Welcome to the Department of Statistics
The department of statistics was founded in 1983 under the faculty of agriculture. In 2001 the department renamed as department of statistics and computer science when the department of computer science merged to this department. Later on the department of statistics again separated from the department of computer science in 2011. Afterwards, in 2013 the department came into the faculty of agricultural economics and rural development. Presently, the department of statistics offers different courses in the undergraduate, graduate and graduate levels to enrich students’ research capabilities and equip them doing quality research in their respective field (agriculture, fisheries, economics and animal, social and medical sciences). Furthermore, the department provides statistical services by assisting the scholars of the mentioned biological fields with using statistical methods in their research.
The faculties and students of this department are conducting research in diverse areas of applied statistics like agricultural statistics, biostatistics, bioinformatics and computational biology, economic statistics, toxicogenomics, pharmacogenomics, machine learning etc. They are developing and applying statistical methods/algorithms for the solutions of biological, social and economic problems based on interesting findings. Besides these the faculties of this department developing statistical software/packages to make their developed algorithm user friendly.
The main objectives of the department are:
- Application of the statistical methods/algorithms in biological sciences (agriculture, fisheries, economics and animal and medical sciences).
- Development of statistical methods/algorithms for getting objective based findings for modern biology, economics and social sciences.
- Development of statistical software/packages for the users.