The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology belongs to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Currently the department is offering seven course at undergraduate level. Among those three courses are for physiology and four courses are for pharmacology. Name and codes of the courses are bellow

General Physiology – PHP 161

Systemic physiology- PHP 201

Nutritional Physiology -PHP 231

General Pharmacology and Chemotherapeutic- PHP 261

Systemic Pharmacology -PHP 301

Toxicology- PHP 331

Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy- PHP 501


Details of Undergraduate Courses

The department is offering different courses for undergraduate DVM program as presented below including field trips.

 1st Year

Summer Term Credit Autumn Term Credit Winter Term Credit
        PHP 161

General Physiology


 2nd Year

Summer Term Credit Autumn Term Credit Winter Term Credit
PHP 201

Systemic Physiology

3+1.5 PHP 231

Nutritional Physiology

2+0 PHP 261

General Pharmacology & Therapeutics


3rd Year

Summer Term Credit Autumn Term Credit Winter Term Credit
PHP 301

Systemic Pharmacology

3+0 PHP 331



5th Year

Summer Term Credit Autumn Term Credit Winter Term Credit
PHP 501 Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacy 0+2 Will participate in the internship Program   Will participate in the internship Program  

Total Credit hours for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th year = 25 (17+8)

Field trip: Three days visit to various pharmaceutical companies/industries (Pharmaceutical Preparation Packaging, Pharmaceutical quality control) under each of the courses.

  1. PHP 261: General Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2ndyear winter term)
  2. PHP 501: Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacy (5thyear summer term)


Course Title: General Physiology

Course Code: PHP 161

Total Credit Hours: 3+1.5 (T+P)

Theory (Credit Hours = 3; Contact Hours = 3):


Introduction to Physiology: Definition, branches, objectives and scopes of physiology.

The Cell: Definition, cell concept, organization and functions of the cell.

Membrane Physiology- osmosis, Simple diffusion, Fascilated diffusion,  filtration, ultra filtration, dialysis, surface tension, suspensoids, emulsoids, absorption, adsorption, inhibition,  Na- K ATPase system, phagocytosis, pinocytosis. Transport through cell membrane, Membrane potential, Action potential, Donan’s theory of membrane Equilibrium.

Physiology of blood and body fluids: Properties of blood, composition and function of blood, plasma and serum, Origin and development of erythrocytes (Erythropoiesis), structure composition and function of erythrocyte, Hemoglobin and its derivatives, Physiological hemolysis, Fate of erythrocytes, anemia and its type, polycythemia and its type, effect of anemia and polycythemia, hemagglutination and blood groups, cross matching, erythroblastosis fetalis, Leukocytes- Leukopoiesis, structure and function of leukocytes, types of leukocytes, life span of leukocytes, leukemia and its effects. Pus, Thrombocytes- Thrombopoiesis, structure and function of thrombocytes, hemostasis and blood coagulation, natural anticoagulant, fibrinolysis, Plasma protein and its function, edema, Lymph- formation, composition and function, Tissue fluids- intracellular and extracellular fluid

Temperature regulation, basal metabolism and homeostasis: Poikilothermism and Homeothermism, body temperature, heat balance , physiological responses to heat and cold, regulation of body temperature, Reaction to extreme environmental temperature, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Fever, mechanism of fever, Hypothermia, Hyperthermia, feedback mechanism, reaction of solution (PH), acid- base balance

Physiology of sense organs: Perception, general characteristics of perception and sensory modalities, physiology of Skin (receptors and functions), physiology of olfaction (Nerve of olfaction and its pathways), physiology of vission (rhodopsin cycle, pathways, types and errors of vision), physiology of audition (nerve of auditory, labyrinth, mechanism of hearing and auditory pathways) and physiology of gustation (Taste buds, definition and classification of taste, adaptation of taste and taste pathways).

Practical (Credit Hours = 1.5; Contact Hours = 3):

Measurement of Respiration, Pulse and Temperature of different animals and birds.

Methods of collection and preservation of blood, plasma and serum from various species of animals.

Preparation and uses of anticoagulants.

Total Erythrocyte Count (TEC) – Principle, method, interpretation and precautions.

Total Leukocyte Count (TLC) – Principle, method, interpretation and precautions.

Differential Leukocyte Count (DLC)- Principle, method, interpretation and precautions, absolute number of leukocyte count

Hemglobin determination -Principle, method, interpretation and precautions.

Blood Grouping.

Packed Cell Volume (PCV)

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

Clotting time and bleeding time

Hemolysis and and hematin test.

Isolation and perfusion of organs from live laboratory animals

Separation, Preservation and culture of cell from different organs of laboratory animals.

Recommended and Reference Books:

  1. Dukes’ Physiology of Domestic Animals 2000: Melvin J Swenson 9thedn. Cornel University Press, USA.
  2. Hematology and Urinalysis by S L Lamberg and R Rothstein, AVI Publishing Company, USA.
  3. Review of Physiology by LL Langley 3rdedn. McGraw – Hill Book Company, USA.
  4. Text Book of Medical Physiology 1996: Arther C Guyton and John E Hall 9thedn. WB Saunders Company, USA.


Course Title: Systemic Physiology

Course Code: PHP 201

Total Credit Hours: 3+1.5 (T+P)

Theory (Credit Hour = 3; Contact hour = 3):

Physiology of respiratory System: Respiratory apparatus, types of respiration, mechanism of respiration, respiration of newborn; Types of breathing, volumes of air respired, intrapulmonary pressure; intrathoracic pressure, Pulmonary compliance. pneumothorax, respiratory rates, composition of inspired and expired air, transport and exchange of blood gases; Regulation of respiration; Respiration in birds, Hypoxia, Hypoventilation, Decompression sickness.

Physiology of urinary system: Function of kidney, Urine. Mechanism of urine formation and composition, Renal threshold, Plasma clearance, rennin- angiotensin pathway, control of renal excretion, Micturtion, urine of birds.

Physiology of Muscles: Types, properties and functions of muscles, isotonic isometric contraction; Tetanus, changes in muscle during contraction, rigor mortis; Smooth muscle and its contraction.

Physiology of nervous system: Function of Neuron, nerve fibers, glial cell, synapse. Nerve impulse and stimuli, receptors and perception, Function of Brain, Spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Autonomic nervous system- classification and functions. Reflex action, postural and condition reflexes.

Physiology of Cardio vascular system: Origin and conduction of heart beat , theories of heart beat, course of circulation- systemic, coronary, pulmonary & portal circulation, cardiac cycle, cardiac output, electrocardiogram; Heart sounds, venous return, Regulation of the heart rate, blood pressure, vesomotor mechanisms.

Physiology of Endocrine system: Introduction of Hormone and receptors, classification, mode of action, regulation of hormone secretion. Hormones of Hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pineal, pancreas, testis, ovary, corpus luteum, uterus and placenta – their secretions, mode of action and function.

Reproductive Physiology:

 Male: Spermatogenesis, transportation of spermatozoa, semen, capacitation. Preservation of spermatozoa for artificial insemination, Thermoregulation of testis. Male sex hormones, their mode of action and functions.

Female: Functions of ovary, folliculogenesis, ovulation and transport of ova, Puberty, Factors influence puberty, estrous cycle, menstrual cycle, corpus luteum- its formation and function, fertilization, cleavage and implantation, gestation, lactation.


Practical (Credit Hour = 1.5; Contact hour = 3):

Urine- a) general chemistry, (b) Physical examination of urine e.g. volume, color, odor, transparency (c) Determination of specific gravity of urine (d) estimations of ammonia, chlorides, phosphates, (e) Tests for abnormal constituents of urine, e.g.acetone and aceto acetic acid, glucose, albumin, bile pigments, bile salts, blood, pus.

Examination of blood biochemistry.

Use of apparatus for data acquisition-cardiac function, tension measurement of blood vessels, summation, tetanus and fatigue of muscle.

Arterial blood pressure measurement (clinical).

Measurement of respiratory volumes and capacity.

Oxygen content and oxygen capacity of blood.

Pregnancy test: Pregnancy determination by barium chloride test, Urine test strips.

Hormonal analysis of biological fluids.

Normal Physiology of reproductive organs, Routine examination of semen (collection and evaluation of semen).

General knowledge on radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay.

Recommended and Reference Books:

  1. Langley, L. L. (1971) Review of physiology, 3rdMcgraw-Hill Book Company, USA.
  2. Lamberg, S. L and Rothstein, R. (1978) Hematoloy and urinalysis.AVI Publishing Company, USA.
  3. Swenson, M. J. (2000) Duke’ Physiology of Domestic Animals, 9thCornel University press, USA,
  4. Guyton, A. C. and Hall, J. E. (1996) Text Book of Medical physiology, 9th B. Saunders Company, USA.
  5. McDonald L. E. (1980) Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphea,
  6. Tortora G. J. and Derrickson B. (2009) Principles of Anatomy and 12th John Wiley & Sons Inc


Course Title: Nutritional Physiology

Course code: PHP 231

Total Credit Hours: 2+0 (T+P)

Theory (Credit Hours =2; Contact hour =2)  

Physiology of Digestion: Physiology of digestion, Organs of digestion, Factors of digestion- Mechanical. Chemical and Biological, Digestion in mouth, salivary glands and their secretions, composition of saliva, secretion from stomach/gastric juice and its other biochemical processes in the stomach, Control of secretion and motility of Stomach, Intestinal movement, hunger contraction, thirst, vomiting, pancreatic juice and its composition and function, Regulation of pancreatic secretion, Digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fat.

Physiology and microbiology of rumen: Establishment of rumen microbes, microbial population, rumen environment, types and nutrient requirements by rumen microbes. Ruminal digestion of different types of feed.

Phsiology of Absorption and metabolism of nutrients: Definition and classification of nutrients, field of nutrient, functions, deficiencies (essentiality of nutrients in animal health and production), sources of nutrients. absorption (site, routes and mechanism) and metabolism of CHOs, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Deficiency symptoms in animal and birds, Nutrients exchange and utilization by body tissue, Factors affecting metabolism.

Digestion absorption and metabolism of nutrients of birds: Digestion in birds, absorption and metabolism of nutrients in poultry.

Physiology of Growth and Behavior: Growth curve, Measurement of growth, body measurements, prenatal and post natal growth, Factors affecting live weight growth, the observation and recording of farm animal behavior, classification and description of farm animal behavior.

Recommended and Reference Books:

  1. Langley, L. L, Review of physiology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA, 3rd Edn.
  2. Melvin J. Swenson 2000. Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. 9th edn. Cornel University Press, USA.
  3. McDonald, P. Edward, R. A and Greenthalgh, J. F. D. Animal Nutrition. Latest Edn. ELBS/Longman, USA.
  4. Arther C. Guyton and John E. Hall 1996. Text Book of Medical Physiology 9th edn. W. B. Saunders Company, USA.


Course Title: General Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Course Code: PHP 261

Total Credit Hours: 3+1.5 (T+P)

Theory (Credit hour = 3; Contact hour =3)

General Pharmacology

  1. Introduction:Definition of pharmacology and its branches, historical development of pharmacology, scope of pharmacology, Definition, sources and composition of drug, Drug standards, assay and regulation, Drug dosage forms, Prescription writing, Drug nomenclature and classification.
  2. Pharmacokinetics:Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, Methods and routes of administration of drug, Factors altering drug response, Principle of drug activity, Drug incompatibility and adverse drug effects, Receptors and Drug-receptor theory.


  1. Chemotherapy:Definition and basic principles of chemotherapy (General consideration), Different chemotherapeutics (Drugs of antimicrobial, local anti-infective drugs-antiseptics and disinfectants)
  2. Antibiotics: Definition, classification of antibiotic with chemistry ( Based on mode of action, spectrum of activity, bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal) Ideal features, sensitivity and the ways of resistance of antibiotic, Dose, mode of action, pharmacokinetics, residues in food animals, bacterial resistants, Toxicity (Acute and chronic), contraindication and precautions of different antibiotics (β-lactam penicillin, Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol, Aminoglycosides, Macrolids, Cephalosporin and Miscellaneous antibiotics)
  3. Sulphonamides: History, chemistry, classifications, commonly used sulphonamides with doses, potentiated sulphonamides, clinical uses and microbial susceptibility (sensitivity and resistance) of sulphonamides (Antibacterial spectrum), Mechanism of antibacterial action of sulphonamides, Pharmacokinetics of sulphonamides, Residues of sulphonamides in food animals, Toxicity (Acute and chronic), contraindication and precautions of sulphonamides, Fluroquinolones and miscellaneous .
  4. Anthelmintics: Definition and classification of anthelmintics, antinematodal, anticestodal, antitrematodal drugs with their doses, mode of action, pharmacokinetics, indications, toxicities, contraindication and precautions.
  5. Antiprotozoal drug, antiarthropodal drug, antifungal drug, antiviral drug, antineoplastic drug and immunomodulatory agents
  6. An introduction to gene therapy.
  7. Herbal drugs: Identification, active principle / ingredients, indication, contraindication and side effects of different important medicinal plant with their therapeutics.


Practical (Credit Hour = 1.5; Contact hour = 3)

  1. Identification of various instruments used in pharmacology, Weights and measures
  2. Identification, preparation and study of actions and dosages of common veterinary drugs
  3. Study of the actions of drugs on laboratory animals
  4. Preparation of solution (Iodine, acriflavin and calcium borogluconate), lotion (Boric acid lotion), Ointments (Iodine, Sulphonamides and Whitfield’s), liniments (ABC), Paste (BIPP) and powder (Dusting), pills, tablet, capsule, bolus.
  5. Group discussion, interpretation and presentation of antimicrobial drugs (Bacteria, virus and fungus), Anthelmintics, antiprotozoa, antiarthropodal drugs, Local anti-infective drugs,

Books Recommended

  1. Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1960: G.C.Brander, D.M. Pugh and R.J. Bywater
  2. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 7th, 1995: Meyer Jones, Micholas, H. Booth and Leslie, E.Mc Donald
  3. Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1st, 2003:B.K Roy
  4. Essential of Medical/Pharmacology, 5th, 2003: K.D. Tripathi
  5. Laboratory Manual on Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1st, 1999:H.S.Sandhu
  6. Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology, 2013 (Wiley-Blackwell Publication) By Watter H. Hsu


Course Title: Systemic Pharmacology

Course Code: PHP 301

Total Credit Hours: 3+0 (T+P)

Theory (Credit hour = 3; Contact hour =3)

  1. Digestive Pharmacology:Introduction, Drugs use in gastro-intestinal tract’s disorders (Sialics and Antisialics, Demulcents, stomachics, Emetics and antiemetics, Carminative and Antizymotics, Intestinal astringents, Antidiarrheal, Antacids, Cathartic drugs (Laxatives and Purgatives), Different tonics of digestive system.
  2. Respiratory Pharmacology:Introduction, Drugs for cough and bronchial asthma (Pharyngeal demulcents, Expectorants, Mucolytics, Antitussive, Antihistamines and bronchodilators), membrane shrinking drugs and respiratory stimulants.
  3. Urinary Pharmacology:Introduction, Drugs acting on kidney (Diuretics and Antidiuretics), Drugs altering the pH of the urine (Urinary acidifiers and Alkalizers), Drugs which alter the excretion of organic molecules, Urinary antiseptics and kidney tonic.
  4. Pharmacology of heart and circulatory system:Introduction, drugs affecting myocardial contractility and rhythmicity ,drugs affecting heart, vasculature and peripheral circulation, antihypertensive drug, heart tonic, heart stimulant and depressant, Cardiac glycosides.
  5. Haematopoietic pharmacology:Introduction, anti-anaemic , haemostatic, coagulant and anti-coagulants, Blood volume expanders and fluid therapy
  6. Pharmacology of nervous system:Introduction,  Depressant (General depressant: sedative, Hypnotics or soporifics, Narcotics, Analgesics or Anodynes, Tranquillizers, Anaesthetics, Sympatholytic and parasympatholytic drugs, Ganglionic blocking drugs) Stimulants (Sympathomimetic and parasympathomimetic drugs)
  7. Endocrine Pharmacology: Introduction, Classification of drugs affecting the endocrine system (Hormones and related drugs) with their pharmacological effects, interpretation of mechanism of actions, pharmacokinetics, indications, toxicities, contraindication and precautions.
  8. Nutritional Pharmacology:Introduction,  Supplementation of nutrients as drugs (Vitamins, Minerals and trace elements)
  9. Dermatologic and ophthalmic pharmacology:Introduction, Study of the drugs acting locally on the skin, mucous membranes, eyes and ears
  10. Prophylactic Pharmacology:Introduction,  Study of vaccine, sera and diagnostic agents.
  11. Miscellaneous Drugs: Autacoids and anti-inflammatory drugs with special reference to histamine, antihistamine, H1 and H2 blocker, Serotonin, Bradykinin, Angiotensin, prostaglandin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Books Recommended

  1. Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1960: G.C.Brander, D.M. Pugh and R.J. Bywater
  2. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 7th, 1995: Meyer Jones, Micholas, H. Booth and Leslie, E.Mc Donald
  3. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 9th, 1996:Goodman and Gilman
  4. Medical Pharmacology, 9th, 1978: Andress Goth
  5. Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1st, 2003:B.K Roy
  6. Essential of Medical/Pharmacology, 5th, 2003: K.D. Tripathi
  7. Laboratory Manual on Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1st, 1999:H.S.Sandhu
  8. Applied Pharmacology for Veterinary Technician, 5th, By Boyce P. Wanamaker and Kathy locket Massey
  9. Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology, 2013 (wiley-Blackwell Publication) By Watter H. Hsu


Course Title: Toxicology

Course Code: PHP 331

Total Credit Hours: 3+1.5 (T+P)

Theory (Credit hour = 3; Contact hour =3)

General Toxicology

Introduction: Definition and classification of toxicology, Definition of some toxicology related terminology (Poison, Toxin, Toxicity, Hazards and Lethal dose 50 etc), Sources of poisoning, Classification of toxicants, Toxicokinetics (Absorption, distribution, Biotransformation and excretion of toxicants), Mechanisms of poison, Fundamentals of toxicology, Factors altering the action of poisons, General diagnosis, collection and sending of materials for toxicological analysis and general treatment of poisoning.

Clinical Toxicology

  1. Poisonous plants:Cyanogenetic, estrogenic and teratogenic plants, Plants producing lathyrism, Plants producing oxalate, Plants producing photosensitization, oleander, Castor bean, Datura, Stychnine, Ergot, Ipomoea, Abrus, Nuxvomica poisoning.
  2. Inorganic Poisons: Iodine, Fluoride, Phosphorous, Arsenic, lead, mercury, selenium, Copper, Molybdenum, Iron, Zinc and Thallium, sodium chloride, Ammonia, Ammonia compounds and Urea.
  3. Organic poisons: Anesthetics, acetylcholine, adrenaline, anthelmintics, antibiotics and sulfonamides.
  4. Pesticides:Botanical insecticides, organochlorine compounds, organophosphate and organocarbamate compounds, Acaricides, Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, Fumigants and rodenticides.
  5. Fungal and bacterial toxins: Mycotoxins and bacterial toxins.
  6. Poisonous Animals:Honey, bees, wasps, Ants, Snakes etc.
  7. Environmental toxicology:Various agents causing environmental pollution, i.e. soil, air and water pollution. Food additives and contaminants. Drug and chemical residues in the edible tissues of animals. Radiation and radioactive materials. Green house effects.
  8. Miscellaneous poisons: Plants and chemicals producing teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and allergic conditions.

Practical (Credit Hour = 1.5; Contact hour = 3):

  1. Identification, characterization of common poisonous plants available in Bangladesh
  2. General diagnostic procedure for different poisoning cases
  3. Collection, preservation and sending of specimens for toxicological analysis
  4. Laboratory diagnosis of poisons (Cyanide, Nitrate, Arsenic, mercury and Mycotoxin) etc

Experimental toxicology

  1. Calculation of MLD and LD-50 in experimental animals
  2. Chemical antagonism: Arsenic and Dimercaprol (BAL)/sodium thiosulphate chelating agent and cobalt.
  3. Physiological and pharmacological antagonism: Pilocarpine and atropine, Organophosphate and atropine. Anticonvulsant and life saving effect of pentobarbital in experimental strychnine poisoning
  4. Methemoglobin former as antidote to cyanide poisoning
  5. A comparative treatment of cyanide poisoning in rats

Books Recommended:

  1. Cassarett and Doulls Toxicology: J Doull, CD Klassen and O Amdur, 6thedn, 2001: Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York.
  2. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology: G Lorgue, J Lechenet and A Riviere. 1stedn, 1996: Blackwell Science Inc. Cambridge, USA.
  3. Loom’s Essentials of Toxicology: TA Loomis and AW Hayes. 4thedn. 1996: Academic Press.
  4. Medical and Public Health Laboratory Methods: James Stivens Simons and Cleon J Gentzkow. 5thedn 1988: Lea and Febiger Philadelphia.
  5. Veterinary Toxicology: ML Clarke, DG Harvey and DJ Humphreys. 2ndedn, 1981: ELBS, Bailliere Tindall. Veterinary Toxicology: SK Gary. 1stedn 2003: (reprint). CBS publishers, New Dellhi, India.
  6. Text book of Veterinary Toxicology,1st, 2003:H.S. Sandhu and R.S. Barar


Course TitleClinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy.

Course Code: PHP 501

Total Credit Hours: 0+2 (0+P)

Practical (Credit hour = 2; Contact hour =3)


  1. Collection, preparation, packaging and preservation of solution, suspension, capsules, tablet, paste, emulsion, ointment, etc. Compounding and dispensing of various preparations.
  2. Pharmaceutical dosage forms and packaging.
  3. Collection, identification and use of common indigenous medicinal plants and plant extract.
  4. Techniques used for the assessment of antibiotics, anthelmintics, anti- inflammatory drugs, antiseptics and other common drugs.
  5. Clinical aspects of rational safe and effective drug therapy.
  6. Drug therapy of individual disease, introduction of new medicines.
  7. Techniques of transfusion and Infusion, Measurement of Hemodynamic in rat and mice
  8. Methods of drug administration.

Field trip: Three days to visit various pharmacuticals companies/industries (Pharmaceutical Preparation Packaging, Pharmaceutical quality control).

Books Recommended

  1. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2000:  Bertram G Katzung.  8thedn, McGraw- Hill Medical Publishing Division, New York
  2. Clinical Pharmacology 2004: PN Bennett and MJ Brown. 9thedn, Churchill Livingstone.
  3. Cooper and Gunn’s Tutorial Pharmacy 2000: SJ Carter. 6thedn, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Dellhi-110002, India.
  4. Goodman and Gillman’s The pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 2001: Alfred Goodman Gilman, Louis S Goodman and Alfred Gilman. 10thedn, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York.
  5. Introduction to Pharmaceutics -1 1994: Ashok K Gopta. 3rdedn, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Dellhi-1100002, India.
  6. Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy 1994: Lion Lachman, Herbert A. Lieberman, Joseph L Kanig. 4thedn.
  7. Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1991: GC Brander, DM Pugh, RJ Bywatre & WL Jenkins. 5thedn, ELBS with Bailliere Tindall, UK.