
BSMRAU holds Seminar on Greening and Cleanliness.

A seminar on “Live in Green, build  Beautiful Campus with Cleanliness.” was organized by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU). The seminar aimed at ensuring smooth movement for faculty, students, and staff while maintaining a healthy environment. It took place in the IQAC seminar hall from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Monday, January 13, 2025. The event saw participation from all the university’s cleaning staff and gardeners. Professor Dr. Nasrin Akter Ivy, Director (IQAC) presided over and inaugurated the seminar. The seminar featured insightful discussions led by Professor Dr. Md Moshiul Islam, Director (Research) and Professor Dr. Mohammad Sharif Raihan, Additional Director  (IQAC). Dr. Moshiul Islam from the Department of Agronomy elaborated on the importance of living in a green environment, the necessity of cleanliness and the vital role of staff in maintaining cleanliness as well as ways to resolve emerging issues. Dr. Sharif Raihan from the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding delivered an engaging presentation showcasing a vibrant collection of videos and images highlighting the ongoing cleanliness and greening initiatives across the campus. The seminar concluded with a group discussion and a Q&A session where the participants shared valuable feedback on how to further beautify the campus. Dr. Nasrin Akter Ivy, Director (IQAC) concluded the session by presenting innovative ideas for enhancing the university’s aesthetics and environmental sustainability. The speakers emphasized the need for environmental conservation, ensuring staff health, and taking necessary steps to improve cleanliness and sustainability within the campus. The staff in attendance expressed their enthusiasm and gratitude to the IQAC team for providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the issues alongside practical solutions.