The faculty offers Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering program at the undergraduate level. The curricula is furnished with comprehensive insights across the agricultural production systems.

Program Name :   Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering

Short Code:            BS [Ag. Eng.]

Credit:                     182 [Course Work + Final Year Research Project + Seminar]

Duration:                Four Years (12 Academic Terms)



BS [Ag. Eng.] curricula is embedded with a range of coursework and research credits according to  American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF) 2021:

1. CORE ENGINEERING COURSES (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Water, Computer and Food Engineering)

2. AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED COURSES (Agronomy, Soil Science, Horticulture, Agricultural Economics)

3. GENERAL EDUCATION (GED) COURSES (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Professional)

4. CAPSTONE RESEARCH PROJECT (Final year research project for each student leading to a project paper in any of the five disciplines of FABE)

5. SEMINAR (Presentation followed by evaluation of the capstone project findings)