Department of Food Engineering (previously known as Dept. of Agro-Processing) has been running in this university with the vision to foster Food Engineering education and research since 2007. The academics and researchers of this department are devoting their efforts to applying post-harvest processing sciences for the safe and convenient consumption and use of agricultural commodities. Students apply engineering knowledge to transform agricultural produce and biomass into value-added products such as food, biofuel, and biochemicals. The study topics include food product development, storage, transportation, food preservation, the industrial processing of food and enzymatic reactions, fermentation, biomaterials, and technologies of product separations. The department of Food Engineering offers graduate program leading to MS and PhD degree in Food Engineering.
Message of the Head
Professor Dr. Amdadul Haque Head Department of Food Engineering Faculty of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering Gazipur Agricultural University Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh Cell phone: +8801934499867 |
UN Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, 193 countries agreed to adopt a set of global goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. In the department of Food Engineering, faculty members are contributing towards achieving it.