The Department offers 9 credit courses of computer science for undergraduate students and 9 credit courses for postgraduate students.
The following courses are offered by the department of Computer Science and Information Technology for postgraduate students
1. CIT 510: Principle of Computer Science – 3 credit hours
Introduction to computer, operating system, computer graphics and multimedia. Data and information, numbering system, sorting and searching, basic of network and internet, computer peripherals, computer memory, data communication, basic of computer language, application software. Application of computer in agriculture
2. CIT 515: Data Analasis by Microcomputer – 3 credit hours
Use of the Microcomputers in data analysis. The major emphasis in placed on learning to use selected highly appropriate software packages. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week.
3. CIT 516: Agricultural Information and Communication Technology – 3 credit hours
Introduction to Operating System and Hardware troubleshooting using operating system. Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Components of ICT, Use of ICT in Agriculture, Database Management System. Relational Database Management System, Agricultural Database Management System, Off-line Database, On-line Database, Introduction to Networking, Use, Maintenance and Security, Agricultural Information Dissemination Process, On-line Information Dissemination Process, Off-line Dissemination Process, Internet and online Information Searching, Fundamentals of Geographic Information System (GIS), The principles and techniques of GIS based data analysis, Digital data acquisition, Use of GIS in project planning, Use of GIS in agricultural research and development planning, Project work
Undergraduate Courses:
Faculty of Agriculture
CST 101 Fundamental of Computer Science (4.5 Cr): This course is designed for undergraduate students
Introduction to Computer, Characteristics of computer, Computer generations, Classification of computer, Basic operation of computer, Block diagram of a computer, Central processing unit or Microprocessor or Processor, Computer memory or storage, Data and data representation, The computer coding system, Sequential access devices, Direct / random access devices, Magnetic tape, Magnetic disk, Basic principles of operation, Types of magnetic disks, Floppy disks, Hard disks , Optical disks, Data, Information, Data processing, Data storage hierarchy, Understanding files, Basic elements of a communication system, Data transmission modes, Data transmission Speed, Network, Network structure or topology, Wireless network, Operating system, Functions of an operating system, Types of operating systems, Introduction to programming language, Introduction to software, Relationship between hardware and software, Application of computer in agriculture.
CST 405 Information and Communication Technology (4.5 Cr): This course is designed for undergraduate students
Faculty of Fisheries
CST 131 Fundamental of Computer Science (4.5 Cr): This course is designed for undergraduate students
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
CST 131 Computer Application (1.5 Cr.)
Faculty of Agriculture Economics and Rural Development
Fundamentals of Computer Science (4.5 Cr.)
Introduction to Computer, Characteristics of computer, Computer generations, Classification of computer, Basic operation of computer, Block diagram of a computer, Central processing unit or Microprocessor or Processor, Computer memory or storage, Data and data representation, The computer coding system, Sequential access devices, Direct / random access devices, Magnetic tape, Magnetic disk, Basic principles of operation, Types of magnetic disks, Floppy disks, Hard disks , Optical disks, Data, Information, Data processing, Data storage hierarchy, Understanding files, Basic elements of a communication system, Data transmission modes, Data transmission Speed, Network, Network structure or topology, Wireless network, Operating system, Functions of an operating system, Types of operating systems, Introduction to programming language, Introduction to software, Relationship between hardware and software, Application of computer in agriculture.
Management Information System (4.5 Cr.)
Data and information for economic management, Information system and information system management, Principles of management Information system (MIS), Manual and computerized MIS, Information system development and management cycle, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Recourse Management (ERM), Risk assessment and analysis of MIS, Business data communication, System development life cycle, Database design, Agricultural database design, Agricultural database management system, Database management system, Relational database management system, Behavioral and economic aspect of DBMS., Structure query language, Query processing and optimization techniques for management information system.
Agricultural Information System (4.5 Cr.)
Data and information for agricultural information systems (AIS), Information resource management, Communication concept and theory, Agricultural information and communication products, Services & systems, Managing agricultural communication process, Agricultural information access, Agricultural information dissemination process, Digital archiving, Role of social media for agricultural technology adoption, ICT enabled agricultural tools (Field Server, Agricultural information and communication technology), ICT for agricultural development, Rural communication system, Decision support system, Use of GIS and Remote Sensing (RS) for economical analysis of agricultural development, Precision farming. Coordinate system, Attribute and spatial data, Spatial data representation, GIS for agricultural information management.
E-Commerce and Management (4.5 Cr.)
E-commerce principles, System model and infrastructure, Types of EC systems, E-commerce advantages and disadvantages, Difference between e-commerce and e-business, Legal, ethical and compliance issues in e-commerce, Customer-focused EC, Web technologies for customer-focused e-commerce, Security technologies of e-commerce, Payment technologies for e-commerce, E-brokers, E-marketing, E-services, E-auction, Digital advertising, Introduction to Business2Business (B2B) and Business2Customer (B2C), Impact of B2B and B2C of EC to contemporary business activities, Key technologies for business focused EC systems, Applications of business focused EC such as e-supply chain management, E-logistics and e-procurement, Virtual marketplace (VMP), Online store considerations choosing an online storefront solution, Requirements for stock, Shipping and accounting, Secure online Payments, Planning for successful and profitable e-commerce ,Web Content Strategy and customer experience, Web content and information architecture, Marketing and customers, Principles of marketing, Mobile commerce and marketing, The art of effective messaging, Digital marketing strategy, Social Media for e-commerce.
Postgraduate Courses
CST 510 Principles of Computer Science (3cr)
Introduction to computer, operating system, computer graphics and multimedia. Data and information, numbering system, sorting and searching, basic of network and internet, computer peripherals, computer memory, data communication, basic of computer language, application software. Application of computer in agriculture.
CST 515 Data analysis by Microcomputer (3cr)
Use of the Microcomputers in data analysis. The major emphasis in placed on learning to use selected highly appropriate software packages. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week.
CST 516 Agricultural Information and Communication Technology (AICT) (3 CR)
Introduction to Operating System and Hardware troubleshooting using operating system. Introduction to Information and Communication Technology (ICT).Components of IC, Use of ICT in agriculture Database Management System. Relational database management System Agricultural Database management System ,Off-line Database ,One-line Database ,Introduction to networking Use ,Maintenance and Security , Agricultural Information Dissemination Process, online Information dissemination process ,off-line Dissemination process ,Internet and online Information searching ,Fundamental of Geographic Information system (GIS), The principles and techniques of GIS based data analysis ,Digital data acquisition ,Use of GIS in agricultural research and development planning ,project work.