Publication in proceedings:

  1. E.H. Chaudhury and M. G. Rasul. 1995. “True Potato Seed (TPS) Research and development in Bangladesh” In: Proceeding of the workshop of “National programme for True Potato Seed (TPS) in Bangladeh” held at BARC, Dhaka on May 03, 1995, pp:28-37.
  2. M. G. Rasul, E.H. Chaudhury and M.S. Islam, 1995. “True Potato Seed Production in Bangladesh: Methods, Research and Related Activities”. Paper presented in “Inter-Regional Workshop on “True Potato Seed (TPS) Production and Utilization: Transfer of Technology” held at Central Potato Research Station, Modipuram, Meerut, U.P., India during January 20-31, 1995.
  3. E.H. Chaudhury, M. G. Rasul and M.S. Islam, 1995. “Research, Development Activities and Agronomic Trials on TPS in Bangladesh”. Paper presented in “Inter-Regional Workshop on “True Potato Seed (TPS) Production and Utilization: Transfer of Technology” held at Central Potato Research Station, Modipuram, Meerut, U.P., India during January 20-31, 1995.
  4. L Rahman, M G Rasul and C K Shaha. 2011. Plant breeding to address stress conditions in Bangladesh. In. Souvenir of 8th biennial conference of Plant breeding and Genetics society of Bangladesh held at SAU, Sher e Bangla Narar, Dhaka on December 10, 2011. pp: 05-10.
  5. M G Rasul, A K M A Islam and M A K Mian. 2012. Plant genetic resources activities: A general view In: Bhuiyan and Islam (ed) Plant genetic resources of Bangladesh published by PBGSB and Bangladesh Academy of Agriculture. PP: 28-49