List of Seminar Papers
- Quazi Mostaque Mahmud (17-05-4492) Growth Promotion and Disease Suppression of Crop Plants by Mycorrhizae.
- Sharmin Akter (14-05-3156) – Exploitation of Apomixis in crop improvement
- Ashim Kumar Das 14-05-3142 – Homestea.d production system: A promising approach for household food and nutritional security.
- Mst. Razia Sultana (18-05-4872) – Presence of phytochemicals in horticultural crops and its functional activities.
- Bushra Islam Binte (14-05-3256) – Floating agriculture technology in waterlogging areas if Bangladesh.
- Mir Jannatul Maua (14-05-3262) – Golden rice for malnutrition solution.
- Niloy Paul (14-05-3183) – Oxidative stress and acclimation mechanisms in plants
- Aziza Akter Zhinuk (13-05-3058) – Health beneficial bioactive peptides from milk and milk products
- Md. Sazzad Karim (13-05-3050) – Estrus synchronization and embryo transfer in goats
- Naznin Haque Tompa (14-05-3150 –Role of Abscisic acid(ABA) in abiotic stress tolerance of land plants
- Kamrun Nahar Ruma – (18-05-4876) – Maintenance of gynoecious lines of cucumber through modification of sex using plant growth regulators
- Sumi Sarkar – (17-11-4524) – Effect of salinity stress on reproductive and yield traits of rice
- Fahriya Yasmin (14-05-3128) Biodiversity of different Arthropods in tomato Agroecosystem
- Arpan Baidya (14-05-3286) Seaweed: A sustainable feed source for aquaculture
- Md. Mehedi Hasan Tarek (17-11-4530) Physo-chemical properties and nutritional benefits of pineapple based food products
- Nipa Rani Paul (14-05-3270) Management of bacterial leaf blight disease in rice
- Tasfia Hassan Tabassum (14-05-3210) Prospects of botanicals in management of plant diseases caused by bacteria
- Sridebi Das (14-05-3216) Mechanism of abiotic stress tolerance in plants
- Md. Parvez Kabir (14-05-3218) Nano fertilizers for smart agriculture
- Khadiza Zannth Hemo (14-05-3182) Sustainability management of soil borne diseases of vegetables crops
- Tasmina Akter (17-08-4495) Vaccine to prevent streptococcal infection in fishSalma Naznin Rimmi (14-05-3144) Integrated nutrient management for soil fertility and sustainable crop production
- Samsun Nahar Shimu (14-05-3174) Morpho-physiological and biochemical derivation of rice under saline stress
- Mansura Afroz (14-05-3224) Impact of weather factors on the abundance of major insect pests of mango
- Md. Al Amin (13-05-3054) Prospects and problems of artificial insemination in Bangladesh
- Cynthia Elisia Mrong (14-05-3294 Toxicity and bio-concentration of organophosphorus pesticides in freshwater fish
- Md. Apon Dulal (14-05-3282) Role of plant antioxidant compounds on the quality and shelf life enhancement of preserved fish and shellfish
- Rebeka Jahan (14-05-3160) Management of soil-borne diseases for sustainable crop production
- Fatematuzzahara Anny (14-05-3300) Gelatin coating enriched with natural extracts improve the quality and shelf life of fish fillets during storage
- Shaida Akter (14-05-3278) Sea level rise and vulnerability of coastal region in Bangladesh
- Tasnia Umma Kulsum (14-05-3164) Integrated nutrients management and carbon sequestration in soil
- Farhad Hossain (18-05-4885) Shifting cultivation versus agroforestry practices- problems and prospect
- Fatama Islam (14-05-3314) Effects of bacteria as probiotics on fish emphasizing growth, haematology, immunology and reproduction
- Kamrunnaher Kole (14-05-3306) Agricultural pesticide toxicity to aquatic organisms
- Rezwana Parvin (14-05-3228) Improvement of drought resistance in rice: Focus on molecular breeding
- Shrabani Majumdar Tripty (13-05-3046) Epidemiological risk factors associated with clinical mastitis in Bangladesh