Work experience | |||||||||||
Dates | 02 July 2012 on 20 January 2016 (Associate Professor from 21 January 2017 ) | ||||||||||
Occupation or position held | Assistant Professor | ||||||||||
Main activities and responsibilities | Teaching (60%) and Research (40%); Conduct class on Veterinary Pathology (General, Systemic, Infectious, Metabolic, poultry, poisonous, etc.), bacteriology, parasitology and virology; Researches on bacterial poultry diseases, pathogenesis of pullorum disease, diagnosis methods of poultry diseases; | ||||||||||
Name and address of employer | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Salna, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Type of business or sector | Autonomous Organization (Public University) | ||||||||||
Dates | 24 October, 1999 to 01 July, 2012 | ||||||||||
Occupation or position held | Senior Scientific Officer, Upazila Livestock Officer, Scientific Officer, Veterinary Surgeon | ||||||||||
Main activities and responsibilities | -Preparation Vaccine Seed and Vaccine of Poultry and Animal Diseases (New Castle Disease, Infectious Bursal Disease, Fowl Pox, Anthrax, Black Quarter, FMD, etc);
-Conduct surveillance activities (monitoring, post-outbreak surveillance, risk-based surveillance in commercial and village poultry, and surveillance in live bird markets) in the respective Upazila following the Avian Influenza surveillance plan; Report suspect cases of HPAI and anthrax found during clinical surveillance to the Department of Livestock Sevices, Dhaka; -Treatment of clinical cases; collect diagnostic specimens;Organize shipment of diagnostic specimens to the designated laboratories; record surveillance data and submit timely to the Upazila Livestock Officer; – Supervise, livestock extension, mangement and clinical surveillance activities undertaken by Community Animal Health Workers/field workers; – Conduction of livestock training program to the farmers, maintain liaison with concerned personnel and different report preparation. -Assist in preparation of surveillance reports (emergency and routine); Assist in follow up activities related to passive surveillance; -Assist in maintenance of basic bio-security on commercial poultry farms; Advocate bio-security to all poultry owners encountered; maintain strict personal biosecurity when on duty travelling between farms and villages; -Perform other related duties as required or assigned by the governemt. |
Name and address of employer | Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Type of business or sector | Government Organization | ||||||||||
Dates | 31 May, 1995 to 23 October 1999 | ||||||||||
Occupation or position held | Veterinary Surgeon | ||||||||||
Main activities and responsibilities
– Diagnosis, treatment and control of Diseases
– Follow up, monitoring and technical supports to the worker. – Give advice to the poultry and dairy farmers how to establish farms, maintain bio-security and supply of feed for augmentation of production. – Provide technical knowledge to the farmers about the way of prevention and control of different diseases and breed up gradation technique for betterment of their livestock population. – Conduction of livestock training program to the farmers, maintain liaison with concerned personnel and different report preparation. – Conducted motivational work to motivate farmers to take livestock project as a source of income. – Prepare case study of successful program & monthly work plan. – Perform any other duty given by higher authority. |
Name and address of employer | Animal Health Management and Extension- Project, Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Type of business or sector | Government Organization (Developing Budget) | ||||||||||
Dates | 5 January 1994 to 30 May 1995 | ||||||||||
Occupation or position held | Assistant Manager | ||||||||||
Main activities and responsibilities
– Diagnosis, treatment and control of Diseases
– Follow up, monitoring and technical supports to the worker. – Give advice to the dairy farmers how to establish farms, maintain bio-security and supply of feed for augmentation of production. – Provide technical knowledge to the farmers about the way of prevention and control of different diseases and breed up gradation technique for betterment of their dairy population. – Conduction of livestock training program to the farmers, maintain liaison with concerned personnel and different report preparation. – Perform any other duty given by higher authority. |
Name and address of employer | Milk Vita, Bangladesh Milk Producers Cooperative Society. | ||||||||||
Type of business or sector | Private Organization | ||||||||||
Service in FAO | * I got an offer of employment as a National Consultant – Bio-security Sop’s writing by FAO under
the project ORSO/ BGD/902/USA of United Nations and I could not join due to leave from Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.
Education and training Education |
Dates | March ’2006 to October’2009 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | PhD in Pathology | ||||||||||
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered | Histopathology, Isolation and Identification of Bacteria, ELISA test, PCR . | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation providing education and training | Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
classification |
International Professional Degree in Veterinary Medicine | ||||||||||
Title of the Thesis | “Pathogenesis of Pullorum disease in chickens” | ||||||||||
Dates | July’2002 to December’2003 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | MS in Pathology | ||||||||||
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered | Histopathology, Clinical Pathology, Necropsy, Pathology of Bacterial and Viral Diseases, Pathology of Fungal, Rickettsial and Chlamydial Diseases, Reproductive Pathology, General Pathology, Pathology of Metabolic Diseases and Extraneous Poisons, Immunopathology, Oncology, Molecular Pathology and Biotechnology, Avian Pathology. | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation providing education and training | Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
classification |
International Professional Degree in Veterinary Medicine | ||||||||||
Title of the Thesis | “Prevalence of enteric bacterial diseases in poultry of some selected poultry rearing units of SLDP-2 area: Isolation, Identification and Pathology of the identified diseases”. | ||||||||||
Dates | March 1988 to September 1993 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Anatomy, Histology & Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Statistics, Animal Hygiene & Management, Comparative Anatomy and Neuro Anatomy, Surgical Anatomy, Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Animal Science, Animal Nutrition, Pharmacology, Medicine, Surgery & Obstetrics, Zoo Animal Medicine, Toxicology, Genetics & Animal Breeding, Veterinary Public Health, Food Hygiene, Agricultural Extension. | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
Classification |
International Professional Degree in Veterinary Medicine
Dates | 17.10.1986 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Bengali, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Amla Government College, Mirpur, Kushtia, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
Classification |
National Certificate Course, 2 Years College | ||||||||||
Dates | 26.07.1995 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Secondary School Certificate (SSC) | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Bengali, English, Mathematics, Geography, Religious, General Science, Agriculture,
Higher mathematics |
Name and type of organisation | Moshan High School, Mirpur, Kushtia, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
Classification |
National Certificate Course, 1o Years Schooling | ||||||||||
Others Degree or Diploma | |||||||||||
Dates | January’2010 to December’2011 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Master in Business Administration in Human Resources Management (MBA –in- HRM) | ||||||||||
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered | Introduction to Business, Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, Managerial Economics, Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, Human Resources Management, Human Resources Management, Legal Environment of Business, Organizational Behaviour, Financial Accounting, Management Information Systems, Cost and Management Accounting, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Industrial and Labour Law; | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation providing education and training | Dhaka International University, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
classification |
International Professional Degree in Business Administration | ||||||||||
Title of the Thesis | “Study of the Job Satisfaction of Employees of the Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Mohakhali, Dhaka” | ||||||||||
Dates | July’2008 to June’2009 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Post Graduate Diploma in Information Communication Technology (PGD-in-ICT) | ||||||||||
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered | Computer Programming Concept Using C/C++, Computer Organization and Architecture, Database Management System, Information System Analysis and Design, Data Structure and Algorithm, Operating System Concept and UNIX, Visual and Internet Programming Using Java, Business System Engineering, Web Programming, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Application Development, Interactive Multi-Media Design Development, Electronic Commerce; | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation providing education and training | Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Level in national or international
classification |
International Professional Diploma in Computer Science | ||||||||||
Training | |||||||||||
Dates | 29.05.1996 to 09.06.1996 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | “Office management” | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Bangladesh Services Rules, Financial Rules, Office corresponding and Communication, Reporting | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Officer Training Institute (OTI), Savar, Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Dates | 03.06.2001 to 30.09.2001 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Training course on “Foundation training” | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Administration rules and regulations, Office management and communication systems; Data Analysis, Macro and Micro-Economics, Physical fitness, Bangladesh Constitution, Bangladesh Services Rules, Financial Rules, Treasury Rules, Public Procurement Rules, Case Study, Computer application, Paper Preparation on Specific Tropics and Presentation, English Communication, etc. | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Dates | 20.07.2001 to 26.07.2001 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Training course on “Cooperative management” | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Bangladesh Cooperative Rules, Development through cooperative, Visit the Cooperative Society; | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Runpur Development Academy (RDA), Bogra, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Dates | 16.06.2001 to 15.09.2001 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Training course on “Special Light Driving Training” | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Bangladesh Traffic Laws, traffic signals and Motor Car Driving. | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) Training Academy, Gazipur, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Dates | January- April 2003 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Advanced course on “Communicative English” | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Reading module, Writing module, Listening module and Speaking. | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Department of Languages, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. | ||||||||||
Dates | 04.11.2003 to 17.06.2003 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Training course on “MS Office-1” | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Operating System, Windows, Computer Fundamentals, MS words and MS Excel. | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. | ||||||||||
Dates | 16.08.2010 to 26.08.2010 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Studies | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Definition of Epidemiology, Case Definition, How to Studied Epidemiology, Data collection, Analysis, Presentation, Reporting, Case Study through Field Visit in Avian Influenza and Anthrax Outbreaks; | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | USAID, FAO and Department Livestock services (DLS), Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Dates | 7-10 March 2011 | ||||||||||
Title of qualification awarded | Training on diagnosis, prevention, control of Bluetongue | ||||||||||
Professional subjects/occupational skills
Covered |
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and RT-PCR Technique, ELISA Test, Primary Cell Culture; | ||||||||||
Name and type of organisation | OIE, APHCA, FAO, DGLAHS and BBalivet, Indonesia. | ||||||||||
Participating in Seminars, workshops and conferences, and presenting articles | |||||||||||
Date | Every Year from 2003 to 2011; Feb. 18-19, 2012 | ||||||||||
Topics | Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research (BSVER). | ||||||||||
Venue | Auditorium, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research. | ||||||||||
Date | 25-27 March 2011; 5-7 March 2009;1-3 March 2007; Feb. 28-March 2, 2003 | ||||||||||
Topics | International Seminar of World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA). | ||||||||||
Venue | Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
World Poultry Science Association (WPSA), Bangladesh, Branch. | ||||||||||
Date | 23 December | ||||||||||
Topics | Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Record Keeping for Commercial Poultry in Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Venue | BARC Center Inn, Dhaka | ||||||||||
Organized by |
FAO and DLS, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Date | 7-8 March 2010 | ||||||||||
Topics | Seminar of BAURES project progress. | ||||||||||
Venue | Vet. Med. Faculty conference hall | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), BAU Mymensingh. | ||||||||||
Date | 20-21 July 2010 | ||||||||||
Topics | Workshop on Food Inspection Arrangement in Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Venue | Institute Public Health (IPH), Mohakhali, Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Food Safety Project funded by FAO | ||||||||||
Date | 12-13 January, 2011 | ||||||||||
Topics | Seminar on Quality Assurance in Food Testing Laboratories in Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Venue | Institute Public Health (IPH), Mohakhali, Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Food Safety Project funded by FAO | ||||||||||
Date | 19-21 January 2011 | ||||||||||
Topics | Biosecurity SOP’s Writing Workshop for Poultry Producers and Service Providers | ||||||||||
Venue | MMS Training Center Sirajgang | ||||||||||
Organized by |
FAO and DLS | ||||||||||
Date | 12-13 June 2011 | ||||||||||
Topics | Seminar on Poverty Alleviation | ||||||||||
Venue | RPTC, Dhaka | ||||||||||
Organized by |
RPTC, Dhaka | ||||||||||
Date | 15 June 2011 | ||||||||||
Topics | Seminar on Progeny Tested Seed Bull Production: Progress Towards National Dairy Development | ||||||||||
Venue | BIAM Auditorium, BIAM Dhaka | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Progeny Testing Project, DLS, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Date | 19 June 2011 | ||||||||||
Topics | Seminar on Dairy Industry Development : Budget Interaction in Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Venue | BARC Auditorium, Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
CDVF Project, BAU Mymensingh | ||||||||||
Date | 28-29 June 2011 and 24-25 June 2012 | ||||||||||
Topics | Annual Research Review Workshop | ||||||||||
Venue | BLRI Conference Hall, BLRI, Savar, Dhaka. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI). | ||||||||||
Date | 11 January 2012 | ||||||||||
Topics | Workshop on curriculum development for PRTC (Poultry Research and Training Center) CVASU, Chittagong | ||||||||||
Venue | PRTC, CVASU, Chittagong | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Poultry Research and Training Centre (PRTC), Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU), Chittagong | ||||||||||
Date | 7-8 March 2012 | ||||||||||
Topics | Conference on Food Safety in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges | ||||||||||
Venue | Conference Hall, Hotel Agrabad, Chittagong | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU), Chittagong. | ||||||||||
Date | 30th June 2013 | ||||||||||
Topics | Regulatory Framework for the Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases & Recent Situation of H7N9 | ||||||||||
Venue | BARC Auditorium, Farmgate, Dhaka | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Bangladesh Veterinary Council | ||||||||||
Date | 6th March 2014 | ||||||||||
Topics | 11th Annual scientific Conference, CVASU | ||||||||||
Venue | CVASU conference room, Chittagong, Bangladesgh | ||||||||||
Organized by | Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU) | ||||||||||
Date | 12-14 June, 2014 | ||||||||||
Topics | Experience Sharing: Course Credit System of BSMRAU | ||||||||||
Venue | Audio-Visual Room, Central Library , BSMRAU, Gazipur. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
BSMRAU and KGF | ||||||||||
Date | 12-14 June, 2014 | ||||||||||
Topics | Experience Sharing: Course Credit System of BSMRAU | ||||||||||
Venue | Audio-Visual Room, Central Library , BSMRAU, Gazipur. | ||||||||||
Organized by |
BSMRAU and KGF | ||||||||||
Date | 29-31 March 2015 | ||||||||||
Topics | 8th One Health Bangladesh Conference | ||||||||||
Venue | Conference Center, Raua Plaza, Dhaka | ||||||||||
Organized by |
One Health Bangladesh, USAID, Massey University, CDC, WHO, Unicef, icddr,b, etc. | ||||||||||
Date | 17-18 October 2015 | ||||||||||
Topics | 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference, BAAS | ||||||||||
Venue | Begum Sufia Kamal Auditorium, BSMRAU | ||||||||||
Organized by |
Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) | ||||||||||
Date | 9 December 2015 | ||||||||||
Topics | Workshop on “Animal Disease Control Principles in Veterinary Education and Continuing Professional Development in Bangladesh” | ||||||||||
Venue | Hotel Amari, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Organized by |
FAO, USAID, DLS, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Date | 31 May-1st June 2016 | ||||||||||
Topics | International Workshop on Development of Udder Health Control Program in Dairy Cows in Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Venue | CVASU Conference Hall, Chittagong, Bangladesh | ||||||||||
Organized by |
CVASU, Chittagong, IRNA, SVA | ||||||||||
Date | 16-18 March 2017 | ||||||||||
Topics | 2nd South Asian Biotechnological Association Conference 2017 | ||||||||||
Venue | Himalayan Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal | ||||||||||
Organized by |
South Asian Biotechnological Association | ||||||||||
Personal skills and competences | |||||||||||
Mother tongue(s) | Bengali | ||||||||||
Other language(s) | |||||||||||
Self-assessment | Understanding | Speaking | Writing | ||||||||
European level (*) | Listening | Reading | Spoken interaction | Spoken production | |||||||
English | C1 | Proficient User | C1 | Proficient User | C1 | Proficient User | C1 | Proficient User | C1 | Proficient User | |
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages | |||||||||||
Social skills and competences | Have ability to communicate, persuade, and interact with other members of the society, without undue conflict or disharmony. Acquired from my job site (Teaching and Research), different training program and workshop and public community. | ||||||||||
Organisational skills and competences | I am very much serious my duties (Teaching and Research). I am on time for meetings, never miss a deadline and know how to maximize productivity. It also I can walk into a situation and immediately see what could be done to improve a situation, a setting or a project. Acquired from different organization where I worked. | ||||||||||
Technical skills and competences | Teaching and Research, Animals and birds disease diagnosis and treatment, clinical pathology, sample collection, preservation, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, micro organisms culture, biochemical test, Enzyme-inked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Acquired from Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh and Livestock Research Institute, Bangladesh. | ||||||||||
Computer skills and competences | Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Access, Adobe
Photoshop, SPSS, Web page design, Internet, Multimedia, C++, Java, Hardware and Troubleshooting, Windows XP and Fundamental. Attained from Graduate Training Institute (GTI), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh and PGD-in ICT, Computer Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. |
Research Fellowships
I. Small Animal Livestock Development Project-2 (SLDP- 2), Directorate of Livestock
Service, Bangladesh, Dhaka-1215, Research Fellow from July 2002 to December 2003.
II. University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh, Research Fellow from March 2006 to June 2006, January 2007 to December 2007 and May 2009 to June 2010.
III. National Science, Information, Communication & Technology (NSICT), Ministry of Science, Information, Communication& Technology, Bangladesh, Secretariat, Research Fellow from July 2007 to December 2007 and July 2008 to May 2009. |
Driving licence | Have valid motorcycle and car driving licence | ||||||||||
Memberships | 1. Honourable member of Bangladesh Veterinary Council
2. Honourable life member of Bangladesh Veterinary Association 3. Honourable member of Krishibid Institution Bangladesh 4. Honourable life member of Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Medicine (BSVM) 5. Honourable member of World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) 6. Honourable life member of Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research (BSVER) 7. Honourable life member of One Health Bangladesh |