To enroll in the MS in Food Engineering program, one needs to complete Bachelor of Food Engineering, Food Processing, Food Science, Nutrition, Food Technology, etc.


Name of the degree     :           M.S. in Food Engineering

Minimum Course Requirement1:

A. Major Courses Credit Minor Courses Credit
1a. Core 12 2a. Core 3
AGP 506 Food Processing and Preservation Technology 3 AEC 520 Agricultural Marketing and Trade 3
AGP 507 Food Quality Assurance and Safety 3      
AGP 508 Food Chemistry and Nutrition 3      
AGP 509 Food and Industrial Microbiology 3      
1b. Elective 9 2b. Elective 6
AGP 504 Product Packaging and Quality Control 3 HRT 616 Post Harvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops
AGP 512 Beverage and Fermentation Technology 3 SST 525 Principles of Seed Science and Technology 3
AGP 513 Agro-industrial By-products & Waste Management 3 STT 501 Methods of Statistics 3
AGP 515 Plant Design, Layout and Management 3 AFE 510 Utilization of Tree Products 3
AGP 516 Unit-operations in Agro-processing 3 PLP 540 General Microbiology 3
AGP 517 Agro-product Storage and Inspection 3 HRT 642 Processing of Horticultural Crops 3
AGP 520 Processing Technology of Tea, Coffee and Cocoa 3 CBT 550 Plant Growth Regulator 3
AGP 523 Dairy Engineering and Technology 3   Other Courses2  
AGP 524 Food Process Engineering Laboratory and Research 3      
B. Seminar 1      
AGP 598 Seminar 1
C. Thesis Research  12      
AGP 599 Thesis Research Variable
Total 43

 1Degree requirements may be changed on the recommendation of the Board of Studies and the Advisory Committee. 2Approved by the Student’s Advisory Committee.


Name of the degree   :           PhD in Food Engineering                                          

 Minimum Course and research requirement for PhD degree1

A. Major Courses Credit Minor Courses Credit
1a. Core 15 2a. Core 6
AGP 615 Novel Food Processing and Preservation Technology 3 AEC 644 Food and Agribusiness Management 3
AGP 622 Advanced Food Chemistry and Nutrition 3 HRT 616 Post-Harvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops 3
AGP 625 Food Additives and Toxicology 3
AGP 632 Research Methodology in Food Engineering 3
AGP 645 Food Adulteration and Safety Regulations 3
1b. Electives 12 2b. Electives 12
AGP 516 Unit operations in Agro-processing 3 AEC 550 Resources and Environmental Economics 3
AGP 504 Product Packaging and Quality Control 3 AFE 510 Utilization of Tree Products 3
AGP 506 Food Processing and Preservation Technology 3 AER 645 Project Preparation and Management 3
AGP 507 Food Quality Assurance and Safety DPS 631 Dairy Microbiology and Biotechnology 3
AGP 508 Food Chemistry and Nutrition 3 HRT 621 Processing of Horticultural Crops 3
AGP 509 Food and Industrial Microbiology 3 PLP 540 General Microbiology 3
AGP 512 Beverage and Fermentation Technology 3 SST 525 Principles of Seed Science & Technology 3
AGP 513 Agro-industrial By-products and Waste Management 3 STT 525 Multivariate Analysis 3
AGP 602 Bakery and Confectionery Technology 3 CBT 550 Plant Growth Regulator 3
AGP 604 Processing of Edible Oils and Fats 3 Other Courses2
AGP 610 Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Storage 3
AGP 612 Processing Technology of Sugar 3
AGP 652 Drying Technology of Food Products 3
AGP 657 Food Plant Design and Sanitation 3
B. Seminar 2
AGP 698 Seminar 2
C. Dissertation Research 30  
AGP 699 Dissertation Research Variable
Total 77

1 Degree requirement may be changed on the recommendation of the Board of Studies and the Advisory Committee. 2 Approved by the Student’s Advisory Committee.