influence of gibberelic acid on seed production of bu cauliflower-1 | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 64 | With CD
2338 | Sharmin Alam
Pathological investigation of reproductive diseases of doe in Gazipur district | PBL | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 85 | With CD
2339 | Md. Rabiul Islam
Characterization of sclerotinia sclerotiorum, an emerging fungal pathogen causing blight on pea | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 54 | With CD
2340 | Sirajum Monira
Amendment of industrial effluents contaminated soils using biochar | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 74 | With CD
2341 | Shahida Arofi | Soil aggregate stability in relation of carbon and basic cations | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 49 | With CD
2342 | Md. Mojammel Haque | Biochar on soil fertility crop productivity in Shibalaya upazila of Manikganj district | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 63 | With CD
2343 | Jarin Yeasmin
Yield and seed quality of mungbean genotypes under waterlogging at vegetative stage | SST | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 67 | With CD
2344 | Sajeda Khanom
Root yield and seed production potential of bu carrot-1 under different ga3 concentrations | SST | MS | Sum/ 2019 | 50 | With CD
2345 | Afrin Jahan
Resource use efficiency on pond fish farming in Narsingdi district of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/
2019 |
55 | With CD | |
2346 | Ahmed Asifur Rab
Influence of climatic variables on stability and supply response of selected winter vegetables in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/
2019 |
60 | With CD | |
2347 | Jannat Ara Prity
Comparative profitability analysis of BARI sarisha-14 and locally cultivated old variety in Manikganj district | AEC | MS | Aut/
2019 |
58 | With CD | |
2348 | Anwara Begum
Impact of labor migration on rural livelihood in Pakundia upazila under Kishorgonj district | AER | MS | Aut/
2019 |
63 | With CD | |
2349 | Mst. Runju Akter
Adoption of spices technologies by the growers in Shibganj upazila of Boguna district | AER | MS | Aut/
2019 |
73 | With CD | |
2350 | Sohel Rana
Adoption and profitability of catfish farming in Trishal upazila | AER | MS | Aut/
2019 |
71 | With CD | |
2351 | Ashikur Rahman
Performance of different machine learning algorithms on satellite image classification in rural and urban setup | AFE | MS | Aut/
2019 |
55 | With CD | |
2352 | Mahbuba Meherun | Monitoring the dynamics of wetlands in Dhaka city using geospatial data | AFE | MS | Aut/
2019 |
64 | With CD | |
2353 | Halima Akhtar
Impacts of climate change on reference crop evapotranspiration in the south-western region of Bangladesh | AGE | MS | Aut/
2019 |
59 | With CD | |
2354 | Md. Sydur Rahman Khan
Effecfts of soil moisture regimes on the growth and yield of a newly developed Chickpea variety | AGE | MS | Aut/
2019 |
48 | With CD | |
2355 | Sharmin Akter Sumi | Anticlogging performance evaluation of drip emitters available in Bangladesh | AGE | MS | Aut/
2019 |
56 | With CD | |
2356 | Mohima Jannat
Impacts of climate change on reference crop evapotranspiration in the north-central and south-eastern regions of Bangladesh | AGE | MS | Aut/
2019 |
61 | With CD | |
2357 | Md. Mehedi Hasan | Production of concentrate and toffee from palmyra palm (borassus flabellifer l.) | AGP | MS | Aut/
2019 |
79 | With CD | |
2358 | Md. Saddam Hossain | Waterlogging effects on morpho-physiology and productivity of Soybean | AGR | MS | Aut/
2019 |
161 | With CD | |
2359 | Arpita Sen
Biochemical mechanism of salinity tolerance in wheat | AGR | MS | Aut/
2019 |
77 | With CD | |
2360 | Laila Parveen Shathy
Enzyme activity, ion accumulation and productivity of wheat genotypes under saline condition | AGR | MS | Aut/
2019 |
76 | With CD | |
2361 | Ahmed Mohamed Abdi | Land use change dynamics and its impact on crop productivity in estuarine floodplain of Bangladesh | AGR | MS | Aut/
2019 |
75 | With CD | |
2362 | Prasun Chakraborty
Effect of replacing fishmeal protein with earthworm meal protein in practical diet on growth performance and body composition of Pabda ompok Pabda | AQC | MS | Aut/
2019 |
61 | With CD | |
2363 | Forida Yeasmin | Ruminal degradation studies of acti-meal and distillers dried grain (DDG) | ASN | MS | Aut/
2019 |
68 | With CD | |
2364 | Md. Shariful Islam
Effect of cottonseed meal on meat quality and biochemical parameters of broiler Chicken | ASN | MS | Aut/
2019 |
71 | With CD | |
2365 | Saif Uddin Khan
Identification of native probiotic bacteria to enhance growth and prevent disease in labeo rohita | BTL | MS | Aut/
2019 |
58 | With CD | |
2366 | Rumana Yeasmin
Inhibitory effects of plant probiotic bacteria and fungicides on wheat blast fungus | BTL | MS | Aut/
2019 |
92 | With CD | |
2367 | Kanistha Rani
Morphological, pathological and molecular characterization of rice blast pathogen | BTL | MS | Aut/
2019 |
67 | With CD | |
2368 | Samiya Akter
Evaluation of the performances of probiotic bacteria on growth and yield of rice in a farmer’s field in Jhenaidah | BTL | MS | Aut/
2019 |
79 | With CD | |
2369 | Mst. Mahamuda Khatun | Effect of azolla (azolla pinnata) on the quality and cholesterol content of Chicken Egg | DPS | MS | Aut/
2019 |
42 | With CD | |
2370 | Ashim Chakraborty
Impact assessment of trichoderma-enriched bio-organic fertilizer for bottle gourd and sweet gourd cultivation in field environment | ENS | MS | Aut/
2019 |
71 | With CD | |
2371 | Marufa Jahan
Residues and risk assessment of organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides in different fruits | ENT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
No page num. | With CD | |
2372 | Saima Sultana
Estimation of organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticide residues in summer vegetables for health risk assessment | ENT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
73 | With CD | |
2373 | Mst. Sumi Akter | Assessment of organochlorine pesticide residues in poultry chicken | ENT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
56 | With CD | |
2374 | Tanzina Alam
Assessment of consumer health risk associated with the presence of persistent pesticide residues in poultry egg | ENT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
63 | With CD | |
2375 | Mansura Afroz
Field screening of sweet gourd entities against insect pests | ENT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
89 | With CD | |
2376 | Rukaiya Sarmin
Detection and quantification of selected insecticide residues in winter vegetables for consumer risk assessment | ENT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
72 | With CD | |
2377 | Md. Omor Faruk
Assessment of shelf life and quality of grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idella) during ice storage | FIT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
61 | With CD | |
2378 | Hasibur Rahman
Diversity of fish fauna in belai beel, Gazipur: present status, threats and recommendations for conservation | GFB | MS | Aut/
2019 |
73 | With CD | |
2379 | Md. Ariful Islam | Effects of probiotic based nutrition on growth, hematology and breeding performance of silver barb (barbonymus gonionotus, bleeker, 1850) | GFB | MS | Aut/
2019 |
59 | With CD | |
2380 | Md. Mamunur
Rashid |
In vitro maturation of abattoir-derived bovine oocytes in Bangladesh | GOR | MS | Aut/
2019 |
58 | With CD | |
2381 | Sumi Sarkar
Characterization of advanced lines of wheat for heat tolerance | GPB | MS | Aut/
2019 |
75 | With CD | |
2382 | Md. Golam Azam
Screening of low phosphorus tolerant maize including hill germplasm in hydroponics culture at seedling stage | GPB | MS | Aut/
2019 |
62 | With CD | |
2383 | Sanjuti Deb Joyee | Enhancement of salt tolerance in rice (ORYZA SATIVA l) through mutagenesis | GPB | MS | Aut/
2019 |
90 | With CD | |
2384 | Md. Atiqur Rahman | Effect of ascorbic acid on the plant growth and shelf life of Tomato | HRT | MS | Aut/
2019 |
51 | With CD | |
2385 | Monjur Morshed
Harnessing biochar potentials for carbon sequestration and soil health improvement | SSC | MS | Aut/
2019 |
61 | With CD | |
2386 | Mohammad Ayub Hossain Khan
Physio-anatomical appraisal of field pea (PISUM SATIVUM L.) Under salt stress | CBT | Ph.D | Win/2019
190 | With CD |
2387 | Shah Md.
Yusuf Ali
Post harvest loss assessment, physicochemical characteristics and processed product development in Mango | HRT | Ph.D | Win/2019
147 | With CD |
2388 | Shaima Chowdhury Sharna
Determinants and impact of BARI CHOLA-5 variety adoption in high barind region of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/2019
87 | With CD |
2389 | Md. Jaber Rana
Financial impact of solar powered irrigation system on boro rice production in Meherpur district of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/2019
92 | With CD |
2390 | Dalia Akter
A comparative analysis of Brinjal and cauliflower production at Narsingdi district in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/2019
44 | With CD |
2391 | Mahabuba Akter Charly
Farm level status of fish diseases and their management by the farmer | AER | MS | Win/2019
78 | With CD |
2392 | Md. Amzad Hossain
Adoption of IPSA seem and BU PEPE 1 in Meherpur sadar and Bhaluka upazila | AER | MS | Win/2019
70 | With CD |
2393 | Arafat Hossain Galib
Performance of selected BSMRAU technologies in Gaibandha and Bogura district | AER | MS | Win/2019
70 | With CD |
2394 | Md. Bazlur Rahman
Performance of Cauliflower in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Win/2019
97 | With CD |
2395 | Abu Jafor Mohammad Obaidullah
Effect of salt stress on physiological and biochemical responses of Basak (justicia adhatoda) | AFE | MS | Win/2019
71 | With CD |
2396 | Md. Sohanur
Effect of timing of nitrogen application on grain fertility and yield of rice under elevated CO2 | AFE | MS | Win/2019
65 | With CD |
2397 | Bhoktear Mahbub Khan
Scopes and challenges of rohingya relocation from Kutupalong to Bhasan char | AFE | MS | Win/2019
52 | With CD |
2398 | Aung Sing Hla Marma
Evaluation of weed management options for cotton cultivation in the Chattogram hill tracts region | AGR | MS | Win/2019
65 | With CD |
2399 | Tahmina Akter
Growth and productivity of Mungbean genotypes under drought stress | AGR | MS | Win/2019
79 | With CD |
2400 | Ismot Ara
Growth and physiology of soybean as affected by water deficit stress | AGR | MS | Win/2019
86 | With CD |
2401 | Sharmin Sultana
Effect of drought on nutrient uptake and yield of aus rice genotypes | AGR | MS | Win/2019
76 | With CD |
2402 | Salma Akter
Effect of salinity on growth, physiological traits and yield of foxtail millet (setaria italica l.)
AGR | MS | Win/2019
77 | With CD |
2403 | Bonany Akter
Preparation of protein enriched cake by utilizing jackfruit seed’s protein | AGP | MS | Win/2019
80 | With CD |
2404 | Md. Akram Hossain
Preparation of protein and mineral enriched yogurt using jackfruit seed protein and mineral | AGP | MS | Win/2019
With CD | |
2405 | Abdur Rahman
Nutrient composition and in vitro rumen degradability of bamboo leaves, sugarcane bagasse, rice bran and seaweeds in cattle | ASN | MS | Win/2019
69 | With CD |
2406 | Muslima Akter Lima
Dietary zinc requirement of stinging catfish HETEROPNEUSTES FOSSILIS | AQC | MS | Win/2019
66 | With CD |
2407 | Md. Nur Amin Mukul
Dietary manganese requirement of stinging catfish HETEROPNEUSTES FOSSILIS | AQC | MS | Win/2019
68 | With CD |
2408 | Ashikur Rahman
Isolation and identification of indigenous fish gut bacteria and their disease suppression effects in Tilapia | BTL | MS | Win/2019
82 | With CD |
2409 | Sheikh Faruk Ahmed
Evaluation of drought tolerance of wheat genotypes using morpho-physiological and molecular diversity | CBT | MS | Win/2019
99 | With CD |
2410 | Atia Khan
Assessment of organochlorine pesticide residues in poultry feed and egg | ENT | MS | Win/2019
66 | With CD |
2411 | Mehedy Hasan
Determination of effective dose, half-life, mobility and exposure assessment of dimethoate in asparagus bean | ENT | MS | Win/2019
59 | With CD |
2412 | Fahriya Yasmin
Screening of brinjal germplasm for resistance to major insect pests | ENT | MS | Win/2019
95 | With CD |
2413 | Proma Ghosh
Population dynamics and harmful effects of aphid on different mustard varieties | ENT | MS | Win/2019
73 | With CD |
2414 | Mst. Sahera Khatun
Evaluation and characterization of commercial probiotic products | FBE | MS | Win/2019
80 | With CD |
2415 | Mohammad Khairul Alam Sobuj | Secondary metabolites and antioxidant properties of different crude extracts of brown seaweed sargassum coriifolium | FBE | MS | Win/2019
62 | With CD |
2416 | Mohammed Anas Chowdhury
Spatio-temporal variation of plankton in the pasur river estuary | FMG | MS | Win/2019
57 | With CD |
2417 | Shoaibe Hossain Talukder Shefat | Spatial variation of ecological parameters in the pasur river estuary | FMG | MS | Win/2019
95 | With CD |
2418 | Tanbir Ahsan
Efficacy of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of seaweeds available in st. Martin’s island | FIT | MS | Win/2019
68 | With CD |
2419 | Mahmuda Sultana Chadni
Screening of some marine algae from st. Martin’s island for antioxidant and antimicrobial activity | FIT | MS | Win/2019
62 | With CD |
2420 | Sharmin Akter
Performance of F1 generation for yield traits in country bean (lablab purpureus l.) | GPB | MS | Win/2019
95 | With CD |
2421 | Rezwana Parvin
Characterization of mutant lines of cherry tomato in m3 generation | GPB | MS | Win/2019
85 | With CD |
2422 | Mohammad Shamim Hossain
Effect of salinity stress on mineral profiles of AMARANTHUS LIVIDUS | GPB | MS | Win/2019
67 | With CD |
2423 | Afsana Islam Asha
Screening of salinity tolerance in rice (oryza sativa l.) Induced by ethyl methanesulfonate | GPB | MS | Win/2019
103 | With CD |
2424 | Israt Jahan Mumu | Identification of component lines in aman rice exploiting coastal germplasm | GPB | MS | Win/2019 | 87 | With CD |
2425 | Md. Solaiman Hossain
Characterization of CMS component lines of rice based on floral and agronomic traits | GPB | MS | Win/2019
160 | With CD |
2426 | Kamrun Nahar Ruma
Combining ability and heterosis in ridge gourd [(luffa acutangula (roxb.) L.] | GPB | MS | Win/2019
63 | With CD |
2427 | Md. Neaul Karim | Characterization of M2 mutant lines of exotic squash (cucurbita pepo l.) | GPB | MS | Win/2019
71 | With CD |
2428 | Abdur Rahim Uzzal | Cytotoxic effect of calcium carbide in swiss albino mice | PBL | MS | Win/2019 | 40 | With CD |
2429 | Md. Iqbal Hossain
Pathological study of bacterial diseases of liver of cattle in Gazipur district | PBL | MS | Win/2019
87 | With CD |
2430 | Humaira Mahee
Population dynamics and sustainablity of trichoderma harzianum in reference to major soil-borne diseases of potato | PLP | MS | Win/2019
72 | With CD |
2431 | Mahmudul Hasan
Bio management of carrot diseases by the application of trichoderma fortified compost | PLP | MS | Win/2019
81 | With CD |
2432 | Fabiha Haque | Nutrient use efficiency in rice as affected by different level of co2 concentration | SSC | MS | Win/2019 | 66 | With CD |
2433 | Hammadullah Al Mashuk
Spatial distribution of heavy metals and bacterial diversity in industrial effluents contaminated soils of Sreepur upazila under Gazipur district | SSC | MS | Win/2019
84 | With CD |
2434 | Md. Nahidul Islam Nahid
on soil chemical properties and their spatial distribution | SSC | MS | Win/2019
52 | With CD |
2435 | Asaduzzaman Ridoy | Efficacy of loss controlling nano fertilizer in wetland paddy field | SSC | MS | Win/2019 | 74 | With CD |
2436 | Md. Golam Rasul Miah
Alleviating the effect of water stress on tomato through nutrient management | SSC | MS | Win/2019
112 | With CD |
2437 | Bushra Islam Binte
Effect of long term rice straw application on soil health | SSC | MS | Win/2019
63 | With CD |
2438 | Saima Tasnim Siddique
Comparative analysis of chickpea with boro rice cultivation in drought prone area of Bangladesh
AEC | MS | Sum/
2020 |
76 | With CD |
2439 | Karima Khatun
Profitability analysis of rose and gerbera farming and crop diversification in Savar area of Bangladesh
AEC | MS | Sum/
2020 |
66 | With CD |
2440 | Shovon Kumar Mondal
Farmers’ perception on land use changes in Rangamati district of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Sum/
2020 |
79 | With CD |
2441 | Md. Iske Abdullah
Adaptation of coastal farmers to increasing salinity in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Sum/
2020 |
78 | With CD |
2442 | Sidhyartha Roy
Adoption of vermicomposting by the farmers in Thakurgaon district | AER | MS | Sum/
2020 |
81 | With CD |
2443 | Ashim Kumar Das
Productivity, profitability and land use of malta-vegetables-spices agroforestry system
AFE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
91 | With CD |
2444 | Nusrat Tabassum Mohana
Impact of Rohingya invasions in Bangladesh: changes of forest and agricultural land use | AFE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
41 | With CD |
2445 | Sumiya Surmin Suvoni
Productivity, profitability and land use of guava based agroforestry system with vegetables and spices crop | AFE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
99 | With CD |
2446 | Md. Farhad Hossain
Productivity and profitability of lemon based agroforestry system with some vegetables and spices
AFE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
97 | With CD |
2447 | Mst. Razia Sultana
Extraction of phytochemicals from Latkan (BACCAUREA RAMIFLORA) and evaluation of antioxidant activities | AGP | MS | Sum/
2020 |
77 | With CD |
2448 | Md. Atikur Rahman | Water relation, gas exchange characteristics and yield performance of selected wheat genotypes under salinity conditions | AGR | MS | Sum/
2020 |
112 | With CD |
2449 | S. M. Arafin-Bin-Amin
Physiological appraisal of flood stress tolerance in Blackgram
AGR | MS | Sum/
2020 |
53 | With CD |
2450 | Sadia Raihan
Biochemical mechanism of flood stress tolerance in Blackgram | AGR | MS | Sum/
2020 |
58 | With CD |
2451 | Shibly Noman
Effect of dietary spirulina platensis supplementation on growth and haematological parameters of Pabda (ompok pabda) | AQC | MS | Sum/
2020 |
88 | With CD |
2452 | Md. Mohiuddin Mollah
Nutritional improvement of rice straw through probiotic treatment and its impact on milk production and milk compositions | ASN | MS | Sum/
2020 |
80 | With CD |
2453 | Ananna Kabir
Effect of cottonseed meal (CSM) on performance, haematological and biochemical parameters in pullet chicken | ASN | MS | Sum/
2020 |
79 | With CD |
2454 | Naznin Haque Tompa
Drought tolerance mechanisms of liverwort MARCHANTIA POLYMORPHA | CBT | MS | Sum/
2020 |
67 | With CD |
2455 | Tushar Ahmed
Bio-rational management of sucking insect pests and their impact on virus diseases of tomato plants | ENT | MS | Sum/
2020 |
63 | With CD |
2456 | Sayma Akter Suchi
Morphological and biochemical bases of resistance to fruit fly in mutant lines of exotic squash (cucurbita pepo l.) | ENT | MS | Sum/
2020 |
93 | With CD |
2457 | Md. Ariful Islam
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activities of edible red seaweed gracilaria tenuistipitata collected from saint martin’s island of Bangladesh | FBE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
66 | With CD |
2458 | Sajal Kumar Saha
Improvement of disease management strategy through aquamimicry system for sustainable Shrimp culture | FBE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
65 | With CD |
2459 | Md. Mohidul Hasan
Optimization of 17β estradiol hormonal dose and incubation period for the production of all female stinging catfish (heteropneustes fossilis, bloch) | FBE | MS | Sum/
2020 |
62 | With CD |
2460 | Tiluttama Das Kali
Effects of different extraction solvents on antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of some marine algae from Bangladesh | FIT | MS | Sum/
2020 |
66 | With CD |
2461 | Sifat Areefin Emu
Evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of some seaweeds from st. Martin’s island | FIT | MS | Sum/
2020 |
73 | With CD |
2462 | Mst. Dulan Sarker
Bacteriological status of traditionally processed dried and semi-fermented fishery products in Bangladesh | FIT | MS | Sum/
2020 |
66 | With CD |
2463 | Shamima Yeasmin Dipu
Production of crossbred between native and vietnam strains of Koi (anabas testudineus) | GFB | MS | Sum/
2020 |
With CD | |
2464 | Md. Mahamudul Hassan
Molecular characterization of local and exotic climbing perch (anabas testudineus) collected from different divisions in Bangladesh | GFB | MS | Sum/
2020 |
65 | With CD |
2465 | Fatama Islam
Probiotic yeasts isolated from indigenous pineapple (ananas comosus) promote growth and hematological parameters of silver barb (barbonymus gonionotus) | GFB | MS | Sum/
2020 |
84 | With CD |
2466 | Naznin Akter Munna
Evaluation of full sib families of gynodioecious papaya (carica papaya L.) | GPB | MS | Sum/
2020 |
74 | With CD |
2467 | Fahmida Shahrin
Genetic variability and character association in grain nutrients quality of coastal rice collections | GPB | MS | Sum/
2020 |
107 | With CD |
2468 | Tasnuva Hossain
Combined effects of manure and biochar on soil salinity and yield of stem amaranth | SSC | MS | Sum/
2020 |
93 | With CD |
2469 | Sharmin Gulshan Ara Lina | Nutrient dynamics and carbon stock in Haor soil of Bangladesh | SSC | MS | Sum/
2020 |
41 | With CD |
2470 | Sanjida Akter Sathi
Effect of organic fertilizers on aggregate stability and carbon sequestration in soil | SSC | MS | Sum/
2020 |
39 | With CD |
2471 | Sahabuddin Sarker
Yield and seed quality of Blackgram genotypes under soil floodin | SST | MS | Sum/
2020 |
69 | With CD |
2472 | Mohammed Solaiman Talukder | Fruit tree based agroforestry systems and carbon sequestration in different ecosystems of Bangladesh | AFE | PhD | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2473 | Md. Sohel Rana | Developing sustainable wheat production strategies in wheat blast affected areas of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2474 | Shubhankar Das | Food security assessment of tea garden workers in Moulvibazar district | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 61 | With CD |
2475 | Rana Ahamed | Farmers’ attitude towards the changes of the land cover and crop production practices in the Khagrachari district of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 92 | With CD |
2476 | Md. Al-Amin | Farmers’ perception on vermicompost use in homestead vegetable production | AER | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 69 | With CD |
2477 | Suma Khatun | Performance of sweet potato under different mulching and soil environment | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 59 | With CD |
2478 | Md. Suhag | Cabbage productivity and soil biochemical property change under leucaena-based alley cropping system | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 100 | With CD |
2479 | Md. Masud Rana | Extraction and characterization of pectin from Burmese grape (baccurea ramiflora) peel and colombo lemon (citrus limon) peel | AGP | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 67 | With CD |
2480 | Md. Mehedi Hasan Tarek | Food product development from pineapple juice concentrate and roselle herb | AGP | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 85 | With CD |
2481 | Mahfuza Akter | Evaluation of high yielding cowpea genotypes under saline conditions | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 79 | With CD |
2482 | Md. Nasir Uddin | Development of spatiotemporal database for effective soil and crop management: a model study | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2483 | Shuzon Ahmed | Screening of rice genotypes under drought stress condition | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 73 | With CD |
2484 | Diponkar Biswas | Amelioration of salinity tolerance in foxtail millet (setaria italica l.) By applying plant growth regulators | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 95 | With CD |
2485 | Samsun Nahar Shimu | Agronomic performance of advanced lines of aman rice | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 80 | With CD |
2486 | Mst. Kaniz Fatema | Drought tolerance of selected soybean genotypes: growth and physiology | AGR | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 80 | With CD |
2487 | Arpan Baidya | Effects of different wavelengths of led light on the growth and pigment content of chlorella ellipsoidea | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 64 | With CD |
2488 | Md. Nazimul Hasan | Nutrient composition and in vitro rumen degradability of road side grass, german grass, water hyacinth and banana leaves in Cattle | ASN | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 50 | With CD |
2489 | Md. Shahinul Islam | Evaluation of productive, reproductive and egg quality traits of cobb-500, arbor acres and lohmann parent chickens | DPS | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 44 | With CD |
2490 | Nayon Chandra Das | Feeding of extruded eggshell substituting limestone or oyster shell for egg production and profitability of laying hen | DPS | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 54 | With CD |
2491 | Mir Obaidur Rahman | Seasonal variation of water quality constituents and their impacts on aquatic biodiversity in the Turag river | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 77 | With CD |
2492 | Ariful Islam | Perception-based assessment of belai beel ecosystem services in Gazipur | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 63 | With CD |
2493 | Trina Das | Farmers’ perception towards BT Brinjal cultivation in Bangladesh | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 60 | With CD |
2494 | Jannatul Ferdous | Public perception on declining of aquatic biodiversity at Gomti river in Cumilla | ENS | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 78 | With CD |
2495 | Arifa Sultana Shipa | Responses of cotton varieties to sucking insect pests | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 71 | With CD |
2496 | Cynthia Elisia Mrong | Malathion induced haematoxicity and its recovery pattern in barbonymus gonionotus | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 85 | With CD |
2497 | Kamrunnaher Kole | Toxicological effect of sumithion pesticide on the hematological parameters and its recovery pattern using probiotic in barbonymus gonionotus | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 89 | With CD |
2498 | Md. Apon Dulal | Effects of extraction solvent on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of water lily (nymphaea nouchali) extracts | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 66 | With CD |
2499 | Fatematuzzahara Anny | Status of fishing gears, crafts and socio-economic condition of hilsa (tenualosa ilisha) fisherman of Meghna river, Bangladesh | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2500 | Md. Aminul Haque | Determination of microbiological quality of Thai Pangas (pangasius hypophthalmus) | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 69 | With CD |
2501 | Afroza Zannaty | Determination of microbiological quality of Nile Tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) from gazipur fish market | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 92 | With CD |
2502 | Shaida Akter | Spatio temporal variation of ecological parameter in the Dhaki river estuary, Sundarbans, Bangladesh | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 74 | With CD |
2503 | Md. Hafij Al Asad | Organic carp fish production using napier grass (pennisetum purpureum) | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2504 | Nahida Islam | Feasibility of pen culture in Belai Beel, Gazipur | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 55 | With CD |
2505 | Lokman Hossen | Fish biodiversity of the amuladah beel: present status, threats and challenge for conservation | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2506 | Md. Ashikur Rahman | Effects of dietary prebiotic chitosan on growth, biochemical composition, hematological parameter and morphology of internal organs of barbonymus gonionotus | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2507 | Sharmin Sultana | Prediction per se performance of double cross hybrid maize (zea mays) using morpho-molecular markers | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2508 | Mustare Ahamed Madobe | Morpho-molecular characterization of s1 tropical maize inbred lines | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 136 | With CD |
2509 | Tamina Kabir | Evaluation of biofortified advanced rice (oryza sativa l.) Lines | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 90 | With CD |
2510 | Md. Nasir Uddin | Evaluation of newly developed iron and zinc rich experimental hybrids of rice | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 74 | With CD |
2511 | Kazi Faisal Kabir | Genetic variability among the segregating population of biofortified rice | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 69 | With CD |
2512 | Poly Roy | Genetic diversity for grain nutrients content in t. Aman rice | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 56 | With CD |
2513 | Most. Jannatul Rahi | Characterization and evaluation of chilli germplasm | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 70 | With CD |
2514 | Sahida Easmin | Growth, yield and physio-chemical properties of papaya affected by different organic and inorganic fertilizers | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2515 | Md. Mahmudul Sultan | Standardization of trichoderma fortified compost for management of soil-borne diseases of Tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 75 | With CD |
2516 | Farhat Tasnim | Effect of biocontrol agents on black scurf disease and yield of Potato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 91 | With CD |
2517 | Salma Naznin Rimmi | Yield response of maize to irrigation and nitrogen fertilization | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 71 | With CD |
2518 | Nur Nahar | Effect of endophytic bacteria isolated from solanaceae family weed on growth and yield of brinjal (solanum melongena l.) | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2020 | With CD | |
2519 | Md. Shamim Afridi | Effects of manures and biochar on carbon and nutrient dynamics in soil | SSC | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 60 | With CD |
2520 | Soumitra Saha | Study on the ecosystem services of Madhupur SAL forest | AER | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 87 | With CD |
2521 | Sanjida | Preparation of phytonutrient enriched yogurt using Burmese Grape juice | AGP | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 55 | With CD |
2522 | Jahid Hasan | Outwelling of nutrients into the Pasur river estuary from the Sundarbans mangrove forest and its impact on plankton distribution | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2020 | 91 | With CD |
2523 | Mir Aszad Ali | Exploitation of coastal rice towards developing salt-tolerant varieties | GPB | PhD | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2524 | Md. Rabiul Islam | Genetic diversity, combining ability and heterosis in snake gourd | HRT | PhD | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2525 | Md. Rashedul Islam | Exploring the profitability of litchi production in major litchi growing areas in Bangladesh with response to climate change | AEC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2526 | Md. Touhidun Nur Shimul | Migration of garo ethnic community to urban areas and its consequences on agriculture and farming at Netrokona district | AER | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2527 | Md. Azizul Hakim | City dwellers’ knowledge and constraints of rooftop gardening in Dhaka city | AER | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2528 | Md. Shahol Rana | Livelihood status of floating market stakeholders in Wazirpur upazila under Barishal district | AER | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2529 | Tanbir Al Mahamud | Farmers awareness to causes and effects of climate change in some selected areas of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2530 | Sridebi Das | Effect of salt stress on the morpho-physiological and biochemical responses of Nishinda | AFE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2531 | Ratul Hasan | Performance of dragon fruit as lower storied component in aonla based multistoried production system | AFE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2532 | Md. Shafiul Hasan | Preparation and evaluation of value-added products from jatropha fruit | AGP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2533 | Md. Musarraf Hossain | Dry matter distribution, yield and seed quality of soybean genotypes as affected by water stress | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2534 | Apple Mahmud | Evaluation of aus rice genotypes under rainfed condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2535 | Md. Alomgir Hossain | Effect of co2 enrichment and nitrogen application on growth, yield and grain quality of rice | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2536 | Md. Karimul Ahsan | Drought stress effects on morphological and physiological attributes of soybean genotypes | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2537 | Md. Atikur Rahman | Land suitability assessment by integrating remote sensing and gis for sustainable crop production | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2538 | Mahmuda Akter Tithy | Effects of zinc and iron micronutrients in wheat under drought stress | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2539 | Mohsena Afrin Sadia | Amelioration of salinity in wheat by exogenous application of calcium | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2540 | Tania Sultana Kanok | Utilization of banana stem extract for culture of spirulina platensis | AQC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2541 | Shompa Sarker | Effects of different carbon to nitrogen ratios (c: n) in the biofloc system on water quality, growth performance and hematology of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) | AQC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2542 | Niloy Paul | Modulation of oxidative stress in barley by salicylic acid (sa) under drought stress | BGE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2543 | Mir Jannatul Maua | Development and genotyping of salt tolerant somaclones of potato | BGE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2544 | Aziza Akter Zhinuk | Identification and molecular characterization of bifidobacteria isolated from traditional buffalo milk curd | DPS | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2545 | Dibya Dipan Devnath | Substitution of limestone or oyster shell by extruded eggshell for egg quality traits of laying hen | DPS | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2546 | Mst. Farhana Najnin | Livelihood status and adaptation strategies of flood-prone rural households in Kurigram district of Bangladesh | ENS | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2547 | Nur Muhammad Manik | Composting of biodegradable solid wastes by fungal isolates and its quality assessment | ENS | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2548 | Lutfun Nessa Shaima | Host preference and management of fruit fly in mutant lines of exotic squash (Cucurbita pepo) | ENT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2549 | Nusrat Nahid Neepa | Efficacy of a commercial probiotic on health status and hematological profile of silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) | FBE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2550 | Sabikun Nahar | Evaluation of seaweed as fish feed supplement for growth and immune response of Pabda (Ompok pabda) | FBE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2551 | Prabin Chakma | Status and potential of hill aquaculture in pond and creek at Panchari upazila, Khagrachari | FBE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2552 | Israt Jahan | Enhancement of quality and shelf life of frozen nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fillets using water lily extracts | FIT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2553 | Sharifa Marmita Noori | Fish biodiversity declination and present socio- economic status of fishing community at Mathabhanga river in Chuadanga district | FMG | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2554 | Ananya Talukder Tora | Water quality parameters and fish biodiversity indices as measures of ecological degradation of Belai Beel, Gazipur | FMG | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2555 | Shrabani Majumdar Tripty | Establishment, characterization and cryopreservation of bovine fibroblast cell line | GOR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2556 | Md. Sazzad Karim | Developmental competence of in vitro fertilized bovine embryos | GOR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2557 | Md. Al Amin | Developmental competence of black Bengal Goat oocytes following in vitro maturation and fertilization | GOR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2558 | Md. Sakibur Alam | Assessment of heterosis for agronomic and seed oil quality traits of Brassica napus L. Hybrids | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2559 | Md. Mehedy Hasan | Genetic variability, heritability and character association in vegetable amaranth | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2560 | Nishat Tamanna | Combining ability, nature of gene action and heterosis in rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2561 | Madhuri Rani Ray | Genetic variability in coastal germplasm of country bean (lablab purpureus l.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2562 | Mt. Samima Akter | Identification of component lines and exploration of genetic variability in test cross hybrids of rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2563 | Afia Sultana Ruma | Genetic variability in advanced lines of Aman Rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2564 | Nusrat Jahan | Genome wide association analysis to explore salinity tolerance in local Aman Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2565 | Md. Nazibullah | Growth, yield and quality of Tomato under saline condition | HRT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2566 | Md. Ajimul Haque | Performance of cucurbitaceous and leguminous vegetables in modified floating bed | HRT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2567 | Md. Manowar Hossain | Physiological and biochemical changes during ripening of mango and orange | HRT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2568 | Masuma Zahan Akhi | Confirmation of top cross hybrids in Guava using morpho-molecular markers | HRT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2569 | Showmitra Chowdhury Apu | Effect of organic manures and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth, yield and quality of Strawberry | HRT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2570 | Mst. Atika Banu | Performance of Bottle Gourd growing on different supporting materials | HRT | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2571 | Md. Mosharof Hossain | Efficacy study of different vaccines in commercial layer | PBL | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2572 | Farhana Habib | Incidence and severity of bacterial leaf blight in rice and characterization of bacterial antagonists | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2573 | Rebeka Jahan | Characterization and fungicidal control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing stem rot in cosmos | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2574 | Md. Aminur Rahman | Role of chitosan in disease suppression, growth and yield of carrot | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2575 | Khadiza Zannth Hemo | Sustainability of bio-control agent Trichoderma harzianum IN soil against Rhizoctonia solani in Potato | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2576 | Tasfia Hassan Tabassum | Characterization of seed-borne bacterial pathogens of rice and control of xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae using botanical extracts and antagonistic bacteria | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2577 | Mst. Habiba Kamrun Nahar | Use of phyllosphere bacteria for plant growth promotion and suppression of anthracnose disease in Cucumber | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2578 | Nur Ausraf | Genetic study of blast (Pyricularia oryzae) resistance in basmati 370 using differential system | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2579 | Fariya Islam Rodru | Characterization and chemical control of seedling blight in Rice | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2580 | Nishat Lubna | Effect of chitosan in controlling rhizoctonia root rot and southern blight diseases and the enhancement of yield of Tomato | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2581 | Laboni Yesmin | Pathogenic variation of Asian soybean rust pathogen phakopsora pachyrhizi | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2582 | Nipa Rani Paul | Biofilm producing halotolerant bacteria for the mitigation of salt stress and biocontrol of seedling rot in Wheat | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2583 | Md. Rizvi Chowdhury | Evaluation of different formulations of Trichoderma harzianum against stem rot disease of potato | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2584 | Md. Shahid Islam | Pathogenic variation of rice blast pathogen in selected districts | PLP | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2585 | Hasina Momotaz Shawon | Performance of liming and organic materials on acid soil correction and better crop productivity | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2586 | Tasnia Umma Kulsum | Atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur deposition in soil from fog and dust | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2587 | Rafiqul Islam | Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of Black Cumin | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2588 | Kazi Rabbi Islam | Effect of nutrient management on soil fertility and production of Amaranth | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2589 | Nusrat Jahan | Effect of biochar and heavy metal tolerant bacteria on heavy metal uptake by leafy vegetable grown in industrial contaminated soil | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2590 | Tomalika Paul Toma | Comparative study of organic materials and dolomite on soil fertility of acid soil and yield of stem Amaranth | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2591 | Omar Faruq | Effect of different organic amendment on soil salinity and yield of Tomato | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2592 | Foysal Ahmed | Effect of biochar and organic manure on soil fertility and yield of Soybean in acidic soil | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2593 | Md. Parvez Kabir | Nutrient dynamics in organic matter amended saline soil | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2594 | Hamida Akter Hashi | Carbon, nitrogen and microbial dynamics in paddy soil amended with manures | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2595 | Md. Jahangir Alam | Heavy metal adsorption kinetic of Biochars | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2596 | Arumoy Halder | Evaluation of plant probiotics influencing growth, yield and nutrient uptake by Rice | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2597 | Mithun Kumar Borman | Valuing plant probiotics for enhancement of growth and yield of Tomato | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2598 | Umme Salma Khatun | Assessment of heavy metal build up in soil through wastewater and their adsorption on Biochar for reducing plant uptake | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2599 | Santosh Singha | Effect of different Biochar on soil health and yield of Cauliflower | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2600 | Md. Raihan Islam | Effect of Biochar and organic manures on soil fertility and yield of Cabbage | SSC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2601 | Kamalcrishana Roy | Status of marketed Chilli seeds and production of quality seeds using soil amendments | SST | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2602 | Tasmina Akter | Identification of the pathogens and virulence genes of streptococcosis disease in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and development of Candidate vaccine against the disease | BGE | PhD | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2603 | Fhamida Haque | Yield gap in Bitter Gourd production: a perspective of farm specific efficiency in Narsingde district | AEC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2604 | Musarrat Zamal Purnota | Determinants of improved aromatic Rice varieties adoption in Rangpur district of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2605 | Touhidul Islam | Performance of Mungbean ( Vigna radiate L. ) genotypes under low moisture condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2606 | Khushi Rani Das | Biochemical responses and yield performance of selected Rice genotypes under drought condition | AGR | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2607 | Mahmudul Hasan Mithun | In-pond cage culture of Gulsha (Mystus cavasius): effect of cage shape and stocking density on growth and production | FBE | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2608 | Marium Khatun | Genomic prediction for yield and yield contributing traits in Rice | GPB | MS | Win/ 2020 | With CD | |
2609 | Shuma Rani Ray | Genetic analysis of yield traits and mapping qtls associated with salinity tolerance in Boro Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | PhD | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2610 | Quazi Mostaque Mahmud | Occurrence, pathotype distribution, resistance source and control of Rice blast pathogen (Pyricularia oryzae Cavara) | PLP | PhD | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2611 | Bony Amin Piash | Farmers` response on commercial fish feed for sustainable aquaculture in Bangladesh | AER | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2612 | Md. Alam Hossain | Impact of Lotkon cultivation on the growers’ livelihood | AER | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2613 | Md. Kamruzzaman Suza | Impact of homestead vegetable production on financial security of vegetable growers in some selected areas of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2614 | Jannatul Ferdous | Performance of Radish varieties in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2615 | Anika Reza | Performance of Dragon fruit genotypes in aonla based multistoried agroforestry system | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2616 | Md. Jakir Hossain | Quantifying the agricultural land conversion dynamics in selected areas of Bangladesh | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2617 | Md. Tousif Tanzir | Quantification and prediction of ecosystem services of the extended megacity Dhaka | AFE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2618 | Syeda Fatema-Tuj-Jannati | Preparation and preservation of concentrate and value-added food products from Jackfruit bulb | AGP | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2619 | Md. Shahed Mahamud | Improvement and evaluation of a solar-biomass hybrid dryer | AGP | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2620 | Tahmina Tamanna | Physiological and yield performance of selected Mungbean genotypes under low moisture condition | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2621 | Arpita Roy Chaity | Biochemical responses and yield performance of selected Mungbean genotypes under low moisture condition | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2622 | Afrin Akter | Flooding effects on shoot nutrient content and productivity of Blackgram | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2623 | Farhana Zaman | Physiological responses and yield performance of selected Rice genotypes under drought condition | AGR | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2624 | Md. Shameul Haque | Identification of probiotic bacteria from fish gut for growth and disease prevention in rohu (Labeo rohita) | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2625 | Md. Ali Arman Ador | Development of a multiplex pcr method for identification of fish pathogenic Enterococcus spp. | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2626 | Nadia Afroz | Whole genome sequence analysis of Jackfruit (artocarpus heterophyllus) | BTL | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2627 | Dipa Talukder | Alleviation of drought-induced oxidative stress of french bean by methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid | CBT | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2628 | Md. Fahim Hezaze | Use of bacillus subtilis and spirulina platensis in the diet of broiler Chickens | DPS | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2629 | Shesher Das | Growth performances, meat yield traits and lipid profiles of arbor acres, cobb 500 and lohmann broiler strains available in Bangladesh | DPS | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2630 | Md. Shoebul Islam | Evaluation of growth performance and immune response of Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) using aquamimicry culture technique | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2631 | Md. Hossain Ali | Effects of seaweed (hypnea musciformis) meal on growth performance, blood chemistry and body composition of Shing (heteropneustes fossilis) during winter season | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2632 | Md. Mokhlechure Rahaman | Performance of seaweed (Hypnea musciformis) as a partial supplement in fish feed on the growth and immune system of Gulsha (Mystus cavasius) | FBE | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2633 | Mashiat Hannan | Studies on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of salted fishery products available in Bangladesh | FIT | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2634 | Afsana Alvi Silva | In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of marine algae from st. Martin’s Island of Bangladesh | FIT | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2635 | Bushratul Jannat | Molecular identification of native and exotic snake headed fishes (Channa striata) in Bangladesh by MTDNA gene sequences | GFB | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2636 | Md. Mobinur Rahman | Combining ability and heterosis for yield and it`s contributing traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2637 | Nusrat Jahan Bristy | Genetic diversity in advanced mutant lines of yardlong Bean | GPB | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2638 | Sazia Jahan | Effect of chitosan, aloevera gel, seaweed extract and clybio formulation on postharvest quality of papaya | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2639 | Md. Asif Khan | Growth and vase life of gladiolus influenced by different chemicals and plant growth regulators | HRT | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2640 | Narayon Saha | Effect of folic acid on fertility of layer breeder | PBL | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2641 | Sumaya Sultana Sumona | Performance of country bean genotypes against bacterial diseases and in vitro control of pathogenic bacteria using botanical extracts, nano particles and antagonistic Bacteria | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2642 | Smrity Chaterjee | Chitosan for plant growth promotion and suppression of fusarium wilt of Brinjal | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2643 | Syeda Nusrat Jahan Mou | Characterization of bacterial wilt pathogen ralstonia solanacearum and its control using antagonistic bacteria, botanical extracts and nano particles | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2644 | Sabia Khan | Role of strigolactones in defense against bacterial leaf blight in Rice | PLP | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2645 | Shanjida Akter Antara | Effect of modified nano-clay loaded fertilizer on growth, yield and nutrient use efficiency of Tomato | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2646 | Abdullah Al Jaber Rafi | Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2647 | Md. Mafiz Uddin | Integrated nutrient management in aus Rice grown in Tista meander floodplain | SSC | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2648 | Pritilata Barman | Genetic diversity for seed quality parameters in transplanted Aman Rice | SST | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2649 | Afruz Ahmed | Profitability and efficiency analysis of Tilapia farming in Trishal upazila of Mymensingh district Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Sum/ 2021 | With CD
2650 | Mohammed Zia Uddin Kamal | Experimental study on the effects of ozone and salinity, singly and in combination, on growth, yield and leaf gas exchange rates of two Bangladeshi wheat cultivars. | SSC | PhD | 2015 | ||
2651 | Mohammad Sharif Raihan | Multi-environment qtl analysis of grain morphology traits and fine mapping of a kernel-width qtl in zheng58 x sk maize population. | GPB | PhD | 2016 | 71 | Huazhong Agricultural University, China |
2652 | Talukder Anup Kumar | The local immune response to early embryo in bovine oviduct and uterus in vitro | GOR | PhD | 2017 | Obihiro University.
2653 | Mohammad Sharif Raihan | Multi-environment qtl analysis of grain morphology traits and fine mapping of a kernel-width qtl in zheng58 x sk maize population. | GPB | PhD | 2016 | Huazhong Agr.
China |
2654 | Jahidul Hassan | In vitro regeneration of pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica roxb.) | HRT | MS | 2016 | Kyushu University, Japan | |
2655 | Shaikh Shamim Hasan | Land use and land cover changes in the rapidly urbanized Bangladesh | AER | PhD | 2017 | Chinese Ace. Sci. | |
2656 | Md. Ataur Rahman | Cryopreservation of dog spermatozoa in monosaccharides, disaccharides, and trisaccharides supplemented glycerol-free Tris
SRA | PhD | 2018 | Chonbuk National Univ. | |
2657 | Md. Amdadul Haque | Study on denaturation of whey protein isolate and its control in convective and spray drying processes. | AGP | PhD | 2015 | RMIT Uni.Australia | |
2658 | A. B. M. Rubayet Bostami | Evaluation of dietary fat sources and slaughtering methodology on performance and meat quality in broiler and cattle. | ASN | PhD | 2017 | Sunchon Nati. Univ. | |
2659 | Noor Shaila Sarmin | Impact of land use changes in Sungai Pulai mangrove on socio economy of the local community | AFE | PhD | 2017 | Univ. Putra Malaysia | |
2660 | Md. Mahidul Islam Masum | Research on the virulence characteristics of secretion system-related genes and bio-based protection strategies of Rice bacterial brown stripe pathogen Acidovorax oryzae | PLP | PhD | 2019 | Zhejiang Univ.China | |
2661 | Md. Mofakhrul Islam Shah | Diffusion and adoption of hybrid Rice in Bangladesh. | AERD | PhD | 2015 | Huazhong Agri.Uni. China | |
2662 | K. M. Shamsul Haque | Factors affecting the potions for grain legumes following flooded rice. | AGR | PhD | 2015 | Charles Sturt Uni. Australia | |
2663 | Oliver Md. Moinul Hosain | Dynamics of emitter clogging in relation to subsurface thermal variation | AGE | PhD | 2015 | Uni. of South Australia | |
2664 | Md Taimur Islam | Studies on Coronaviruses causing enteric infection in domestic animals in Japan | DVM | Ph.D. | 2017 | Japan | |
2665 | Nargis Sultana | Identification of YY Supermale using microsatellite markers in the production of genetically male Tilapia | GFB | Ph.D. | 2016 | BAU | |
2666 | Md Wahidul Amin | Characterization of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with rice grain | PLP | MS | 2003 | Aut/2003 | |
2667 | Mohammad Kamruzzaman | Influence of different types and methods of cutting on the success of propagation for some ornamental Plants | HRT | MS | 1992 | IPSA | |
2668 | Jamil Haider | Response of Soyabean (Glycine max L. Merr.) to Rhizobium inoculation and Urea-N Application | SSC | MS | 1989 | BAU | |
2669 | Md. Sadekur Rahman | Mobile phone usage and women empowerment: an exploration of rural agricultural farm enterprise development in Bangladesh | AER | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2670 | Abu Syed Md. Jobaydul Alam | Effect of alley cropping and nitrogen levels on cauliflower and stem amaranth productivity and soil fertility | AFE | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2671 | Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee | Crop monitoring and yield forecasting using remote sensing and national statistics in bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2672 | K. M. Mamun Uzzaman | Spatiotemporal changes, ecosystem services and challenges for sustainability of sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh | AFE | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2673 | Mahbuba Nasrin | Diversity and bio-economics of insect and mite species in chili field | ENT | Ph.D. | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2674 | Kanis Fatema Ruma | A comparative financial analysis of four crops-based cropping pattern with existing cropping pattern in different locations of bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2675 | Laboni Talukder | Spatial market integration and growth analysis: the case of rice markets in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2676 | Tanjia Haq | A study on growth rate, forecasting and market integration of potato in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2677 | Rakiba Khatun Ritu | A study on growth scenarios and market integration of wheat in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2678 | Sharmin Akter | Analyses on growth, trend and market integration of onion in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2679 | Md. Roknuzzaman | Fisheries resources and livelihood status of fishermen in natural depression under north western district of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2680 | Eshrak Farabi | Women’s participation in homestead vegetable production by using vermicompost in cumilla district of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2681 | Md Ashraful Islam | Adoption and profitability of maize production in kaliganj upazila under Lalmonirhat district | AER | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2682 | Maifur Jahan Oishi | Ecosystem management and rural development in Dagonbhuiyan upazila under Feni district | AER | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2683 | Bithi Rani Barmon | Drought scenario of Bangladesh using climatic and geospatial data | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2684 | Syed Muhimeen Ahmed | Long-term quantification of pre and postmonsoon surface water area of Bangladesh using remote sensing | AFE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2685 | Mst. Sharmin Akter | Development of a smart microirrigation system using arduino uno for okra cultivation | AGE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2686 | Md. Ashikuzzaman Tutul | Preparation and evaluation of activated carbon from kitchen solid waste | AGP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2687 | Md. Mubarak Hossain | Replacement of fish meal with blood meal in diet for butter catfish (ompok pabda) | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2688 | Anamika Hossain | Effect of partial replacement of fish meal with sunflower meal in practical diet of stinging catfish (heteropneustes fossilis) | AQC | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2689 | Md. Bakhtiar Kakee | Effects of cottonseed meal on the production performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hen | ASN | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2690 | Jui Chakma | Metagenomics studies on modulation of gut bacteria in probiotic fed tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) | BTL | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2691 | Md. Abdullah Al Mamun | Management of red pumpkin beetle and fruit fly on sweet gourd using biorational insecticides | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2692 | Mst. Nura Jahan | Evaluation of morphometric characters of honeybee (apis mellifera l.) in Bangladesh | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2693 | Ariful Islam | Use pattern of insecticides in summer vegetables and its impact on farmers health | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2694 | Rukaia Zannat | Entomological authentication of honey in bangladesh using molecular and biochemical approaches | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2695 | Nazmus Sakib | Responses of diamide product on stem borer of rice | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2696 | Md. Lablu Miah | Host plant characteristics and weather parameters affect the abundance of thrips and jassid on okra | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2697 | Md. Zahid Hasan | Relative abundance and diurnal dynamics of the insect pollinators of mango | ENT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2698 | Mauching Marma | Identification and characterization of cellulase producing bacteria isolated from fermented bamboo | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2699 | Koushik Chakroborty | Isolation and characterization of bacteria from soil and water and their effect on nutrient composition of soybean meal upon solid-state fermentation | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2700 | Afroza Azad Katha | Effects of dietary seaweed (gracilaria tenuistipitata) supplementation on growth performance, immunity and stress responsiveness of thai sarpunti (barbonymus gonionotus) | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2701 | Alima Akter | Reutilization potentialities of gracilaria tenuistipitata after agar extraction as a source of phytochemicals and antioxidants | FBE | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2702 | Md. Jaki Shahrier | Shelf-life extension of refrigerated nile Tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fillets using seaweed extracts | FIT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2703 | Rabina Akther Lima | Seasonal variation of plankton community structure in the sundarban mangrove waters | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2704 | Afia Ibnat | Molecular characterization and antibiotic sensitivity of aeromonas sp. isolated from tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) | FMG | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2705 | Tamalika Rani Das | Effects of dietary chitosan on the growth, reproductive performances and ovarian morphology of mature barbonymus gonionotus | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2706 | Tanjina Saulin | Molecular characterization of local and exotic climbing perch (anabas testudineus) collected from barishal, Chattogram, Dhaka, and Sylhet divisions in Bangladesh | GFB | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2708 | Dipto Chowdhury | Ultrasonographic diagnosis of early pregnancy in black bengal goat | GOR | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2709 | Md. Muntasir Bin Mohi Uddin | Morpho-molecular and biochemical assessment of mutant cherry tomato in m4 generation | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2710 | Baby Sarkar | Genetic variability, heritability, genetic association, and path analysis of green amaranth | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2711 | Momotaz Jahan | Genetic variations in biological yield and its related agronomic traits of red amaranth | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2712 | Sadia Islam | Performance of parents and hybrids for yield related traits in ridge gourd [luffa acutangula (l.) roxb.] | GPB | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2713 | Hita Chakma | Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of broccoli | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2714 | Romona Akter Mou | Effect of different shade levels on growth and yield of cauliflower varieties | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2715 | Samia Khanam | The effect of chitosan and probiotics on growth and yield of broccoli | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2716 | Mst. Samira Sultana Eva | Nutritional and antioxidant properties of cultivated hyacinth bean | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2717 | Md. Noor-E-Azam Khan | Morphological and anatomical characterization of colchicine induced polyploids in watermelon | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2718 | Jiasmin Akter | Quality attributes of dehydrated carrot using solar drying techniques | HRT | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2719 | Sanjit Baran Hari | Isolation and evaluation of antagonistic bacteria in controlling southern blight disease of tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2720 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Isolation and identification of microbial antagonists and their effects against sclerotium rolfsii causing collar rot disease of tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2721 | Rezuana Haque Chowdhury | Effectiveness of trichoderma harzianum along with organic amendments in controlling soil-borne diseases of chickpea | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2722 | Sadia Afrin | Isolation and identification of antagonists and their effects against rhizoctonia solani causing black scurf and stem canker of potato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2723 | Mahadi Hasan Redoy | Characterization of antagonistic trichoderma spp. and their in vitro effects against rhizoctonia solani and sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2724 | Nusrat Jahan Mishu | Isolation and characterization of trichoderma spp. for plant growth promotion and biocontrol of southern blight disease in tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/ 2021 | With CD
2725 | Umme Kaniz Fatema | Effectiveness of Sustainability Indicators in Shrimp Fisheries with Bycatch and in Aquaculture | ENS | Phd | 2022 | Yokohama National Univ. | |
2726 | Md. Shyduzzaman Roni | Role of autophagy in premature senescence and in cell death induced by amino acid loading in Physcomitrium patens. | Phd | 2002 | Saitama University | ||
2727 | Md. Nurealam Siddiqui | Genetic Variations in root architecture traits for water and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat and barley | Phd | 2022 | Bonn, Germany | ||
বাধাই এ যায়নি | |||||||
2728 | Md. Sadekur Rahman | Mobile phone usage and women empowerment: an exploration of rural agricultural farm enterprise development in Bangladesh | AER | PhD | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2729 | Abu Syed Md. Jobaydul Alam | Effect of alley cropping and nitrogen levels on cauliflower and stem amaranth productivity and soil fertility | AFE | PhD | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2730 | Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee | Crop monitoring and yield forecasting using remote sensing and national statistics in Bangladesh | AFE | PhD | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2731 | K. M. Mamun Uzzaman | Spatiotemporal changes, ecosystem services and challenges for sustainability of Sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh | AFE | PhD | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2732 | Mahbuba Nasrin | Diversity and bio-economics of insect and mite species in chili field | ENT | PhD | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2733 | Kanis Fatema Ruma | A comparative financial analysis of four crops-based cropping pattern with existing cropping pattern in different locations of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2734 | Laboni Talukder | Spatial market integration and growth analysis: the case of rice markets in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2735 | Tanjia Haq | A study on growth rate, forecasting and market integration of potato in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2736 | Rakiba Khatun Ritu | A study on growth scenarios and market integration of wheat in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2738 | Sharmin Akter | Analyses on growth, trend and market integration of onion in Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2739 | Md. Roknuzzaman | Fisheries resources and livelihood status of fishermen in natural depression under north western district of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2740 | Eshrak Farabi | Women’s participation in homestead vegetable production by using vermicompost in cumilla district of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2741 | Md Ashraful Islam | Adoption and profitability of maize production in Kaliganj upazila under Lalmonirhat district | AER | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2742 | Maifur Jahan Oishi | Ecosystem management and rural development in Dagonbhuiyan upazila under feni district | AER | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2743 | Bithi Rani Barmon | Drought scenario of Bangladesh using climatic and geospatial data | AFE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2744 | Syed Muhimee Ahmed | Long-term quantification of pre and postmonsoon surface water area of Bangladesh using remote sensing | AFE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2745 | Mst. Sharmin Akter | Development of a smart microirrigation system using arduino uno for okra cultivation | AGE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2746 | Md. Ashikuzzaman Tutul | Preparation and evaluation of activated carbon from kitchen solid waste | AGP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2747 | Md. Mubarak Hossain | Replacement of fish meal with blood meal in diet for butter catfish (ompok pabda) | AQC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2748 | Anamika Hossain | Effect of partial replacement of fish meal with sunflower meal in practical diet of stinging catfish (heteropneustes fossilis) | AQC | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2749 | Md. Bakhtiar Kakee | Effects of cottonseed meal on the production performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hen | ASN | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2750 | Jui Chakma | Metagenomics studies on modulation of gut bacteria in probiotic fed Tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) | BTL | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2751 | Md. Abdullah Al Mamun | Management of red pumpkin beetle and fruit fly on sweet gourd using biorational insecticides | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2752 | Mst. Nura Jahan | Evaluation of morphometric characters of honeybee (apis mellifera l.) in Bangladesh | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2753 | Ariful Islam | Use pattern of insecticides in summer vegetables and its impact on farmers health | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2754 | Rukaia Zannat | Entomological authentication of honey in bangladesh using molecular and biochemical approaches | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2755 | Nazmus Sakib | Responses of diamide product on stem borer of rice | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2756 | Md. Lablu Miah | Host plant characteristics and weather parameters affect the abundance of thrips and jassid on okra | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2757 | Md. Zahid Hasan | Relative abundance and diurnal dynamics of the insect pollinators of mango | ENT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2758 | Mauching Marma | Identification and characterization of cellulase producing bacteria isolated from fermented bamboo | FBE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2759 | Koushik Chakroborty | Isolation and characterization of bacteria from soil and water and their effect on nutrient composition of soybean meal upon solid-state fermentation | FBE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2760 | Afroza Azad Katha | Effects of dietary seaweed (gracilaria tenuistipitata) supplementation on growth performance, immunity and stress responsiveness of thai sarpunti (barbonymus gonionotus) | FBE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2761 | Alima Akter | Reutilization potentialities of gracilaria tenuistipitata after agar extraction as a source of phytochemicals and antioxidants | FBE | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2762 | Md. Jaki Shahrier | Shelf-life extension of refrigerated nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fillets using seaweed extracts | FIT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2763 | Rabina Akther Lima | Seasonal variation of plankton community structure in the Sundarban mangrove waters | FMG | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2764 | Afia Ibnat | Molecular characterization and antibiotic sensitivity of aeromonas sp. isolated from tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) | FMG | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2765 | Tamalika Rani Das | Effects of dietary chitosan on the growth, reproductive performances and ovarian morphology of mature barbonymus gonionotus | GFB | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2766 | Tanjina Saulin | Molecular characterization of local and exotic climbing perch (anabas testudineus) collected from barishal, chattogram, dhaka, and Sylhet divisions in Bangladesh | GFB | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2768 | Dipto Chowdhury | Ultrasonographic diagnosis of early pregnancy in black Bengal goat | GOR | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2769 | Md. Muntasir Bin Mohi Uddin | Morpho-molecular and biochemical assessment of mutant cherry tomato in m4 generation | GPB | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2770 | Baby Sarkar | Genetic variability, heritability, genetic association, and path analysis of green amaranth | GPB | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2771 | Momotaz Jahan | Genetic variations in biological yield and its related agronomic traits of red amaranth | GPB | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2772 | Sadia Islam | Performance of parents and hybrids for yield related traits in ridge gourd [luffa acutangula (l.) roxb.] | GPB | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2773 | Hita Chakma | Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of broccoli | HRT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2774 | Romona Akter Mou | Effect of different shade levels on growth and yield of cauliflower varieties | HRT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2775 | Samia Khanam | The effect of chitosan and probiotics on growth and yield of broccoli | HRT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2776 | Mst. Samira Sultana Eva | Nutritional and antioxidant properties of cultivated hyacinth bean | HRT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2778 | Md. Noor-E-Azam Khan | Morphological and anatomical characterization of colchicine induced polyploids in watermelon | HRT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2779 | Jiasmin Akter | Quality attributes of dehydrated carrot using solar drying techniques | HRT | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2780 | Sanjit Baran Hari | Isolation and evaluation of antagonistic bacteria in controlling southern blight disease of tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2781 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Isolation and identification of microbial antagonists and their effects against sclerotium rolfsii causing collar rot disease of tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2782 | Rezuana Haque Chowdhury | Effectiveness of trichoderma harzianum along with organic amendments in controlling soil-borne diseases of chickpea | PLP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2783 | Sadia Afrin | Isolation and identification of antagonists and their effects against rhizoctonia solani causing black scurf and stem canker of potato | PLP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2784 | Mahadi Hasan Redoy | Characterization of antagonistic trichoderma spp. and their in vitro effects against rhizoctonia solani and sclerotium rolfsii | PLP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2785 | Nusrat Jahan Mishu | Isolation and characterization of trichoderma spp. for plant growth promotion and biocontrol of southern blight disease in tomato | PLP | MS | Aut/2021 | With CD | |
2813 | Mohammad Mohaddes Hossen | POTASSIUM MANAGEMENT FOR WATERLOGGING TOLERANCE OF SOYBEAN | AGR | MS | Win/2021 | With CD | |
2862 | Mozammel Haque | STUDY ON FLORAL BIOLOGY OF GLADIOLUS | HRT | MS | Win/2021 | With CD | |
2865 | Noshin Tabassum Hasan | BULB PRODUCTION PRACTICES IN LILIUM | HRT | MS | Win/2021 | With CD | |
2871 | Md. Ashraful Islam Bukhari | STUDY ON LEAF BLIGHT OF BANANA AND ITS IN VITRO MANAGEMENT | PLP | MS | Win/2021 | With CD | |
AER | PhD | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2881 | Jannatul Ferdousi | COMBINING ABILITY AND HETEROSIS IN SWEET PEPPER (Capsicum annuum L.) | HRT | PhD | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2883 | Bibi Panjatul Kubra | Livelihood Diversification of Different Categories of Farmers in Bangladesh: Determinants, Constraints and Policy
Development |
AEC | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
AGR | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2892 | Afiya Tahmin Binte
Asad |
AGR | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
ASN | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2901 | Nayan Mondal | INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT EFFECT ON NAPIER GRASS (Pennisetum purpureum) PRODUCTION | ASN | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2904 | S. M. Fajle Rabby | Studies on Bioactive Secondary Metabolites to Control Wheat
Blast Disease caused by Magnaporthe Oryzae Triticum |
BGE | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
ENT | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2912 | Md. Mohiminul Haque
Mithun |
2917 | Md. Ashrafuzzaman
Alit |
EEL (Mastacembelus armatus) |
GFB | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
GFB | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2919 | Umme Hani Mousumi | EFFECTS OF PROBIOTICS ON THE BREEDING PERFORMANCE OF GOLDFISH (Carassius auratus auratus) | GFB | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2921 | Taa-Mim Bente Pasha | GENETIC DIVERSITY IN MUTANT LINES OF YARDLONG BEAN | GPB | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2923 | Md. Shahedul Islam | MOLECULAR DIVERSITY IN COUNTRY BEAN (LablabpurpureusL.
GPB | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
GPB | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
PBL | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
PLP | MS | Sum/2022 | With CD | |
2932 | Tahmina Afroz | Greenhouse Gas Inventory For Agriculture, Forestry And Other Land Uses In Three Locations Of Bangladesh | AFE | PhD | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2933 | Susmita Banik | Exploration Of Coastal Rice For Developing Salt-Tolerant Zincbiofortified Lines | GPB | PhD | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2934 | Fatema Tuj Shanu | Problems And Prospects Of Pineapple Production In Madhupur, Tangail
AER | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2935 | Nuruzzaman | Community Based Rice Seed Entrepreneurship Model In Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges And Opportunities | AER | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2936 | Amlan Biswas | Miller-Farmer Preference In Selecting Promising Rice Varieties In Bangladesh | AER | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2937 | Shima Khatun | Performance Of Sunflower At Different Pruning Regime Of Albida | AFE | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2938 | Abdul Awal Rahim | Performance Of Selected Wheat Genotypes For Disease Tolerance And Higher Yield | AGR | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2939 | Fatema Johora Prity | Screening Of Short Duration Promising Advanced Lines Of Aman Rice Under Rainfed Condition | AGR | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2940 | Samia Hossain Srabony | Morpho-Physiological Mechanism For Increasing Rice Yield In Response To Nitrogen Management | AGR | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2941 | Khusnud Alam | And Yield Performance Of Selected Advanced Lines Of Blackgram | AGR | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2942 | Md. Najmul Huda | Effect Of Seaweed Extracts On Growth, Yield And Seed Quality Of Mungbean | AGR | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2943 | Mahmuda Akter Bithy | Effects Of Dietary Freshwater Algal Supplementation On Growth, Coloration, And Stress Tolerance Of Goldfish (Carassius Auratus) | AQC | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2944 | Sabrina Mamtaz | Antioxidant Defense Systems In The Leaves Of Wheat Genotypes Carrying Differential Blast Resistance Genes
BTL | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2945 | Taufica Nusra | Establishment Of An Efficient In Vitro Regeneration Protocol For Stevia Rebaudiana (Bertoni) | BTL | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2946 | Tanjina Akter | Fungal Endophyte Beauveria For The Improvement Of Rice Growth Performance Under Salt Stress | BTL | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2947 | Afsana Akter Mimma | Potential Of Metarhizium Anisopliae For Growth Promotion And Suppression Of Root Disease Caused By Rhizoctonia Solani Of Okr | BTL | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2949 | Md. Imran Hossain | Taxonomic Study On Species Complex Of Jassid In Bangladesh | ENT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2950 | Abida Mariom | Management Of Major Insect Pests Of Yard Long Bean Using Biorational Insecticides And Their Impact On Natural Enemies | ENT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2951 | Saoudia Jahan | Management Of Major Insect Pest Of Cucumber Using Biorational Insecticides And Their Impact On Natural Enemies | ENT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2952 | Sayda Arifa Akter | Impact Of Biorational Insecticides On Natural Enemies And Population Dynamics Of Sucking Insect Pests And Cucurbit Fruitfly Of Cucumber
ENT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2953 | Most. Fahmida Aktar | Proximate Composition, Active Compounds, Antioxidant Activity And Anti-Nutritional Factors Of Fermented And Non-Fermented Maize | FBE | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2954 | Hima Akter | Evaluation Of Proximate Composition, Active Compounds, Antioxidant Activity And Anti-Nutritional Factors Of Fermented And Non-Fermented Wheat Bran | FBE | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2955 | Mt. Sumaya Khatun | Prevalence Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria In Different Wastewater Of Gazipur District, Bangladesh | FBE | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2956 | Dipak Roy | Fucoidan From Sargassum Sp.: Optimization Of Extraction Methods And It’s Compositional And Functional Characterization | FBE | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2957 | Abida Khatu | Impacts Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Small Scale Fisheries In Bangladesh: Market Conditions And Consumer Behavior | FIT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2958 | Ifrat Jahan Tannisa | Assessment Of Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Activity Of Selected Seaweeds From Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh | FIT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2959 | Maisha Afrin | Assessment Of Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Activities Of Ethanolic Extracts Of Seaweeds Collected From Saint Martin’s Island
FIT | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2960 | Nazia Parveen | All Feminization Of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus As A First Step To Produce Yy Supermale Applying Flaxseed Extract | GFB | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2961 | Sutapa Debi | Assessment Of Reproductive Biology And Broodstock Development Of Puntius Sophore For Species Conservation And Sustainable Aquaculture | GFB | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2962 | Dabasree Halder | Morpho-Molecular Variation In Coastal Rice Genotypes Using Rapd Marker | GPB | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2963 | Md. Jan Sharip | Pathological Investigation Of Bacterial Diseases Of Lung Of Sheep | PBL | MS | Aut/22 | With CD | |
2964 | Sanjoy Kumar Paul |
Molecular Diagnosis And Biotechnological Approaches For The Management Of WheatBlast Disease |
BTL | PhD | Win/22 | With CD | |
2965 | Sheikh Maniruzzaman | Exploring Salt Tolerant Donor And Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (Qtls) For Salt Tolerance In Coastal Rice Of Bangladesh | GPB | PHD | Win/22 | With CD | |
2966 | Jerin Tamanna | Productivity, Technical Efficiency And Covid-
19 Coping Strategies Of Country Bean Farmers In Narsingdi |
AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2967 | Tamanna Afrin | Profitability And Consumer Preferences Of Turkey In Some Selected Areas Of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2968 | Refat Jahan Tunny | Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Women Farmers And Their Coping Strategies In Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2969 | Hasnath Sharmin | Profitability, Adoption And Perception Of Mechanized Harvester On Boro Rice Production In Haor Areas Of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2970 | Kaniz Fatima Jui | Impact Of Agricultural Mechanization On Productivity And Profitability Of Rice In Mymensingh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2971 | Fatima Khatun | Determination Of Sugarcane Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies In The Floodplain Areas Of Bangladesh: Climate Perspective | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2972 | Anamika Saha | Factors Affecting Milk Market Participation Decision Of Small-Scale Dairy Farms In Pabna District Of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2973 | Md. Shahadat Hossain | Profitability And Supply Chain Analysis Of Turkey And Broiler Farming In Selected Areas Of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2974 | Md. Ripon Hasan | Profitability And Resource Use Efficiency Of Pineapple In Selected Districts Of Bangladesh | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2975 | Raihana-Tul-Zannat | Land Ownership And Profitability Of Boro Rice Production In Selected Areas Of Nilphamari District
AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
1976 | Umme Farhana Mafi | Impact Of Covid-19 On Fish Farmers And Their Coping Strategies In Bogura District | AEC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2977 | Nishat Tasnima | Livelihood Status Of Fish Farmers And Aquaculture Practices In Mymensingh District Of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2978 | Nur-E-Zabeen | Rural Women’s Access To Agricultural
Technologies |
AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2979 | Humaira Ferdousy
Fauzia |
Empowerment Of Rural Women Through Agriculture Related Income Generating Activities In Some Selected Areas Of Gazipur
District |
AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2980 | Tanzina Tazmim Tani | Impact Of Rice Seed Production, Processing And Distribution Training On The Stakeholders In Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2981 | Md. Shuhag Sikder | Effect Of The Stimulus Package On Food Security For The Small Holder Farmers During Covid-19 In Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2982 | Tanjina Parven | Dealer-Customer Partnership In Rice Production Demonstration: Assessment Of Private Extension System In Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2983 | Md. Abdul Wahid | Potato Farmers’ Perceptions Of Sustainable Agriculture In The Nilphamari District Of Bangladesh | AER | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2984 | Lubna Jahan | Profitability And Supply Chain Analysis Of Sonali Chicken In Jamalpur District Of Bangladesh | AGB | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2985 | Sanjida Islam Keya | Profitability, Marketing System And Consumer Willingness To Pay For Organic Vegetables In Some Selected Areas Of Bangladesh | AGB | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2986 | Shakila Begum | Maize Production And Market Linkages Of Char Dwellers’ In Rangpur District Of Bangladesh | AGB | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2987 | Jarin Saiyara Promee | Value Chain Analysis Of Pangas In Mymensingh District Of Bangladesh | AGB | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2988 | Md. Forshed Dewan | Physicochemical And Thermal Properties Of | AGP | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2989 | Md. Tanzil-Ul-Mousuf | Screening Of Submergence Tolerantindividuals From F2 Segregating Population In Rice | AGR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2990 | Mafruha Akter | Extricate Short Duration And Bold Grainedhigh Yielding Soybean Genotypes Underwaterlogging Condition | AGR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2991 | Shaikat Mitra | PerformanceOf Growth, Yield And Yield
Contributing Character Of Selected Mungbean Genotypes |
AGR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2992 |
Tasnim Akter Neon |
Phenotypic Variation In Black Gram Lines Under Pot Culture | AGR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2993 | Sayeda Habiba | Effect Of Probiotic Bacteria On Growth, Reproduction And Nutrient Enhancement Of Earthworm (Eisenia Fetida) | AQC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2994 | Umme Tasnim Oishi | Effects Of Dietary Chlorella Ellipsoidea Supplementation On Growth, Body Composition And Hematological Parameters
In Climbing Perch (Anabas Testudineus) |
AQC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2995 | Shahrin Akter | Effects Of Dietary Supplementation Of A Freshwater Chlorella Chlorella Ellipsoidea On The Growth Performances And Immunity Of
Gangetic Mystus Mystus Cavasius |
AQC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2996 | Fahmida Jahan Ria | Evaluation Of Inedible Part Of Ripe Jackfruit As A Nutrient Source For Spirulina Spirulina Platensis Culture | AQC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2997 | Lima Binte Forkan | Effects Of Cottonseed Oil On The Performance Of Laying Hen | ASN | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2998 | Nayeematul Zinan | Endophyte Beauveria Bassiana Improved The Growth, Yield, Fruit Quality And Nutrient Use Efficiency Of Strawberry In A Soilless Culture System | BTL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
2999 | Md. Zahid Hasan
Chowdhury |
Potential Of Fungal Endophyte Metarhizium Anisopliae For The Improvement Of Salt Stress Tolerance In Rice | BTL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3000 | Md. Ashfikar Rahman
Doel |
In Vitro Screening Of Potato Lines For Salt Tolerance Using Physiological Parameters And Ssr Marker Analysis | BTL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3001 | Foyshal Mehmood | Genetic Diversity Analysis Of Bari Released Thirty Six Potato Varieties Through Ssr Marker | BTL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3002 | S. M. Zamiul Alam | Effect Of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi On Antioxidants Activities In Tomato Under Salt Stress | ENS | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3003 | Nazmul Hassan Nahid | Population Dynamics And Management Of Major Insect Pests Of Pumpkin Using Biorational Insecticides | ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3004 | Tanjila Rahman | Impact Of Some Commonly Used Insecticides On Mango Hopper And Associated Natural Enemies | ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3005 | Rubina Parvin | Eco-Friendly Management Of Red Pumpkin Beetle And Fruit Fly On Ash Gourd Using Biorational Insecticides | ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3006 | Golam Mohammad
Riaz |
Molecular Characterization Of Asian Honeybee Apis Cerana F. In Bangladesh And Profiling Of Their Corresponding Honey
Properties |
ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3007 | Amol Mrong | Evaluation Of Some Bio-Rational Management Approaches Against Pod Borer Complex Of Yard Long Bean | ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3008 | Ahmed Zaman Abir | Prevalence Of Sucking Pests In Mutant Lines Of Brinjal Mediated By Morpho-Biochemical
Properties |
ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3009 | Pranto Das | Morpho-Biochemical Study On Brinjal Mutant Lines Against Shoot And Fruit Borer (Leucinodes Orbonalis Guenee) | ENT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3010 | Md. Asif Alam Wahra | Occurrence Of Heavy Metal And Metal Resistant Bacteria In An Urban River Water
ContaminatedBy Municipal And Industrial Wastes |
FBE | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3011 | Md. Habibur Rahman | Isolation, Screening And Production Of Protease Enzyme From Bacteria Isolated From
Soil And Water Of Cox’s Bazar |
FBE | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3012 | Mst. Sabekunnahar | Antioxidant Potential Of Guava Leaf Extracts And Its Preservative Effects On
Shelf Life Extension Of Refrigerated Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) Fillets
FIT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3013 | Maliha Anjum | Availability Of Fishery Products AndSocioeconomic Condition Of Dried Fish RetailersInGazipur District | FIT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3014 | Mehajabin Khanam Jemy | Influence Of Java Plum Seed Powder Enriched Diets On Gonadal Morphology, Reproductive Outputs And Growth And Survival Of Butter
Catfish (Ompok Pabda) |
GFB | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3015 | Zakia Sultana | EvaluationOf ReproductiveHealth ThroughVaginal Examination In Cattle | GOR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3016 | Zannatara Moyna | Isolation And Whole Genome Sequencing Of A Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolate From The Milk Of Bovine Mastitis | GOR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3017 | Mst. Lima Sarkar
Moni |
Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Reproductive Health Problems Of Companion
Animals |
GOR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3018 | Israt Zarin | Current Reproductive Management Practices In Dairy Cows In Manikganj District | GOR | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3019 | Abdullah Al Mamun
Anik |
Nutritional Qualities Of DehydratedRadish (Raphanus Sativus) By Solar Drying Techniques | HRT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3020 | Fokhruddin Bhuiyan | Study OnVariability And Heterosis Of Capsicum (Capsicum Annum L.) F1 Progenies | HRT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3021 | S. M Al Faruk | Characterization And Identification Of Native Endophytic Bacteria For Biocontrol Of
MangoPostharvest Diseases |
HRT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3022 | Maksuratun Nahar Suborna | Influence Of Solar Drying TechniquesAnd PretreatmentsOn Physiochemical Attributes Of Country Bean Seed | HRT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3023 | Farjana Akter | Postharvest Proceesing And Quality Attributes Of Dehydrated Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) Using Solar Drying Techniques | HRT | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3024 | Mahjabin Mazib | Effect Of Different Acidifier On Body Weight Gain, Intestinal Bacterial Load And Major Organs Of Swiss Albino Mice | PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3025 | Tamal Mandal | Bacterial And Pathological Investigation Of Lung Diseases In Buffalo In Gazipur District | PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3026 | Md. Asaduzzaman | Molecular Characterization Of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus In Commercial Chicken In Gazipur District | PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3027 | Dipu Roy | Seroprevalence And Molecular Characterization Of Lumpy Skin Disease In
Gazipur District Of Bangladesh |
PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3028 | Md. Anwarul Islam | Liver Diseases Of Buffalo Along With IsolationAnd Identification Of Bacteria | PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3029 | Alina Afroj | Seroprevalence And Histopathological Identification Of Infectious Bronchitis Virus
(Ibv) In Commercial Chicken In Gazipur District |
PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3030 | Saima Akter | Effects Of Formalin As Food Preservative On Histoarchitecture Of Vital Organs Of Swiss Albino Mice | PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3031 | Md. Tanvir Hasan | Effects Of Formalin As Food Preservative On Hematological Profile And Testicular Histoarchitecture Of Swiss Albino Mice | PBL | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3032 | Md. Mejbah Uddin
Mubin |
Status Of Seed-Borne Fungal Infestation In RiceSeedsAnd CharacterizationOf BakanaePathogen Fusarium Proliferatum And Its Control | PLP | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3033 | Shova Pandit | Antimicrobial Potential Of Endophytic Bacteria And Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles Against Bacterial Leaf Blight Pathogen Of Rice | PLP | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3034 | Kazi Ummey Hani | The Role Of Ipns Based Nutrient Management For Enhancing Carrot Productivity And Soil Fertility | SSC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3035 | Syeda Tamanna
Haque |
Effect Of Ipns Based Nutrient Management On Yield Of Tomato And Soil Properties | SSC | MS | Win/22 | With CD | |
3036 | Anuradha Chakraborty
Parama |
Influence Of Organic And Inorganic Fertilizer On Onion Production And Soil Health | SSC | MS | Win/22 | With CD |