Field of Research:
- Development of value added food products from different raw materials available in agricultural land of Bangladesh
- Technology development for processing and preservation of agricultural produces including fruits, vegetables and dairy.
- Isolation and characterization of valuable nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate from the locally available rich sources
- Better application of the knowledge of food processing science for making the post harvest processing sector up to date.
- Technology development for extraction of renewable resources from agricultural produces
- Framework development for sustainable Agro-processing
Research facilities:
Agro-product processing: This laboratory is equipped with various equipment for preparation of processed food products from field crops and horticultural crops (e.g. jam, jelly, sauces, pickles, dry powdered product), and pasteurized food product. Some commonly used equipment in this laboratory are different drying equipment, pasteurizer, grinding machine, muffle furnace, autoclave, vacuum sealer, water bath etc.
Agro-product analysis: This laboratory is equipped with bomb calorimeter, compound microscope, Soxhlet apparatus, water bath, and gel-electrophoresis for quality analysis of various processed food product (determination of calories, protein content, sugar content, vitamin content, fat content etc.).
Spectroscopy: This laboratory is equipped with Fourier Transform Infrared equipment for detecting the quality parameter of food products.