- Graduation Day of BS (Ag) 15th Batch Submitting the results to the VC
- Graduation Day of BS (Ag) 15th Batch
- Graduation Day of BS (Ag) 15th Batch
- Rally of University Day
- Fair of University Day
- Fair of University Day
- Study tour of BS (Ag) 15 th Batch
- Study tour of BS (Ag) 15th Batch
- Study Tour of BS (Ag) 15 th Batch
- Honorable VC delivering his speech among the students of AIBA
- Honorable Treasurer delevering his speech among the students of AIBA
- Students and Officials of Army Institute of Business Administration Paid a Visit to BSMRAU
- Dean briefing about the academic activities of BSMRAU
- Joining of New Dean
- Charge Handover of Dean
- Workshop of CDB
- Workshop of CDB
- Convocation
- Convocation
- Academic Master Plan Meeting
- Academic Master Plan Meeting
- Orientation Program of BS (Ag.) 1st Year
- Orientation Program of BS (Ag.) 1st Year