Faculty Members


Md. Roshidul Hasan


Research areas: GIS and Remote Sensing, ICT for Agriculture, Precision Farming.

Phone: 029205310-14, 2122, +88-01713-313658

Fax: 029205333, 9205338

Email: roshidul@bsmrau.edu.bd, headcst@bsmrau.edu.bd

Website: www.roshidul.com , bsmrau.edu.bd/roshidul

Dr. Gonesh Chandra Saha Ankon

Professor & Head

Research areas: Online 3D Visualization, Computational Biology, and ICT for Agriculture

Phone: +88-01716-102448, 029205310-14, Extn. 2287

Email: gcsaha@bsmrau.edu.bd, 

Website: bsmrau.edu.bd/gcsaha

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Suraiya Yasmin

Assistant Professor

Phone: 2524, 01996-119421

E-mail: suraiya@bsmrau.edu.bd

Website: bsmrau.edu.bd/suraiya

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Md. Masum Billah

Assistant Professor

Phone: +88-01721-948182, 029205310-14, Extn. 2310

E-mail: masumb06@bsmrau.edu.bd

Website: bsmrau.edu.bd/masum

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Google Scholar Academic Journal Google Logo Education, PNG, 500x500px, Google Scholar, Academic Journal, Area, Brand, Doctor

Tanjea Ane

Assistant Professor

Phone: 2438 ||  Cell :+88-01771-951428





Md. Mehedy Hossain

IT Technician
Phone: +880-1735-909557
Email: mehedy.hossain@gmail.com

Shihab Miah

LAB Attendant
Email: shihabmollah07@gmail.com

Md. Anwar Hossain
Phone: +88-018752-35043
E-mail: anwar.bsmrau@gmail.com