National Publications
- N. Islam, M. Ahiduzzaman, M.A. Ali and M.M. Hossain. Characteristics of oil extracted from bran available in commercial rice mill. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2021, 44(1): 49-56.
- Saha, K.K., Uddin, M.Z., Rahman, M.M., Moniruzzaman, M., Ali, M.A., Oliver, M.M.H. (2021). Estimation of Cardamom Capsule Size and Surface Area Using Digital Image Processing Technique, Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 19(3): 398–405.
- B. Akter, M.A. Haque, M. Ahiduzzaman, M.A. Haque and M. A. Ali. Formulation of jackfruit seed protein enriched cake. Ann. Bangladesh Agric., 2020, 24(1): 49-70 DOI:
- M.A. Ali, S.M.K. Hasan, M.N. Islam and M.N. Islam: Study on the period of Acceptability of cooked Rice: J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ.;ISSN 1810-3030, Vol: 6(2): 401-408, 2008. Available online at
- Aslam Ali, Sultan Mahomud, Maruf Ahmed and S.M. Kamrul Hasan, Period of Acceptability of Brinjal Pickle Stored in Glass Bottles at Room Temperature (20-270C), Agricultural Science Research Journal, ISSN: 2026 – 6332, Vol. 3(9); pp. 267- 272, September 2013. Available online at
- M.A. Ali, M.M.Islam, and M.N. Islam: Drying of Small Indigenous Species (SIS) of Fish by Solar Dryer. Bangladesh J. Agri. Engg. ISSN: 1015-4426, Vol- 19(1&2) 11-18: 2008
- M.S. Mahomud, K.N. Pervin, N. Gupta, M.A Ali and M.R. Amin: Processing and preservation of papaya jam. J. of Science and Tech. ISSN: 1994-0386, Vol.6: 37-41, 2008.
- M.A. Ali, S.M.K. Hasan, M.S. Mahomudand M.A. Sayed: Processing and Storage of Instant Cooked Rice. Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, ISSN: 1998-2003, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, Page: 300-305, September – October, 2012. Available online at
- M.S. Mahomud, M.R. Alam, M.A. Islam, M.A.Ali and M.R. Amin: Effect of temperature and humidity on shelf life of ripe mangoes. Bangladesh Research Publications journal. ISSN: 1998-2003, Vol. 3: Issue: 4, Page: 1193-1196, March-April,2010.
- S.M.Y.Ali, M. Ahiduzzaman, M.M.Hossain, M.A.Ali, M.A.M.Biswas, M. H. Rahman and J. C. Onik: Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Pineapples Grown in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business, Social and Scientific Research. ISSN: 2309-7892, Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Page: 234-246, July-September 2015. Available online at:
- M. H. Rahman, M. A. Ali, J. C. Onik, S. M. Yusuf Ali and M.N. Iqbal. Formulating and Analysing Consumer Preference of Gluten Free Bread. International Journal of Business, Social and Scientific Research. ISSN: 2309-7892, Volume: 3, Issue: 4, Page: 271-276, July-September 2015. Available at:
- J. C. Onik, M. A. Ali, M. H. Rahman, S. M. Y. Ali, M.N. Iqbal. Formulation and Nutritional Analysis of Jackfruit Yogurt. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 3(4): 258-262. September- 2015. Available at: