WELCOME to the Faculty of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering (FABE).

We are the youngest faculty of BSMRAU with UN-declared sustainability goals at its core. FABE focuses on promoting quality education through undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. Our undergraduate program [BS in Agricultural Engineering] is a blend of coursework, and research from FIVE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS covering key areas of farm mechanization, water management, farm structure, computer science and food engineering.

Farm mechanization foster farming efficiency; modern irrigation management strategies optimize water conservation in agriculture, and structural innovation supports efficient production and storage systems. Agriculture and computer science are increasingly intertwined, leading to the emergence of smart farming practices that enhance productivity and sustainability. Food engineering encompasses the processing and preservation of agricultural products, enhancing food safety and quality. Together, these components contribute to a more resilient and productive agricultural sector.

The modern-day agricultural engineering pathway is ultimately paved by resources management and systems engineering. FABE aims to promote quality education for the future agricultural engineers by leveraging data analytics, machine learning, and IoT in the agricultural mechanization and water sectors. This would help farmers make informed decisions, and allow for targeted interventions, such as optimized irrigation and fertilization, efficient monitoring for pest control or nutrient management.

Degree Offered (Undergraduate):

Program:        Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering

Short Code:   BS [Ag. Eng.]

Credit:             182 [Course Work + Final Year Research Project + Seminar]

Degree Offered (Postgraduate):

The departments of FABE also offer Master of Science [MS] degree in the following areas:

Farm Mechanization and Precision Engineering

Irrigation and Water Resources Management

Structures and Environmental Engineering

Computer Science and Information Technology

Food Engineering

FABE at a Glance: