Additional Duties

  1. Assistant Provost of Shaheed Ahsanullah Master Hall, BSMRAU from 23/02/2012 to 31/03/2012.
  2. Provost of Shaheed Ahsanullah Master Hall, BSMRAU from 01/04/2012 to 31/03/2014.
  3. Head, Department of Horticulture, BSMRAU from 26/05/2013 to 25/05/2015.
  4. Head, Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, FVMAS, BSMRAU from 01/08/2017 to 31/07/2019.
  5. Coordinator, Seed Science & Technology Unit, BSMRAU from 12/11/2021 to 23/11/2023.
  6. Director (Transport), BSMRAU from 01/08/2019 to 19/08/2024.

Membership of the professional societies

  1. Bangladesh Society for Horticultural Science (BSHS)- Life member
  2. Bangladesh Phytopathological Society- Life member.
  3. Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)- Life member.
  4. Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh (KIB)- Ordinary member
  5. Plant Breeding Society of Bangladesh- Life member
  6. Bangladesh Society of Agronomy (BSA)- Ordinary member
  7. Fruit Science Society of Bangladesh- Life member
  8. Association of Applied Plant Tissue Culture in Bangladesh (AAPTCB)- Life member

Attachment with Newspaper

i. Attached as a Senior Reporter with Fortnightly Agricultural Magazine “Krishi Biplob”.

ii. Writes popular articles regularly in the Fortnightly Agricultural Magazine “Krishi Biplob”.


iii. Writes popular articles regularly in the Monthly Agricultural Magazine “Urbora”.

iv. Writes popular articles in the Daily Munshiganjer Kagoj

v. Writes popular articles in the Daily Nayadigonta

vi. Writes popular articles in the Monthly Krishikotha

Training/Workshop/Conference/Seminar/Symposium attended


  1. Attended in a 3 month training course on “Potato: Production, Storage and Seed Technology” from April 13, 1997 to July 18, 1997 in the Int’l Agril. Centre (IAC), Wageningen, The Netherlands. The training was funded by Dutch Government. Emphasis was given in the training on different aspects of potato production, post harvest activities, processing, storing of potato and seed potato production technology. During this period, I visited experimental and seed production farm of different seed potato producing company, storage room, processing laboratory, Wageningen Agricultural University, vegetable production in North Limburg. In this training I presented a paper on “Performance evaluation of Dutch potato varieties in Bangladesh”.
  2. Attended in a workshop on “International Learning Workshop on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for Integrated Crop Management” from May 07, 2001 to May 10, 2001 in Nagorekot, Nepal funded by CIP and IFAD. In this workshop I presented a paper on “Overview of potato FFS-LB project in Bangladesh: Experiences and Lessons Learned”.
  3. Attended in an International Symposium on “Food Security Dilemma: Plant Health and Climate Change Issues” from December 7-9, 2012 at Kalyani, India. In this Symposium I presented a paper on “Disease free seed potato production through seed plot technique at farmers’ level in Bangladesh”.
  4. Attended in the National Seminar on Cultivation, Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Medicinal Plants for Livelihood Improvement. November 20-21, 2019. Organized by Department of Forestry, Faculty of Horticulture, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, W. B., India and presented a paper on “Education and research on medicinal plants in Bangladesh: Present status and future strategies“.

In Country

  1. Attended in “Two month induction training course” from Nov. 03, 1990 to Jan. 01, 1991 in Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
  2. Attended in a 7 days training course on “Production of seed potatoes” from Graduate Training Institute, Mymensingh.
  3. Attended in a day long “Potato Tuber Moth (PTM) Exploratory Workshop” held at CDP Conference Room, Khamarbri, Dhaka on 16 March 1992, organized by CDP, DAE.
  4. Attended in day long training course on “Monitoring of Potato Tuber Moth (PTM) using sex pheromone” held at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) on 10 October 1992, organized by CDP, DAE and TCRC.
  5. Course taken from IPSA on “Data analysis by microcomputers”.
  6. Attended in a symposium on “Recent Advancement in Vegetable Development of Bangladesh” held at BARI on 24-25 April 1994, organized by Bangladesh Society for Horticultural Science (BSHS), BARI, Gazipur.
  7. Attended in a workshop on “Extension of Improved Technologies in Potato and Seed Potato Production” held at Tuber Crops Research Centre, Munshiganj on 6 November 1997, jointly organized by River View Cold Storage, Mukterpur, Munshiganj and Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), Khamarbari, Dhaka.
  8. Attended in the “Regional Workshop on Informal/Formal Potato Seed System” held at BARI on 09-11 March 1999, jointly organized by TCRC, BARI and CIP, Lima, Peru. I arranged and coordinated a whole day (10.03.1999) field visit of local and foreign delegates attended in the Workshop to the farmers’ field and research station at Munshiganj.
  9. Attended in a training course on “Serological determination of Potato Viruses using NCM-ELISA” held at TCRC, Bangladesh Agril. Res. Institute, on 13-14 March 1999, jointly organized by CIP and BARI.
  10. Attended in “The Sixth Biennial Conference”, Bangladesh Phytopathological Society, 29 July 2004. BARI, Gazipur.
  11. Attended in a seminar on “Prospects of Floriculture Development in Bangladesh” held at BARC on 6 November 2003, organized by Integrated Horticulture and Nutrition Project, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka and presented a paper as co-author on “Floriculture Exports from Bangladesh”.
  12. Attended in National Workshop on “Fruit Tree Plantation Fortnight” held at BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka. June 9, 2003.
  13. Attended in a seminar on “Role of BARI in Agricultural Development of Bangladesh” held at BARI on 17 October 2002.
  14. Attended in the day long workshop on “Rationalization of NARS Institutes Infra structure and facilities” held at BARC, Dhaka on 17 May 2001; organized by BARC.
  15. Attended in a Workshop on “Research Development of Jackfruit in Bangladesh” held at BARC Auditorium, on 19 November 2000, jointly organized by Bangladesh Society for Horticultural Science (BSHS) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka.
  16. Attended in the “Advanced Training of Trainers (TOT)” of IFDC-LB Project held at BARI, Gazipur on 5-7 September 2000, jointly organized by TCRC, BARI and CARE, Bangladesh.
  17. Attended in the Regional Workshop on “Population Dynamics and Management of Potato Tuber Moth in South and West Asia” held at BARI, Gazipur and Bogra from 17-20 May 2000, jointly organized by TCRC, BARI and CIP, Lima, Peru.
  18. Attended in a seminar on “Agricultural Research in Bangladesh in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities” held at BARI on 10 May 2000. Organized by BARISA.
  19. Attended in “Regional Workshop on Prospect and production of True Potato Seed (TPS)” held at RDRS, Rangpur and presented a paper on “Regional problems, prospects and adoption of TPS in Munshiganj”.
  20. Attended in the day long workshop on “Farm Level Adaptability of Improved Potato Varieties” held at BARC, Dhaka on 18 October 1999; jointly organized by TCRC, BARI and BARC.
  21. Attended as a trainee in a 5 day long TOT on “Potato Late Blight FFS” held at CERDI, Gazipur from 26-30 September 1999, jointly organized by TCRC, BARI and CARE, Bangladesh.
  22. Attended in the workshop on “Potato Late Blight” held at HRC Seminar Room, BARI on 31 August 1999; jointly organized by TCRC, BARI and CARE, Bangladesh and presented a paper on “Research Activities Performed on Late Blight in TCRSC, Munshiganj”.
  23. Attended in “Second national workshop on tuber crops” held at BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka during 9-11 May 1999, jointly organized by TCRC and DAM. I presented a paper on “Improved agro-techniques for increased potato production in Bangladesh with special reference to TPS”.
  24. Attended as a trainee in a 2 days training programme on “AWhere-ACT & GIS based Bangladesh Country Almanac (BCA)” held at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, Gazipur from 12-13 June 2006, jointly organized by CIMMYT and Outreach Program, BSMRAU, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  25. Attended as a trainee in a 4 days training programme on “Conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources” held at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur from 17-20 February 2007, organized by PGRC, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  26. Attended as a trainee in a 2 weeks long training programme on “Computer Skill for Data Management, Analysis, Reporting and Use of Internet” held at the Training Complex of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur from 20-31 May 2007, organized by T & C Division, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  27. Attended as a trainee in a 2 days training programme on “Administration and Financial Management Training for the Senior Scientists and the Officers-In-Charge” held at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur from 17-18 August 2007, organized by BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  28. Attended in a day long Workshop on “Assessment of the Potato Sector in Bangladesh: Its Opportunities and Growth Hindrances” held at BARC Training Room, on 20 August 2009, organized by Study Team of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh and Funded by KATALYST, Dhaka.
  29. Attended as a trainee in a 3 days training programme on “Training on Vegetable Seed Processing and Preservation” held at Seed Testing Laboratory and Training Centre, Beej Bhaban, BADC, Gabtoli from 14-16 June 2011, organized by BADC, Dhaka.
  30. Attended as a trainee in a 7 days training programme on “Administration and Financial Management Training for the Senior Scientists and the Officers-In-Charge” held at Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh from 17-18 August 2012, organized by HEQEP, UGC.
  31. Attended in a day long Follow up training of HEQEP at BSMRAU.
  32. Attended in 3 days long 22nd BAAS conference. September 27-29, 2012.
  33. Attended in the seminar of Bangladesh Agronomical Society. October 06, 2012.
  34. Attended in an international conference on “Industrial waste management and process efficiency” at DUET, Gazipur, Bangladesh from 12-14 November 2012.
  35. Attended in an International Symposium on “Food Security Dilemma: Plant Health and Climate Change Issues” from Dec 7-9, 2012 at Kalyani, India.
  36. Attended in a 5 days training of “Trainers (ToT) on Mushroom Breeding” in National Mushroom Development & Extension Centre, DAE, Savar, Dhaka from 03-07 November 2013.
  37. Attended in the day long workshop on “Medicinal plant” held at BARC, Dhaka on 17 May 2014; organized by BARC and presented a paper on “Characterization and evaluation of twenty two mint germplasm”.
  38. Attended in the workshop on “Production and Marketing of Tissue Culture based Planting Materials of High Value Crops“. Organized by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Farmgate, Dhaka on 02 March 2020 and presented a paper on “Production and marketing of tissue culture based planting materials of orchid, gladiolus, gerbera, mint and other crop plants“.