Agroforestry and Environment

The goal of the Department is to produce graduates with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes in the agricultural development process, and those who possess the competence to effectively transmit such skills to farmers and other members of the public. The objectives are t

Philosophy and Objectives of the Department

The goal of the Department is to produce graduates with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes in the agricultural development process, and those who possess the competence to effectively transmit such skills to farmers and other members of the public. The objectives are to:

  1. enhance students’ acquisition of the understanding of basic natural science concepts, which are applicable to agriculture;
  2. enhance students’ comprehension of agricultural science concepts, principles, theories and skills in crop production, livestock production and soil management; fisheries and renewable resources
  3. help students’ understand basic principles in agricultural economics and farm management;
  4. a mastery of the concepts, principles, theories and skills in agricultural extension and rural sociology, needed to effectively transmit improved practices in agriculture to the practicing farmers and other members of the public.
  5. teach skills in research methodology needed to diagnose and approach agricultural development problems with confidence and effectiveness; and
  6. help students acquire experience in rural development projects in some rural communities in the catchments area of the university through exposure to extending research information in agriculture, health, housing, home economics and other areas of rural life to improve the quality of life of the rural dwellers.
Course Information
  • Course Id:105
  • Room:401,402
  • Days:Satruday - Thursday
  • Timings:10 AM - 3 PM