Current Research Projects at the Department


Project Title: Design and development of a pressure compensated emitter for efficient drip irrigation system in Bangladesh
Funding Authority:
The World Bank and The Government of Bangladesh, National Agricultural Technology Program (NATP) Phase-II,
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)



Project Title: Anti-clogging performance evaluation of micro emitters

Funding Authority: Research Management Committee, BSMRAU.








Project Title: Quantifying the effect of subsurface thermal variation on emitter performance
Funding Authority: AusAID

Project title Investigators
1.       Partial rootzone drying of tomato under clayey loam soil Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
2.       Problems associated with the low-pressure micro emitters Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
3.       Strip tillage and AWD for rice production
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
Khokan Kumar Saha
1.       Effect of greywater on the production of Mung-bean (2009-2010)
Dr SM Iqbal Hossain
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
2.       Alternate wetting and drying irrigation for Boro rice under clayey loam soil (2011-2013)
Dr SM Iqbal Hossain
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
3.       Recycled wastewater for wheat production under water stress condition (2012-2014)
Dr SM Iqbal Hossain
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
4.       Design and Development of a Urea Super Granule applicator (2008-2009)

Innovations of vertical farming in semi-open urban places. Innovative Projects funded by the Research Management Wing (RMW) of BSMRAU for the year 2019-2020

Design and Performance Evaluation of an evaporative cooling storage structure for Enhancing Shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. R&D project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology for the year 2020-2021.

Dr SM Iqbal Hossain
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
Md Moniruzzaman
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver
Md Moniruzzaman
Dr Moinul Hosain Oliver