Graduation day 2018 held at BSMRAU
The graduation day of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) for the students of Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) program 10th batch, Bachelor of Science (Fisheries) program 6th batch, Bachelor of Science (Agril. Economics) 2nd batch and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 3rd batch was held today (on Thursday 30 April) at the University Begum Sufia Kamal auditorium. Prof. Dr. Md. Giashuddin Miah Vice-Chancellor of the University expressed welcome and congratulations to the newly graduate students and formally announced the result of BS (Agriculture) and BS (Fisheries), BS (Agril. Economics) & DVM. The Vice-Chancellor also distributed a memento of the University and provisional certificate to the graduate students.
Earlier Prof. Dr. M. Moynul Haque Dean Faculty of Agril., Prof. Dr. Md. Jahangir Alam Dean Faculty of Fisheries, Prof. Dr. Abu Sadeque Md. Selim Dean DVM and Dean Faculty of Agril. Economics Prof. Dr. M. Kamruzzaman formally handed over the results of BS (Agril.) and BS (Fish.), BS (Agril. Economics) and DVM to the Vice-Chancellor respectively. Syed Zahurul Amin Registrar of the University also delivered the welcome address. Student Mansura Afroz BS (Agril.), Md. Apon Dulal BS (Fish.), Md. Sazzad Karim BS (DVM) and Tamanna Yesmin BS (Agril. Economics) both of them achieved the highest GPA and expressed their feelings. A total of 133 students of BS (Agriculture), 45 students of BS (Fisheries), 17 students of DVM and 44 students of BS (Agril. Economics) were conferred with their degree on the graduation ceremony. The graduation day started with a colorful rally with the participants of students and teachers.