List of Seminar Paper

Day 1 (18 June 2020)

  1. Soumitra Saha (Reg. No. 2015-05-3543)-Renewable Energy Sources in Bangladesh: Status, Prospects and Challenges.
  2. Jahid Hasan (Reg. No. 2015-05-3572)-Fisheries Sector of Bangladesh and its Future Potentials.
  3. Tamina Kabir (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3558). MicroRNA: An Essential Tool for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants.

Day 2 (25 June 2020)

  1. Hasna Jamaly (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3564 ) – Utilization of Wild Species for Genetic Improvement of Crops. 
  2. Lima Binte Forkan (Reg. No.: 2019-05-5296) – Effects of feeding fruit and vegetable by-products in livestock.
  3. Mowmita Sarker (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3490). Papaya Breeding; Recent Advances and Future Prospects.
  4. Shuma Rani Ray (Reg. No.: 2017-08-4515) – Drought Resistance in Rice: Conventional to Molecular Breeding.
  5. Mst. Sharmin Akter (Reg. No.: 2019-05-5295) – Greenhouse for hydroponic cultivation of strawberry. (Replaced)

  6. Afsana Akter (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3542) – Combining Ability and Heterosis for Vegetables Improvement.

Day 3 (02 July 2020)

  1. Rafatul Zannat (Reg. No.: 2019-05-5294) – Performance Evaluation of Micro-Irrigation System.
  2. Dipto Chowdhury (Reg. No.: 14-05-3327) – Mastitis in Dairy Cows & Its Impact on Dairy Industries in Bangladesh.
  3. Rabina Akther Lima (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3577) – Assessment of heavy metal contamination in sediment, water and aquatic biota in the southern coastal region of Bangladesh.
  4. Bushratul Jannat (Reg. No. 2015-05-3625) – Application of Live Food during Fish Larvae Rearing in Fish Hatchery.
  5. Evana Afrin (Reg. No. 2015-05-3586) – Use of wastewater for microalgae culture and its effect on growth and proximate composition.
  6. Haimonti Barua (Reg. No. 2018-08-4909) – Characterization of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in polyembryonic mango.

Day 4 (09 July 2020)

  1.  Anamika Hossain (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3616) – Challenges in the Marine Fisheries Sector for Developing Blue Economy in Bangladesh.
  2. Khadiza Parvin (Reg. No.: 2019-05-5297) – Problems and prospects of Sugarcane Bagasse as a roughage feed for ruminants.
  3. Tamalika Rani Das (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3598) – Application of probiotic bacteria in aquaculture for safe fish production.
  4. Mozammel Haque (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3551) – Roof top gardening in Bangladesh- An approach of fruits and vegetable production for family consumption.
  5. Moutusi Mondal (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3516) – Possibility of augmenting irrigation facilities for increasing cropping intensity in the coastal saline environment of Bangladesh.
  6. Nusrat Zahan (Reg. No: 2015-05-3618) – Effect of Different Stocking Density on the Growth Performance, Feed Utilization and Immune Response of Finfish in Biofloc System.

Day 5 (16 July 2020)

  1. Sazia Jahan (Reg. No: 2015-05-3538) – Effects of Fruit Processing Techniques on Preservation of Antioxidants and Health Promotion.
  2. Marzan E Zannat Surovy (Reg. No: 2019-05-5293) – Phytoremediation potential for removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils.
  3. Md. Shihab Miah (Reg. no. 2014-05-3366) – Significance of water quality on dairy cattle performance
  4. Nusrat Binte Rafique (Reg. no. 2019-05-5305) – COVID-19: Present status and challenges in Bangladesh.
  5. Md. Iqbal Hossain (Reg: 2006-11-1836) – Scenario of Hill Agriculture in Bangladesh.
  6. Shazida Zahan Shila (Reg. No: 2015-05-3554) – Estimation of Citrus Leaf Chlorophyll by Smartphone Image Based Digital Chlorophyll Meter.

Day 6 (23 July 2020)

  1. Md. Mohiminul Haque Mithun (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3509) – Bacterial Extracellular Polymeric Substances: Characteristics and Bioremoval of Heavy Metals.
  2. Sanjoy Kumar Paul (Reg. No.: 2018-08-4895) – Application of Nanomaterials in Plant Protection.
  3. Md. Sakibur Alam (Reg. No.: 2014-05-3252) – Drought stress response in different growth     stages and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.).
  4. Joya Saha (Reg. No.: 2019-05-5300) – Use of Microalgae as Fish Feed Ingredient for Enhanced Growth Performance and Immunity.
  5. K. M. Mamun Uzzaman (Reg. No.: 2018-08-4920) – Status of Global Mangrove Forest: Spatiotemporal Changes, Ecosystem Services and Challenges for Sustainability.
  6. Ishrat Jahan (Reg.No.: 2014-05-3332) – Pshychobiotic: the next generation probiotics for mental health.

Day 7 (30 July 2020)

  1. Marium Khatun (Reg. No: 2015-05-3528) – Marker Assisted Breeding for Improving Productivity of Rice
  2. Rabeya Chowdhury Shapla (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3606) – Biofloc technology and its potentiality for higher production of fish in Bangladesh
  3. Umme Hani Sharanika (Reg. No.: 2015-05-3600) – Halda river, the future of Bangladesh
  4. Nilufar Islam (Reg. No.: 2018-05-4864) – Mechanism of Sugar Loss in Post Harvested Sugar Crops
  5. Farhana Sharmeen (Reg. no. 2018-08-4888) – Breeding perspective of anther culture in rice
  6. Mahmudul Hasan Mithun (Reg. No. 2015-05-3622) – Microplastics and its effects on aquatic organisms.