7th BOS Meeting
In presence of the Dr. Mohammad Ismail Hossain, Professor of Bangladesh Agricultural University and the expert member of the department of Agribusiness, BSMRAU, the 7th Board of Studies (BOS) meeting held successfully on March 22, 2021. Among the members of the BOS, the head of the department, Debasish Chandra Acharjee, Professor Dr. G. M. Monirul Alam, Farhana Arefeen Mila, and Md. Ruhul Amin was present.
Along with different agendas, the meeting took effective discussions on guiding new postgraduate students of MS in Agribusiness Economics program. To enhance performance in academics and research expert member provided effective suggestions.
Finally, a cordial reception program was arranged for Dr. G. M. Monirul Alam for being the first Professor of the department; Debasish Chandra Acharjee for being the head of the department; and Md. Ruhul Amin for being appointed as a new lecturer for the department. He is the first graduate of the faculty to join as a faculty member.
The meeting was concluded by summarizing the agendas and wishing quick recovery of the world from the COVID-19 pandemic situation.