Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics & Reproductive Health

The Department intend to offer graduate program leading to Master of Science (MS) in Theriogenology degree. The proposed course curricula and syllabi in Veterinary Science disciplines have been prepared in the light of post graduate (PG) programs in vogue at different Veterinary institutes in Bangladesh and contemporary developments in Veterinary Sciences. The guiding principle of the proposed new approach is to impart comprehensive and practical knowledge by covering all important aspects of the subject area of study at Master’s level. This proposed field of study focuses on activities related to gynecology, obstetrics, andrology, seminology and management of infertility, which are common in Veterinary practices. Students need to understand and acquire knowledge on reproductive physiology, endocrinology, biotechnology and skills in pregnancy diagnosis, collection, evaluation, preservation, transportation of semen and artificial insemination to conduct researches in these areas. Special emphasis will be given to reproductive management program of livestock species and wildlife. The strength of the research group is in assisted reproductive bio-technologies in domestic and wild animals as well as disease management related to the Veterinary reproduction.

GOR 601 General Gynecology & Female Infertility (3 cr.): Introduction to gynecology in livestock species. Functional anatomy of female genital system. Examination of female for breeding soundness. Puberty and sexual maturity. Folliculogenesis, oogenesis, ovulation and associated endocrine pattern. Estrous cycle and its endocrine control. Synchronization of estrus. Factors affecting reproduction. Post-partum reproduction. Introduction to infertility, classification, economic impact. Congenital and acquired causes of infertility. Infectious causes of female infertility. Female genital diseases, Anoestus, Repeat breeding, Conception failure in different livestock species..

GOR 602 Andrology & Male Infertility (3 cr.):  Introduction to andrology in livestock species. Functional anatomy of male genital system. Sexual behavior and breeding soundness. Spermatogenesis, structure of spermatozoa. Semen and its composition. Metabolism of semen. Semen collection, processing, evaluation and transportation. Computer assisted semen analysis (CASA). Microbiological load of semen. Factors affecting semen quality. Causes of male infertility Congenital and acquired, infectious causes. Diseases of the male genital organs venereal and semen born diseases. Coital injuries and vices of male animals. Examination, diagnosis and treatment of infertile male animals.

GOR 603 Veterinary Obstetrics (3 cr.): Fertilization and development of conceptus. Implantation and maternal recognition of pregnancy. Placentation. Gestation. Accidental emergencies during gestation. Endocrine control of pregnancy. Fetal mummification, Prolonged gestation. Parturition initiation, stages and involution. Prolapse of the vagina. Incidental emergencies during and around parturition. Dystocia causes and obstetrical manipulations in different species. Obstetrical analgesia and anesthesia. Caesarian section in different species. Induction of parturition and elective termination of pregnancy. Developmental anomalisms-teratology.

GOR 605 Semen Preservation & Artificial Insemination (3 cr.): History of artificial insemination. Methods of semen collection, semen evaluation. Computer assisted semen analysis (CASA). Diluents and it’s components for successful fertility. Semen additives, semen preservation chilled and cryopreserved semen. Effects of cryopreservation on post-thaw quality, semen thawing, gun loading and AI techniques in different species. Factors affecting post-thaw semen quality. Factors affecting success of AI. Clinical recording of AI. Reproductive health management of AI in different species. Surgical and non-surgical preparation of teaser bulls. Diseases transmitted through AI and their control.

GOR 606 Reproductive Health Management of Farm Animals (3 cr.): Role of nutrition on reproduction and body condition scoring. Rational use of antimicrobial drugs in reproductive diseases. Vaccination to maximize fertility. Newborn and calf/kid health management up to weaning, health management of young stock, heifer control program. Management of irregular estrus and anoestrus. Reproductive health management program for large and small dairies. The economics of reproductive herd health program, reproductive and AI record keeping. Determination and analysis of reproductive efficiencies, development and use of database for recording and analysis of reproductive herd health management. Hygiene and sanitation of intensively managed urban and semi urban dairy farms. Environmental considerations of dairy farming and animal agriculture.

GOR 607 Techniques in Gynecology & Obstetrics (3 cr.): Clinical examination of female genitalia. Exfoliative vaginal cytology. Techniques of taking samples and biopsies from uterus. Synchronization of estrus and ovulation in farm animals. Intrauterine cellular defence mechanism. Diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Hormone assays and ultrasonography. Intrauterine medication. Pregnancy diagnosis. Estimation of the fetal age. Correction of abnormal fetal presentation, position and posture in phantom box. Epidural anesthesia. Ovariohysterectomy and caesarean operation. Fetotomy exercises. Management of prolapses. Management of dystocia.

GOR 610 Reproductive Endocrinology (3 cr.): Definition and historical background of hormones. Endocrine glands and interaction between endocrine & nervous system. Hormone and their classification. Regulation of secretion of hypothalamo-pituitary and gonadal hormones. Hormone transport, receptor sites of target organs, hormone assay. Cellular and Molecular mechanism of hormone action. Synthesis of steroid and protein hormones, biosynthesis and functional effects of prostaglandins, inhibin and placental hormones. Principles of hormone therapy. Hormone and related substances used in reproduction.

GOR 613 Reproductive Immunology (3 cr.): General principles of immune response. Mucosal immunity of reproductive tracts. Immunopathology of reproduction. Altered susceptibility to infection in pregnancy and proposed mechanism of altered immunity. Protection of foetus against rejections, passive transfer of immunity from mother to offspring and foetal allograft paradox. Effects of gonadal hormones on immune functions. Immunological manipulation of ovulation rate and immunoregulation of infertility. Defense/ tolerance against spermatozoa. Placenta as an immune organ, immunopathology of placenta, protection of foetus and neonate against infections. Immune related disorders of pregnancy. Immunoassays in reproductive endocrinology. Sensitization to seminal fluid and spermatozoa, immunologic factors related to male fertilization failure, autoimmune orchitis and immunological castration.

GOR 620 Reproductive Surgery (3 cr.): Principles of reproductive surgery. Castration and caponization. Surgical affections of penis and prepuce. Examination of penis and prepuce. Clinical and specific condition of penis and prepuce and surgical procedures. Preparation of teaser bull. Management of vaginal and uterine prolapse. Caesarean operation, ovariectomy, ovariohysterectomy, neumovagina, episiotomy, persistent hymen, cyst of Gartnar’s canals, cyst of vestibular glands, vaginal varicosity, cerviciotomy, reconstructive surgery of perineal rupture.
GOR 621 Neonatology & Pedriatics (3 cr.): Care and management of neonate and dam during pregnancy. Onset of spontaneous respiration, respiratory distress syndrome, thermoregulation, weak calf syndrome, umbilicus and umbilical disinfections, persistent bleeding from the naval stump, uterio-transmission of diseases from the dam to the fetus. Neonatal immunity and the practice of colostrums feeding. Retain muconeum, persistent urecus, rupture of bladder and urecus. Congenital and hereditary conditions. Care of the newborn, sanitary housing, nutrition and feeding management of neonates and calves etc. Weaning practice and calf starter. Vaccination and deworming schedule of claves. Disbudding and removal of supernumerary teats. Infectious and non-infectious diseases of neonates. Metabolic diseases and disorders of neonates.

GOR 625 Production diseases & Udder Health Management (3 cr.): Production diseases in milch animals: it’s causes, diagnosis, management. Milk synthesis, induction of lactation, udder and teat morphology with regard to the capabilities of milk production and susceptibility to mastitis. Assessment and management of udder health and hygienic management of milking. Mammary gland defense system. Mastitis mastitis pathogens (environmental and contagious), role of milking parlour, housing, monitoring and individual & herd level investigation, principles of dry cow management. Mastitis control principles of increasing udder resistant to infections and antimicrobial resistance of mastitis pathogens, milk withdrawal and rationale of antibiotic therapy. The economic aspects of mastitis. On farm and clinical practices of udder health and mastitis.

GOR 630 Advanced Reproductive Biotechnology (3 cr.): Principles of embryo transfer technology (ETT). Use of ETT in nucleus and factorial breeding system. Selection of donor and recipient animals, Clinical examination of donor and recipient. Oestrus synchronization, superovulation and fertilization. Embryo collection, evaluation and transfer. Management of pregnant recipient. Post-embryo transfer pregnancy rate. Prevention and control of diseases transmitted through ETT. In-vitro maturation, fertilization and culture oocytes and/or embryos. Laparoscopic and ultrasound-guided transvaginal ovum pick-up. Preservation of gametes and embryos. Embryo micromanipulation and sexing. Cloning, knock-in and knock-out technology. Chimeras, transgenic and recombinant DNA technology. In vitro assessment of sperm fertility.

GOR 640 Wildlife Reproduction & Conservation Biology (3 cr.): Introduction to common terms, purpose of and need for conservation biology. The relationships among fundamental concepts including population growth, dispersal, extinction and its causes, biodiversity, protected areas, ecosystem services and adaptive management. Basic tools including population modeling, population viability analyses, protected area selection algorithms. Management of rare & threatened species, their rreproductive physiology, behaviour, captive breeding, pregnancy, parturition, neonatal care & release in the wild, green development and individual transferable quotas. Conservation plans or actions. 

GOR 641 Theriogenology of Pet, Zoo, Aquatic & Laboratory Animals (3 cr.): Historical development, importance and functions of zoo, safari, aviary, aquarium, pet industry and laboratory animal facilities. Classification, functional anatomy, behaviour and biological data of zoo, lab, pet and aquatic animals. Animal welfare, ethological and legislative aspects associated with animal breeding in zoo, safari, aviary, aquarium, pet industry and lab animal facilities. Wildlife versus animal breeding in the zoo, safari, aviary, pet industry, lab and aquarium. Puberty, sexual cycle (male and female), reproductive process and parturition of important invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fishes and birds. Andrology and contraception, reproductive diseases and disorders of important amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fishes and birds, their diagnosis, anesthesia, treatment, prevention and control in zoos, safaris, aviaries, pet industry, laboratory and aquaria. 

GOR 690 Cryobiology (3 cr.): Introduction to cryobiology and history of cryopreservation. Ice physics, water structure, phase transition and their simulations. Methods of cryopreservation, cryoprotectants and their importance. Vitrification and its role in cryopreservation. Freeze drying/ liophilization and its importance in veterinary reproduction. Impact of cryopreservation in biodiversity conservation.

GOR 696 Reading & Conference (Credit to be arranged but not more than 3 cr.): Special/direct study assigned by the major professor on the recommendation of the advisory committee and/or interest of the student.

GOR 697 Special Problems (Credits to be arranged but not more than 3 cr.): Investigation of special problems in Theriogenology not related to a dissertation problem. The investigations may consist of original research and/or literature survey.

GOR 698 Seminar (1 cr.): Students are required to deliver a seminar on his original research works or on a review paper where the student will select the topic in consultation with the supervisory committee.

GOR 699 Thesis Research (Credit to be arranged but not less than 12 cr.): Original Thesis Research. 

Note: Students having Cumulative CGPA below 3.00 will not be allowed to do MS in Theriogenology Program.

Table. Minimum Course and Research Requirements for MS Degree1

A. Major Courses Cr. Minor Courses Cr.
1a. Major Core 12 2a. Minor Core 3
GOR 601 General Gynecology & Female Infertility 3 STT 501 Methods of Statistics 3
GOR 602 Andrology & Male Infertility 3
GOR 603 Veterinary Obstetrics 3      
GOR 620 Reproductive Surgery 3      
1b. Major Elective 9 2b. Minor Elective 6
GOR 605 Semen Preservation & Artificial Insemination 3 BTL 505 Laboratory Techniques in Biotechnology 3
GOR 606 Reproductive Health Management of Farm Animals 3 ANH 630 Histology & Histochemistry 3
GOR 607 Techniques in Obstetrics & Gynecology 3 DPS 601 Dairy Animal Production 3
GOR 610 Reproductive Endocrinology 3 HRT 541 Research Methodology 3
GOR 613 Reproductive Immunology 3 MPH 619 Microbiology of Reproductive System 3
GOR 621 Neonatology & Pediatrics 3 PBL 621 Wildlife Pathology 3
GOR 625 Production diseases & Udder Health Management 3 PBL 632 Reproductive Pathology 3
GOR 630 Advanced Reproductive Biotechnology 3 Other Courses2
GOR 640 Wildlife Reproduction & Conservation Biology 3
GOR 641 Theriogenology of Pet, Zoo, Aquatic & Laboratory Animals 3
GOR 690 Cryobiology 3      
B. Seminar 1      
GOR 698 Seminar 1      
C. Thesis Research 12      
GOR 699 Thesis Research Variable      
Total                                                                                                                                        43

 1Degree requirements may be changed on the recommendation of the Board of studies and the      Advisory Committee

2Approved by the Advisory Committee